Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of “Vaccines”
To use an old cliché, "the cat is out of the bag." For perhaps the first time since the COVID Plandemic started at the beginning of 2020, Americans who get most of their information solely through the corporate media, which is heavily funded by Big Pharma, got a dose of reality on just what exactly has been going on for the past 16 months or so, thanks to Tucker Carlson, and his 45-minute interview with Dr. Peter McCullough last week on his "Tucker Carlson Today" show on Fox News. Dr. Peter McCullough is well-known to most Health Impact News readers, as we have featured his testimony before the Texas Senate as well as the U.S. Congress in previous articles. Viewers of this Fox Network program learned that there is, in fact, a worldwide conspiracy to suppress effective treatments for COVID patients in favor of experimental COVID injections. To be sure, neither Tucker nor Dr. McCullough used the politically explosive term "conspiracy," but they used other terms that communicate the exact same thing. Dr. McCullough, for example, throughout the interview when referring to why other doctors and health agencies were not educating the public about effective early treatments that have been proven to save lives, used the term "group think," and kept saying that "something is up" worldwide, to the point where Tucker kept pressing him to state why he thought this was happening. Dr. McCullough eventually replied: "This is the goal of investigative reporters to figure out." Because to discuss the "why" this is happening was not the focus of this interview, and would have led to discussions about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, their ties to eugenics and establishing a New World Order, etc. To his credit, however, Dr. McCullough did allude to some of these things by bringing up the Nuremburg Code, and how doctors today are violating it. But this interview was focused clearly on one single question: Why is nobody discussing COVID treatment protocols outside of the new experimental "vaccines"? And Tucker was brilliant in this interview.