Was the Recent YouTube Purging Related to Child Trafficking? Corporate Media Suddenly Wants to Discredit QAnon Movement

The corporate-funded "mainstream" media works hard every day attempting to control the narrative of what they want Americans and people around the world to believe are the most serious issues facing us today, which according to the Wall Street-funded media is the Coronavirus "pandemic" and the U.S. Presidential elections. Any attempts outside of their control to publish truth about other issues are being censored and squashed, primarily through their accomplices in Big Tech and the major social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube. Interestingly, in recent days the corporate media has focused hard on trying to discredit the QAnon movement, which has pretty much been a part of the American scene for the past 4 years, just shortly after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. Not only are they apparently feeding the major news networks propaganda to spread about what they want the public to believe about QAnon, it seems that the recent purge of hundreds of popular YouTube channels representing millions of viewers also had one common theme: they were exposing child trafficking, the main topic of the QAnon movement. So after ignoring the QAnon movement for the most part during the past 4 years, what has changed now? Whatever it is, it must be serious.

Frontline Doctors Return to Washington D.C. to Dispel COVID Myths and to Offer Truth and Hope

America's Frontline Doctors returned to Washington D.C. this week for their second White Coat Summit. Their Press Conference on the steps of the Supreme Court back in July quickly went viral, and was promptly deleted and censored by Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Google's Youtube. Health Impact News grabbed a copy before they were deleted, and published it on our Bitchute channel, where it currently has over 190,000 views. They were back in even greater numbers this week, again giving an initial Press Conference in front of the Supreme Court. Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of Frontline Doctors, gave the opening address: "Hello everybody. I am Dr. Simone Gold. I'm a board certified emergency physician and the founder of America's Frontline Doctors. I'm also a Stanford University educated attorney. And we've come back with some of my group for the second White Coats Summit. We're here to speak to America just like we did on July 27th. At that time we brought the American people truth and hope and optimism. And we're here to give you more truth and more reasons to be optimistic and to not live in fear. There continues to be a great deal of disinformation and outright censorship. Since our Summit, the censorship unfortunately has gotten worse. Because of that, we've established a website: America's Frontline Doctors, where you can find the truth, where the truth is not censored. Today, we're going to bring you information about masks, about lockdowns, about most importantly, early treatment. Reasons to be optimistic. We're going to dispel the myths. I want to start with masks. And I start with this because there is a legal crisis, a Constitutional crisis, that we're not recognizing. And it is, to some extent, personified by the forced, mandated wearing of masks. Let's not tip toe around the great big elephant in the room. The facts are actually not in dispute. Masks are completely irrelevant in blocking the SARS-COV2 virus."

Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny

Tens of thousands, and perhaps now even hundreds of thousands of doctors, nurses, and many other medical professionals worldwide are taking action to combat the misinformation being propagated by governments and government-controlled media that continue to publish false propaganda regarding COVID. The vast majority of medical professionals worldwide now seem to agree that the COVID "pandemic" and the government actions still being implemented in response to COVID are causing much more harm than COVID itself. Almost all of these doctors and medical professionals now seem to agree that COVID is no worse than a typical flu season, and the main test being used to supposedly test for COVID, the PCR Test, is not reliable. The main question left, and indeed perhaps the question from which the answer may very well determine the future fate of our planet, is will enough people in the general public stop believing the lies their government and the corporate media continue to broadcast, using bureaucratic "doctors" who are only "doctors" in name and are instead politicians who hang letters before and after their names (Dr. - MD) to try and give them credibility, but never actually examine real patients nor practice medicine, and instead look elsewhere to find out the truth, particularly from the REAL doctors and medical professionals who have all now figured out that COVID is nothing worth shutting down society over and implementing a New World Order? These doctors and medical professionals are fighting censorship and ridicule from the ruling classes, the corporate media, and the Big Tech Social Media giants. COVID is, first and foremost, an INFORMATION WAR, and unless Americans can learn how to turn off their cable news programs with their BILLIONS in funding, mainly from Big Pharma, and take the time to research the issues for themselves, the Globalists will unleash their vaccines and other untested products while also causing social unrest in their effort to implement their New World Order.

Holocaust Survivor: I Saved my Own Life by being “Oppositional Defiant” – Americans are not Rebelling Against Things that are Wrong!

Vera Sharav was recently interviewed by Attorney Leah Wilson, the Executive Director of Stand for Health Freedom. Vera Sharav is the Founder and President of Alliance for Human Research Protection, and is a frequent guest contributor on Health Impact News. Vera was 3 years old when her family was taken out of their home in Romania and herded into a Nazi Concentration Camp. Her father died soon afterwards of typhus. She lived in this camp for more than two years, when plans were put in place to close the camp and annihilate everyone. She reports how a deal was made to allow the orphans to leave the camp if they had someone to sign for them. So her mother sent her out of the camp as an "orphan" to stay with other families. Vera claims this "saved her life." But it came at a cost: "I can't stress how awful it is for a child to be separated from their parents. It's really, really devastating." As a wandering child, she learned how to select adults whom she could trust. She did not trust being with her peers (other orphan children). She was supposed to board a boat with other orphan children, to be taken to Israel.  But she refused. She did not want to be separated from the family she was with and became attached to. She became a "problem" by crying and putting up a fight to not go on the orphan boat. So she ended up going on one of the other two boats with the family she was with. Vera states that if it had been today, she would have been labeled as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. She was six years old at the time. But during the night, a submarine sunk the boat with the orphans, the boat she was supposed to be on. "I knew that I saved my own life by being (labeled as) 'Oppositional Defiant Disorder.' That's a lesson that right now is very needed. Adults now are not rebelling against things that are wrong. People are being pushed around, being denied normal interaction, and they're just following it like sheep. There's something very wrong. Part of what's wrong is the idea of just following authority without considering, 'What if they're wrong? What if it's not in my best interest? Why?' This is very dangerous that we have so many people, good people, people who think that they are doing the right thing."

Testimony of German Attorney: Those Responsible for “Corona Scandal” Must be Criminally Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Hello. I am Reiner Fuellmich and I have been admitted to the Bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world; VW, one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud; and Kuehne and Nagel, the world’s largest shipping company. We’re suing them in a multi-million-dollar bribery case.  I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.  This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a “Corona Scandal” and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas. And for this reason I will now explain to you how and where an international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever, the corona fraud scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. 

Another “Conservative Judge” from the Swamp Nominated to the Supreme Court

Evangelicals, conservatives and pro-lifers are dancing with glee over Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the U.S. Supreme Court. They shouldn’t be. Once again, conservatives are being conned. I keep reminding people that SCOTUS has been dominated by Republican appointments since before the infamous Roe v Wade decision in 1973. We are talking a half-century. How justices voted on Roe back in 1973? The vote was 7 in support and 2 opposed. GOP appointments had a 6 – 3 majority when the Roe decision was decided. Note that 5 of those 6 Republican-appointed justices voted in favor of Roe. They didn’t even need a Democrat-appointed justice to vote for Roe (which 2 did) in order for it to pass. Notice, too, that only one Republican-appointed justice voted against Roe. To put it another way: 66% of the Democrat-appointed justices voted for Roe, while 83% of the Republican-appointed justices voted for Roe. And, again, remember that the Republican Party has held a majority of the Supreme Court for 50 years, and yet Roe has never been overturned. And Trump’s appointments are going to prove to be no better.

Facebook Purge of Alternative Health Sites Coming – Censors Story on Doctor Curing 1700 Patients with HCQ: “Could Cause Physical Harm – Make Some People Feel Unsafe on Facebook”

As we get closer to the November elections, Big Tech social media companies appear to be getting ready to purge all accounts that dare to question Big Pharma and their COVID narrative. While articles published by Health Impact News are regularly censored because their own biased "Fact-checkers" police Facebook ready to squash any dissenters who dare to publish the truth, in recent days we have been warned more sternly that our page will soon be "unpublished" if we continue to publish what they deem "fake news." Our latest "crime" was the article we published yesterday with the interview of Dr. Brian Tyson, who claims he has cured over 1700 patients with hydroxychloroquine. Our post about the article was removed, and comments from our readers stated that when they tried to share the article on Facebook via their own pages, they were banned for 30 days. "I just got blocked from FB for 30 days for sharing this article." - Walter. The reason Facebook gave for censoring the article was: "We have these standards because misinformation that could cause physical harm can make some people feel unsafe on Facebook." Yes, you read that correctly. A positive article about a medical doctor curing 1700 patients of COVID "could cause physical harm," and "make people feel unsafe." Nobody should be relying on these largely Pharma-funded Social Media giants to get reliable information anymore. Very soon they will be completely removing any independent voice that dares to publish the truth. Big Pharma wants you to only get the news they approve of, and to only get your news from their sources will lead to your DEATH. This is the New America. Truth is condemned, and lies are promoted to literally kill people. And it happens in BOTH political parties. It didn't happen overnight. Some of us have been warning the public for years about the tyranny of Big Pharma, especially in regards to vaccines. But COVID has now taken it to a whole new level, as the Globalists make their move to take over and "reset" the world economy, and implement their New World Order.

Washington Mother Represents Herself in Court and Beats CPS – Judge Orders Baby Returned Home

A Washington couple, 22-year-old Sophia Rosas and her fiancé, 23-year-old Sean Kilkenny, of Bremerton, have been fighting tooth and nail for the last month to bring home their two young children. The month of September ended quite differently than it began for the young couple, with relief and tears of joy instead of grief and sorrow, as Sophia and Sean's youngest son Riley was returned home for the second time, despite CPS objection. On September 30th, 2020, Sophia and Sean attended a Status Hearing in Kitsap County, Washington, regarding the out-of-home placement of their son, Riley. After hearing from all parties, and to the joy of the family and onlookers, Commissioner Clucas ordered that Riley be returned home immediately to his parents - that day!  Sophia did an amazing job representing herself at the hearing, despite not being allowed to continue pro se. During the hearing, Commissioner Clucas mentioned seeing Sophia at the courthouse filing documents and commended Sophia for her efforts in her case, saying she had “done an excellent job so far.”  He also said, “I wish that you could move on with your education, go to law school and sit here and represent parents” and then even told her “when this case is all over with, come talk to me about other ways you can work in this system.” Riley returned home the night of September 30th to a very happy Sophia and Sean. The family documented the joyous reunion through her facebook account, with many additional photos and videos following over the next few days. Sophia says “having Riley home is a huge relief and gives us all a lot of faith that Zurius will be returning home soon as well.”

I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book: What I Learned from 2000 Phone Calls

Leland Nally, writing for Mother Jones, has just published an article about his efforts in calling everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s "Little Black Book" - an effort that ended with nearly 2000 phone calls. Given what has happened to Jeffrey Epstein and the inability for all the alleged victims to face him in a court of law, we are reproducing Leland's entire article here under the Fair Use doctrine. It is already being republished across the Internet, helping to ensure that this information does not disappear. But as long as it is still up at Mother Jones, please go read it there, and support this incredible piece of journalism from Leland Nally. Such journalistic masterpieces as this are truly rare these days.... He writes: Totaling 97 pages and containing the names, numbers, and addresses of a considerable cross section of the global elite, Epstein’s personal contact book first turned up in a courtroom in 2009 after his former butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell it to lawyers representing Epstein’s victims for $50,000. Rodriguez described the book, apparently assembled by Epstein’s employees, as the “Holy Grail.” It is annotated with cryptic marginalia—stars next to certain entries, arrows pointing toward others–and the names of at least 38 people are circled for reasons that aren’t totally clear. There are 1,571 names in all, with roughly 5,000 phone numbers and thousands of emails and home addresses. There are celebrities, princes and princesses, high-profile scientists, artists from all over the world, all alongside some of the world’s most powerful oligarchs and political leaders—people like Prince Andrew (circled), Ehud Barak (circled), Donald Trump (circled). In 2011, Rodriguez was sentenced to 18 months in prison for having tried to sell the book to an undercover agent after failing to notify investigators about its existence. Rodriguez said in court that the book was “insurance” against Epstein, who wanted him to “disappear.” Rodriguez died of mesothelioma shortly after serving his sentence. The public first became aware of the book in 2015, when the now-defunct website Gawker published a version of Rodriguez’s copy, revealing for the first time just how ludicrously connected Epstein was to the people who run the world. Gawker’s file showed only names; attached phone numbers and emails were blacked out. Shortly before Epstein’s mysterious death in August 2019 in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Facility, an unredacted version of the book popped up on some dark corners of the internet, with almost every phone number, email, and home address entirely visible, and I got my hands on a copy. Epstein collected people, and if you ever had any interaction with him or Ghislaine Maxwell, his onetime girlfriend and alleged accomplice, you more than likely ended up in this book, and then several years later you received a call from me. I made close to 2,000 phone calls total. I spoke to billionaires, CEOs, bankers, models, celebrities, scientists, a Kennedy, and some of Epstein’s closest friends and confidants. I sat on my couch and phoned up royalty, spoke to ambassadors, irritated a senior adviser at Blackstone, and left squeaky voicemails for what must constitute a considerable percentage of the world oligarchy. At times the book felt like a dark palantir, giving me glimpses of dreadful, haunted dimensions that my soft, gentle, animal being was never supposed to encounter. I was interrupted [one day] by a call from a restricted number. The guy on the line said he was with the FBI. He said there were “reports of fraudulent phone calls” being made on this line, which I immediately understood as bullshit—I wasn’t committing any phone crime or trying to trick someone into doing so. “I don’t know about fraudulent, but I have a feeling I know what you’re talking about,” I said, undoubtedly sounding cool, relaxed, unbothered. He hung up and never called again, as far as I know. Whether the guy was FBI or a private security goon posing as a fed, the call was an important development—it told me that the book I was dealing with and the numbers it contained were genuine. Every cell phone, every yacht line, every private office number—they were all real, and every one of them was about to get a call from me.

Is Trump the Most Pro-Pharma President in History? QAnons Continue to Lose Credibility

It is important to remember that President Trump did not come through the political ranks like most presidents before him. He was chosen from the Wall Street Billionaires club. Since the COVID plandemic started earlier this year, over $7 TRILLION of federal funds has been allocated to fight "the virus." Most of that is for the multiple vaccines being developed under Operation Warp Speed, which was basically given a blank check to spend as much money as needed to develop COVID vaccines. It is safe to conclude that more funds have rolled into the bank accounts of Big Pharma this year, 2020, than probably the rest of the years of the history of the U.S. put together. Not all of the COVID funding went to Big Pharma of course. The military has received its fair share for its role in distributing the new vaccines, and what exactly that role is going to be is yet to be seen. Many other Wall Street corporations got richer over COVID as well, as businesses were chosen based arbitrarily on which ones were "essential" and which ones were not, and the entire business landscape in the U.S. changed almost literally overnight. Last week it was announced that President Trump tested positive for COVID along with "mild symptoms." He was admitted to Walter Reed hospital. The same day his condition was announced to the public, it was also immediately announced that the President was being administered a new experimental COVID drug, Regeneron’s REGN-COV2. Regeneron's co-founders then made the media rounds after the "free" publicity they received from the President for using their product. It was also announced that Trump was receiving the full doses of remdesivir, another experimental COVID drug, but one that has already received fast-track approval by the FDA. It has been widely distributed to hospitals, but sales had been slumping recently. Whatever you want to believe about the President's diagnosis with COVID, one thing is very clear: two pharmaceutical companies with experimental COVID drugs saw their sales and stock value soar. While all of this was being reported in the corporate media, some in the alternative media, and those among the QAnon publishers, were pushing a completely different narrative. In what was widely reported and accepted as "fact," we were told that President Trump was not at Walter Reed hospital at all, but on an aircraft carrier safe and sound, as several "assassination teams" had allegedly been deployed to take him out before the elections. So how did that turn out? Trump walked out of Walter Reed Hospital on national TV, took off his mask, and announced that his recovery was as "miracles coming down from God." It kind of reminds me of a prophecy in the book of Revelations in the Bible: "One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast." (Revelation 13:3)

Neurologist: COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. This is what she has to say about masks and their effects on our brains: “The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system. However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress. We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires.  In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active. To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed."

Michigan Governor Stripped of Power to Enforce Mandates – Why are the People of Michigan Still Obeying Her?

Last week the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Governor Whitmer's "legal" basis for practicing tyranny on the citizens of Michigan in the name of a "pandemic." Justice Stephen J. Markman, on behalf of the majority in a 4-3 majority that fell along party lines, wrote: “We conclude that the Governor lacked the authority to declare a ‘state of emergency’ or a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMA after April 30, 2020, on the basis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the EPGA is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government– including its plenary police powers– and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely. As a consequence, the EPGA cannot continue to provide a basis for the Governor to exercise emergency powers.” Whitmer had extended the "emergency orders" which had been in place since April, until near the end of October, and probably had every intention of extending them indefinitely. A few days later, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that she would no longer enforce the Governor's edicts. And while Nessel stated that her decision, as the highest law enforcement official in the State of Michigan, was not binding on other law enforcement agencies, several sheriffs throughout Michigan had already stated they would not enforce her edicts before the Supreme Court even ruled on them. And The Detroit News reported that the Michigan Chiefs of Police Association was going to follow the Attorney General's lead. "If the attorney general says it’s over, then it’s over," said Bob Stevenson, executive director of the association. But Governor Whitmer has decided she is still in charge and apparently above the law, as yesterday she issued new mask mandates and other mandates on public gatherings in a desperate attempt to remain in control of the public as their Tyrant in Chief. So the only thing now forcing people to obey the edicts of Whitmer, is the will of the people themselves. To you U.S. Citizens living in Michigan, what are you going to do now? You now have the law on your side, and your Governor does not. Will you continue to obey her as slaves, or stand up and exercise your freedoms? The entire country is watching you now. Time to take off your masks, open up your businesses, congregate, and act as free people!

World’s Top Epidemiologists Oppose Madman Fauci and Call for End to Lockdowns

Three of the world's top epidemiologists are going public to contradict Dr. Fauci and other doctor politicians who are calling for renewed lock-downs over the Coronavirus. They are: Dr. Martin Kulldorff - Harvard Medical School Professor,  Dr. Sunetra Gupta - Oxford University Epidemiology Professor,  and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya - Stanford Epidemiology Professor. They were interviewed Monday night by Laura Ingraham on Fox News. They claim that the consensus in the scientific community is NOT in favor of locking down entire populations, but only those at most risk, and they are calling for the end of lock-downs for the vast majority of the population who are not at risk for COVID.  And they are not alone. They published the "Great Barrington" declaration this week which has already been signed by over 1000 medical and public health scientists within the first few hours of being published.

Study: Woman Suffers Brain Injury from COVID Cotton Swab Test

Back in August this year we published an article written by Makia Freeman of The Freedom Articles titled:  "Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?" The very long cotton swab used for some of these COVID tests is very unusual, prompting speculation as to why such a long cotton swab is necessary.  I asked a retired medical doctor at that time who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia was saying in the article regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied: "There is no valid reason for swabbing the naso-pharynx so deeply that it causes pain and injury to the extreme back and roof of the nose. Whatever microorganisms are there are distributed throughout the entire nose and throat. They are supposedly easily communicated by a sneeze, hence the 'need' for masks.. You don’t have to go digging for them. You could even blow your nose into a tissue and that would be a sufficient sample to culture." Yesterday, October 1, 2020, a new study was published in JAMA Otolaryngology, documenting one case where a woman suffered a brain fluid leak after doctors punctured the lining during a coronavirus test. Surgery was required to repair the leak. The title of the study is "Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Nasal Swab Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019."

Washington Mom Fights to Get Son Back Who Was Wrongfully Taken Away Due to Her Medical Cannabis Treatment

A Washington couple, Sophia Rosas and Sean Kilkenny, of Bremerton, have been fighting for their two boys for the last 2 years. Not knowing how to speak for herself in court, Sophia was allegedly manipulated and coerced by her public defender to do what the CPS social workers at the Washington Department of Children, Family and Youth (DCYF) told her to do. But now Sophia has found her voice, learned how to file her own court documents, and she says since she began representing herself, “Everything is changing so fast!” Prior to firing her attorney, Sophia says that she felt coerced and intimidated anytime she disagreed and wanted to challenge what the Department was saying in court. She says she was not ever truly informed of her rights under The United States Constitution or even the Washington State Constitution, both of which require due process, including a hearing with witnesses and evidence, in order to restrict parental rights. Sophia says she doesn’t know what is going to happen in court on Wednesday, September 30th, but that things are definitely different. She feels that she is being treated with much more respect since she fired her inadequate attorney and took over her own cases. Sophia is obviously nervous, but says she believes that “justice will be done, either now - or later if I am forced to appeal to the higher courts.” She says she will never quit fighting to bring BOTH of her boys home, no matter how far she must go. “They should be home with me, where they belong… I will never give up my babies.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Opening Florida Due to New CDC Numbers Showing Very Low COVID Death Rates

The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said "enough is enough" and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease...or is it politics? Also, YouTube has censored Dr. Paul's Liberty Report, and is threatening to remove their entire channel.

Placer County California Reopens Businesses, Schools, Churches in Defiance of Gov. Newsom, and COVID Incidents Decrease – Model for Rest of California?

Kirk Uhler is the elected County Supervisor for the 4th District in Placer County, California. Placer County made news earlier this month (September, 2020) when the Board of Supervisors voted to remove all the COVID pandemic measures, allowing businesses, schools, and churches to re-open, risking losing state funding for defying Governor Newsom. As can be expected, Big Pharma interests kicked into high gear to protest the County's actions. Placer County Health Officer and Public Health Director, Dr. Aimee Sisson, for example, resigned from her position. Kirk Uhler streamed a Facebook video this week exposing the lies in a Sacramento Bee's article that blamed the unanimous Board resolution on "anti-vaxxers." In Uhler's video, he shows how New COVID cases, county residents hospitalized, positive test results, and cases per 100,000 have all dramatically DECREASED since the Board passed their resolution, which of course should silence all of their critics, except that those who want to continue "emergency" dictates indefinitely really do not care about statistics, or the truth. Other counties throughout California should now follow suit, and put the health and lives of their constituents as first priority over the tyrannical State Government's desire to continue destroying the economy of California, and any potential loss of COVID funding (which can be challenged in court as well). 

No, The U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Save Us

The U.S. Supreme Court will not save us. It doesn’t matter which party gets to pick the replacement to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. The battle that is gearing up right now is yet more distraction and spin to keep us oblivious to the steady encroachment on our rights by the architects of the American Police State.   Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice. Although the courts were established to serve as Courts of Justice, what we have been saddled with, instead, are Courts of Order. This is true at all levels of the judiciary, but especially so in the highest court of the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting government interests than with upholding the rights of the people enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. As a result, the police and other government agents have been generally empowered to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts. The system is rigged. Because the system is rigged and the U.S. Supreme Court—the so-called “people’s court”—has exchanged its appointed role as a gatekeeper of justice for its new role as maintainer of the status quo, the police state will keep winning and “we the people” will keep losing. For those deluded enough to believe that they’re living the American dream—where the government represents the people, where the people are equal in the eyes of the law, where the courts are arbiters of justice, where the police are keepers of the peace, and where the law is applied equally as a means of protecting the rights of the people—it’s time to wake up. We no longer have a representative government, a rule of law, or justice. Liberty has fallen to legalism. Freedom has fallen to fascism. Justice has become jaded, jaundiced and just plain unjust. And for too many, the American dream of freedom and opportunity has turned into a living nightmare.

Study: Proper Levels of Vitamin D will Prevent COVID – Vaccine not Needed

Dr. Michael Holick, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine, is an expert on Vitamin D, and we have featured his work on Health Impact News in the past. Much of Dr. Holick's previous work on Vitamin D has been in the area of "brittle bone" diseases, which often lead to false charges of Shaken Baby Syndrome and wrongly accusing parents of committing child abuse based on radiology reports showing bone fractures that have healed in young children, who are basically Vitamin D deficient. A recent study conducted by Dr. Holick and his associates looked at samples from Quest Diagnostics of more than 190,000 Americans from all 50 states and found that those who had deficient levels of vitamin D had 54% higher COVID positivity compared to those with adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood. “The higher your vitamin D status, lower was your risk,” Holick said. So now we can add Vitamin D to the list of simple, effective cures for SARS-CoV-2, joining hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C, ozone treatment, among others. Of course Big Pharma and the government health dictators will continue to deny these treatments, because the ramifications for their effectiveness would prove they are criminals and mass murderers, and that a COVID vaccine and new COVID drugs are just simply not needed. Then they would have to give the government back their $1 TRILLION + in funding to develop these drugs and treatments, and face charges in a court of law for mass murder by preventing these treatments, and attacking doctors who use them to save patients' lives. Real cures are just simply not profitable for Big Pharma and their Wall Street bankers who control the government, and they cannot be allowed.

Most Organizations formed to Combat Child Sex Trafficking are Actually Facilitating and Funding It

One of the tragic realities of child sex trafficking is the fact that groups who allegedly advocate for the end of child sex trafficking and the "protection" of children, are actually the very groups behind trafficking children. The most obvious example is the one we have been reporting on for years now here at Health Impact News, which is the government-funded child welfare system commonly referred to as "Child Protective Services," or CPS, which is the main vehicle by which children are kidnapped from their families and trafficked. Child sex trafficking has been a hot topic in the corporate media recently, and every time I am alerted to some of these news stories, especially where rallies or demonstrations are taking place, I always look at the group behind these public demonstrations, and who the leaders are within these groups. Very often Child Abuse Pediatricians and hospital child abuse clinics are involved, and as we have documented over the years, these doctors make their living solely by finding "medical abuse" so they can take custody away from the family and put them into the lucrative multi-billion dollar a year foster care and adoption system. We need to call this what it really is: Child Trafficking. These government-funded and privately run groups do not care about the welfare of children at all. If they did, they would do everything possible to keep children at home with their families, by supporting those families, which in many cases are poor, minority families. The Christian Church is one of the largest entities guilty of child trafficking, calling it "Orphan Care." The QAnon movement has also been in the media frequently in recent days, and a big part of this movement has been exposing child sex trafficking. Some of the Q followers, and some of the Q "droppings" themselves seem to have revealed true intelligence on the problem of child sex trafficking. But Satan is the "father of lies," and his most deceptive way of fooling the masses is promoting something that might be 90% or even 99% true, but 1% or 10% false, and this is the most dangerous deception of all. So while the QAnon phenomenon has exposed real intel on child sex trafficking, the belief that one person, a billionaire Wall Street insider turned politician and currently serving as the President of the United States, is going to clean up this entire mess of child sex trafficking and put everyone behind it in prison, might be one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Of course this religious-like belief is based on another deception, namely that the President of the United States runs the country. This is a false belief. The country is run by the Wall Street gang of billionaires and Central Bankers, which now includes the Silicon Valley moguls, along with the secretive intelligence agencies like the CIA who control the corporate propaganda media, and at the top of their leadership they are all pedophile Satanists, and most of them are probably addicted to Adrenochrome, which requires a fresh supply of blood from young children. Anyone who thinks Donald Trump can put away all of these Globalists has been thoroughly deceived. Reporter Whitney Webb has written an excellent piece exposing Ashton Kutcher's NGO group "Thorn" which supposedly protects children, and its links to Amazon.com's Jeff Bezos, facial recognition software, and the CIA.