The UKCOLUMN has published two interviews with whistleblowers from within the UK's NHS (National Health Services).
On April 14th they interviewed a nurse whistleblower who referred to the experimental COVID injections as "genocide," and her interview prompted a Senior NHS Board member to come out also and warn the public, in an interview with Brian Gerrish.
She agreed with the nurse who came forward that "genocide" is the proper word to describe what they were seeing with the adverse reactions to the injections.
"If I had a magic wand, it would just stop. It would stop now, before we hurt anybody else. That would be amazing.
That would be the best day ever, because every day I wake up, I think about how I can find that golden nugget to try and wake up the people around me to the damage we are causing.
We are causing — I mean, we heard the word ‘genocide’ from the lady on Wednesday. I don’t disagree with that statement. And it’s terrifying, and it saddens me, and the reason I’m staying where I am for now is to try and make a difference in whatever way I can."
Brian Gerrish then asks her:
"What advice, or what would you say to your NHS colleagues, to encourage them to think about what’s going on?"
She replied:
"Honestly, what comes to mind is, 'Your children are next.' And that is terrifying, and it makes me well up when I think about it.
So if you won’t speak up because you’ve had the vaccine, or you won’t speak up because you’re scared (I understand that), or you won’t speak up because you don’t want to lose your job (and I totally understand that), just know that this doesn’t stop until we all stand up and say, 'Stop.'"