Franklin Graham Reveals He is Part of the Globalist New World Order Agenda – Urges Christians to Get the COVID Shot because “Jesus Christ would Advocate for People Using Vaccines”
Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, recently told his 9.6 million Facebook followers that: "I think Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines." Ten days before this post, he told ABC News: "I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them." Mr. Graham is either unfamiliar, or doesn't care, that the English word for "medicine" in the Greek language that was used to write the New Testament part of the Bible, is pharmakeia, from which we get modern English words such as pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, etc. However, the modern English translations never translate pharmakeia as medicine. Probably because it is referred to as a bad, sinful behavior, and usually translated as "witchcraft," or "sorcery." It is associated with Satan, the Devil, and not Jesus. Jesus healed by his own power, and not by pharmakeia. Franklin Graham is neither a licensed medical doctor, nor does he appear to be very well educated about the contents of the Bible. I guess it is time to give exposure to the other perspective on the Graham family that is seldom, if ever, talked about in Christian circles.