The U.S. Financial System Built upon a Foundation of Lies is Crashing – Beware of the Coming Bank Bail-Ins

The Big Tech crash that I have been warning about since the last quarter of 2022, has now arrived, and it is crashing our entire economy. It started in 2022 with the blowup of the Cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme called FTX, whose CEO now sits in prison serving a 25-year sentence for fraud and conspiracy. This started massive Big Tech layoffs that have continued through this year, and in March of 2023, some of the largest Big Tech Silicon Valley banks failed. But a total collapse of the U.S. financial system was averted by a new Ponzi scheme, the AI bubble that I have been warning about for over a year and a half. Now everyone is admitting that it has been a bubble all along as investors look to dump their technology stocks as quickly as possible, as the "Magnificent 7" companies (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Tesla) have now lost a combined $1.28 TRILLION in market cap over three sessions. Anyway, the purpose of this article is not to gloat and say "I told you so" for warning about this for almost 2 years while we are seeing it happen today in real time as Big Tech crashes, but to warn you what is inevitably going to happen next, so you can be prepared before it happens: Bank Bail-ins!

U.S. Military Report: U.S. Cannot Defeat China, U.S. Public Unaware of Dangers and Unprepared for Societal Breakdown

A truly historic event was held in Washington D.C. this week that barely broke into the news cycle, when Eric Edelman and Jane Harman, from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, presented their findings to members of Congress based on a RAND Corporation published report that came out this week explaining that the U.S. could not win a war against China, and that Americans are totally unaware of the danger they are in and totally unprepared for the consequences of such a war, such as a Cyber Attack that would bring down our ports and much of our network services infrastructure. It's one thing to read an article in the Alternative Media warning about the imminent collapse of society we are facing due to current world events, but it ceases to be a "conspiracy theory" when the exact same thing is said by a DoD military think tank before members of Congress. I am posting the entire 2-hour video of this Congressional report, as well as a link to the actual study published by the RAND Corporation, but here are a couple of clips that together are under 5 minutes long that show how serious of an issue this is that most Americans are totally oblivious to, and that was barely even mentioned in the news this week.

Turkish Intelligence Agency Brokers Largest Prisoner Swap with Russia in Modern Times

Most of the headline news yesterday was about the largest prisoner swap with Russia since the end of the Cold War period, giving a brief moment of positive news among a steady stream of negative headline news that comes across our screens day after day. And yet among all the reports about this prisoner swap as reported in the U.S. news, there was barely a mention about who made all of this possible, which was the country of Turkey, and their national intelligence agency, MIT. The prisoner swaps happened in Ankara, Turkey, the nation's political capital, a city that I once called my "home" back in the 1980s, when I was studying Turkish at Ankara University and living in the city. Turkey is a country that is constantly portrayed negatively in the U.S. media, including the alternative media, mainly due to American prejudices against Muslim people. Turkey is the only Muslim nation that is part of NATO, and it has maintained strong, friendly ties to Russia, a country it borders, for decades now. This event has now thrown Turkey into the international spotlight, showing that the country has serious diplomatic clout and perhaps an intelligence agency that has been very underrated in the West. I am going to reprint here something I wrote and published last year about my first trip to Turkey as a young man, and how my views and understanding of this country were radically changed after meeting people who lived there, and then living there for several years and learning their language. The point I am trying to make in sharing this experience with the public, is that we should never judge people from another country based on what the media tells us, or based on the politicians and politics of that country. And most importantly, we should never judge people based on whatever religious group they belong to.

Elon Musk and the CIA try to Overthrow the New Democratically Elected Government in Venezuela

The people of Venezuela just recently completed their national elections, voting to keep the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, in power for a 3rd term. Because the U.S. did not back Maduro during the elections, but instead his opponent, Edmundo González Urrutia, the U.S. did what it usually does when their favorite candidate did not win, and employed the U.S. Mocking Bird media to run smear campaigns against the winner, while the CIA has allegedly taken measures to try and depose him, which has now caused riots in Venezuela. This is how "democracy" is defined in the United States today. It means regardless of what the people want as voting citizens in their own country, if they do not choose the candidate that the U.S. and the CIA want in power, then they will do everything they can to cause a coup, and getting the U.S. Media to print their lies, which of course today also includes Elon Musk's X platform. So with almost one voice, both on the Left and on the Right, the U.S. Media has declared that the elections in Venezuela were "not fair", as they claim that "other countries" also agree with them that the elections were "corrupt." Of course many "other countries" have also congratulated Maduro and accepted the election results, such as Russia and China. What is the U.S. basing their claim on that the election results were not accurate? They are basing their claims on exit polls done in Venezuela by the US government-linked firm out of New Jersey named "Edison Research," which has reported links to the CIA.

Lie that Israeli Children Died in Golan Heights used by Zionist Israel to Assassinate Top Hamas Politician Who was Negotiating Peace

Yesterday, Western media sources continued to publish the lie that Hezbollah forces bombed northern Israel killing 12 Israeli children, when in fact the children were not Israeli at all, but Syrian, while local residents claim it was Israel's bomb that killed their children. The voices of these Syrians who just tragically lost 12 children are not being reported in the Western media, and they came out with their own statement yesterday condemning Israel's response using their own tragic losses as an excuse to bomb Lebanon. In a statement, Majdal Shams residents object the shedding of a 'single drop of blood' in the names of the 12 children killed in weekend attack. Using this lie as a pretext, the Zionist Israeli forces then bombed a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah military leader Fuad Shukr, while also killing two innocent children. The big news event being reported today, also using the lie of Israeli children being killed in northern Israel as justification, is the assassination of a Hamas political leader who was not even living in Gaza, and had never served in the military, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was visiting Tehran for the peaceful swearing in ceremonies of the new Iranian President, Massoud Pezeshkian. Whatever comes next in this conflict, as the Zionist factions in Israel and the U.S. now take on not only Iran but Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the resistance forces in Iraq, Turkey will undoubtedly play a key roll. Neither side apparently wants a military escalation which will prove very costly, and deadly. These Zionist assassinations are undoubtedly coordinated with some of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI6. They bring psychological warfare without the cost of huge military battles, where Zionist Israeli and American forces have had serious set-backs in recent days, especially in the Red Sea. Will Turkey and perhaps other BRICS nations such as Russia and China now also get involved and share intelligence with Iran and the others? Turkey has a long history of fighting back against Mossad agents in its own country and has its own intelligence network, and has successfully resisted coups by the CIA to topple their government. If these nations do share intelligence, who might Iran and their allies target for high profile counter assassinations? Netanyahu and Trump have to be the top two Zionist world leaders on their list, with Netanyahu having an existing criminal arrest warrant active at the International Court in the Hague, while Trump has an existing criminal arrest warrant in Iran.

Golan Heights Arabs Tell Netanyahu he is Not Welcome but he Sneaks in Anyway as China Backs Palestinian Solidarity

The Western media narrative today continued to portray the bombing and murder of Arab children in the occupied territory of the Golan Heights over the weekend as a "terrorist attack" by Hezbollah against Israeli citizens, while the voices of the Arabs who actually live there and experienced these horrible deaths are not being reported. Fox News is an example of this media charade that completely ignores the voices of the victims: "Israel set to counter Hezbollah following terror attack: 'response will be swift, harsh and painful' The looming Israeli reaction against the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist movement in Lebanon is said to be imminent in response to the group’s rocket attack on a children’s soccer field on Saturday, resulting in the murders of 12 young people. On Monday, Netanyahu visited Majdal Shams and announced on X that Israel’s response to the massacre of children at the location "will come and it will be severe." Netanyahu told the Druze Israeli community: 'We are brothers. We have a covenant of life but, I regret that it is also a covenant of bereavement and sorrow. We embrace you.'" "We are brothers"?? Seriously? How are these Syrian Arabs in the occupied Golan Heights any different from the Arabs in occupied Gaza and the occupied West Bank? Has he ever called them "brothers"? What is not being reported in most Western media outlets is that the local people protested his coming, and even tried to stop him, calling him a war criminal. The families of the children who were murdered refused to meet with Netanyahu. As I publish this early on Monday, 7/29/24, Israel's Security Cabinet has allegedly approved an all out war against Lebanon and escalated the war in the Middle East, and it is based on a lie that Lebanon bombed and killed Israeli children, when in fact the children who died were children of Syrian parents who maintain their Syrian identity in the occupied Golan Heights. They are no more Netanyahu's "brothers" than the Palestinians are, but most Americans will trust Netanyahu anyway, as is evidenced by the numerous standing ovations he received last week in the U.S. Congress celebrating his lies.

Israel Bombs Syrian Arabs in Occupied Golan Heights and Blames it on Hezbollah in False Flag Attack

While the U.S. Media is echoing the claims of Benjamin Netanyahu and others in his cabinet that Lebanon shot a rocket into the Israeli occupied territory of the Golan Heights which killed 12 children, which were Syrian Arab children and NOT Jewish children, Syria and other nations in the region are reporting that this tragedy was a false flag attack by Israel itself. Hezbollah has obviously denied attacking their fellow Arabs, which doesn't even make any sense, especially because Hezbollah has not shied away from taking responsibility for REAL attacks they have made into Israel, as it makes them a hero in eyes of the people in the Middle East. This obvious false flag attack by Israel is apparently being used to justify an all-out war against Lebanon, even though this particular incident killed NO JEWS, only Arabs, no matter which side's version is true.

Where is Your Citizenship Registered?

Most people in the world today hold a "citizenship" tied to a specific geographical place, usually a "nation" or "country." The opposite of the word "citizen" is "alien", which is someone currently residing in a place where they are not citizens and do not have the rights or privileges of citizens. In the United States, for example, the term "alien" or non-citizen, has several legal sub-definitions, such as "illegal alien" who were not granted government permission to enter the country, "visitors" who are generally given temporary "visas" to enter the country for a specific duration of time, "permanent residents" who can stay in the country as long as they want, but do not yet have the full rights and privileges of citizens, etc. Proof of citizenship is usually dependent upon a person being registered in a written record somewhere that is controlled by the government. In the United States, proof of citizenship is generally proven by a person's birth certificate, or by a U.S. Passport used for international travel. In the Bible, and specifically in the New Testament portion of the Bible, the terms for citizenship and aliens are defined differently than they are in Western culture, and encompass not just the earth in the natural world, but also Heaven in the spiritual realms. In the New Testament writings, believers in Jesus were referred to as "citizens" of Heaven, where Jesus currently rules as the King of the Kingdom of God. Those of us who have this citizenship, are granted the full rights and privileges of members of this Kingdom, to which we owe our allegiance to, along with all the duties that go along with citizenship.

Netanyahu Gets Standing Ovation Promoting War with Iran while Yemen Leader Announces Beginning of 5th Phase in War with More Attacks on Tel Aviv

Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress this week just days after Israel's capital city of Tel Aviv was bombed by Yemen's Houthis. And yet it wasn't the Yemen Houthis he condemned, but their favorite "enemy," Iran. This rhetoric against Iran has been going on since the 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan was caught in a scandal sending Iran militants to overthrow Nicaragua, all funded by the U.S. There was a copy of an Israeli newspaper from 1984 that was reporting almost exactly the same thing 40 years ago that Netanyahu, and his Zionist friends, are saying today, that was going viral on social media: "Iran is in the Final Stages of Building a Nuclear Bomb!" The obviously staged Trump shooting is now being blamed on Iran as well, with Donald Trump saying that he "hopes America obliterates Iran" if he is assassinated, just as many other Christian Evangelical leaders have also called for the destruction of Iran. This attitude completely ignores the fact that millions of Jews and Christians also live in Iran, along with millions of others who do not support war or many of the policies of their Islamic leader. Netanyahu, who is more popular in the U.S. than he is in Israel, most certainly does have a problem, however, and it is no wonder why he is begging for military aid from the U.S. But his current most urgent problem is not Iran, but instead Yemen, who has now successfully shut down the shipping lanes in the Red Sea, and even launched a new kind of drone that penetrated U.S. air defenses and blew up a building in downtown Tel Aviv. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, has vowed that more strikes are coming against Tel Aviv, and that they have now launched the "fifth phase" of their military action against Israel. People in this country are INSANE if they think that the U.S. and Israel can take on Iran in a war, when we cannot even deal with the much smaller country of Yemen, and their inexpensive weapons which are quickly depleting the U.S.'s weapon stockpiles and chasing our ships home. And all of this while we continue spending $billions on Ukraine, where Russia has claimed they can easily defeat our "superior technology" weapons by simply jamming their signals, making them useless Why are we fighting these wars and wasting this money? Meanwhile here back at home, we cannot even take care of our own people, especially those most vulnerable.

Elon Musk Shows up for Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on the Same Day Tesla Loses $90 Billion in Big Tech Market Bloodbath

In a Wall Street bloodbath today that saw significant losses in the DOW, S&P 500, and Nasdaq, the Big Tech "Magnificent 7" companies (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Tesla) lost $1.7 TRILLION in market share, in just one day. Shares of Tesla stock were down the most, losing 12.3%, close to a $90 billion loss. Tesla's quarterly report on earnings yesterday was not as positive as shareholders had expected, and some seem to be waking up to the fact that Musk may not be as smart as everyone thinks, as he continues to sell the future and his AI hype, while sales of his Tesla vehicles are declining, as are other EV sales. Ford also posted another $1 billion loss on electric vehicles last quarter. The fools who still believe in Musk think Teslas are different from other EVs, and insist that their investment in Tesla is not really an investment in an automobile manufacturer, but in an AI company that is going to build robots and self-driving cars. The Big Tech crash is coming. Today might have been the start of the ultimate crash as reflected in the stock markets, but it will probably take some more time for people to realize that their faith in the technology is not real, and that one cannot just wait for the future forever. Meanwhile, as Kamala Harris and JD Vance, along with many others were no-shows at the Benjamin Netanyahu show in Congress today, one person that few expected to see showed up: Elon Musk.

What Might Donald Trump’s Cabinet Look Like in a Second Term? Would He Drain the Swamp – Or Fill it Back Up?

With the Republican Party nomination of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States complete, and his selection of J.D. Vance for Vice President, the media is now talking about what a possible Trump Cabinet would look like at the beginning of his second term. Multiple sources have reported that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of the largest, most complex and scandal-ridden bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as the Secretary of the Treasury. In a recent article in the NY Post, however, reporter Charles Gasparino writes that the Secretary of the Treasury job is more likely to go to Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock and believed by some to be the most powerful person in the world. But there's room for both of them in a Trump Cabinet. Fink could easily become the Secretary of State, a job that Trump first gave to Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, in his first term. Anyway, the featured image I created for this article fills in a few names for various Cabinet positions that Trump could likely nominate for various posts. In a recent show, Jimmy Dore asked journalist Whitney Webb if she thought Trump would really drain the swamp this time, if elected. Watch her response. Whitney Webb has also just published a complete report on the background of J.D. Vance, Trump's choice for Vice President: "The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think"

Lack of IT-Skilled Human Workers is Leading to a Cyber Pandemic – 500,000 Cybersecurity Jobs Unfilled in the U.S.

As the full effects of the Microsoft glitch that took down so many businesses and government agencies this past Friday are still being evaluated, the vulnerability of a software system run by a cybersecurity firm is presenting new information to hackers and exposing just how unprepared the U.S. Government is to protect our country against cyber attacks that are a real threat to national security. After the CrowdStrike failed software update that infected 8.1 million devices with cascading effects spreading to millions, if not billions, of other devices and computer systems, the threat of a Cyber Pandemic is now very real. And the main reason that the U.S. Government is powerless to stop something like a Cyber Pandemic is not because of a lack of technology or computer resources, since the U.S. is home to the largest technology companies in the world, but it is due to a lack of human resources: Cybersecurity professionals. In 2021 CNN published an article with the title: "Wanted: Millions of cybersecurity pros. Salary: Whatever you want". The article highlighted the increasing cyber attacks in the U.S. and the lack of cybersecurity experts to prevent these attacks, with over 300,000 cybersecurity job openings going unfilled. Fast forward to today in 2024, and the situation has only become worse. A few weeks ago (June, 2024), members of Congress raised concerns over the shortage of cybersecurity professionals, which has now grown to a half million open jobs that cannot be filled.

One Single Computer Glitch Could Cost Tens of $Billions of Losses, Showing How Frail Technology Has Become

This past Friday morning brought headlines such as "Largest IT Outage in History!" and "Just Like Y2K Except this Time it is Real!" Hundred of millions, if not billions, of people and businesses around the world were affected, from airlines to FedEx and other delivery companies to financial institutions to hotel reservations and personal PC users. The culprit was reported as a Microsoft Windows update to a software program that runs on many Windows computers, from the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Microsoft has reported that the glitch affected 8.5 million devices. Since the problem is still ongoing as I write this on Sunday, there is no way to know what the cost is to the global economy because of this glitch. Estimates at this point are claiming it will top 1 $billion in losses. However, I can assure you that those costs will well exceed this estimate, and will easily be in the tens of $billions, just from the loss of online ecommerce sales alone, not to mention every other industry that was affected where sales are not conducted online. I have run my own ecommerce store for over 20 years, and I have a pretty good feel for how sales go each day, based on day of the week, current sales we are running, etc. Yesterday, (Saturday 7/20/24) we had our lowest day in sales for many years, and I would estimate that we lost about 50% of our sales yesterday, due to this problem that obviously prevented many of our customers from ordering online. Globally, there were $5.8 trillion in online sales in 2023, and the forecast for 2024 is $6.3 trillion in sales. $6.3 trillion in online sales for one year is about $16.5 billion in sales every single day. Let's be conservative and estimate that about 30% of ecommerce sales were lost in just one day, yesterday. That would be about $5 billion in lost revenue, and that is just for one day, and only online sales, not sales lost in the airlines industry, hotel industry, freight delivery industry, etc. This loss could easily be in the tens of $billions, if not more, just for ONE single computer glitch, and we will experience the economic ripples of this for the rest of the year.

Israel Humiliated by Houthis as Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed by Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads to U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding

In an event barely mentioned in the U.S. media yesterday (Friday, July 19, 2024), Yemen's Houthi militants launched a new class of drones into the heart of Tel Aviv, considered the capital city of Israel by most of the world (97 embassies are in Tel Aviv compared to only 6 embassies in Jerusalem,) and is the country's economic and technological center. The drone attack appeared to be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, exploding very near it, and allegedly went undetected by American Israeli defense systems, being the first attack of its kind. This was truly an historical never-before-seen attack directly on Israel's second most populous city, indicating that the Houthis are stepping up their attacks and not just simply targeting ships in the Red Sea anymore. While I have seen some reports that this attack on Tel Aviv yesterday might delay Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington D.C., news from D.C. seems to indicate that the trip is still on for this coming week. This begs the question: Will anyone try to arrest Netanyahu on the outstanding warrant for his arrest at the International Criminal Court? Protests are being planned in D.C., and Mike Johnson, the current Zionist leader of the House of Representatives, has threatened to arrest other lawmakers who do not support Israel.

Elon Musk: World’s Biggest Con Man, or Just a Fool? Big Tech in Panic Mode!

While Elon Musk is taking advantage of the current political climate after the Trump shooting incident and claiming to support free speech and be against online censorship, his X platform has been busy the past couple of days deleting posts of the Trump shooting that do not fit the current narrative from the Republican platform, clearly betraying what he claims about being against "online censorship". And as he espouses views that appease those on the Right and on the conservative side of the political spectrum by attacking Gov. Newsom as he pledges to move his companies from California to Texas, the reality is that his empire that has made him the richest man in the world appears to be crumbling, and in danger of completely crashing. So let's take a peek behind the scenes and ignore Elon Musk's rhetoric, and let's see what is happening in the real world with the companies he owns, and where that evidence, as opposed to rhetoric, leads us, because Big Tech is in full panic mode right now.

Food Inflation has Caused Some of the Best Grass-fed Beef in the World to be Less Expensive than Commodity Medicated Beef Raised in Feedlots!

Something that I predicted would one day come true is actually happening today, here in the summer of 2024. Due to the complexities of the food supply chain here in the U.S. that brings mass-produced cheap beef from mega-farms where cattle are raised in confined feeding operations (CAFOs) on GMO contaminated grains, and vaccinated against common diseases from being raised together in close quarters, into America's grocery stores and fast food restaurants, I predicted that one day that supply chain would begin to fail and prices would start to increase, to the extent that our grass-fed beef raised by family farmers in lush pasture in Wisconsin, would beat the prices of commodity beef in the grocery store and fast-food chains. And of course the grass-fed and grass-finished beef that we sell in my online store, Healthy Traditions, under our "Grass-fed Traditions" brand, is not just from any common breed of beef cattle. These are Galloway beef cattle, from the rare ancient breed that originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland, and related to the more commonly known Angus breed which was developed in northeastern Scotland. Worldwide, there are less than 30,000 head of this breed, and we have been breeding them and selling their beef for about 15 years now from the lush pastures of western Wisconsin, grown by Amish family farmers.

Criminal Robert Redfield Given a Free Pass for CDC Corruption on COVID Vaccines Under Trump by Children’s Health Defense and Others

Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC under Trump in 2020 who approved the emergency use authorization for the first experimental COVID "vaccines" that have killed and maimed millions of people in the United States, by committing criminal acts of fraud that inflated COVID case numbers at the same time the annual flu numbers all but disappeared in order to justify a novel, new vaccine to fight COVID, is back in the media again. But this time he is being treated as a hero by some, including Children's Health Defense, for now stating that these experimental deadly shots should never have been mandated. Yes, at first glance at the recent headlines with publications such as Children's Health Defense, it would appear that Redfield has now come clean and admitted that the shots were deadly from the beginning, and never should have been put into the public by treating U.S. citizens as lab rats. But that is NOT what he is saying today at all. Even through Robert Redfield committed criminal acts of fraud that allowed the COVID shots to be approved to be injected into the arms of Americans, including pregnant women and children as young as 16, he is not repenting of that, but coming out instead against something Biden allegedly did: "mandate" the vaccines, which Redfield himself originally approved! So that's it? He now gets a free pass for all of his criminal actions that killed and maimed millions of Americans simply because he states that they never should have been "mandated"? How about the fact that Redfield fraudulently inflated numbers at the CDC and ignored hundreds of doctors and scientists who testified to the fact that Pfizer and Moderna were committing fraud and endangering the public by putting an experimental new "vaccine" into the public, but he went ahead and approved them anyway? Let's review some history here, instead of trying to rewrite it for political purposes.

Things that Don’t Add Up and Many Questions Still Unanswered in Trump Shooting

As the whole world knows by now, former U.S. President Donald Trump was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania yesterday (7/13/24). The news is still shifting and changing, and of course descriptions of what happened will be highly biased based on who is reporting, and whether or not they are Trump supporters. For anyone who might read what I am about to report here without being familiar with who I am, I encourage you to click on the About Us page where you will learn that I do not support EITHER political party, because most of what we read and see in politics today is pure theatrics, and insignificant, because politicians do not run this country, Wall Street and Silicon Valley do. So without emotional attachments to the incident yesterday, I have found some things being reported that just don't add up, and there are still many questions that are not being answered.

Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID "vaccines" and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public. Almost two years before COVID started, back in 2018, Netflix produced a documentary called "The Bleeding Edge," which revealed that the medical device industry was even more powerful and more corrupt than the pharmaceutical industry. I have edited a section of the film that is less than 14 minutes long, which shows how government and Pharma collude together to defraud the American people, and that corruption and fraud were committed by the same people starting in 2020 when the COVID Scam started. Be aware that this is not a "family-friendly" film and there is coarse language and graphic descriptions in some segments. But it will be quite an eye-opener for most of you if you have not yet watched this documentary. You will learn that the Medical Industry controls the FDA, and that the FDA has their back and protects their interests, and they do not care about public health. Those in the FDA who are concerned about public heath and try to expose the corruption, lose their jobs. These companies place a value on your life, and it is not worth much. They know full well that their products kill and maim people, but that is all factored into their business model, with the mantra being that "benefits outweigh" the deaths and injuries their products cause. The entire medical system is Satanic, and I wish I knew what I know now when I was a lot younger.

Israel Deliberately Destroyed all of Gaza’s Hospitals with US Approval and Support

While the United States government attempts to lecture the world about its supposed “rules based order,” it‘s aiding, arming and providing diplomatic cover for Israel’s unprecedented assault on Gaza’s already collapsed healthcare system. In fact, Israel’s attacks, justified by Washington in some cases, have resulted in the territory being left without a single functional hospital. Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza since the beginning of the war. To put this in perspective, between 2011 and 2024, 949 medical professionals in total were said to have been killed during the Syrian war, with the worst year on record seeing the deaths of almost 200, according to Physicians for Human Rights. For those medical professionals who remain, Doctors Without Borders has reported a major mental health crisis, with some doctors being forced to choose between treating their own family members and other patients. In one horrifying case, Palestinian doctor Hani Bseiso was forced to amputate the lower part of his teenage daughter’s leg on a kitchen table without anesthetic and using little more than a pair of scissors and gauze. She miraculously survived. Another Palestinian doctor wasn’t as lucky, as he was forced to watch his son slowly die while amputating his leg without anesthetic. Unprecedented is an understatement, and explaining what is happening to the people of Gaza due to Israel’s systematic targeting of hospitals and medical workers defies the English language. Yet, the US government continues to supply Israel with all the arms it seeks, protecting its actions in front of an international community in shock.