Get Ready for the Flu/COVID Season by Avoiding Vaccines and Using God-Created Natural Remedies

As we now enter into the time of year here in North American that is usually labeled as the "flu season" but is now more commonly known as the "COVID season" where Big Pharma begins their big push to get everyone injected with their toxic and deadly flu shots and COVID shots, it is time to review the abundance of research that exists for non-Pharma natural remedies that far outperform vaccines and drugs in preparing your body for shorter daylight hours and colder temperatures. I am calling these remedies "God-Created" remedies because they are found in God's Creation, and cannot be patented by man and drug companies because they are found in nature and are available to everyone without having to obtain permission (drug prescriptions) from medical priests. The scientific evidence of how effective these God-Created remedies are is overwhelming, but the Big Pharma Cult and their puppet corporate media shills will do everything they can to discredit this research and evidence, in favor of marketing their poisonous drugs and vaccines to you instead.

Murderous Medical Doctors: How Pediatricians Kill Babies with Multiple Vaccines in One Office Visit

If you have a baby today in the United States, the most dangerous place for your baby in terms of health and safety, is in the office of a licensed pediatric medical doctor. This entire class of medical doctors earn their living from treating children, and let's face the facts here: healthy children are a terrible business model for pediatricians. The baby needs to become "sick" in order to bring them in for an office visit where the pediatricians can then earn their living from billing you for their services, as well as selling you their medical products. These pediatric doctors, who would be better labeled as "priests," need to be licensed by State medical boards in order to "practice medicine" on your baby or child. And one of their priestly functions as a pediatrician is to inoculate your child to welcome them into the pharma cult, and that usually begins the day they are born, if they are born in a hospital, with the Hepatitis B vaccine, which is for a sexually transmitted disease. These inoculations then ensure that the child will grow up constantly sick, and in need of more priestly services from pediatricians. Much like criminals in the criminal justice system in the U.S., who are appointed attorneys (public defenders) to represent them in criminal court if they cannot afford an attorney of their own, if your baby is born in the hospital in the U.S. and you do not have your own pediatrician, one will be assigned to you, mostly likely from your county's public health department, the primary agency at the county level in every state in the U.S. that is responsible for ensuring that babies and children are injected with "vaccines." Sometime after the pharmaceutical drug pushers obtained legal immunity for their vaccines in the event that a patient dies or is injured by those vaccine products back in 1986, this class of pediatric doctors implemented what is called the "well child visit" whereby the parents are directed to bring in their baby for periodic "well-child checkups." Clever marketing, don't you think? Even if the baby is not sick, the medical priest gets to continue "practicing medicine" on your baby and earning income, and that first "well-child checkup" usually begins at 2 months old. These "well-child checkups" are then used for one of the pediatricians main money-making products: vaccines. If by chance a pediatrician wakes up one day and determines that these products are actually harming their patients and wants to stop injecting them with poison, they will inevitably lose their medical license to practice, and will no longer be a member of "the club." (Freemasonry) And to maximize profits, these pediatricians are taught how to administer multiple vaccines in one visit, especially if the patient (victim) missed a previous "check-up" and is no longer "up-to-date" on their childhood vaccines. This will ensure a lifetime of sickness and disease from the victim who will then become a slave to the pharma cult, if they survive. Many babies and children do not survive, and become victims of the population-control agenda of the pharma cult. There were a few of us exposing this evil cult prior to COVID, but since COVID, the big money now in Alternative Health is opposing the COVID scam and the COVID shots, which is a great distraction from the rest of the killer vaccines that have been authorized and licensed by the FDA and CDC for decades now. So I did a search in the U.S. Government VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) database that was updated today to see just how many babies and children have died after receiving multiple vaccines at one time since December of 2020 when the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, and the results shocked me: 772 deaths. Most of these deaths were babies and children, and most of these vaccines did NOT include COVID shots, since December of 2020, less than 3 years ago.

Former Foster Child Who was Raped, Tortured, and Abused for Decades Found Dead – Leaves Behind Two Children

In 2019 we covered the horrendous story that was uncovered by investigative reporter Kathy Curran working in Boston for WCVB ABC 5 who discovered that the foster and adoptive home run by Susan and Raymond Blouin in Oxford, Massachusetts was torturing children, including locking them up in dog cages, and sexually abusing them. She interviewed some of the former foster children, some who have now filed lawsuits against the Blouins, and these former foster children talked about the "house of horrors" that they grew up in. The truly evil part of this story is that the State of Massachusetts knew what was going on in this home, as the foster father had already been convicted of child sex abuse, and yet they allowed it to continue. Kathy's investigation into this story has continued since we published this report back at the end of 2019, and her work clearly shows that this is "business as usual" in the Massachusetts foster care system, and that what happened with the Blouins was not a "rare" incident. One of the things Kathy Curran's investigative work has uncovered, is that the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) has a "secret list" of people "in the system" who are suspected as child abusers, and that there are over 40,000 people on that list, including the Blouins who were registered foster parents!! Last month (August, 2023), four of the children who had to live through this horror won a $7 million settlement against the State. But one of those children will not be able to make use of that settlement, because she was found dead, leaving behind two daughters. Her death is apparently being reported as a suicide or "drug overdose," but her mother has a different opinion: "They killed my daughter is what they did," Gaulin said. "If it wasn't for them, Kristine would be alive today."

Grandma Survived the Great Depression Because her Supply Chain was Local and She Knew How to do Stuff

We're taking care of my 92-year old mother-in-law here at home. She has the usual aches and pains and infirmities of advanced age but her mind and memory are still sharp. Her memories of her childhood are like a time capsule from the 1930s. My mom-in-law has always lived in the same general community here in Hawaii. She's never lived more than about 10 miles from the house where she was born (long since torn down) in 1931. Listening to her memories (and asking for more details) is to be transported back to the 1930s, an era of widespread poverty unrelated to the Great Depression. Many people were poor before the Depression. They were working hard but their incomes were low. Gardens were not a hobby, they were an essential source of food to feed a table of hungry kids and adults. Candy, snacks, sodas, etc. were treats reserved for special occasions and holidays. Kids usually went barefoot because shoes were outside the household's limited budget. Neighbors helped with births and deaths. Since no one could even dream of owning a car, transport was limited. Children and adults walked or biked miles to school or work. Many sole proprietors made a living delivering vegetables, meat and fish around the neighborhoods. (This distribution system is still present in rural France where my brother and sister-in-law lived for many years). Each vendor would arrive on a set day / time and housewives could gather to buy from the proprietor's jitney or truck. Children could eye the few candies longingly, and if they were lucky, a few pennies would be given to them to buy a candy. Locally baked bread was delivered by boys. Milk was delivered by small local dairies. If we compare the financial and material wealth most enjoy today with the limited income and assets of the pre-war era, we would conclude they lived in extreme poverty and their lives must have been wretched as a consequence. But if we compare health and endurance, well-being, security, general attitudes, family and community ties and values, we would conclude that it is we who are impoverished and it was their lives that were rich in these essentials of human life. The world has changed since the 1930s, of course. Materially, our wealth and options of what to do with our lives are off the charts compared to the 1930s. But if we look at health, security, well-being, community ties, social cohesion and civic virtue, our era seems insecure, disordered and deranging.

BlackRock and Vanguard are the Top Globalists Who Run the World – For Now

I have repeatedly stated for the past few years, since the COVID scam, that politicians do NOT run the world, but are puppets put into office by the Globalists who control the flow of the world's finances. They are part of the Satanic world system referred to throughout the New Testament portion of the Bible, and at the top of the financial pyramid they are Freemasons who serve Satan. The leading country in this demonic world system is the United States, which was founded as a Freemason country to introduce a New World Order. To identify these Globalists who control the world's financial system, we need to simply identify the main people who control most of the world's money. At the top of the pyramid today sits BlackRock, led by Larry Fink. James Corbett has just produced an incredible investigative report on the rise of BlackRock titled: How BlackRock Conquered the World. James Corbett has also published an exposé on Vanguard as well: How Vanguard Conquered the World. These are the people who control the affairs of the world, including planning ScamDemics as they did in 2020, because their ponzi scheme banks and stock markets are running out of money as they work towards a collapse of the world's economy, which could be imminent, and then implement their "Great Reset." They control who "wins elections" as well, so that it doesn't matter if you vote for their candidates or not. But they are human, and they are not invincible. Their system is falling apart, and just as James, the half-brother of Jesus Christ, wrote about the Satanic Jewish bankers of his day just before Jerusalem and its financial system was destroyed in 70 A.D., so too these Freemason Satanic Jews will soon meet their fate. "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days." (James 5:1-3)

Why Are Americans Allowing Mass Murderers and Criminals to Continue Running the Country? The “Gun Control” Issue Almost Nobody is Discussing

The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States is a hotly debated political topic today. It reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The political debate around this issue seldom changes, dividing "Right" vs. "Left" political ideas as to just who should and should not have the right to bear arms, and what kind of "arms" should be allowed. Both positions of this debate start from a presupposition that the issue in question in this debate is the issue of private citizens owning and being able to carry firearms. What is often missing from this debate is who owns the majority of "arms" that are produced by weapon manufacturers in the United States? Those "arms" that are produced in the U.S. today include things like military jets, tanks, missiles, direct energy weapons, and many others. The Americans employed by the U.S. Government are, by far, the most numerous class of Americans who carry and use weapons. Here's the main issue almost nobody is talking about, however: Once these Globalists take a paycheck from the Government to pay for all their weapons they produced and that are then used by Government agents, they no longer own them. Who does? We the people do. So if we own all these weapons that Government agents are using, who is controlling these weapons that WE paid for? This is the REAL "gun control" issue, not the fake gun control issues we read about in the corporate media almost every day about non-Government employees who are private citizens and choose to buy a weapon from a local gun shop or from another private citizen. No, the REAL issue is that the vast majority of arms produced in this country are not sold to private citizens, but to the government who are supposed to be "public servants" who then use our weapons. How often have you read in either the corporate media or the alternative media that there are 103 government agencies outside of the Department of Defense (military) that use and carry weapons here in the United States? Where are all these weapons? They are all around you, in every community of every state in the U.S. The people carrying and using them are your neighbors and family members. So why are we so afraid of the Central Bankers and Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires?? We probably outnumber them by more than a million to one, and we could easily take back control of this country, legally and by following the Constitution, by simply taking control of OUR weapons.

The United States has been the Center of the New World Order Controlled by Satan for 250 Years

In my New Year's article for 2023, I asked this question about the year 2023: "Will America Fulfill Its Destiny?" I wrote: As the year 2022 comes to a close, there can be little doubt that the United States is a nation in decline, in many ways. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the U.S. Government is not looking out for the best interests of its citizens, and in fact is part of the Global plan to implement a New World Order. And a big part of that plan is to reduce the world’s population, something we saw accelerate in 2022 with unprecedented “unexplained sudden deaths” among young, healthy adults, as well as unprecedented fetal deaths. It is a shame that it took a worldwide scam known as “COVID-19” and then the roll out of the COVID-19 “vaccines” to start waking people up to this fact, even though most are still asleep and trusting their government and corporate media, when there have been others that have been warning about this plan to implement a New World Order for many decades now, but written off by pop culture and the corporate media as “conspiracy theorists,” a term first used by the CIA to refer to people who did not accept the Government narrative on the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960s. The fact is, the evidence that the U.S. is part of a New World Order that follows Satan rather than God, has been right in front of our eyes since the founding of this nation, as many of our “founding fathers” were members of Freemasonry, and their images and symbols are everywhere in our culture, including “The Great Seal” of the United States, which is printed into our currency on the $1 bill. One of the Latin phrases at the bottom of that seal is “Novus ordo seclorum,” which means “A New Order of the Ages.” I am writing this follow-up article today on Sunday September 24, 2023, where the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, the "Day of Atonement," will begin at sundown, and is considered by many to be the holiest day of the year, while yesterday, September 23, 2023, was the Autumn Equinox, marking the first day of the Fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. Change is definitely in the air, I can feel it, and so it is time to remind ourselves that the United States has been the center of the plans to create a New World Order since this nation was founded almost 250 years ago, and the worldwide center of Freemasonry. Or to put it another way, the United States of America is probably the most evil place in the world, because it was founded with the goal to be the center of Freemasonry, and a Satanic New World Order.

Push Back Against Doctors who Medically Kidnap Children Increases Nationwide

The pure evil that exists in the U.S. medical system was exposed to the whole world during the COVID scam, where novel new products were unleashed onto the public through "emergency orders" that ended up killing and maiming MILLIONS. But even before COVID, I have been warning the public about just how evil this medical system is for over 2 decades now, as I have called upon all true disciples of Jesus to leave this Satanic system that is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. when you add together hospital errors and death by prescription drugs and vaccines together. And yet, the pharmaceutical cult is so strong, that even after the COVID massacre, most Americans still choose to visit a hospital or doctor's clinic when they are sick, or when their child is sick. But there is a whole sub-class of the American public who have learned the hard way by experience just how evil the medical system is, and they are families who have suffered from medical doctors who have determined that they are not fit to take care of their children based on their "medical expertise", and have worked with the government child welfare agencies to have their children medically kidnapped. Many of these families who been traumatized and lost their children to medical doctors and hospitals through medical kidnapping, will never visit a hospital or medical doctor again, and for good reason. The one film that has documented this horrible practice of medical kidnapping the best so far, is the Netflix hit movie, Take Care of Maya. The lawsuit suing Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in the Kowalski medical kidnapping case that was featured in the Netflix film, is now in the jury selection phase. Sadly, the experience of the Kowalski family is not a unique story, but representative of a national epidemic of children being medically kidnapped by medical doctors, many of whom are now certified as "Child Abuse Doctors", a new certification in the area of medical pediatrics since about 2010. They work primarily in the nation's Children Hospitals network. And while we have been covering this evil practice in the medical system for over a decade now, there does appear to be a growing resistance finally forming to expose these criminals who hide behind white coats and the public's favorable view toward their medical profession. Here are some recent medical kidnapping stories that are currently in the news here in the United States where people are pushing back against the criminal medical kidnapping doctors.

Since National U.S. Elections are Rigged by The Globalists, Why are You Voting for Their Candidates?

The "right to vote" in political elections is regarded as a sacred duty for most Americans, as this "value" is driven into our subconsciousness from our earliest ages through the educational system and mass media. The illusion that the public has actual choices to "vote" into office is a fairly recent development in human history, and has been part of Western Culture since the 17th Century. Today in the United States of America, the American public is kept in check by the Globalists by ensuring that there is only a 2-party system so that the country can be perpetually divided and fighting against each other, instead of uniting together to overthrow the Globalists who control the world's financial system, and make sure that candidates who serve their interests are leading BOTH political parties. Here in 2023, almost ALL Americans admit that national election results are rigged. The Republicans have made this a central issue since the 2020 elections, and the Trump campaign recently released a video showing that the Democrats have also complained about rigged elections in the past. So why are the majority of Americans today still choosing to support and vote for one of the Globalists' puppets for the office of the President of the United States? The strongest message that the American public could send to these Globalists would be to simply STAY HOME AND DO NOT VOTE for their puppet candidates! Something like a 25% to 30% voter turnout would actually send the strongest message possible to these Globalists, communicating that the American public is on to them, and that they are NOT going to participate in their evil schemes anymore. This would actually terrify them, I guarantee it. But I already know the objections and criticisms that will be leveled against me for even daring to suggest we should not participate in national elections, as this is not the first time I have written this. People want their idols and heroes to vote for, and "choosing the lesser of two evils" is perfectly acceptable to most Americans. If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, however, you are mocking your King and Savior if go out and cast a vote for one of Satan's demonic representatives.

PlanDemics are Impossible without FEAR – the Alternative Media is Doing Their Best to Keep the Culture of Fear Going with Fake Virus Propaganda

There are many ways to look back historically on the Great COVID Con that began in 2020, commonly referred to in the Alternative Media by names such as PlanDemic, ScamDemic, etc. Perhaps the best way to describe what happened in early 2020 that spread all across the world, is to describe it as a "Pandemic of Fear." Because if the majority of people around the world who were exposed to this campaign had not responded in fear, it would have just been another garden variety "virus" that they have tried to use to create fear every year prior to COVID, such as Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, etc. FEAR, was the key factor that enabled most of the world's population to accept "emergency orders" that suspended the Constitution of the United States and allowed the tyrants to lock us down, and then mandate experimental vaccines for this COVID-19 "killer virus." The whole COVID-19 "pandemic" would have run the same course as every other "virus pandemic" that preceded it, and fizzled into nothing, if only FEAR had been absent in sufficient amounts as all the previous "deadly pandemics" that were all scripted with the hope of the outcome that was finally achieved in 2020. And it will be FEAR again that will lay the groundwork for the next Plandemic, and that fear is being kept alive today, mostly in the Alternative Media, with stories that have appeared in recent days trying to scare people into believing that there is a new "virus" that is about to be unleashed on the public. If you want to stop the next "Pandemic" that is being planned, whatever it is going to be labeled, the solution is actually quite simple: STOP FEARING VIRUSES! If you don't fear them, they can't hurt you, and the medical mafia will have no control over you.

Why did Big Tech Billionaires Fund the Distribution of Sound of Freedom? The “New Right” Technocrats are Redefining Conservative Politics and Religious Values

I (and many others) have already reported on the fact that the original funding to produce the film "Sound of Freedom" came from Billionaires, many of whom have direct associations with child trafficking themselves. In an investigative article published this week on The Information, Julia Black has reported that Elon Musk's venture capital firms rescued Angel Studios from bankruptcy last year with a $47 million funding round that allowed them to distribute the box office hit, Sound of Freedom. She wrote: "In February 2021, a Mormon film producer named Jeffrey Harmon returned home to Provo, Utah, raving about an exclusive gathering he’d just attended in Austin, Tex. He’d been invited by an old friend, Stephen Oskoui, who ran Austin-based venture capital firm Gigafund alongside Luke Nosek, a founding partner of Founders Fund and a member of the famed PayPal mafia. According to sources close to Harmon, the event was attended by a who’s who of tech elites, including Oskoui, Nosek and, most memorably, Elon Musk. At the gathering, Harmon had the chance to speak to Musk and Oskoui about VidAngel, the film company founded with three of his brothers that would soon become rebranded Angel Studios. Later that year, Oskoui and Nosek’s Gigafund led a $47 million funding round to support Angel Studios in its efforts to upend Hollywood with religious programming and other 'stories that amplify light.' This summer, the fruits of that investment appeared: Angel Studios released the blockbuster film about child sex trafficking 'Sound of Freedom,' which has surpassed $210 million in global box office numbers and become a rallying point for Christian conservatives and the far right. The investment in Angel Studios was an unusual one for Oskoui and Nosek, who had never previously shown interest in the entertainment industry. The duo started Gigafund in 2017 with the intention of raising funds for Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, and followed up with a $125 million investment that year. In the years since, they have followed up with bets on other firms owned by Musk as well as on companies developing nuclear energy solutions (Last Energy), photonic artificial intelligence chips (Luminous Computing) and precision genome engineering (Synthego)." This funding of religious content by Big Tech is part of what some people are defining as "The New Right", where former PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, part of the infamous PayPal Mafia, is seen as one of their leaders. See: Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets - "They’re not MAGA. They’re not QAnon. Curtis Yarvin and the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics." It is not surprising that these Technocrat Billionaires that make up the "New Right" are defining Christianity through Mormon lenses, as there are elements within Mormonism that find transhumanism as an acceptable outcome of modern technology.

$5.3 Billion Spent on Direct Energy Weapons in 2022 – Is The New Age of “Climatic Warfare” Here?

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, and the Founder and Editor of Global Research. We have featured his work several times here on Health Impact News, and likewise Professor Chossudovsky has featured my work in the past on Global Research. Professor Chossudovsky has been covering the subject of energy weapons being developed by Government sources for over 2 decades now. In 2007 he published an article on "weather warfare" in The Ecologist, where he used the term "Climatic Warfare." He also has a Substack page now, where he has recently published some articles on direct energy weapons (DEWs). He reports that DEWs are a "$5.3 Billion dollar business (2022) which is slated to increase to $12.9 Billon dollars by 2027." So DEWs are not conspiracy theories. They are real, and $billions are being spent on them, mostly by our U.S. Government using American taxpayer funds. Along with traditional defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, and many others who are developing DEWs, Big Tech is becoming a major recipient of Defense Department contracts as well, and Elon Musk currently has the most satellites in orbit, many funded and used by the U.S. Military and their new military branch of service, Space Force, started by Donald Trump during his term as U.S. President. has also been awarded $billions in contracts to put hardware into space. This is where the REAL danger lies with Big Tech, and not the AI hype that they want people to believe and that is now getting all the attention (allegedly) in Washington D.C. When you constantly see Elon Musk's face appear in photos with heads of state, such as his alleged upcoming visit with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, don't be fooled into believing that they are just talking about all the dangers AI presents to mankind, or opening up new Tesla plants. More than likely directed energy weapons and the ongoing arms race in space is the hot topic on the ticket, and Elon Musk currently has the best products on the market for this, with thousands of satellites with his SpaceX company already in orbit.

Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to be Abolished

9News out of Denver, Colorado has done some good investigative reporting recently on the status of legal child trafficking in their state, known as the "Child Welfare System." With access to both federal funds as well as state funding, it is much more lucrative for the State to place children in foster care and make them available for (adoption) trafficking than it is to let the child's own family take care of them. While this is a problem in every state in the U.S., it is apparently especially bad in Colorado according to a new report published by the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. 9News in Denver interviewed one local family who exemplifies this problem, as they have tried to adopt their own niece, who has already spent 2 years with them, but the State wants to place their niece with foster parents who are not related to the family instead. Statistics compiled over the years on the Child Welfare system clearly show that low income families, who are overwhelmingly minorities (Blacks, Natives, and Latinos), have a much higher rate of their children being put into the Child Welfare System than wealthier families, who are also the ones that make up the bulk of foster and adoptive parents, and are overwhelmingly White middle class Christian Conservatives. 85% or more (depending upon the state) of these children are removed from their homes, NOT because they were being abused, but because they were removed under the more broad term of "neglect," which has a wide range of interpretation, such as "medical neglect" when a parent refuses to comply with a doctor's opinion for medical services, such as vaccines. Other published studies have shown that even when the children have "troubled parents", which the vast majority of the time is defined when the parents are labeled as "drug abusers," (which almost always means illegal drugs such as marijuana, but NEVER prescription drugs, the choice of drugs for most middle class parents), those children of these "troubled parents" still do MUCH better in their "troubled" homes than they do in Foster Care, which is the nation's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. This is where the REAL child trafficking occurs in this country, and the only solution to end this child trafficking is to abolish the Child Welfare System. What kind of twisted, corrupt system exists to provide funding for strangers to parent other people's children, but almost nothing for biological families to keep their own children?

Deadliest “Vaccine” in U.S. History Now Becomes “Seasonal” as FDA Approves Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Shots

The FDA approved two new seasonal COVID-19 shots today, on September 11, 2023. The companies that were awarded this approval of seasonal COVID-19 shots by the FDA, were the two companies who were authorized to inject hundreds of millions of Americans with experimental emergency-use authorized COVID-19 shots starting in December of 2020, Pfizer and Moderna, who will go down in history as maiming and killing over 3X more people with their experimental injections than all previous FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years COMBINED, according to the U.S. Government's own statistics in their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. 30+ years of FDA approved vaccines: 946,791 cases of adverse events with 10,408 deaths. 2+ years of emergency authorized COVID-19 "vaccines": 1,591,249 cases of adverse events with 36,135 deaths. This will be a potential windfall in profits for Big Pharma and the medical system, as there are now TWO seasonal vaccines that are approved to be injected into the arms of every American, as COVID-19 shots join the annual influenza vaccines. What a historical day for America today! A day to memorialize death by Government terrorists. And yet the vast majority of the American public still believes that all these deaths were caused by Islamic terrorists and a "killer virus" from which they needed their Government to save them from.

The Concept of the American Christian Family is a Myth and is NOT Found Anywhere in the Bible

When you see an image, or an actual photo, of an American family such as the one above, what comes into your mind about the 5 people in this image? For me, being raised in a church-going family and part of the Christian religion, I used to look at images, photos, or actual groups of people resembling this illustration in public, and conclude that this was a "good Christian family" who all go to church together every Sunday. I would just assume that the adult man and woman in this photo were married and that the children with them were born to them after they were married. If it was an "ideal" Christian family, they would not have been previously married to anyone else, and would have been married as virgins because they were "good Christians" who saved themselves until God brought them the "perfect" husband or wife. However, I am older and wiser now, and when I see an image like this, or a group of people in public like this, I no longer imagine the same kind of things about these people in this "family" that I used to think. It would look more like the image below, with commentary about who each person in this graphic is more likely to be. And while some may want to say and believe that everything written in this graphic below is likely to be rare when one sees such actual "family units" in public or in photos, I am quite confident to say that the way I now see such "family" units as in the image below with the sample bios, is far more common than the false, storybook "ideal" Christian family that is portrayed by our culture. In fact the culturally-defined "Christian Family" concept is a myth, and is found nowhere in the Bible.

Your Car is Spying on You MORE than Smart Home Devices and Cell Phones

Reviewers at the Mozilla Foundation published a Privacy Report yesterday (9/6/2023) on cars, and they concluded: "All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label -- making cars the official worst category of products for privacy that we have ever reviewed." They stated in their review that car companies have many more data-collecting opportunities than other products and apps people use, more than even smart devices in homes or the cell phones people take wherever they go. "The ways that car companies collect and share your data are so vast and complicated that we wrote an entire piece on how that works. The gist is: they can collect super intimate information about you -- from your medical information, your genetic information, to your 'sex life' (seriously), to how fast you drive, where you drive, and what songs you play in your car -- in huge quantities. They then use it to invent more data about you through 'inferences' about things like your intelligence, abilities, and interests."

We Have Replaced Wisdom with Technology and We Will Suffer the Consequences

Are you prepared for the post-technological age? As I have written in previous articles, when I write about a "crash" of the technology, and the "post-technological age," I am NOT stating that all the technology will go away or fail. What is inevitable is that we will recognize the limitations of this technology, including the ways it enslaves us, and we will be forced to use our God-given creativity and ingenuity to make smart uses of the technology, without depending upon it as much as we do now. But there are very few people today who are even thinking about that day, let alone preparing for it, and they will be the ones who suffer the most. So to prepare for the future post-technological age, we need to acknowledge the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Black Cumin Seeds: Nature’s “Miracle” Herb that Heals Better than Drugs

One of the most healthy things you can do is to immediately stop consuming toxic oils that are recent additions into the human food chain, which include soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, and most industrialized polyunsaturated oils that only exist today because of modern technology. Replace those toxic oils with traditional fats and oils from clean sources that have nourished the human race for thousands of years, and those include coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, sesame seed oil, butter, beef tallow, and lard. Animal fats need to come from clean animals that have access to pasture and are not pumped full of vaccines and drugs. Although unknown to most Americans, black cumin seed oil is another traditional oil that has been consumed by populations in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East for thousands of years. Nigella sativa is the Latin name, and it is known by various other names such as: black caraway, fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, kaljeera, habbat al-barakah, among others. It is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah, in chapter 28, verses 25 and 27. Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who ruled Egypt from 1333 BC to 1324 BC, and they were found in a pilgrim flask in Turkey from the ancient Hittite empire, dating from around 1650 BC. The Islamic Prophet is reported to have stated that black cumin seeds are "the remedy for all diseases but death." Black Cumin Seed oil is not just a culinary oil, but a healing oil. A search in the U.S. Government database PubMed for Nigella sativa will return over 2000 peer-reviewed studies on its healing properties, including ongoing research and studies published this year (2023). Once you learn that healing is 100% obtainable outside of the medical paradigm which has become thoroughly evil and part of the Satanic world system, you will be free from their bondage and wonder how in the world you ever trusted them in the first place.

Labor Day USA: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Have Lost Their Jobs and Been Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

Ever since the rollout of the COVID bioweapon shots in 2021, the U.S. labor force has taken a huge hit in the sheer volume of disabilities that increased in 2022. And yet, the official government statistics on "new jobs" from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have consistently been fudged to make it look like new jobs are being created which has stopped the stock market from crashing.  These falsified statistics have been consistently "adjusted" downward after the original reports have been released. We know from the reports that Edward Dowd has been creating from his Phinance Technologies that there have been dramatic increases in disabilities since last year (2022) starting in 2021 when the COVID experimental shots were rolled out. Today, ZeroHedge News has published an explosive article on a deep dive into the "job creation" numbers as reported by the BLS, and they have found that "all job creation in the past 4 years has been exclusively for foreign-born workers!" Last month, August, 2023, native-born workers in the U.S. dropped by 1.2 million, while foreign-born workers increased by 668K to a record 30.396 million. Happy Labor Day United States....

More Children Under the Age of 16 Died from Non-COVID Vaccines than COVID Vaccines Since December 2020

The horrific deaths and injuries caused by the experimental COVID bioweapon shots have created new "super stars" in the alternative media who "woke up" during the COVID scam to realize for the first time that the U.S. Government has no problem lying to the American public, even when their advice results in many deaths and injuries. Many of these new "stars" in the alternative media continue to earn their income from "exposing" the COVID scam and how dangerous the shots are almost three years later. That's because they became famous during COVID and the roll-out of the shots in 2021, and they don't really have much else to talk or write about. Almost everyone among these new "super stars" are now being labeled as "anti-vaccine", even though almost all of them are clearly not anti-vaccine, and only anti-COVID vaccines, and still believe in non-COVID vaccines. There are still a few of us who are truly "anti-vaccine," such as myself, and have warned the public for many years prior to COVID that vaccines were weapons that killed and injured people, primarily babies and children. Health Impact News also gained a large following during the COVID scam and roll-out of the COVID bioweapon shots, warning parents and others not to trust these shots. One of the videos we produced in August of 2021 warning people not to take these shots, has now been viewed by almost 12 million people. Honestly, how many more people still need to be educated on how horrible these shots are that have not already been exposed to this information? While we are still covering this issue, it is not headline news every day anymore, as there are other very important topics affecting all of us today. So here's my beef with the alternative media these days: The non-COVID vaccines are still killing and maiming children! In fact, more children under the age of 16 have died from non-COVID vaccines than the COVID "vaccines" since the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020, and almost NOBODY is talking about this!