Parents in NY Take to the Streets to Warn Ignorant Parents Injecting Their Children with Pfizer Shots as Injuries Among 5 to 11 Year Olds Now Being Reported
Finally, there are some signs that there are some people in America who are going to start standing up against medical child abuse and attempted murder! Lamenting that their numbers should be in the "tens of thousands," dozens of parents in Staten Island, New York, gathered together in front of a grade school yesterday (11/15/21) where children between the ages of 5 and 11 were being injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 shots. They pleaded with these parents to not inject their children with poison. They were apparently ridiculed by the pro-vaxx parents who were offering their children to the vaccine gods, claiming that they needed to protect their children from the "dangerous" anti-vaxx parents. Rachel, a mother and former school teacher for 10 years, spoke while holding her infant daughter and pleaded with the parents who were opposing them, and explained that they should be opposing those within the school who want to inject poison into their children. "They have no clue why we're standing out here in cold fighting for their kids. I have no job and two kids, and I am out here fighting for YOUR kids!" A mother named Victoria, who is a registered nurse, played a blood-curling recording on her cell phone of a 5-year-old child screaming out in terror because she was being injected with the Pfizer shot, and this allegedly happened at 7:30 a.m. in the morning just before class. She said: "You'll have to step over my dead body to give my child a vaccination." Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of parents across the country continue to take their children into vaccination clinics in their churches or in their children's schools to sacrifice their children to the vaccine gods. In Antioch, California, a bunch of parents who took their children to be abused at a Sutter Health pediatric vaccine clinic are complaining because their children got the wrong strength in their doses. One of the mothers was so angry she went public, and stated that her son "fell down twice" after getting the shot, and both children had to stay home from school because they were so sick with stomach aches. "I'm here tonight to report my story because it's unacceptable, you expect your medical professionals to give you correct doses!" But these "medical professionals" are mostly criminals, and the few honest ones who remained have mostly been fired or quit now, so that mostly only pro-vaxx medical personnel are left. First, the shots are not needed because there are effective treatments available, secondly, children have a ZERO statistical risk from dying from "COVID-19," and third, this is an EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCT!!! Wake up fools! They are experimenting on YOUR CHILDREN!