COVID Increasingly Being Used to Medically Kidnap and Traffick Children

This past Friday (June 26, 2020) US District Judge Dolly Gee ordered the release of migrant children who are currently being held in ICE family residential centers, due to fears of COVID-19 spreading. While this may sound like a good thing on the surface, it is not. Judge Gee only ordered that the children be released, but not their parents or adult family members. She left the decision to release adult family members of the children up to ICE. This is a peculiar ruling, given that children have almost a ZERO chance of dying from COVID, while older adults with pre-existing conditions are most at risk. So if the children's parents or other adult family members are not released, where will the children go? They are to go to “non-congregate settings” that include “suitable sponsors.” This is basically the foster care system, which we know is the main pipeline for supplying child sex slaves in child trafficking. Children coming across the border with no birth certificates and other documentation are ripe for child trafficking, and this was highlighted in a 2016 report by U.S. Senator Rob Portman which showed just how widespread this is. His Senate report noted several “Systemic Deficiencies” in the government’s failure to protect these vulnerable children from organized criminal trafficking. So these migrant children in ICE family residential centers were already in the safest place they could possibly be, but now due to a federal district judge they could potentially be released and enter the lucrative child trafficking network, all under the excuse of "protecting them" from COVID-19. We have also previously reported how COVID is being used as an excuse to take American children away from their parents, and now that is set to get much worse! Do You Want to Protect Your Children from Medical Kidnapping? Do NOT Get Tested for COVID and AVOID the Medical System!

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

When we started in 2014, one of the shocking things we learned was that it was perfectly legal for medical researchers to use foster children as lab rats to develop drugs. Once the state takes custody of a child away from the parents, and the child becomes a ward of the state, medical researchers no longer need parental approval to conduct medical research, and they can also bill the U.S. Government directly to fund this research, usually using Medicaid, even if the drugs being used are experimental and have not yet been approved by the FDA. We published an article in May of 2015 highlighting this horrible practice that is legal in the U.S. titled: "Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials." In 2005, a hearing with the title “Protections for Foster Children Enrolled in Clinical Trials” was held by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means investigated whether adequate safeguards were in place to protect foster children from being forced to participate in drug studies. The allegation that they were investigating involved clinical drug trials on AIDS drugs that were conducted during the period from the late 1980s through 2001. Since publishing this article back in 2015, much more information has come to surface, especially in light of the COVID Plandemic of 2020. The same group of people who have been involved in HIV/AIDS research to develop an HIV vaccine, a vaccine which has never come to market, are the same group of people now working with the U.S. Government to develop a COVID vaccine. The public has a right to know more about the past research to develop an HIV vaccine, and how they experimented on children who were "legally" kidnapped from their families for research purposes, as well as the live aborted fetuses that were used to try and create "humanized mice" to produce this vaccine, since this is the same group that has been given hundreds of billions of dollars by the U.S. Government to now develop a COVID vaccine.

Coronavirus “Second Wave” – They’re Coming for Your Kids

We started our website back in 2014 to document the sheer volume of innocent families losing their children to Child "Protective" Services and the multi-BILLION dollar Child Welfare Foster Care and Adoption system that employs hundreds of thousands of government workers nationwide. For over 5 years now we have documented the corruption in this evil system, and exposed it as a child trafficking system. We have published hundreds of stories during that time documenting how families have their children literally kidnapped by the State, almost always by using the medical system in some way. We have done all this for five and a half years, publishing over 1000 articles on these topics at, and yet as of today, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. In fact, due to the Plandemic, things have become even worse, and it appears the system is getting ready to take even more children than ever before. A woman who apparently runs a private child care center in Minnesota went on Facebook with a live recording earlier this week to reveal what is being planned in Minnesota to start housing more children taken away from parents, using the excuse of the Plandemic, as testing now ramps up, and contact tracing is soon to be implemented nationwide. She issues a dire warning, one that everyone needs to listen to, because I can assure you that this is being planned in every state, whether Democrat or Republican. This is NOT a politically partisan issue. Child trafficking is alive and flourishing in ALL states. They're coming for your kids.

Dr. Theresa Deisher on the use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines: Babies are Born at 5-6 Months Old Alive with Beating Hearts and No Anesthesia

This is a very important interview between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Theresa Deisher regarding the use of human fetal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, because Dr. Deisher reveals that human DNA fragments are found in vaccines. Most of the COVID vaccines being developed are using human fetal tissue to culture the coronavirus. One of the more interesting questions Mr. Kennedy asked Dr. Deisher was why the manufacturers of vaccines switched from exclusively using animal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, to start using aborted fetal tissue some years back. Dr. Deisher's reply was that the industry was getting a lot of pressure from the animal rights movement to stop using animals for experimentation. Mr. Kennedy was shocked, and stated: "It's kind of weird to think that the animal rights activists have more clout with the vaccine companies than do the anti-abortion activists." Dr. Deisher replied: "They do. And you know what's really alarming is the lack of outcry over human babies born alive at five to six months old so that their hearts can be obtained beating. And they have to be beating to be used in the research that's being done. If the heart has stopped beating, it's not useful. You cannot use it. And so these babies are delivered alive, and their hearts cut out without anesthesia. I wouldn't do that to a mouse...."

Virginia Has Provided the Nation with the Template for Mandatory Vaccines: Democracy Sacrificed for Medical Tyranny

Virginia has now provided the nation with a blueprint on how to mandate a COVID vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter, even if the public is 100% against it. Hand over the decision to unelected medical authorities, and let them make the decision, even if it is not supported by the electorate, for the sake of the "greater good." These unelected medical authorities exist in pretty much every community across the United States as members of the local "Board of Health." These "Board of Health" medical authorities have been granted almost unlimited power to dictate medical intervention against the will of the public, and even against the will of elected officials. These tyrannical medical authorities along with their cronies in politics (in Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam, himself a medical doctor, appointed the members of the Board of Health) continue the false narrative that they know what is best for the community, and that opposition to vaccines comes from uninformed parents, completely ignoring the fact that many of these parents are themselves medical doctors, scientists, attorneys and other professionals in the community. If these medical tyrants even acknowledge the fact that these parents represent children damaged or killed by vaccines, their response is similar to what Virginia legislator Dawn Adams, a PhD nurse practitioner, stated publicly: "We have to do the best job we have for the most people [and this] sometimes results in unintended consequences, and that is a tragedy and [an] across-the-board reality in medical care." So what do you say Americans? Are you going to comply with medical tyranny and potentially sacrifice the health, and maybe even the death, of your children on a fast-tracked COVID vaccine for "the greater good"?

Google Search is the Greatest Mind Control Brainwashing Tool in the History of Mankind

Operation Mockingbird and other sources have conclusively shown over the years that television media has been the primary way the CIA and other secret intelligence agencies have utilized to shape current cultural thought of the masses. Corporate news organizations and the Hollywood entertainment industries have been doing this for decades, and it is a well-known fact. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Internet became more popular as more and more of the world's information, news, and data became digitized. Technology began to be developed to search through the massive volumes of data that were being digitized and put on the Internet, and soon the Internet became known as "The Great Equalizer" to combat the propaganda of the corporate giants controlling information flowing through radio and TV. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford University in California during this time, and they developed software code that allowed one to return Internet searches very quickly. Investors were investing heavily into tech companies during that time, and Page and Brin took advantage of that to secure large investors for their new Internet search company, Google. Google was presented to the public as an ethical, altruistic company in their early days. We trusted them as the "great equalizer" to quickly find information to combat the corporate propaganda we knew was being filtered through the "mainstream" corporate propaganda media. They quickly dominated the world in terms of search engine searches, so much so that their name became a verb synonymous with finding unbiased information: "Go Google it." Today, most of the world's online digital data is housed in the vast clouds of Google servers. But what if the controller of data was no longer simply offering up search results based on matching information, but was controlling that information to display search results that they wanted you to see, while suppressing other information they did not want you to see? If that were to happen, we would have a company much more powerful in terms of its ability to manipulate data as propaganda and steer people's thoughts and attitudes far more pervasively than anything the old corporate TV media could ever do. And that is exactly what is happening today, as Google's values are clearly on display by the information they censor, and by displaying what they want you to see, and they have been complicit in spreading the misinformation about the Plandemic, as it is obvious to see that their goals and values align with Big Pharma and the New World Order.

Parents in Boston Sue to Get Visitation Rights Back for their Children that were Cut Off Because of the Plandemic

All across the nation parents have been cut off from their children who are in Foster Care, due to the State reactions to the Plandemic. This is a very serious issue, since study after study has proven throughout the years that children are in far more danger in Foster Care than they are in their homes with their parents, even when that is a "troubled home." The Foster Care system is the #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking, for example, and far more child sex abuse happens in Foster Care, than it does anywhere else. Parents in Boston have decided to take action, and are suing Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, Marylou Sudders, the Secretary of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and Linda Spears, the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, for refusing them to have access to their children and the ability to be reunified with them. Elizabeth Brico, writing for the publication Prism, documents how poor minority families are suffering the most during the current family visitation restrictions happening nationwide due to the Plandemic response, as contact is only allowed digitally, making it more difficult for those with limited technology access. She writes: Technology is the New Mechanism of Inequality.

New World Order Continues to be Published: The “Great Reset” – Transhumanism and the 4th Industrial Revolution

Our world continues to change right before our eyes at lightning speed. As we have previously reported, there is a plan behind everything that is happening, and that plan is for a New World Order that is not even a "conspiracy" theory any longer, as the global leaders planning and implementing this have come out into the open and published it. One major event happening right now is not in the headlines much, and that is the unprecedented amount of "new" money the Federal Reserve is creating out of thin air and pumping into the economy. This is not a new "trick," but something we have seen in the past, particularly in 2007 and 2008 with the economic stimulus packages that bailed out banks. But the amount of money being created right now is unprecedented and at least 3X more than we have ever seen at any other point in recent history, and we aren't even done yet! Another 1 trillion dollars in economic stimulus is in the works as I write this. Usually when this much money is being pumped into the economy, which in the past was mainly to prop up failing businesses that were deemed "too big to fail," hyperinflation is right around the corner. And we may be seeing the beginning signs of this, as today, Sunday June 7th, the Economic Policy Journal is reporting that air fares are set to double: "Air Travel Prices Set To Double: U.S. Europe $2,200 Economy Fare" But this time we are seeing not just businesses being bailed out, but a huge transfer of wealth with hundreds of billions being given to the pharmaceutical industry, mainly to develop new COVID vaccines. Since all of these crises are obviously being planned with a clear goal being put into place, from the Plandemic to the recent riots in America's cities which don't seem to want to die down and are continuing, the big question is: What is the end game to all this transfer of wealth? Well, we do not need to wonder any longer, because the Globalists working out of Geneva, Switzerland, have just met under the World Economic Forum, the same group that worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation late last year at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and ran a simulation to predict the COVID-19 outbreak before it even began, and they have announced that it is now time to "reset" the world's economy to a new one. This "resetting" of the world's economy will include switching over to digital currency and eliminating cash, a redistribution of wealth, and reducing the size of the world's population to combat "global warming" and usher in the New World Order. It also includes launching the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which seeks to integrate computers and artificial intelligence with human beings, called Transhumanism.

The Myth of Right vs. Left, Liberal vs. Conservative – Top 9 Myths Believed by BOTH Sides to Usher in a New World Order

I have previously written about how the events unfolding very rapidly before us today are not accidental events, but planned events with a very specific goal, a New World Order. The New World Order is being planned by very rich and very influential people who have been planning this for a long time. They want to reduce the world's population and establish a single government to rule the world, along with a single belief system. I have unmasked who is at the top of this group as well, and if you have not read that article which was published earlier this week (June 2020), please read that first to understand the context from which this article is based. "Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order." These global leaders, known as the Illuminati, control the world's monetary system, and they fund the wars of the world as well, funding both sides. Wars are the primary way that they transfer the wealth of the common people to the richest 1% of the world. While the history of these forces can be traced really all the way back to the beginning of the human race, the modern struggles that have caused wars started in Europe in the 1700s which funded the revolutions of most European kingdoms, and ushered in World War I, followed by World War II which started the beginning of the Industrial Age. Since World War II there have been many regional wars that consolidated wealth for the rich central bankers, but war has also been redefined several times in more recent history with the "Cold War" relations between the U.S. and the old Soviet Union, the "War on Terror" after 911, and most recently this year, 2020, the War Against the Unseen Enemy: The Coronavirus. To make money from these wars, the Globalists who control the world's monetary supply need conflict (something to stand for and fight against), and a large military to manage the wars. As I discussed in the article "Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order," the political thought that is behind today's political divide of "Left vs. Right" was written and put into action by the secret society known as the Illuminati back in the 1700s. While there are obviously real differences between the two parties, both sides end up with the same result: A New World Order run by the Illuminati who control the monetary system through the central banks. Most people holding to one side or the other in this political debate don't even know that the end result is the same, and that the real struggle against tyranny lies elsewhere. So here are what I call my "Top Nine Myths" that I believe we have been conditioned to believe as true, and that are believed and seldom questioned by either side of this fake political debate between Right and Left, and what makes up the two political parties. The Left and the Right both have a common enemy, an enemy I exposed in the "Unmasking" article. And the longer we keep fighting each other and blaming each other for society's problems, the stronger he becomes.

Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order

As our world changes rapidly right before our very eyes, it has been very well established, at least for those who follow the alternative media and not the propaganda corporate media, that there is an overall plan in place that is being implemented at a very fast pace, and of course the natural questions being asked by those who realize this is: Who is behind all of this? It is not a new plan. It is a plan that has existed for a very long time, and those who are working to implement the plan are not even hiding it anymore as we have previously reported. It is a plan for a New World Order, and we have covered this in previous articles. Those working to implement the plan have done so mostly behind the scenes throughout the years, and those who discover the leaders of this movement and dare to publish it, have either been eliminated if they were too big of a threat, or just ridiculed as "conspiracy theorists," since they control the media and have conditioned the public for many, many years to believe the things they want us to believe. In what is now very obviously being seen as a prophetic film, "Out of Shadows" exposes who the real enemy is behind all of this, and if you have not watched it yet, it is time to do so. It has been viewed by almost 14 million people on YouTube at the time of my writing this article, and even if Google takes it down off of YouTube, you will still be able to watch it on other platforms, as long as the Internet stays up. The producers of "Out of Shadows" are not the first ones to unmask the true enemy behind the New World Order, of course, so this article will provide evidence and further testimony to show who the real enemy is, and the group of people following his leadership in a group known as the Illuminati. Many groups are now being blamed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, as causing the current riots that have spread across the country. And while there is some truth in naming these groups, it is obvious that this plan is very well organized, and very well funded. What we are seeing unfold before our eyes today in the U.S., very much resembles what we have seen throughout history in countries that have experienced regime change through social unrest, and in most of those situations you can find ties to the U.S. intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA. Much of what I am going to present in this article is based on the testimony of two whistleblowers: one from the FBI, and one from the CIA.