Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” Their report through June 5, 2021 lists 13,867 deaths and 1,354,336 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414). COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH. COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19). COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). From the total of injuries recorded, there are 683,688 serious injuries which equals over 50%. “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

Plandemic Film Stars Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits together in Public for the First Time Doing a Q&A Session

The official Plandemic Documentary Bitchute Channel has just released a video from the "Free & Brave" Conference held at the Church of Glad Tidings in May, 2021. On the night before the conference started, there was a film screening of the Plandemic documentary, which featured Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits. This was apparently their first public appearance together, and they held a very informative Q&A session following the film screening. Dr. Mikovits addresses the first question regarding "Suramin." Then Dr. Martin addresses the history of the development of the SARS bioweapon, which was originally funded for AIDS/HIV research in 1999, and he dropped this bombshell on the audience: "Anthony Fauci has spent, listen to this number, 191 BILLION dollars, not 3.7 million, not 30 million, 191 BILLION dollars of audited funds for the bioweaponization of viruses against humanity. And it is YOUR money that has been spent." Dr. Martin also explains how the COVID-19 "vaccine" does not meet the legal definition of a "vaccine," but it meets the legal definition of a "bioweapon." A question was asked about who funds Dr. David Martin's research. This is worth hearing, at the 27-minute mark of the video. He says his business model is based on a very old, 6000-year-old, business model, which is found in the first book of the Bible in Genesis, when Joseph ruled Egypt. Because this is a Q&A session with questions from the audience, a wide range of topics were covered, including Facebook co-founder Dustin Aaron Moskovitz and the funding of Event 201, CRISPR technology, whether or not there is such a thing as a "good vaccine," and much more.

5G Beast, Endocrine Disruptors and Dysgenics – the Depopulation Agenda is in Full Force

A 2018 study of birthrates in the United States found that births were down by 600,000 in just one year — and this is with 4G, and prior to the 5G Beast roll out beginning nationally in 2019 . Now the number of babies born in the U.S. dropped by 4% in 2020 compared with the previous year. The general fertility rate was 55.8 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, reaching yet another record low. “This is the sixth consecutive year that the number of births has declined, down an average of 2% per year, and the lowest number of births since 1979,” the National Center for Health Statistics said. Numerous other studies have confirmed that male sperm count has been in decline for decades, long before advances in high frequency wireless technology. Some attribute it to the fluoridation of public drinking water. During the last 40 years, sperm counts have declined an average of 50 to 60 percent. lists over 300 studies linking electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emissions to fertility issues. EMFs have been found to impact both male and female fertility and affect unborn fetuses in numerous ways, including fragmenting DNA. Males, however, are especially vulnerable to EMF radiation exposure. This is because male reproductive organs sit relatively close to the surface of the body whereas female sex organs are buried deep within thick tissues.

The Most Important Truth about the Coming “New World Order” Almost Nobody is Discussing

A little over a year ago, before COVID-19, to bring up the subject of a "New World Order," or a "One World Government," was to be branded as a "conspiracy theorist," in spite of the fact that such global institutions as the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, and many other global institutions have been publishing materials on their view of the future for decades, and predicting things such as a major reduction of the world's population and a central world-wide government. Fast forward to today, June of 2021, and the idea is no longer so far-fetched, particularly for those who know how to bypass censorship in the corporate media and Big Tech. And yet even within the alternative media, for the most part only a single view of the coming New World Order is discussed, as if it is inevitable. Most see it as a future of increased technology, and words that were hardly a part of our vocabulary just some months ago, are now common, such as transhumanism, technocrats, mRNA, gene-altering, nanobots, etc. For those of us who completely understand that this has been part of a global plan that did not just hatch overnight with the "discovery" of a dangerous new "virus" that the globalists are using to instill fear into the population for the purpose of controlling humanity, we need to take a step back, I think, and ask ourselves: Are we falling into their trap in thinking this way? Is there an alternative view that is not only possible, but more plausible than the narrative that is currently circulating around in the alternative media?

The Finders: CIA Ties to Child Sex Cult Obscured as Coverage Goes from Sensationalism to Silence

Last year I reported on the work of the late Ted Gunderson, a former FBI Director who had investigated and uncovered much about the global child sex trafficking network run by Satanic groups, with ties to the group "The Finders" that Gunderson claimed was run by the CIA. Much of this underground network was revealed in 2016 with the Podesta leaked documents, although the corporate media brushed it aside as a "conspiracy theory" called "PizzaGate," and instead focused on trying to link Donald Trump to Russian election interference, while on the "Right" a psyop was launched known as "Q" to protect Trump from coming under any suspicion for his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and this underground network. We have also recently published the 5-hour video from Freemason insider and whistleblower Altiyan Childs, who calls Freemasonry primarily a "sex cult" and the oldest religion in the world that involves most of the Globalists who run the world. This incredible video is MUST WATCHING for anyone who has not viewed it yet, to more fully understand the times we currently live in, and how we got here. Notice the Freemason/Satanic symbol used by Gunderson on the cover of his report on "The Finders." Elizabeth Vos has started a new series on The Finders, and her first article was just published on Mint Press News.

CDC Begins Mass Extermination Program of Americans’ Children Aged 12 to 17 Implementing Eugenic Population Control Measures through COVID-19 Bioweapons

Rochelle Walensky, the current director of the criminal organization and marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry, the CDC, which should be renamed more appropriately as the Center for DEATH and population Control, has committed crimes against humanity by heading up a program to kill, maim, and render infertile Americans' children between the ages of 12 and 17. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that this age group has nearly ZERO risk for harm from COVID-19, she addressed the public yesterday and lied to the American people. "In the critical month of June, I want to highlight a specific population that we were hoping will join the tens of millions who have already been vaccinated, and that is adolescents," she explained. She also referenced a report to be published in Friday's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, that demonstrates "the level of severe disease, even among youth that are preventable," which is why the CDC is going to "redouble" motivation to get adolescents and young adults vaccinated. The propaganda report promised yesterday is now up on the CDC website today. Anybody with at least a high school education reading level can clearly see through the BS in this "study" which is nothing more than propaganda. But how many parents will even bother reading this garbage before deciding to let someone inject their child with a COVID-19 bioweapon? We are seeing a global eugenics population reduction plan being unfolded before our very eyes that now far eclipses anything that happened in Nazi Germany during WWII, and is now racing ahead towards numbers that were reported during the Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Stalin.

Million Dollar Bioweapon Shot Lotteries Enticing MILLIONS to get the Injections

In the US, the first winners of the "vaccination lotteries" being adopted by a growing number of states - including West Virginia (which is offering guns, trucks & "piles of cash), California and a handful of others - are taking home life-changing money, all because they decided to get vaccinated. And according to WSJ, the incentives that these programs create are already having a positive impact on the vaccination rate, which has finally eclipsed 50% of American adults. The program is also having some success in Hong Kong. In Ohio alone, 3.2MM people entered the drawing - all of whom hadn't been previously vaccinated despite being eligible for weeks or months. And Ohio's Gov. ike DeWine credited the lottery enticements for a recent spike in vaccinations in the Buckeye State. There's evidence from a study in Singapore showing financial incentives are effective at boosting vaccination rates.

Are These Cyber Attacks Live Drills for What is Coming Later this Summer?

By sheer cowinkydink, another ransomware attack has taken down operations of another major American industry. This time, the target is America’s largest meat processer, JBS. JBS acquired a fake, plant-based meat company for $500 million, and its CEO has been using Joe Biden’s “build back better” slogan and other World Economic Forum and United Nations jargon. It has moved into the faux-burger market in Europe. First, it was Texas energy, then the Colonial gas pipeline and now meat. All of this is happening as shortages are commonplace, caused by massive economic distortions from lockdowns, money printing crack up boom and “stimulus,” and putting people on permanent unemployment largesse. Is this a distraction to justify the rise in prices (aka inflation)? As another precursor to yet another drill going live — namely, the July 9, 2021, Cyber Polygon cyberattack “exercise” simulations — we learn that overnight downdector users reported AT&T service across the Baltimore–Washington metropolitan area experienced widespread outages. About the same time, Apple reported problems with the functioning of its Apple Card credit card and payment system that was affecting all users. The Cyber Polygon exercise will focus on simulating the downing of the global internet, as well as disruptions to power supplies and control grids. That’s right. In July, the summer month for peak heat in most of North America, there will be forced power outages.

Hong Kong: 12 DEAD Four Miscarriages in One Week Following COVID-19 Injections

The Standard, Hong Kong's biggest circulation English daily newspaper, is reporting that 12 people have died, and 4 women have had miscarriages following COVID-19 shots just in the past week. "For the past week between May 24 and 30, 12 more people died at public hospitals after receiving the Covid vaccines, along with four women who suffered from miscarriages, according to the Hospital Authority. The Hospital Authority said six of the 12 cases were hospitalized patients while the rest passed away in the emergency department. With the additional miscarriage cases, Hong Kong has now seen 23 miscarriage cases after vaccination. From February 26, when the city’s vaccination campaign started, until last Sunday, the city recorded 80 deaths following vaccinations."

Danish Authorities Shut Down Access to Bitchute Over “Dangerous” COVID-19 Information

Authorities in Denmark have shut down much of the country’s access to video platform Bitchute in the name of preventing the spread of “dangerous information” about COVID. Denmark’s National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) petitioned for a court order to block the site and ISPs followed suit by blocking access to users. “The National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) has blocked the homepage that your browser has tried to access contact as there is reason to assume that from the website commits a violation of criminal law, which has a background in or connection with the covid-19 epidemic in Denmark,” states a message users see when trying to access Bitchute.