Fully Vaccinated 33-Year-Old New Yorker DEAD After Cursing Unvaccinated as Idiots and Morons

A 33-year-old New York husband and apparent dog lover is dead in another case of death after virtue signaling. Mr. Jordan Hayes received his first dose of experimental mRNA on or around February 23, according to his Facebook page. The since-deleted Facebook post appears to show a photo of a vaccine clinic. Mr. Hayes not only said that the non-vaccinated are failing society, but also called them “idiots” and “morons.” He emphasized that his message was being spoken “with all of my heart.” Mr. Hayes apparently received his second mRNA injection on March 24. He celebrated being “[fully] vaccinated” and now being able to “kiss everyone on the lips again.” Mr. Hayes went to the emergency room at Mount Sinai Hospital on or around July 1 complaining of chest pains. His health quickly deteriorated from there. Chest pains devolved into a heart attack that required two open heart surgeries. Mr. Hayes suffered multiple strokes during the surgeries. He passed away on July 6, according to a GoFundMe page. He is survived by his widow.

Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death

There are few people left alive today that remember the last time a severe drought that destroyed crops combined with a collapse of the financial system left millions of Americans hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s. Most of us alive today were taught in school that in the 1930s the nation suffered during "The Great Depression" as well as "The Dust Bowl." And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate future, or even worse, here in 2021. Corn and wheat crops in the U.S. are in big trouble right now as we approach the end of July. Prices of corn, soy and canola are all going up right now, due to the fear that this year's harvest will be greatly affected by drought conditions across the U.S. Gloomy outlooks on this year's harvest are not the main reason for concern, however, as we have seen poor weather patterns like this in the past, and few starved or went homeless. The larger area of concern is that our entire agricultural system rests in the hands of just a few international companies, and the Globalists who brought us the COVID-19 Plandemic last year that is making a repeat performance this year, could decide to add global hunger and starvation to this show, and few Americans are prepared for empty grocery store shelves for any length of time. They will look to their government representatives for help, and that government "help" could very well be their next plan to get 70% of the population injected with the COVID-19 shots, making it a requirement to receive any government food aid. This is not a topic you want to be ignorant about.

Israel is Spying on the World and Wants Your Help

I am publishing excerpts from these two recently published articles so you can understand who is the major player world-wide in the online digital war that is currently going on to suppress information, spy on people, and roll out the Luciferian New World Order.

CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu

The CDC quietly announced last week that it was withdrawing its request to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2. Most of the public is probably unaware that similar to the current COVID-19 injections that are not yet approved by the FDA, but only given Emergency Use Authorization, so too the hundreds of diagnostic tests that supposedly detect COVID-19 are also NOT approved by the FDA, but only authorized via an EUA. What is the reason the CDC is withdrawing its EUA request for the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel? "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses." So there you have it. The CDC just basically admitted that many of the COVID-19 cases this past year could not be distinguished from "flu cases."

Nationalism and the Ten Commandments – Patriotism or Idolatry? “Liberty” or Slavery?

Pretty much every country on earth today has a flag representing that country, and children are taught from the earliest ages, usually through public or religious education, to respect and honor that flag, often by saluting it. In the United States pretty much every school for children, whether public or private, teaches their students to "Pledge Allegiance" to the flag of the United States of America, while holding their hand over their heart. The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by a 37-year-old Baptist Christian Minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. So why am I spending time writing about this today? Because our country is as divided as ever, placing people into groups and labeling them so everyone can keep fighting each other rather than fighting the Globalists who are dead-set on enslaving us and murdering us, and the label "Patriot" is a classification I see every single day in my newsfeed, mainly among the Christian Right and Trump supporters. The term "patriot" today can pretty much be weaponized against anyone who disagrees with the narrative of the day that the State wants one to believe and obey, which today includes obeying all COVID-19 restrictions, and being a "good patriot" and getting the "vaccine" to protect everyone else. For the Christian Right, displaying the flag on national holidays like the 4th of July and Memorial Day is the "Christian" thing to do, and failing to do so is seen as a moral failure. But I absolutely REFUSE to pledge my allegiance to the American flag, not for political reasons, but because to do so is IDOLATRY.

Panic Hits UK as Supermarket Shelves Go Bare

Britain's supermarkets are struggling to ensure adequate food supply after reports of panic hoarding due to what the British press calls "ping-demic" - a reference to being "pinged" by the NHS test-and-trace system. We noted on Monday that ping-demic was likely to "lead to food shortages," and that is precisely what is happening today.  The Independent reports UK's largest supermarkets are experiencing shortages after the number of people getting "pinged" on the NHS Test and triggered mass confusion.  The NHS app sent a half-million alerts last week, notifying users they have to quarantine for ten days because of possible close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.  This has caused a supply chain shock and disruptions as hundreds of thousands of people panic buy food and fuel to survive the quarantine.  British newspapers and social media users published pictures of empty supermarket shelves.  In the U.S. military officers are allegedly being warned to get stocked up on food and water to be prepared for what is coming.

Republican Governors Join Biden and CDC in Blaming “Unvaccinated” for Alleged New COVID Hospitalizations

Alabama Republican Governor Kay Ivey has joined the Biden Administration and the CDC in attacking "unvaccinated" residents in her own state, blaming them for rising "cases" of COVID-19. Her handlers, who are undoubtedly among the Big Pharma lobbyists, are apparently putting pressure on her to get in line with this narrative as Alabama has the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the country. She stated that it is “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for rising cases of Covid-19. "It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the vaccinated folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain.” It should be noted that like other Republican Governors, Ivey signed a bill in May that prohibits businesses and other institutions in Alabama from requiring “vaccine passports” that verify the immunization status of people as a condition for entry or services. But as we have previously reported, that doesn't mean that she, or any other Republican Governor, is against the COVID-19 injections and all the harm they are causing. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while stopping short of actually blaming the "unvaccinated" for current "outbreaks" as Governor Ivey did, nevertheless is also promoting the same narrative put out last Friday by the CDC and Biden administration, by repeating the lie that almost all hospitalizations right now are among the "unvaccinated." He stated: "If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chances of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero. If you look at the people being admitted to hospitals, over 95 percent of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated. And so these vaccines are saving lives." These Republican Governors are LYING to you, just like the CDC and the Biden Administration are.

FDA Wants to Ban Another Natural Supplement with Success in Treating Symptoms of COVID-19

N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) has been on the market as a supplement for decades—why is the FDA attacking it now? It seems obvious that the FDA is clearing the market of affordable NAC supplements in an effort to eliminate competition for NAC drugs that could be coming to market in the next few years. For starters, a drug company is investigating NAC as a treatment for a rare genetic disorder that damages the myelin sheath, which insulates nerve cells in the brain. But that’s just the beginning. A search through the government’s clinical trials database shows considerable interest from the pharmaceutical industry in NAC. There are 17 trials looking at NAC, in both drug and supplement form, in the treatment of COVID.

Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Jummai Nache, and her husband, Philip Nache, were born in Nigeria and came to the U.S. to settle in Minneapolis a few years ago, working with the Southern Baptists to plant churches among the African communities living in Minneapolis. They were reportedly forced to leave Nigeria due to the "Boko Haram terrorist group," and eventually ended up in Minneapolis serving as missionaries with the Southern Baptists. Tragically, it appears that the Naches have adopted many of the American Christians' values here in the U.S., which includes participating in and trusting the corrupt medical system. Jummaci was working as a medical assistant in a clinic in Minneapolis and was instructed to take the COVID-19 "vaccines." She complied, and immediately after getting the second injection, according to her husband, "she started to experience chest pain at work." Things went down hill fast after that, as the all-too-familiar symptoms of blood clots, a known side effect of the Pfizer COVID-19 shots, were found in her heart, and today she has had both legs amputated, and will also have to have both of her hands amputated. Her case is supposedly "rare," as her husband reports that after the CDC and "70-80" doctors investigated her case, and reported back to him: "the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now." Her entire story is published on their GoFundMe account, written by her husband, where they are trying to raise money for their medical expenses.

Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland

After 7 months of mass COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide, we are receiving more and more reports about just how severe the casualties have been from injecting so many people with these experimental shots, and the massive efforts of censorship to try and prevent the public from understanding the full scope of the deaths and disabilities these shots have caused. Another report came to our attention today from Scotland, where Public Health Scotland apparently has responded to numerous freedom of information requests to provide data on how many people in Scotland have died within 28 days of receiving one of the shots, due to reports to their agency. They published the results on their official COVID-19 statistical report page, where as of June 23, 2021 they report that 5,522 people have died within 28 days of receiving one of the COVID-19 injections in use within Scotland. The total population of Scotland is about 5.5 million people. The Daily Expose, based out of the UK, covered the story earlier this week. Using the same percentages as the statistics supplied by Public Health Scotland, based on the population of the UK, they state that would equate to about 57,470 deaths in the UK within 28 days of being injected with the COVID-19 shot. For the population in the United States, that would equate to about 331,320 deaths within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection. Could this be true? We reported earlier this week how officials in the City of Baltimore have stated that the safety of residents of the city are in jeopardy due to staffing shortages with firefighters and police officers. I have personally been told that a major Sheriff department of a major U.S. city is also facing severe staffing shortages, and that deaths of Sheriff deputies following COVID-19 injections are being covered up. And what is going to happen to our healthcare system if hospitals across the country keep firing staff who refuse to take one of these dangerous injections? Hang on folks, because I think we are in for some very rough times ahead, and most of the American public is in "summer vacation" mode right now enjoying their new "freedoms" as COVID restrictions have relaxed in most parts of the country, completely oblivious to the dangers that seem to be awaiting us later this summer or early this Fall.