Today on September 11, 2021, we are facing unprecedented loss of civil liberties 20 years after the events of 911 due to a worldwide fear over a "virus," and what the politicians and the media claim is "the war on the virus" with COVID-19 declared to be the unseen enemy that threatens humanity.
We are now facing a society where government will watch every single detail of our lives, all in the name of "security and safety," from this unseen enemy. The Globalists are finally in a position to be able to control every aspect of our lives via "Health Passports" and "Vaccine Passports."
The economy is on the brink of collapse, and the Globalists have already laid out the plans to replace national currencies with a new central digital currency controlled by their central banks, where they will be able to not only track every single transaction people make, but also take away or limit this new currency based on social standards, and social credit scores, that they control.
But this didn't just start with the "appearance" of the COVID-19 virus. This has been decades in the planning and implementation, and I think it is important that as we look at the anniversary of 911, that we look at just how we got to this point.
The events of September 11, 2001 brought about sweeping changes about how the U.S. Government collects and uses data on its citizens, all in the name of "protecting" us from "terrorists."
Likewise vaccines have a long history in this country of being mandated to "protect" us from these unseen enemies, usually called "viruses." From the moment a child is born in a U.S. hospital, and given its first vaccine, a record of that person's life is started that can be tracked throughout their life.
I am republishing a video interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, by James Corbett in 2016, where they discuss how the official narrative given to the public about the events of September 11, 2001, could not possibly be true.
Two years before 911, in July of 1999, Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, wrote an expose titled: The National Electronic Vaccine Tracking Registry - History of Forced Vaccination: How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave Birth To The National ID, A Government Health Records Database, and the End of Medical Privacy.
Yes, you read that correctly. That was published in 1999! I am also including a video tribute I created earlier this year to Barbara's 40-year history in fighting medical tyranny through vaccination.