Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will, and where many of them died a short time later. Since that interview was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wish. Attorney Fuellmich is not afraid to state exactly where this evidence leads us: "It means that people are dying because of the vaccines. What we are seeing in this video clip is worse than anything we ever expected. If this is representative for what's going on in the other nursing homes, and in other countries, then we have a very serious problem. And so do the people who make the vaccines, so do the people who administer the vaccines. It looks more and more as though we're dealing with homicide, and maybe even murder."

The Shaky Science Behind the “Deadly New Strains” of Sars-Cov-2

According to what we hear from officials and the mainstream media, the new variants are the most dangerous and unpredictable beings since Osama bin Laden. Everyone needs to stay safe from these invisible but murderously mighty microbes by shunning contact with the unwashed, unmasked and unvaccinated. But is that drastic approach — which is accompanied by severe curtailment of civil liberties and constitutional rights — warranted? It turns out that the case for the variants’ contagiousness and dangerousness centres largely on the theoretical effects of just one change said to stem from a mutation in the virus’s genes. And, as I’ll show in this article, that case is very shaky.

Second Pfizer COVID Shot Halted in Spain After 46 Deaths in One Nursing Home Following the First Shot

The Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA inoculations. All residents and workers at the facility received the first dose of Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to Spain mainstream media outlet ABC de Sevilla. Most residents became extremely ill shortly after the shots. It is believed many came down with COVID-19, despite being “vaccinated against it.” The Andalusian Health Service reported that at least 46 residents have died since January. For perspective, Our Lady has a maximum capacity of 145 residents. The situation remains dire, as at least 28 residents and 12 staff members were COVID-19 positive last week. Health officials halted all further mRNA shots as a result.

CDC Now Reports FEWER Total Deaths Following COVID Injections than Last Week – Can We Trust ANY of Their Data?

The page on the CDC website that we reported about last week, Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination, has now been updated as of yesterday, February 16, 2021. We preserved a copy of the page published last week, February 11, 2021, which you can find on our website as a .pdf file. Comparing the page published on 2/11/21 with the one published yesterday, 2/16/21, you will be able to see that they revised their numbers for total number of COVID-19 vaccines administered as an increase, while revising the total number of deaths reported to VAERS following the vaccines as a decrease. Can the CDC raise people from the dead? So how many reports of death following the COVID injections are actually being reported to the CDC? We simply do not know, because the CDC controls the data. But there is one thing that remains consistently the same in the CDC reports about the experimental, non-FDA approved mRNA COVID "vaccines": "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records findings revealed no link with vaccination." As we have reported numerous times, the CDC is a corrupt organization that cannot be trusted. They are the largest purchaser and distributor of vaccines in the world, allocating over $5 BILLION in their budget (supplied by American taxpayers) each year to purchase and distribute vaccines from Big Pharma. The CDC also owns over 56 patents on vaccines, and many of their scientists earn royalties from the sale of vaccines. (Source.) The CDC has a long history of corruption, and over the years many of their own scientists have tried to blow the whistle on this corruption only to be silenced. In addition, many of the directors running the CDC go on to work for Big Pharma developing vaccines after they complete their term at the CDC. So when we mock the CDC and state that they are NOT concerned with public health, but that they are concerned with protecting sales for Big Pharma, we are not exaggerating just to make a point. The evidence we have uncovered and reported over the past 10 years backs up our statement that the CDC is a corrupt organization working with criminal pharmaceutical companies. But even though we have been reporting this for over a decade now, few in the public know it, but continue to go on blindly trusting in them.

Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Suddenly Dies One Day After Being Injected with Experimental mRNA COVID Shot

Karen Hudson-Samuels’ career in broadcast journalism spanned over four decades in Detroit. After making her name at WGPR-TV as an anchor, producer and news director, the historian and journalist used her vision to create one of the biggest accomplishments of her lifetime. To preserve the history of the country’s first black-owned and operated television station, WGPR, Samuels worked tirelessly to bring the William V. Banks broadcast museum to life. “When this museum got into the national registry she was very, very proud,” her husband, Cliff Samuels said. The 68-year-old’s sudden death leaves the industry reciting her legacy and questioning why she had to go so soon. The Detroit media icon was found dead at her home by her husband last Tuesday, just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Greek Hospital Administrator Faces Criminal Prosecution for Reporting Nurse’s Paralysis after Second mRNA Shot

A Greek nurse is now paralyzed after receiving a second dose of mRNA. The 40-year-old nurse is a mother of two and has been a nurse for 17 years. The nurse, whose name has not been disclosed, developed a fever, followed by excruciating pain throughout her body immediately after the second shot. She was rushed to the hospital when she was unable to move or feel her lower extremities. Michalis Giannakos, President of the Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers (POEDIN), told Open TV in the East Attica region that X-rays came back clean. The nurse is now undergoing neurological assessments. Giannakos said the nurse “was in perfect health” prior to receiving the second mRNA shot. It is believed that the nurse developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. The neurological disease causes the immune system to attack nerves throughout the body. Giannakos said the nurse is now wheelchair bound. The Prosecution of the Court of First Instance is considering pressing criminal charges against Giannakos. Greek media outlet Ethnos is reporting that a prosecutor is investigating if Giannakos committed the crime of “spreading fake news.” His crime is expressing an mRNA adverse effect with “too much certainty.”

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, who has previously stated that those responsible for the “Corona Scandal” must be criminally prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, and has also filed a lawsuit against the Facebook “FactCheckers,” recently published an interview with a whistleblower who works inside a nursing home in Berlin. The interview is in German, but there is an English translation of it that we will include here. The whistleblower's voice is altered to prevent their identity from being recognizable. The whistleblower describes how German soldiers accompanied nurses to administer the vaccines, and that there was no informed consent, and some who resisted were vaccinated anyway. The whistleblower then gives first hand knowledge of how the health of the residents rapidly declined soon after vaccination, resulting in 8 of the 31 residents dying within a few weeks. While these residents reportedly suffered from dementia, they were allegedly all in good physical health prior to the injections. They had also tested negative for COVID, but began to test positive after the injections. According to the whistleblower's first hand knowledge and observation, the deaths of these seniors were "inhumane." "Normally, the person dying would eventually accept their approaching death and – perhaps after seeing a loved one for the last time – go in peace. Dying as after vaccination, however, was different, he said.  The old people he had seen dying had breathed heavily, trembled strongly, and seemed as if inwardly they had passed away already. It seemed to him like a lonely, futile struggle against death, as if the people knew that their time had not yet come, and therefore they had not yet been able to let go."

The CIA and The Corporate Media Cannot be Distinguished: The Censorship of the Alternative Media

“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As Organized Crime. This is true.  The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience. We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity. Another way of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished. With the rise of alternate media and a wide array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt threatened and went on the defensive. It, therefore, should come as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars, rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies of the corporate media themselves.

Moderna Experimental mRNA Vaccine Trials being Extended to Children and 6-Month-Old Babies in Texas

There are 100, 12 to 17-year-olds participating in the Moderna adolescent trial through Houston Fights COVID. There are more trials coming, and the groups are now seeking participants as young as six months old. "In about 30 days, we're going to start another trial that is six months to 17 years old, but that's about 30 days away," said Elizabeth Hoff, the executive director at DM Clinical. While that trial is 30 days away, Hoff is encouraging people to sign up now. She's expecting a lot of interest in trials for children. Participants can receive compensation. In addition to the trials going on, even more research is expected in the years to come.

Those Who Persevere Will Receive What is Promised – Those Who Shrink Back Will be Destroyed

Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. (Hebrews 10:32-39)

Experimental COVID Vaccine Trials Expanded: Children as Young as 6 to be Injected in Trials in Israel

The University of Oxford plans to test its AstraZeneca-produced COVID-19 vaccine on children for the first time, it was announced on Saturday. The trial seeks to recruit 300 volunteers between the ages of 6 and 17, with up to 240 receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and the remainder a control meningitis vaccine. The trial will begin this month at the university and additional sites in London, Southampton and Bristol, Sky News reported. Andrew Pollard, chief researcher on the Oxford vaccine trial, says that while most children don’t get severely ill from COVID-19, “it is important to establish the safety and immune response to the vaccine in children and young people as some children may benefit from vaccination.’’ Other drug companies are also testing the COVID-19 vaccines in children. Pfizer, whose vaccine has already been authorized for use in people 16 and older, began testing its shot in children as young as 12 in October. Moderna in December began testing its vaccine on children as young as 12. Pollard said the Oxford trial should help policymakers decide whether at some point in the future they want to extend mass vaccination programs to children as they seek to ensure schools are safe and combat the spread of the virus in the wider population. “For most children, for themselves, COVID is really not a big problem…,’’ Pollard told The Associated Press. “However, it is certainly possible that wider use to try and curb the progress of the pandemic might be considered in the future, so here we’re just trying to establish the data that would support that if indeed policymakers wanted to go in that direction.”

28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection

The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer. Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections. She leaves behind a young son, siblings, friends and family members who have expressed shock on Facebook at her sudden death. Her sister Jamie Lynn Cruz announced on Facebook, February 11, 2021, that the family was saying their goodbyes because there was no hope for her recovery. Sara's twin sister, Kara Stickles, has shared on her Facebook page that mentioning Sara had the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was being censored and deleted in social media. "This beautiful, healthy 28-year-old mother received an experimental, non-FDA-approved 'medical procedure,' and now her family is raising money for her funeral. Social media accounts are getting deleted if they talk about adverse events of certain experimental products. Question: Are government officials protecting Americans from a (treatable) virus with a nearly 100% survival rate, or is there another reason the powers that be are pushing this 'emergency use authorization' product?"

“Do Not Resuscitate” Notices Given to Covid Patients with Learning Disabilities in UK

People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog. Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19. The Care Quality Commission said in December that inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices had caused potentially avoidable deaths last year. DNACPRs are usually made for people who are too frail to benefit from CPR, but Mencap said some seem to have been issued for people simply because they had a learning disability. The CQC is due to publish a report on the practice within weeks.

CDC WITHOLDING INFORMATION! 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections: Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS

Yesterday we reported that the CDC had done another data dump into the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, showing that through February 4, 2021, there were 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. After publishing this article, a Health Impact News subscriber sent me a link to a page on the CDC website where they are reporting that as of February 11, 2021, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. For the past few weeks, the CDC has been slowly updating the VAERS database with data dumps on Friday, just before the weekend and the beginning of the slow news cycle that usually picks up again on Mondays. On Friday, January 29th, their VAERS data reported 329 deaths from people receiving one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections. The following Friday, February 5, 2021, their VAERS data reported 501 deaths. An increase of 172 deaths. Yesterday, February 12, 2021, the CDC VAERS data reported 653 deaths. An increase of 152 deaths. That still leaves 517 deaths unaccounted for in the VAERS database related to the COVID injections. Why is the CDC withholding this information?

CDC: 653 Deaths Now Recorded Following Experimental mRNA COVID Injections with 12,697 Reported Injuries

The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through February 4, 2021, with 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 653 deaths, there were 2792 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 208 permanent disabilities, and 1382 hospitalizations.

Big Tech and Big Pharma Team Up to Create Digital “Health Passports” for Global Travel

COVID-19 test results are already required for entry at some airports and at international borders, and it's likely that confirmation of getting a COVID-19 vaccine will soon follow. But most patients who have been vaccinated against the virus only get a small piece of paper as proof. Those papers are easy to lose and highly vulnerable to fraud and counterfeiting, industry stakeholders say. So public and private organizations have turned to the idea of developing digital health passports to help restart global travel. The organizations involved include health technology company Lumedic, IBM, Airport Council International, Commons Project Foundation, COVID-19 Credentials Initiative, Evernym, Hyperledger, International Chamber of Commerce, Mastercard and the ID2020 Alliance, a global partnership that focuses on digital identities. There are various efforts are currently underway to develop digital health credentials systems—both vaccination and test certificates. The CommonPass mobile app, created by the Commons Project Foundation and the World Economic Forum is being used by United Airlines and other airlines on some international flights. The World Health Organization is also working on a digital vaccine certificate for international travel, and Health Pass by Clear is in use at Los Angeles International Airport.

Another Medical Professional in the Prime of Life DEAD Weeks After Receiving the mRNA Experimental Injection as Memphis Mourns Loss of 36-Year-Old Doctor

In what is becoming a frequent report here at Health Impact News, another medical professional has died within weeks of being injected with an experimental mRNA COVID injection, and once again, health authorities and the local media are "assuring" the public that his death is unrelated to the experimental injection he received. ABC Local 24 has reported the death of 36-year-old Memphis orthopedic doctor Barton Williams, weeks after receiving a COVID injection. The CDC is reportedly investigating his death, as it is being blamed on a "rare COVID related syndrome." Not only are they not linking the COVID injection to his death, they are actually encouraging more people to get the injections to prevent what happened to Dr. Williams!

After “Event 201” Coronavirus Simulation in 2019, World Economic Forum Now Plans “Cyber Pandemic” Simulation for July 2021

On Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants. On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.” The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant. This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace. New economic systems that are digitally based and either partnered with or run by central banks are a key part of the WEF’s Great Reset, and such systems would be part of the answer to controlling the masses of the recently unemployed. As others have noted, these digital monopolies, not just financial services, would allow those who control them to “turn off” a person’s money and access to services if that individual does not comply with certain laws, mandates and regulations.

Wisconsin Resident Doctor has Miscarriage 3 Days After Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot

Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2019. She is completing her residency in Radiation Oncology at the same Milwaukee college. Her profile on a website called SheMD says she is “passionate about medical education, public health, and mentorship, particularly for women interested in radiation.” She is married with one daughter and had another child on the way – until yesterday. Dr. Beltrán Ponce tweeted on January 28 that she is 14 weeks pregnant and “fully vaccinated.” She repeated many of the most common talking points related to COVID-19 and vaccines in the tweet chain. She tweeted an update about her pregnancy less than a week later, stating that she had a miscarriage. The miscarriage happened at 14 1/2 weeks, indicating it was three days after she got the first or second mRNA shot. As you can see from Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce's update tweet announcing the death of her unborn baby, she didn't dare connect it to the COVID injection, because to do so would have probably shipwrecked her career as a medical doctor, because she would have been labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" and therefore "anti-science."

Dr. Stella Demands an Apology after Studies Prove She was Right on HCQ – Vaccines Not Needed!

Dr. Stella Immanuel, a medical doctor from Houston who has cured hundreds of her patients with COVID symptoms by using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was one of a group of doctors who went to Washington D.C. last summer to tell the nation that there was a cure for COVID, which included the older, already FDA-approved drug, hydroxychloroquine. Many other doctors, some with very prestigious credentials, from around the world were seeing the same results with early treatment of COVID patients, and a near 100% success rate with no deaths. But the FDA and Anthony Fauci refused to endorse an emergency use authorization to let hospitals use the drug, stating that their clinical experiences were not enough, and that there was a lack of peer-reviewed literature. They allowed this lack of published studies to be used as an excuse to prevent patients from receiving this treatment, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths, while TRILLIONS of dollars were poured into new vaccines and drugs instead. This is one of the real crimes committed during the Plandemic. Now, at the beginning of 2021, many studies have been published documenting the effectiveness of HCQ, and Facebook has announced they will stop censoring information related to HCQ, and the American Journal of Medicine has also admitted that their stand on HCQ was wrong. Dr. Stella Immanuel is now demanding an apology from the Pharma-controlled media, and the government health agencies who attacked her and her character for recommending HCQ, stating that someone "has to be accountable" for all these needless deaths.