Pedophilia Boy Scouts of America Reaches Largest Child Sex Abuse Settlement in U.S. History at $850 Million

For the past 7+ years Health Impact News has been reporting the fact that the United States has the horrible distinction of being known as the #1 country in the world known for child sex trafficking. This is not my opinion. The U.S. Government actually admits this. Last week, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) reached the largest settlement of sex abuse claims in the history of the United States, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg so prevalent has the problem of pedophilia become in the U.S. They reached an $850 million settlement with more than 60,000 men who sued them over alleged sexual abuse by adults in scouting over several decades. Ken Rothweiler, one of three lead negotiators on behalf of the men who say they were raped, molested or sexually harassed as children, called it historic. In an emailed statement he called the deal "the largest settlement of sexual abuse claims in United States history." There is strong evidence that the Boy Scouts program has been corrupt from its inception, and in this article I will present strong evidence that the CIA may have been using these Scouts programs for years to experiment on sexually abused children as part of their "trauma-based" MK Ultra mind-control program to train children to be spies and carry out military operations.

300 Italian Health Workers File Legal Challenge to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots as Condition for Employment

Three hundred healthcare workers in Italy have lodged a legal challenge against the requirement that they get vaccinated against coronavirus, according to media reports Saturday. The case, brought by professionals throughout northern Italy, will be heard on July 14. "This isn't a battle by anti-vaxxers but a democratic battle," constitutional lawyer Daniele Granara, who helped build up the case, was cited as saying in the Giornale di Brescia newspaper. "We force people to take a risk under threat of no longer being allowed to exercise their profession," he added. Granara is also defending dozens of caregivers who have been suspended from work for refusing to be vaccinated. Italy passed a law in April obliging anyone working in public or private social health positions, including in pharmacies and doctors' offices, to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or be suspended without pay, unless their employer can reassign them to a less sensitive position.

6-Year-Old Son Tells Dad “Please Don’t Get the Shot” – But He Did and Now He’s DEAD

A 53-year-old musician and father is dead despite being warned about COVID-19 “vaccines” by his kindergarten-aged son. Mr. Jeff Kimpland received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on or around April 13, according to his Facebook page. He mentioned in the same post that he was aware of the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration temporarily halting the J&J shots due to blood clots. The post concluded with Mr. Kimpland repeating something his six-year-old son told him: “don’t get J&J daddy.” Mr. Kimpland added the “I got my COVID-19 vaccine” banner to his profile photo on June 6. His last Facebook post was on June 15. He died at his home in Dewitt, New York, on June 19. He is survived by two sons.

In Many States Minors may Consent to Receive COVID-19 Shots Without Parents’ Consent or Knowledge

A District Administration survey conducted just before the FDA’s authorization for 12-15-year-olds to receive the COVID-19 shot found that only 3 in 10 parents said they would vaccinate their children right away, with most instead wanting to wait and see, or saying they would not get their child vaccinated at all or would do so only if required for school. However, with the authorization of Pfizer’s shot for 12-15-year-olds, a group that totals almost 17 million, minors can consent to receive the COVID-19 shot even without the parent’s knowledge in many states.

Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections?

As Americans gather this weekend to celebrate the July 4th Independence Day, I can't help but ask: What the hell are you celebrating?? Are you celebrating the fact that the CDC admits that almost 7000 people have now died following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 injections with the data they released yesterday, July 2, 2021? Maybe the almost half million injuries that people have reported following these COVID-19 injections is cause for celebration? After all, Americans still have the "freedom" to not get these injections and choose to sacrifice their careers if their employer is mandating them. That is still "freedom," right? Or are you celebrating that there are now a recorded 622 unplanned abortions following these COVID-19 injections? Where is the "freedom of choice" for these unborn babies? Or perhaps all of you who are heading out to barbecue and watch fireworks this weekend are celebrating your freedom to choose to send your children to government schools, muzzled with facemasks, to learn Critical Race Theory and how to get medical procedures done to change their gender. And of course children now have "freedoms" also to exercise their "independence." Perhaps you are celebrating the fact that in many places your child can now choose to get a COVID-19 bioweapon shot without your knowledge or permission, and young boys now have the freedom to identify as girls and use the school's girls' bathrooms to sexually prey on young girls? Maybe that's a cause for celebrating our "independence"?

Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots

This tragic story out of Michigan was disclosed by Kathryn Kendall. She lost both her father and her sister within four days of one another, and they were vaccinated with different brands of COVID-19 injections. John Robert Kendall Jr. had his second Moderna vaccine in April, and within days he had a heart attack and passed away. He died on April 28, 2021. John spent time as a U.S. Marshall, and has a lengthy resume in public service. John was also the cofounder of DK security, and is said to have been a phenomenal leader. Kimberly St. Charles, John’s daughter, got her shot towards the end of April. She chose the Johnson & Johnson viral vector COVID-19 injection. Unfortunately Kimberly began showing reaction symptoms the same day she took the shot. She ended up in ICU within days of her shot, and never recovered. She was only 49 with no known health problems and a mother of four children.

France to Become First Country to Mandate COVID Injections for Ages 24-59 to Stop “4th Wave”?

Here we go with the next stage of the "Plandemic," just as predicted. A "scary" new wave of a variant COVID-19 virus is being used as an excuse to step up mass vaccination efforts, just as those who volunteered to receive the COVID injections have now mostly received them, and demand has now dramatically decreased with billions of doses still available worldwide, with more on the way. Has France been chosen by the Globalists to try a test run on mandatory injections, targeting 24-59 year-olds? is reporting: "The French Senate is considering implementing obligatory vaccinations for those aged 24-59 to help the country weather the anticipated next spike of coronavirus infections in what would be a fourth wave of cases." But even if there is too much push-back to implement mandatory injection laws, there are other measures available to basically make those who resist the bioweapon shots outcasts in society, like preventing them from traveling and receiving other medical services. "The government is also considering introducing other measures aimed at increasing inoculation levels, such as sending doctors lists of unvaccinated people in order to encourage them to get the jabs. France is also considering scrapping free ‘convenience’ Covid tests for unvaccinated people who wish to travel." We can be sure the world will be watching France, and any other country that tries to mandate these shots that have now killed more people than all other previous Big Pharma vaccines combined, based solely on Government adverse reaction reporting systems, which are all passive systems and nowhere close to what the real numbers are. As the U.S. heads into the July 4th weekend for 2021, this may be the last resemblance of anything close to "freedom" that the Globalist slave masters will allow in America.

As Demand for Bioweapon Shots Decrease Governments and Big Tech Look to Squash Free Speech of Dissenters

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published its new Global Coalition for Digital Safety program this week "to counter health misinformation, violent extremist and terrorist content, and the exploitation of children online." Of course, they get to define all the forms of "health misinformation" which include any dissenters to the COVID-19 bioweapon shots. And we have already seen what they mean by "the exploitation of children online" which means preventing children from getting dissenting views, as several places in Canada and around the U.S. have already started injecting children as young as 12-years-old with COVID-19 shots without their parents' knowledge or approval. On the WEF website explaining about this new initiative, they feature a short video of Julie Inman Grant from Australia who states "we're not policing the Internet for harmful material," and then proceeds to explain how they are policing the Internet for harmful material. They're going to rely on citizens to spy on their friends and neighbors and then report them to Big Tech. Leo Hohmann published an article about this today, and said one of his readers sent him a screenshot from Facebook showing that this is already being implemented.

1,007,253 Injuries 1,403 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, July 1, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through June 23, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,403 deaths and 1,007,253 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections. In addition to these official UK Government statistics, last Friday, 25 June 2021, Public Health England released a report showing that those dying in the UK with a diagnosis of "COVID", usually referred to as "COVID deaths" whether or not it can be proven that a positive COVID test result means that COVID caused the death, 62% of these deaths were people who had already received one of the COVID-19 jabs. So why are people still getting them??

Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Scientist for the Murder of Indian Citizens by Misleading them about Ivermectin

Since mass-murders like Anthony Fauci in the U.S. continue to commit crimes against humanity causing many deaths with no justice expected from a corrupt judiciary, perhaps India can take the lead and start prosecuting murderers responsible for the COVID-19 Plandemic and the censorship of life-saving treatments.