Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccine Results NOT based on Peer-Reviewed Science – ZERO Liability to Companies if Vaccine Kills or Injures due to FDA Fast-track Approval

VAXXED film producer Polly Tomney and attorney Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense discuss the two most recent COVID vaccine press releases from Pfizer and Moderna which both claimed over "90% effective" and just what this means.  Because these vaccines are expected to apply for FDA fast-track approval due to the COVID "emergency," they do not go through the same peer-reviewed process, and if the vaccines end up injuring or killing anyone, they are immune from any legal liability.

Forced Vaccination Law in Denmark Abandoned After Public Protests

The ‘epidemic law’ would have handed the Danish government the power to enact mandatory quarantine measures against anyone infected with a dangerous disease, but it was the part about vaccinations that caused the biggest uproar. “The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease,” reports the Local. “People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.” However, after nine straight days of protests against the new law, it has now been scrapped.

Are Websites Critical of Vaccines About to be Wiped Off the Internet as a New COVID Vaccine Becomes Available?

British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives. In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives. A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved. Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed. Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end. Essentially, the power of the state is being wielded like never before to police online speech and to deplatform news websites to protect the interests of powerful corporations like Pfizer and other scandal-ridden pharmaceutical giants as well as the interests of the US and UK national-security states, which themselves are intimately involved in the Covid-19 vaccination endeavor.

How They Will Make the COVID Vaccine Appear to be Working

I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever. The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud. Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success. My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels. For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient. When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.” Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot. After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US. What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur. Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall. This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

USA Today Reports How Florida Takes Children Away from their Parents and Puts Them with Pedophiles in Foster Care

As we have reported many times over the years here at Health Impact News, the U.S. Foster Care System is the #1 pipeline to child sex trafficking. Numerous studies over the past several years have confirmed that children do far better when left in their homes, even troubled homes where parents may have drug issues and other problems, than when they are placed in foster care. Investigative reporters at USA Today have done an excellent job in showing just how corrupt the child welfare and foster care system is in Florida, documenting hundreds of cases where children were removed from their homes and then put into foster care settings where they were sexually abused. Several stories are highlighted in their report, including the case of longtime Florida foster father Rick Hazel, who they say repeatedly raped a child in his care, taking videos of the molestation and hiding a camera in the bathroom to watch her shower. More than 70 children allegedly passed through his home. When deputies arrested him in 2019, the Hazels were the longest-tenured foster parents in St. Augustine. More than 70 kids had passed through their home. In addition to the rape victim, the family members of two other foster children came forward with concerns of abuse or neglect. But following Hazel’s arrest, no one – not caseworkers, not child abuse investigators, not law enforcement – talked to all of the other children who had lived in the home to see if they had seen or suffered abuse. Those children were all adopted or moved on to new homes. Until contacted by reporters, the adults in their lives had no idea they had spent time with a man who ultimately was convicted of child sex abuse. Rick and Shirley Hazel were considered model foster parents. They took in children of all ages and races, including kids with autism, and adopted three of them. They were active at church and the foster parent association, meeting with biological parents on nights and weekends to make visits easier. “Wonderful human beings, blessed, doing God’s work,” one social worker commented in their file. “One of the very best places a child could be,” wrote another. As they gained a rapport with workers in the system, St. Johns County sent the Hazels more and more kids, even when their home reached – and surpassed – the state-mandated capacity of five total children. The stream of kids finally ended in 2019, when a 13-year-old told detectives that her foster-turned-adoptive father had “raped me like I was his wife.”

COVID Plans Include Family Separation and Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

The CDC calls for “Isolation Camps” as part of a “Shielding Plan.” The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed “high risk” for Covid-19 to be forcibly removed from their families and homes, and be involuntarily isolated in guarded camps. The public first got wind of this impending nightmare on May 4, 2020, when Governor Gavin Newson of California announced that the “army” – his word – will start with a deployment of 3,000 and grow to the 20,000 mark to chase down who, what, where, and with whom COVID positive people have had connections. In a video, Robert Levin, MD Health Officer / Medical Director of Ventura County, California, elaborated with details about the state’s plans — which included the forcible removal of people from their homes and the establishment of mass community contact tracing.

Criminal Pfizer Inc. Wins COVID Vaccine Race? Hundreds of Millions of Doses Expected to be Ready Within Weeks

Apparently beating out several competitors that earlier in the year were considered favorites to get the first COVID vaccine to market for distribution in the United States, dark horse favorite Pfizer Inc. seems to be the clear winner, announcing this week that their COVID vaccine is "90% effective," and that hundreds of millions of doses would be distributed before the end of 2020, pending an FDA emergency use authorization (EUA). Of course for those of us who do not follow the propaganda media, and understand that there is not even an accurate test for COVID currently in the market, the question that begs to be answered is: Effective for what? It was announced back in June that Pfizer was one of the finalists in President Trump's Operation Warp Speed program, along with AstraZeneca, Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. Should we trust Pfizer's claims? Do you trust criminal organizations? Because that's what Pfizer is. In fact, they may very well be the largest criminal organization in world. In 2009 they reached a fraud settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice for $2.3 BILLION, the largest ever fraud settlement in the history of the DOJ at that time. Since then, they have faced numerous other criminal investigations, the most recent one being reported just yesterday, November 10, 2020, with the foreign corruption units at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) looking into their activities in China and Russia. These investigations are regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which forbids U.S. firms and individuals from bribing foreign government officials to benefit their businesses.

Mom Explodes in Anger after Child Passes Out Wearing Mask at School – Comply Rather than Resist and You Put the Lives of Your Children at Risk

In a video that is going viral today, one mother records her rant against mandatory face masks for children in school, after her son passed out wearing a mask during a Physical Education class at school. We have been publishing the risks masks pose to children, whose risk at suffering any harm due to the Coronavirus is statistically ZERO, since June of this year. When is the public going to wake up and finally realize, as this young mother just has, that government COVID mandates are NOT for our protection, and that these medical tyrants do NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN?? If you continue to go along with the crowd, instead of resisting, then you are putting yourself and everyone in your family at risk for serious harm, as this young mother, and probably thousands like her who are too afraid to go public, has now come to realize. This situation is going to get worse, not better, as long as the public continues to believe the lies of the corporate media which is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and the Billionaire Wall Street businesses and banks that serve their own agenda, and could care less what happens to you or your family. And for those of you just starting to wake up now, please understand that this did NOT happen overnight! This has been going on for MANY YEARS now, and all COVID did was give them a path to accelerate their agenda after they saw how compliant the masses were around the world to believe their fear mongering, to voluntarily start complying with all their mandates. Just ask the literal HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of parents who have vaccine damaged crippled children, who were previously pro-vaccine and believed all the lies the corporate media and Big Pharma told them about how "safe and effective" those vaccines were, and to not listen to the "anti-vaxxers" and "quack doctors" who were actually telling the truth all along. I have been publishing the truth on this issue for 10 YEARS, while the masses continued to sleep and comply to everything the medical tyrants wanted them to do. Go to to learn more. Or just ask the thousands upon thousands of parents who have lost their children to the "Child Protection" agencies and the Child Welfare Foster Care system, simply because they disagreed with their doctor's advice and were then charged with medical "child abuse," or worse yet, had their children suffer harm from vaccines or drugs and then had a "Child Abuse" pediatrician accuse the parents of causing harm that was actually inflicted upon them due to medical procedures or products. I have been reporting on this, covering hundreds of stories from families on our website for the past 6 years. And yet, the vast majority of the American public chose to sleep instead of taking action, listening to propaganda being spewed from the corporate media outlets that these were all "conspiracy theories" and "fake news" while the victims suffered as the rest of the public turned away. WAKE UP AMERICA! Because it is almost too late....

British Army to Begin Testing and Bar-coding Children at School This Week Without Parental Consent

As thousands of people in the UK this past weekend protested new COVID lockdowns, the British Army is planning on rolling out a massive new COVID testing initiative in the city of Liverpool this week, seeking to test a half million people in a program that will be rolled out to the entire nation if successful. As part of that initiative, a letter was sent out to the parents of children attending Broadgreen International School, letting them know that their child would be tested by the military even without their consent. Each student will be assigned a “unique barcode,” and those testing positive will be be “Isolated” and “secured.” Will parents and citizens comply with this? The U.S. military is also preparing to distribute new COVID vaccines in the U.S. as part of funding from "Operation Warp Speed," so you can be sure the U.S. government and governments around the world are closely watching Liverpool (home of the Beatles) this week to see just how compliant the public will be to surrender their liberties to medical tyrants.

U.K. REBELLION! Students, Medical Professionals, and Public Resist Lockdowns!

While the U.S. Presidential elections continue to dominate the media in the U.S., citizens all across the U.K. protested the nation's new lockdowns this week. At Manchester University, students woke up on the first day of lockdowns to find fences had been erected around their dormitories, penning them in like a prison. They had apparently had enough, and by that evening, the fences were tore down, and the University backed down. In Cornwall, an NHS nurse turned whistleblower publicly resigned while wearing her uniform before releasing the real numbers of COVID patients in her hospital and denouncing the government’s disastrous lockdown policy, stating that other doctors and nurses were trying to speak out. It was recorded, but quickly removed from YouTube and Twitter. We found a copy. Breitbart News, which has correspondents in London, is reporting that police in London arrested 190 anti-lockdown protesters at the so-called ‘Million Mask March’ against the second national lockdown in England. They have exclusive video coverage.

Face Masks: A Danger to Our Planet, Our Children & Ourselves

It seems like only yesterday that a massive campaign against single-use plastic straws was trending. The much forgotten anti-straw trend was based on astronomical numbers; a suggested 500 million straws used each day in the US alone, with more than half a billion plastic straws being consumed and discarded, every day around the entire globe. An estimated 8.3 billion plastic straws had come to pollute the planet’s beautiful beaches. The backlash against the straws appeared to be drive by the horrific impacts on the marine environment in particular. Personal protective equipment (PPE) in 2020, in particular face masks, have become a new genre of pollution. The majority of face masks being purchase and disposed of are single-use surgical masks made of melt-blown fabric manufactured from polypropylene, a type of thermoplastic. The vast majority of all disposable face masks being consumed have two outer layers with a filter between them (polypropylene), made from nonwoven plastic fibres. The paper COVID-19 Pandemic Repercussions on the Use and Management of Plastics published June 20, 2020 warns that a “monthly estimated use of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves globally, is resulting in widespread environmental contamination.” 194 billion face masks and gloves equates to well over 6 billion face masks being consumed and discarded each and every day. Based on the aforementioned paper, six months of face masks alone – equates to seven hundred seventy-four billion, while 12 months of consumption, equates to a stunning one trillion five hundred forty-eight billion face masks. Meanwhile, “Canada alone has ordered more than 153 million N95 respirators, almost 400 million surgical masks and 18 million non-medical face masks. That doesn’t include demand from the private sector.” As a new emerging market, trees (biological communities invisible to the humancentric eye) cannot only be sacrificed on the altar of “green energy”, we can also pulverize them into face “ecofriendly” masks. What happened to all those who cared about our environmental crises? That of climate change, biodiversity and ocean pollution?

As DOJ Probes Big Tech Monopoly, They Also Use Big Tech to Remove Dozens of Websites Squelching Free Speech on Foreign Policy

Big Tech's censorship and squashing of free speech has been a hot topic during this 2020 election year, and as the public in the United States continues to be fixated on the current corporate news media's non-stop coverage on the elections, election fraud, and Big Tech censorship, the DOJ is quietly shutting down websites right and left in their own censorship purge, shutting down websites that dare to publish a different narrative about Iran than the U.S. and Israeli narrative. And they are teaming together with Google, Facebook, and Twitter to do it, according to the FBI: FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig D. Fair. “Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, the FBI was able to disrupt this Iranian propaganda campaign and we will continue to pursue any attempts by foreign actors to spread disinformation in our country." Global Research, an independent news organization out of Canada, reports that one of the websites seized and shut down was another independent news site in Canada, the American Herald Tribune (AHT). Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), and Editor of, wrote: "We stand in firm support of The American Herald Tribune and Professor Anthony Hall, who has the courage to confront the US corporate media. The tendency is towards online media censorship in derogation of the Rights to Free Speech. Google and Facebook are collaborating with the FBI in this endeavor."

Everyone’s Life is at Stake Now: Don’t Get Distracted by Politics

As Americans are fixated on the U.S. elections, which it appears will dominate the corporate news cycle for days on end now, the truly big story is not what is happening here in the U.S., but across the pond in the U.K. where the medical tyrants try to force a second lockdown on its citizens today (November 5th). The second lockdowns are scheduled for here in the U.S. as well, by the tyrannical medical oligarchy, and no matter who is crowned President of the U.S., all these political medical authorities will keep their jobs which many of them have had for decades, as they watch presidents come and go. And please make no mistake about this: the results of these lockdowns will be death and destruction, unless a large enough percentage of the public wakes up and figures out that their enemy is not a politician, but the evil forces behind the Globalists and their agenda of using medical tyranny to bring in their New World Order.

In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season

I have been covering the fraud that happens every year with how the CDC tracks incidents and deaths due to the annual influenza for almost a decade now. The numbers used each year to scare the public into getting the flu vaccine are based not on actual data, but estimates of number of people who die from the flu according to the CDC. Basically, anyone dying from "influenza-like" symptoms are all lumped together into supposed flu deaths each year. Autopsies are seldom performed to prove cause of death. The CDC has admitted publicly in the past that these numbers are just "estimates." If the real number of those infected with the influenza virus, and resulting deaths, were vastly lower than what the CDC reports based on their "estimates," the public would have no way of knowing it. So this has presented quite a dilemma for the CDC for the first couple of weeks of the 2020-21 flu season, which have just passed. Because "flu-like" symptoms could also be attributed to COVID-19, and they have the now widely known ineffective COVID PCR test to back up these claims, which also kicks in federal funding for hospitals to treat COVID patients. As one might expect, with the media widely reporting that cases of COVID are now increasing just as flu season starts, reports of flu cases have dropped dramatically during the same time period last year. Across the globe, it has been reported that incidents of influenza have dropped by about 100%. Whoops! How did the CDC allow these numbers to be published? In an apparent response to media reports about the fast declining flu cases here at the beginning of the 2020-21 flu season, the CDC did what any corrupt agency would do which doesn't want the public to know the truth: They decided to "suspend data collection for the 2020-21 influenza season." To my knowledge, this is unprecedented, and has never happened before.

Which “Great Reset” Will You Choose?

We are now entering into the final phase before the "Great Reset." The "Great Reset" is a concept defined primarily by the World Economic Forum, but also endorsed by the goals of other Globalist organizations, such as the United Nations, and the Rockefeller Foundation. It has already been documented that we have just seen the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, all in the name of COVID. The "Great Reset" is not a new concept, but one that has been in the works for decades. What has now empowered the Globalists to finally implement the "Great Reset" is COVID. Now the Wall Street Billionaires and the Central Bankers who control the world's financial system, through cleverly advertising just how "deadly" COVID allegedly is to produce panic and fear, have made their move to transfer the economies of the world to their control, and now the big push in their advertising is to convince the public that the "Great Reset" is next, and that it will solve all the world's problems. If you have not yet taken time to understand just how they are defining this "Great Reset," and the "Fourth Industrial Age," it is time you do so. The next big event in this march towards the Great Reset is the U.S. political elections this week. The "Great Reset" is coming. It cannot be stopped at this point. The only question left is which version of the "Great Reset" will finally be implemented? Fortunately, we are NOT without hope! The time has come for each one of us to contemplate our own personal "Great Reset."

Why is the Corporate Media Predicting a “Dark Winter”?

Earlier this week I reported how a mere 6 companies control almost everything we see in the corporate media. On the corporate news networks, it is common to use "doctors" to get a specific message across to the public, by using their "appeal to authority," where facts and real science are not even needed to convince the masses. This is true beyond just the corporate media news broadcasts, which are controlled by the Billionaires on Wall Street, primarily the pharmaceutical industry today. But it goes beyond just news broadcasts, as their propaganda can be even more effective in the entertainment industry, where critical thinking skills are relaxed all in the name of "entertainment." Earlier this year the film "Out of Shadows" was released online by Hollywood insiders, and it was viewed by over 15 million people on YouTube before they took it down. This is a must watch for anyone who has not seen it yet. One of the new buzz words being used in the corporate media recently is the mention of a "Dark Winter" for 2020. Joe Biden mentioned it also in the last debate. This is a term that has a previous history, and Derrick Broze, who was recently banned on YouTube and had his popular channel removed, has created a new 12 and half minute documentary on the history of this term, and what it means. This is not a conspiracy "theory" documentary that is full of speculation, as you will see. And remember, back in July this year we published the comments of CDC director Robert Redfield that showed they were already planning and expecting "massive deaths" this fall, giving further evidence that this is all a big plan that is in place, perhaps to coincide with the National Elections coming next week. If you have not yet viewed the documentary PLANDEMIC produced by Mikki Willis, which gives solid historical evidence that this kind of "pandemic" has been planned for years now, this too is a must viewing, if you want to be fully informed and not be subject to the mind control efforts of the corporate media. Here is The Darkest Winter, by Derrick Broze.

North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law – City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

Some good news this week as apparently there is still a pulse among liberty-minded citizens in one small North Carolina town that turned out in mass to defy the City's attempt to mandate mask requirements. When told they had to wear a mask to participate in the meeting, they refused, and the City Council and local police backed down in front of the angry crowd. This is the kind of action it is going to take across the country to stop medical tyranny.

Brainwashing the Masses: 6 Companies Own Almost ALL of the Media in the U.S. – Using Medical “Doctors” to Sell Their Message

The current "war against the Coronavirus" is primarily an information war, with the corporate media putting forth a unified message they want the public to believe, and any efforts to present alternative information is vigorously opposed and ridiculed. Six major companies own almost all of the media outlets in the U.S., including TV, print, and Internet, which includes video games. As I reported recently (Doctors vs. Doctors: Who's Telling the Truth?), there is a huge difference between medical doctors out on the frontlines actually treating patients, and political or TV doctors who do not actually treat patients, but use their American-accepted status symbol of authority to try and convince the masses to believe what the Corporate Media companies, and their sponsors, want you to believe. Today, the main sponsors of the six largest media corporations are pharmaceutical companies. But some 60 years ago, those sponsors were mainly the tobacco industry. Here are some "blasts from the past" that most of our readers are probably too young to remember. (Doctors recommending which brand of cigarettes they smoked.) I previously published an article showing how one can beat Internet Censorship and develop your own newsfeed. As Editor of Health Impact News, I am going to update this article and publish my own current newsfeed, with the following list of RSS links. Please note this is a constant developing newsfeed, and the presence of a publication in my newsfeed does NOT mean I endorse that publication. As an editor, I want to be informed about ALL sides of an issue, even those I do not agree with, or maybe only partially agree with, etc. So you will see some "left-leaning," some "right-leaning," and some "libertarian-leaning" sources, along with some that do not fit any particular category and just practice good journalism. Many of these sources have been banned by Big Tech in places like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day

I happen to know a thing or two about masks and safety. Why? Because for 25 years I was the editor of an award-winning trade magazine called HazMat Management that covered such topics as pollution prevention and compliance with health & safety laws. We routinely published articles on masks, gloves, respirators and other forms of personal protective equipment (PPE). Now let me tell you a few things about that mask you’re wearing. The blue typical mask depicted in the photograph contain Teflon and other chemicals. A Facebook friend reminds us: 1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical. 2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals. I found and have posted the US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks… “breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.” Don’t agree? Argue with the experts at OSHA, which is the main US agency, i.e., its Occupational Health & Safety Agency. You may hear people saying that surgeons and nurses wear masks like this all day. Um, no. No they don’t. They’re trained in the proper use of masks, which is to wear them in the OR, then dispose of the mask when they leave that room. Are you aware that operating rooms are actually supplied extra oxygen, to compensate for the reduction in oxygen flow from mask wearing? To my mind, it’s criminal (not hyperbole) to force children to wear masks all day. Setting aside the very real psychological effects, we’re going to have a generation of brain damaged children. This is a very serious matter. And related to that, let me just state this doesn’t end for me when the lockdown ends or the masking ends. No, this ends for me when every politician and bureaucrat who inflicted this travesty, this crime against humanity, on the population of Canada (and other affected countries) is in the dock, and faces their misdeeds in a court of law. And as for those of you who have put masks on young children, I will have a long memory on that score. A very long memory.

Washington D.C. Bill Allows Children 11 Years and Older to be Vaccinated Without Parental Knowledge

On Oct. 7, 2020, during a hastily scheduled virtual meeting, four District of Columbia Council members making up the Health Committee amended and unanimously passed a minor consent bill, B23-0171.3 The bill would not only permit children aged 11 years and older to give consent for doctors and other vaccine administrators to give them vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, but would also require insurance companies, vaccine administrators and schools to conceal from parents that the child has been vaccinated. On Oct. 20, 2020,4 the entire DC Council voted in favor of the bill 12:15 on the first reading in yet another virtual online meeting with no public testimony. It was announced that the second reading, which will be the final vote, will take place on Nov. 10, 2020. In a revealing statement Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7), the chair of the DC Health Committee which passed the bill, explained why the bill was all suddenly being revived and pushed through so quickly. Gray was quoted in The Washington Post as saying, “the hope of an imminent corona­virus vaccine gave the bill new urgency.” Primary sponsor of this bill, DC Council Member Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3), emphasized that coronavirus vaccines were her the main reason why she wants to remove parents from the process of vaccinating children.