The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body – Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It

Our first article of 2021 featured a video of an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, titled: Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It. In this interview, Catherine compared the new mRNA COVID vaccines to a computer operating system, stating that just like computer operating systems such as Windows, that there would be a "back door" where the technocrats will be able to control our bodies through regular "updates." I thought it was a brilliant analogy of what the technocrats seek to accomplish with this new class of vaccines. Well, it turns out this was NOT an "analogy" at all! Moderna, the manufacturer of one of the COVID mRNA vaccines that has currently been issued emergency use authorization, has actually published on their website that this is true: the mRNA vaccine injects an "operating system" into your body that they call "The Software of Life." The Globalists have become so bold, and the human masses have become so compliant, that they are no longer doing these things in secret, but right out in the open for all to see.

Hospitals Offering Financial Incentives to Staff Refusing the Experimental COVID Vaccines to Get More Vaccinated

With up to 72% of hospital staffs in some locations refusing to get the experimental COVID mRNA vaccines, hospitals are using federal funds to offer them financial incentives, as high as $750.00.

27-Year-Old Canadian Healthcare Worker Faints and Suffers Multiple Seizures After Pfizer Experimental COVID Vaccine

A personal support worker feels the health-care system "failed" her after someone overlooked her allergies, she says, and let her get a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine triggered a severe reaction which she says caused her to faint, suffer multiple seizures, require CPR and still feel the effects almost a week later. On Thursday at around 11:15 a.m., she was preparing to get vaccinated. She said she filled out consent forms and waited to be screened. That's when Tilli noticed something was off. She said the nurse looking over her file lacked confidence about what they were doing. "I do have a severe allergy to bumblebees, and the nurse went over that with me and even questioned me about it, but ... it seemed like she really didn't know what she was doing," Tilli said. Tilli acknowledges she could have done more homework about the vaccination process ahead of time, and that this may well have been a simple mistake by someone who was also nervous to do the job. But none of that changes what happened after she got vaccinated. "What if I left my two girls without a mother?"

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine

The Mexican Press is reporting that a 32-year-old female doctor in Coahuila has suffered seizures and become paralyzed after receiving the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA vaccine on December 30, 2020. Dr. Karla Cecilia Pérez Osorio reportedly was working as an internist at the General Hospital of Zone No. 7, in the municipality of Monclova. She was subsequently transferred to the High Specialty Medical Unit No. 25 of the IMSS, in Monterrey, Nuevo León. She was reportedly evaluated by a neurologist and diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a known side effect of vaccines, and specifically of the COVID experimental mRNA vaccines as this injury was observed in some of the vaccine trials of the various COVID19 experimental trials being conducted around the world. Medical authorities in Mexico are downplaying the adverse reaction as "mild," but relatives reported yesterday (January 4, 2021) that although she is conscious, she has difficulties speaking and moving her legs and arms. Her husband, Ángel Palestino Gallardo, and her cousin, Carolina Rivas Gallardo, confirmed that she had tingling in her lips and extremities just after receiving the experimental vaccine, so they gave her medication and she returned to work. But 20 minutes later she experienced paralysis of her arms and legs and suffered several seizures until she was unconscious.

HHS Launches $250M Propaganda Campaign to Convince People to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccines as Current Doses Sit Unused Due to American Resistance

Reporter Zachary Stieber of the Epoch Times is reporting today that President Trump's Operation Warp Speed program for distributing COVID experimental vaccines is lagging way behind schedule. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracker, most states haven’t come close to administering half of the doses they’ve received. So why haven't states "come close to administering half of the doses they’ve received"? Surgeon General Jerome Adams said the delay in vaccinations stems from states not being fast enough to administer them, and hesitancy among a broad swath of the public in getting the new vaccines. So what is the U.S. Government and Big Pharma going to do about all these unused experimental vaccines that Americans don't want to take? They are going to do the same thing they have been doing for decades: They are going to lie to the American people by giving the media $250 MILLION to produce propaganda using the "appeal to authority" technique by having "doctors" tell you how safe the vaccine is, and that it is your duty to get the vaccine for the good of humanity.

“Perfectly Healthy” 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Health authorities in Portugal today are described as “on the alert” following the so far unexplained death of a 41-year-old pediatric operational assistant two days after she received her first dose of the Covid vaccine. The woman was one of 538 health professionals at Porto’s IPO cancer hospital who received their first jabs of the BioNTech/ Pfizer vaccine last Wednesday. In a statement to the press, the hospital has confirmed the woman: “received the vaccine on December 30, no undesirable effect having been notified, neither at the moment of vaccination nor on the subsequent days. Clarification of cause of death will follow the habitual procedures for these circumstances”. According to her grief-stricken and utterly bewildered father: “she never drank alcohol, didn’t eat anything special or out of the ordinary” and was a “well and happy” individual who had been so proud of having been among the first to be vaccinated, that she had actually shared a photograph of the fact over social media.

Molecular Biologist Explains that SARS Vaccines Make Humans Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS)

Dr. Dolores Cahill, PhD, is a Molecular Biologist/Immunologist and Professor at the University College of Dublin in Ireland. She is an inventor, founder and shareholder of companies, and has been granted & licensed patents in Europe, the USA & worldwide with applications in improving the early accurate diagnosis of disease (autoimmune diseases & cancer). She has more than 20 years of expertise in high-throughput protein & antibody array, proteomics technology development, automation & biomedical applications in biomarker discovery, diagnostics & personalized medicine. Dr. Cahill recently did an interview explaining how previous peer-reviewed studies on SARS Coronavirus mRNA vaccines conducted on animals have had very negative results, which is why one has never been approved for humans. She states: "When you inject it, this mRNA, why it's so deadly, is that it now goes into your genes, and starts expressing. And it starts stimulating the immune response from inside your body, and you can't get rid it because of the source of the viral protein. You now have become like a genetically modified organism."

Up to 60% of U.S. Healthcare Workers Refusing Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccine – “Don’t Want To Be A Guinea Pig”

“I don’t want to be a guinea pig,” Sheena Bumpas, a certified nursing assistant at a home in Duncan, Okla., told The New York Times last month. Since then, thousands of health care workers across the U.S. have refused to get COVID-19 vaccines. “Up to half of health care workers in one California county and a Texas hospital say they will not get the shot, 60 percent of nursing home staff in Ohio are turning down the jab and 40 percent of frontline workers in Los Angeles won’t get it either, polls reveal,” The Daily Mail reported. So many frontline workers in Riverside County have refused the vaccine — an estimated 50% — that hospital and public officials met to strategize how best to distribute the unused doses, Public Health Director Kim Saruwatari said. Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said on Thursday that about 60% of nurses there are refusing the shot. “We not going to make them, but we wish we had a higher compliance,” he said. Perhaps these healthcare workers refusing the vaccine have done their homework and understand the risks. And perhaps they saw Tennessee Nurse Tiffany Dover pass out on live camera the day she was injected, and is now apparently dead and part of a massive cover-up by the hospital.

Make Reading the Bible a New Year Resolution – It Could Change Your Life

Reading and studying the Bible has literally changed my life. I would not be here today writing what I am writing, on ANY topic on the Health Impact News network, if it were not for my constant studying of the Scriptures. All of us have been conditioned by our culture, through education, media, entertainment, etc. And that conditioning is controlled at the top primarily by Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness. It is sometimes called "brainwashing," and we are all victims of it. God's eternal word as recorded in the Scriptures helps us break through the madness and lunacy that results from the propaganda that bombards us every day. It presents truth to expose the lies in our culture. It shines light into the darkness, exposing the evil deeds done in that darkness. I start out each day with my devotions, where I read a portion of the Bible, write down the key verse or verses God is showing me for that day, and then pray. It is a daily habit I learned early on in my life, and it has brought me to where I am today. Spiritual discernment, and knowledge of the Bible, for example, taught me many years ago that the pharmaceutical industry was Satanic, and that in the Bible the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the modern day word "pharmaceutical," is translated by words such as "witchcraft," and "sorcery." I learned early on that I did not have to fear sickness or disease, and I chose not to participate in the medical system, guided by my knowledge of the Bible and God's Spirit of discernment. When I look at the American culture today, I can't help but think that not many know the Bible (in spite of the fact that there are over 6 billion in print!!), and not many are being led by God's Spirit, because Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness is winning the day through deception, big time.

4 People Died and 240 Got COVID19 in Israel After Being Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA Vaccine

With the vaccine not providing immediate immunity to the coronavirus, over two hundred Israeli citizens have been diagnosed with the disease days after getting the Pfizer/BioNTech jabs, local media reported. The number of those who got Covid-19 despite being vaccinated was at around 240 people, according to data from Channel 13 News. The Jewish state is currently undertaking a massive vaccination campaign, which already saw over one million people or almost 12 percent of the population getting the Pfizer/BioNTech jab. That’s the largest span per capita in the world, according to Oxford University. The first phase of the program aims to immunize medics and elderly people before expanding on to other categories. Around one in a thousand people have reported mild side effects after the injection, including weakness, dizziness and fever as well as pain, swelling and redness in the spot where the shot was given. Only a few dozen of them required medical attention, the Health Ministry said. Since vaccinations kicked off on December 20, at least four people in Israel died shortly after getting the jab, Kan public broadcaster reported.