GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections – Children Now being Reported as Dying Also

The mass murder of Americans through the experimental COVID injections continues, as the CDC is now reporting that 3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Many believe there is solid evidence that the CDC is holding back much of the data, and that the number of deaths and injuries reported is much higher. This is in addition to the fact that many deaths and injuries following the injections are not even reported, because the propaganda put out by the U.S. Government and reinforced through the pharma-funded corporate media, continues to claim that NONE of these deaths are linked to the COVID injections, and are just "coincidences." To give some perspective to these recorded numbers, and show how criminally evil it is to claim that none of these deaths or injuries are caused by the injections, the total deaths now recorded following experimental COVID injections since December, 2020, is more than the recorded deaths following vaccines for the previous 15 and a half years before the experimental COVID shots were unleashed against the public. And now they are targeting the children. Tragically, there are now at least 5 deaths recorded among children following COVID injections, including a 5-month-old baby who was not injected, but was breast feeding from her mother who was.

Doctors for COVID Ethics: COVID-19 Vaccines are Unnecessary, Ineffective and Unsafe

COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them. In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.

Doctor Offers FREE Book to the Public on Curing Respiratory Virus Infections through Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and the author of Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins and STOP America's #1 Killer!; plus several other groundbreaking medical books. He is one of the world's leading vitamin C experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe about the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases. His latest book, Rapid Virus Recovery: No Need to Live in Fear! is now available for FREE as an e-book through MedFox Publishing. Dr. Levy states: "The entire intent of this book is to make it clear that nearly all acute viral syndromes are curable, especially those contracted via the respiratory route, and rapidly so. This includes COVID and any future pathogens that may emerge from mutation or from a laboratory." That's a pretty bold statement, but his book includes over 600 citations from peer-reviewed medical journals to back up his claim. The book that he is offering to the public for free is mainly about hydrogen peroxide nebulization, an inexpensive solution that anyone around the world can implement without the use of a doctor or hospital for less than $40.00. Dr. Levy states: "In order to stop any pandemic, COVID included, it is essential that a cure not only exists, but that it is extremely cheap, available everywhere, easily administered, completely nontoxic, and not requiring the intervention of a doctor or hospital in  order to be obtained. At this time, there is really only one such treatment that fulfills all of those requirements. It is: Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization." Download and save this book NOW before it is banned from the Internet, as the protocols described in it are now declared illegal by the FTC and Department of Justice.

Wisconsin Catholic Priest Defies Authorities and Warns His Flock on the Dangers of the COVID Injections

We've called out those in the clergy who have claimed to represent Christ and are urging people to go out and get the COVID injections, so it is only proper that we also give credit to the clergy when credit is due. A Catholic priest in Wisconsin, James Altman of St. James The Less in La Crosse, has incurred the wrath of the corporate media for daring to defy health regulations, and for warning his congregation about the experimental COVID shots, pleading with them to NOT get them and become "guinea pigs." James Altman has pretty much defied everyone in authority above him: the local health department, the Bishop William Callahan of the Diocese of La Crosse, and the Pope himself, all who support COVID measures such as masks, limiting indoor gatherings, and the deadly experimental shots. This of course infuriates the corporate media and the corporate church. James Altman is obviously more concerned for his parishioners than he is about his own reputation and position in the corporate church, and for that we salute him, and pray for God's protection over him.

1,047 Dead 725,079 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental “Vaccines” Reported in the U.K.

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, April 29, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through April 21, 2021, for the three experimental COVID "vaccines" currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,047 deaths and 725,079 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections. 685 of the 1,047 deaths followed AstraZeneca COVID injections, and 573,650 of the 725,079 injuries followed AstraZeneca COVID injections. Two countries, Norway and Denmark, have now completely halted injections of COVID shots by AstraZeneca, with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stating that the AstraZeneca experimental shots are associated with a higher risk of injury and death than the COVID-19 virus. Other European countries have also temporarily halted the AstraZeneca shots while they review safety data, but the UK has never halted injecting people with the shot causing fatal blood clots, and the reported events of death and injuries following AstraZeneca shots.

8,430 DEAD 354,177 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines." Their report through April 24, 2021 lists 8,430 deaths and 354,177 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414). COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH. COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19). COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data. Denmark and Norway have completely suspended use of the AstraZeneca experimental COVID-19 shots. A statement issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated that the AstraZeneca COVID “vaccine” is more dangerous than COVID itself, especially for young people. The EMA continues to recommend it. They did, however, add a safety warning to the J&J shots, due to fatal blood clots.

Your Life Today Depends on What and Whom You Fear: A Virus, or God?

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread." (Isaiah 8:11-13) The Bible has a lot to say about "fear." In short, fearing the wrong things or wrong people can lead to your death, while appropriate fear will lead to life.

COVID-19 Injected People Becoming a Threat to Public Health and Safety

A California man reportedly crashed his vehicle after suffering a seizure driving back from receiving his second injection of a COVID-19 shot. A man with a Bitchute channel called "clif_high" has coined a new term to describe the times we are currently living in as over 1 billion people around the world have now been injected with the experimental COVID shots: "Vaxxxidents." Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount that COVID injected individuals are somehow infecting those who have not received the injections. So as schools, colleges, and universities throughout the nation prepare to restrict access to those students and faculty who have not been injected with one of the experimental COVID shots, one private school in Florida is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE, and prohibiting teachers and staff who have been injected with the experimental shots from attending their school. The owners of the school are being vilified in the corporate media, but it is a bold move to protect the students and other school staff from the risk of being infected from those who chose to take the experimental shots. It shows, to me at least, that the administrators of this school are willing to face public scorn and potential lawsuits because they value the health and lives of their students and staff more than the public disgrace that comes when one dares to expose Big Pharma and their lies. A document published by Pfizer during their trials of their COVID-19 mRNA shots is making its way around the Internet today where it appears that they warned participant members of coming in contact with others not part of the trial, including pregnant women. The title of the document is: "PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)". It can be found in many places on the Internet right now, including the New England Journal of Medicine.

59-Year-Old Israeli Fashion Icon Alber Elbaz DEAD After Being “Fully Vaccinated” for COVID-19

Another public figure has died following injections of the experimental COVID shots. Israeli fashion icon Alber Elbaz has reportedly died at an American hospital in Paris, France, over the weekend. The French Press (Elbaz worked and lived in France) and many of the European Press have originally reported that his cause of death was "unknown," but Israeli Press are now reporting that he died of the "South African variant of COVID-19," while admitting that he was "fully vaccinated." His death was described by some as "sudden." We are not sure why the Israeli Press is claiming he died from the "South African strain of coronavirus," since he was hospitalized and died in Paris, but that is what they are claiming, while at the same time acknowledging that he was "fully vaccinated." Since it is being reported that he was "fully vaccinated," that means he probably received two doses of one of the experimental COVID injections, most likely either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shot, both of which are available in France. Many thousands of people worldwide have now been reported dead following injections of these experimental COVID shots, many of them high profile public figures like Mr. Elbaz where it is difficult to hide their deaths and the circumstances surrounding them, and yet the medical authorities continue to claim that they are all "coincidences" and not related to the COVID shots. As we have previously reported, deaths following the COVID injections and are reported to the CDC VAERS system, now exceed deaths reported following FDA approved vaccines for the past 15 years COMBINED. The World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, and many others have been saying for years that we need to reduce the world's population in order to save the Earth from being destroyed by climate change. So why should it surprise people that they are now putting their plans into action to reduce the world's population through these experimental injections? This is no longer a "conspiracy theory." It is a plan being executed in full view of the public, most of whom are still asleep and expecting the world to go back to "normal" if they just keep obeying everything the medical tyrants tell them to do, and surrender all their freedoms. And in many cases, as we are now seeing, they are sacrificing their lives as well. So believe what you want, and live with the consequences. Because the facts that both sides agree upon, are that Mr. Elbaz got the shots, and now he is dead. He joins a very fast growing list of others that also got the shots, and are now DEAD. How long will the public keep buying this lie before they wake up and figure out, perhaps too late, that this has been the plan all along?

Pro-Vaccine Cybersecurity Expert Dan Kaminsky DEAD at 42 Following Experimental COVID Shot

The New York Post is reporting that 42-year-old Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died shortly after receiving an experimental COVID injection. Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died at the age of 42 — leaving his niece to battle speculation that he was killed by complications resulting from a recent COVID-19 vaccination. The tech genius’s niece, Sarah, confirmed the news over the weekend, citing diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious diabetic complication, as a cause of death. At the same time, she sought to quash reports that Kaminsky’s passing was related to the coronavirus vaccine that Kaminsky tweeted about receiving on April 12. “While his passing was sudden and unexpected for us, Dan struggled for years with diabetes and was even recently hospitalized because of it,” according to the niece, whose message was posted in a tweet on Sunday. “I think Dan would laugh at the idea of conspiracy theorists promoting anti-vax propaganda through his death,” she added. “But as his family, it hurts us to see his death being used to spread lies about a vaccine that he had full faith in.” Mr. Kaminsky's tweets on Twitter prior to his death made it very obvious that he was "pro-vaccine" and pro-COVID shots. He was proud to receive an experimental COVID shot in San Francisco from Kaiser Permanente on April 12, 2021. The next day he tweeted his displeasure that the J&J and AstraZeneca shots had been halted due to fatal blood clots, expressing his belief that people would die as a result of the shots being halted, and that one was more likely to die by being struck from lightning than from a rare side effect from a COVID injection. Less than two weeks after being injected with a COVID shot, he's dead. His faith in the safety of the injection apparently did not save him.