Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of “Vaccines”

To use an old cliché, "the cat is out of the bag." For perhaps the first time since the COVID Plandemic started at the beginning of 2020, Americans who get most of their information solely through the corporate media, which is heavily funded by Big Pharma, got a dose of reality on just what exactly has been going on for the past 16 months or so, thanks to Tucker Carlson, and his 45-minute interview with Dr. Peter McCullough last week on his "Tucker Carlson Today" show on Fox News. Dr. Peter McCullough is well-known to most Health Impact News readers, as we have featured his testimony before the Texas Senate as well as the U.S. Congress in previous articles. Viewers of this Fox Network program learned that there is, in fact, a worldwide conspiracy to suppress effective treatments for COVID patients in favor of experimental COVID injections. To be sure, neither Tucker nor Dr. McCullough used the politically explosive term "conspiracy," but they used other terms that communicate the exact same thing. Dr. McCullough, for example, throughout the interview when referring to why other doctors and health agencies were not educating the public about effective early treatments that have been proven to save lives, used the term "group think," and kept saying that "something is up" worldwide, to the point where Tucker kept pressing him to state why he thought this was happening. Dr. McCullough eventually replied: "This is the goal of investigative reporters to figure out." Because to discuss the "why" this is happening was not the focus of this interview, and would have led to discussions about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, their ties to eugenics and establishing a New World Order, etc. To his credit, however, Dr. McCullough did allude to some of these things by bringing up the Nuremburg Code, and how doctors today are violating it. But this interview was focused clearly on one single question: Why is nobody discussing COVID treatment protocols outside of the new experimental "vaccines"? And Tucker was brilliant in this interview.

No COVID Vax, No College? Should Young People Risk their Health and Fertility Just to Attend College?

Students looking forward to getting back to college are getting letters from 100 to 200 colleges notifying them of a new prerequisite: getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19. As one letter states, this is because of our “our continued desire to protect the health and safety of our community.” The main purpose of the requirement is not to protect the students themselves. Of all COVID deaths, only about 0.1% have been in 15-to-24-year-olds. Yet young people can suffer death or serious disability after getting the jab. According to a controversial independent analysis, the aggressive Israeli vaccination campaign killed more than 200 times as many young persons as the coronavirus itself could have killed during the same 35-week period. The prospect of most concern to the young women calling our office is infertility. Viral spike protein has been found in placentas from mothers who gave birth after having COVID. So, what can students do? Be cheerful or reluctant participants in a massive uncontrolled experiment and hope for the best? Seek an exemption? Or pause their education plans—and outrageous tuition? There are “help wanted” signs everywhere. For learning, there are libraries, and more on-line opportunities will spring up. A college degree may be unnecessary or can wait. The biological window for having a family will close. How much risk of infertility should young people take?

45-Year-Old California Father of Two DEAD 10 Days After COVID Injection

Anthony Nguyen Kha Huy received his COVID shot on April 20th according to his brother-in-law Phuong Tran. He passed away 10 days later at the age of 45. Family suspects the vaccine caused his death.

57-Year-Old Syracuse Man Mocks “Anti-vaxxers,” DEAD Seven Days After Johnson & Johnson Shot

A 57-year-old husband, father and grandfather is dead, in what is fast becoming a trend of death after social media virtue signaling. Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr. and his wife Rose, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 12, according to his Facebook page. They received the shot at a Walmart on Genessee Street in Camilius, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Mr. Babb posted he and his wife’s “vaccine cards” on Facebook with a caption saying they are now waiting to “turn into robots.” The “turn into robots” mock is apparently in reference to the nanotechnology associated with both PCR testing and the experimental shots. Tiny theragripper devices (robots) carry and release drugs into your body when commanded to do so, according to Johns Hopkins University. Family members further discussed the dangers of J&J shots the next day. Mr. Babb died seven days after the shot, Monday April 19. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Rose, four children and seven grandchildren.

Criminal FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for Pfizer’s mRNA Injections on 12-15 Year-olds – Up to State Governors to Save the Nation’s Children

As expected, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to Pfizer's experimental COVID mRNA shots to be injected into children between the ages of 12 and 15 today. The FDA is a criminal organization comprised of medical professionals with ties to Big Pharma who are serving the pharmaceutical industry, and not the public. None of the COVID-19 injections given emergency use authorization were done so legally. Many scientists and doctors have protested, and even filed official complaints against the FDA, because there are already effective treatments for COVID-19, making an emergency use authorization unnecessary. In addition, the current injections for COVID-19 do not meet the legal definition of a "vaccine," but are an entirely new class of injections that inject an operating system into your body and works directly with your DNA. Many young people aged 16 to their early 20s have already died and been seriously injured following the Pfizer injections, and we have covered their stories here on Health Impact News. There is a eugenic agenda here to reduce the world's population, and for those young girls in the 12 to 15 year age range whose parents allow them to get this experimental injection, most if not all of them will probably become infertile and never be able to bear children, if they survive the shots. Governors can stop this at the State level, and refuse to adopt the FDA Guidelines.

2 Brazilian States Suspend Giving Covid-19 Vaccines to Expectant Mothers after Death of Pregnant AstraZeneca Recipient

The Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have excluded pregnant women from their Covid-19 vaccine rollouts after the medicines regulator published new advice following the death of an expectant mother. On Monday night, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) recommended the immediate suspension of the use of AstraZeneca's Vaxzevria jab in pregnant women. Newspaper Folha de São Paulo reported that Brazil's Ministry of Health is investigating the death of a pregnant woman in Rio de Janeiro after she received the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

Is India Seeing a Wave of Deaths and Injuries following COVID-19 Shots?

After seeing relatively good success in handling the COVID crisis with an emphasis on early treatments such as Ivermectin, India is all of a sudden seeing a surge in cases and deaths being attributed to the COVID-19 virus. But some are wondering if the ramping up of COVID "vaccines" is the cause behind these recent surges. GreatGameIndia.com has reported that more than 100 patients in a single hospital have died just after receiving COVID shots. A New Jersey Doctor, Dr. Rajendra Kapila, has also reportedly died in a trip to India even though he was fully vaccinated with both doses of the Pfizer vaccine before he traveled to India. Dr. Mathew Maavak has contacted us and asked us to publish his analysis on what is happening in India.

Never Has a Vaccine Injured so Many: Israeli People`s Committee Report of Deaths and Injuries following the Pfizer Experimental COVID Shots

We hereby clarify that The Israeli People`s Committee is an independent organization relying on publicly available information from official publications and social networks. The information has been checked by members of the committee to avoid false, refuted, and erroneous data. While the Prime Minister of Israel and senior officials of the Ministry of Health brag that Israel serves as a global model for nationwide vaccination, and while they boast that Pfizer has chosen us to be the experimental country thanks to the advanced technological systems of our HMOs [Health Maintenance Organizations], the state has systematically shut down all monitoring and tracking systems, which are designed to identify and alert of adverse events that occur in proximity of receiving the vaccine. The silencing mechanisms of the health system regarding the vaccine’s adverse events, and the denial of their severity and worrisome scope, combined with the fact that the mainstream media have ignored adverse events and avoided reporting them, have created a situation whereby the Israeli public is almost completely unaware of the existence, nature and prevalence of the vaccine’s adverse events. In this report we wish to say to the Israeli Government and governments throughout the world: a lack of transparency kills people. Deception and concealment lead people to disability and loss of life. Remove all confidentiality, create transparent and controlled reporting mechanisms; only then can lives be saved and further damage avoided from the very tool that is supposed to preserve health. Is this a case where the drug is more deadly than the disease?

Former HHS COVID Advisor Dr. Paul Alexander: Do NOT Give COVID Shots to Children!

Former HHS COVID Advisor Dr. Paul Alexander was recently on "The Ingraham Angle" show on the Fox News Network. Dr. Alexander is opposed to giving the experimental COVID-19 shots to children, because children have an almost zero risk of infection of COVID-19, and do not pass it on to others. He is bewildered at why the CDC and Anthony Fauci are allowing this, as they have the data also. He explains that if they want to give these shots to children, they should remove the immunity the pharmaceutical companies currently have if anyone dies or are injured from the shots.

Healthy Utah High School Athlete Develops Blood Clots in His Brain Following COVID Injection

The local corporate media in Draper, Utah, is reporting that a 17-year-old student from Corner Canyon High School ended up in the ICU with blood clots in his brain just after receiving an experimental COVID injection. However, as with ALL stories of COVID "vaccine" injuries or deaths that make it into the corporate media, they continue to state that there is no link between the injuries and the injections. In fact, the reporter in the video of this story tells us that they are not even going to name which "vaccine" he received, showing just how much control Big Pharma has on the media. The media not only is protected under the First Amendment to state the facts and name the company who made this shot, but the job of the media is supposed to be to inform the public, which they are clearly not doing when they report a "vaccine" injury but refuse to name which one caused it. Since the Johnson and Johnson shot has already been linked to "rare" blood clots, my guess is that this was one of the mRNA injections from either Pfizer or Moderna, and they just don't want the bad publicity which would slow down their efforts to inject even more people. Continuing to call these reactions "rare" is criminal, as more people have died following COVID injections now than recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 20 years. How many more lives will be destroyed, like this 17-year-old healthy high school student who had his whole career and life still before him, just because Big Pharma wants to use the public as lab rats to fulfill their eugenic view of medicine and develop novel, new vaccines designed to reduce the world's population and enslave everyone to the medical system?