Today I am publishing the real life story of a man who lives in a Muslim country, was fooled into believing that COVID was real and therefore received two doses of the Pfizer COVID shots, was injured by those shots, and then began to go online searching for the truth.
In his search he found many of the dissenting doctors who provided the other side of the COVID shots, and his research led him to Health Impact News, where I have continually published articles about the dangers of religions, ALL religions including Christianity, which led him to start studying the Bible, something he had never done before as a Muslim, having only been taught the Quran. He wanted to learn the truth about the historical person of Jesus Christ.
Islam acknowledges the historical person of Jesus Christ, as well as the writings in the Bible, which predate Islam and the Quran.
But their view of Jesus, who is referred to as "Isa" in Arabic and the Quran, are very different in the Quran from how Jesus is documented in the New Testament (Injil in Arabic) portion of the Bible. Most Muslims are taught that Jesus did NOT die on the cross and did not rise up from the dead three days later, as is clearly taught in the New Testament.
And although Islam teaches that the Bible is the Word of God, they believe that the Bible today has been changed, and that we do not have the true Bible any longer.
Therefore, very few Muslims ever read the Bible to see what it says for themselves.
So why am I publishing this man's story today?
I am publishing it for two main reasons:
First, as an indictment against American Christianity and American Christians who believe that all Muslims are evil people, and even worthy of mass murder and genocide, as we are seeing EVERY SINGLE DAY right now in Palestine, as many American Zionist Christians cheer the deaths of these Palestinians, many of whom are children.
Why would anyone with a Muslim background ever want to consider reading the Bible and learning what the Bible teaches about Jesus, when Christians are hell-bent on demonizing and destroying them because of their religious association?
If I had taken this non-Biblical view of Zionist Christianity in my writings, this man would probably never have found the truth that I publish that one does NOT need to convert to Christianity to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
But today, this man has now been born into the spiritual seed of Abraham through his faith in Jesus Christ, and that is all that matters to him now, even as he stands completely alone in his country with no friends or family members who share his faith. He has no need nor any desire to "convert" from one religion to another.
Secondly, I am publishing this today for all our Muslim readers who read our articles, to let them know that they do NOT need to convert to Christianity to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to read the Injil, the New Testament portion of the Bible, and learn about Jesus Christ directly from the Bible.
In many Muslim countries it is forbidden to read the Bible, and the penalty under Muslim law for converting out of Islam is punishable by death in many Muslim countries.
But anyone can now read the Bible thanks to the Internet.
And I am also very happy to state to all of our Muslim readers, that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY to know Jesus, and become his disciple.
You can just start reading the Bible for yourself, as Abdulah did.