Who You Allow to Define “Sickness” Determines if You Live in Slavery, or Freedom

In the mornings I listen to a "Christian Radio" station that plays uplifting and encouraging music to start my day. I listen for the music, but invariably these "Christian" radio stations feel the need to also feature speakers, usually "pastors," who share short little stories or messages played between songs that are supposed to represent Biblical teaching. Yesterday, the following story was shared on this particular station (I could not find this story in written format anywhere, so I am recalling this from memory and it may not be 100% accurate.). "A young mother was recently diagnosed with advanced cancer. Her doctors gave her two choices. One, she could go to a place like Acapulco and live out her remaining few days in comfortable surroundings. Or alternatively, she could undergo chemotherapy which would extend her life by about 5 years, but she would live in constant agony and suffering during those 5 years from the effects of chemotherapy. The young mother made the tough decision to go through with chemotherapy so she could extend her life by 5 years, because she said that she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her children, so that if they needed her, she would be there for them." The reason that this story was broadcast on a Christian radio show, is obviously because in Christianity today, choosing to make sacrifices for the sake of your family is considered very noble, and because Christians have a very high regard of the medical system, and doctors, whom Christians are taught are to be obeyed. Her choice was obviously being broadcast to communicate that she chose the most moral, and noble option available to her, the "Christian" thing to do. Well I am here today to tell you that she made the wrong choice, and that her choice was neither moral, nor noble. First of all, given only those two options, the better choice would probably have been to pack up the whole family, put life on hold for a while, and head to a beautiful place like Acapulco in Mexico with warm, sunny days by the ocean. Being in such a relaxing and restful atmosphere with her loved ones might have literally cured her cancer without pharmaceutical products. But most of all, her choice was the wrong one because she chose to obey her doctors, and accept their diagnosis of her alleged "sickness" and their prescribed treatments, which only provided two options, as if there were no others available. Who is missing in this story? God. Did God diagnose this young mother as "sick" according to how the Bible defines "sickness"? Were her options really only the two options her doctors gave to her? How you view the definition of "sickness" and who you view as the authority in diagnosing someone as "sick," determines if you are living a life of slavery to medical "authorities," or you are living a life of freedom, where "sickness" has no power over you, because you do not fear it.

California Lawmakers Fast-Tracking Child Health Bills to Erode Parental Rights

California lawmakers have chosen to fast-track several key child health bills that will further erode parental rights and infringe on parents’ ability to maintain medical freedom. Specifically, three fast-tracked bills involve forced COVID-19 vaccinations for children for school enrollment, and another allowing minor children to make their own vaccine decisions away from a parent. A third bill requires health care staff to complete cultural humility training to provide trans-inclusive health care. The Globe spoke with Karen England, Executive Director of the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI), a pro-family public policy organization educating, equipping, and engaging California citizens for 34 years. England shared her grave concerns about the bills, as well as the legislative processes being circumvented. “California has become like a co-parent in a divorce,” England said. “Government is the parent with custody and we are the visiting parent which has little say in important decisions. They think parents are the enemy and the barrier for what government wants to do.”

Truckers Block Windsor-Detroit Border as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe Announces End of Vaccine Mandates

The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy entered its 11th day today, as two border crossings from Canada to the U.S. were closed down by protesters. Rebel News is reporting that the Alberta - Montana border at Coutts has been closed again, this time by farmers. The border crossing in Alberta was not the only border closed down overnight, however, as the bridge between Windsor and Detroit was also blocked and shut down. Ian Miles Cheong of Rebel News reports: "The Ambassador Bridge that connects Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, Michigan has been completely blockaded by a convoy of trucks protesting the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which remains ongoing in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. Efforts by the Freedom Convoy further in the north spilled over to the border crossing, the largest international suspension bridge and a major transportation artery between the United States and Canada as protesters blocked traffic on Monday evening. Speaking to the Detroit Free Press, Gregg Ward, the president of Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry said that the bridge closing is unprecedented and that the last time the bridge closed for a protest was in 1990." Meanwhile, back in Alberta, Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested, again, as he tried to join the protesters in Coutts. Rebel News is reporting that he was arrested by an undercover SWAT team that had staked out his home in Calgary. In Saskatchewan, Premier Scott Moe announced today that all proof of vaccine mandates in Saskatchewan will end this coming Sunday. He did not reference the Truckers Convoy, but instead used the excuse that the COVID-19 vaccines were "not effective" in stopping transmission of the current variant, Omicron, and that therefore the mandates are no longer needed. Since he erroneously stated that the vaccines were effective for past variants of COVID-19, he obviously left the door open to issue mandates again in the future, and of course never mentioned just how deadly these shots are, especially for children. In fact, his Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, followed his remarks by encouraging children to get one of the deadly shots. However, Premier Scott Moe said it was "time to heal" and time for people in Saskatchewan to come together and stop judging their neighbors and others in their community for having differences of opinion on the wearing of masks and getting vaccines. Will this announcement now pave the way for the rest of the Canadian Government to end vaccine mandates while still "saving face" and not referencing the Trucker Convoy protests?

The Truckers vs The Canadian Government: Be Prepared for What’s Coming Next

As we head into the second week of the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy, the news from those on the ground is that the Government is about to bring in riot police to Ottawa and start arresting people, treating them as "terrorists," rather than negotiating with the protesters. Several former Canadian police have also voiced their opinions about the current tactics the government is using against the protesters, and one of them is Danny Bulford, a former tactical officer with the Canadian Police who was previously assigned to guard Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. He states that these arrests are not lawful, but a "scare tactic to coerce people into submission." He encourages the protesters to "hold the line."

Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most”

Pro-COVID-19 vaccine fanatics who criticize or mock in public those who refuse the COVID injections continue to experience the principle found in the Bible that states "you reap what you sow" or what others refer to as "karma" as they are struck down dead or injured, sometimes in full view of the public. TMZ is reporting today that Comedian Heather McDonald, the former "Chelsea Lately" star, was headlining a sold-out show in Tempe, Arizona, when she collapsed on stage during her second joke. "Comedian Heather McDonald fell hard during a show in Tempe, Arizona, but it was no joke ... it was a medical emergency. Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... the former Chelsea Lately star was headlining the sold-out show, when she delivered her second joke ... 'I'm vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted ... and flu shot and shingle shot and haven't gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most.' As soon as she delivered the joke, she just collapsed and hit her head on the floor. Everyone thought at first it was all part of the act, but it was not. She was conscious, but clearly, all was not well. An EMT and a nurse happened to be in the audience ... they rushed up on stage to provide first aid. The 911 call came in as a seizure, but no one really knows yet. An ambulance came and paramedics tended to Heather."

38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 38,983 fatalities, and 3,530,362 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,672,872 ) are serious injuries. On January 29, 2021 a mass funeral protest for children who have died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Someone recorded the event and made a short video.

Whistleblower: Gunshot Wounds, Baby Deliveries, Car Accidents All Being Coded as “COVID” in Hospitals to Keep Federal Funding Flowing

More evidence is surfacing showing that hospitals today are still collecting federal funds as an incentive to diagnose patients with "COVID" via a PCR Test, even if the patient was brought to the hospital with gunshot wounds, or to have a child, or from a car accident. Project Veritas released a video yesterday of a whistleblower, Jeanne Stagg, who was working as a Senior Administrative Nurse at United Healthcare in Louisiana. She came forward to expose the fraudulent practices still going on in hospitals today where people who have no symptoms of COVID come into the hospital, such as from gunshot wounds, or to have a baby, or because they were in a car accident, and are then tested positive for COVID and coded as a "COVID patient" when they are admitted to the hospital. This releases federal funding that financially benefits the hospitals, but can literally kill the patient because they get the wrong treatment. And to demonstrate how this is happening, a man has just come forward to give his testimony in public about how he was in a car accident, where EMS ambulance services arrived on the scene and sedated him against his will, air lifted him to a hospital allegedly in Tucson, Arizona, and he woke up 8 hours later on a ventilator because he was diagnosed as a "COVID" patient. He was all alone in his room when he woke up, so he took himself off of the ventilator, removed the IV and catheter, and demanded to be released from the hospital. He considers himself lucky to be alive today.

Speech Therapist: 364% Surge in Baby and Toddler Referrals Thanks to Mask Wearing

A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers. Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent. Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired. As young as 8 months old, babies start learning how to speak by reading lips, a thankless task if parents and carers smother themselves with masks to comply with mandates.

Occupy Ottawa Day 4: All Eyes on Alberta as Truckers Stand Firm Against Threats and Police Stand Down!

Today's update on the Trucker Freedom Convoy switches to where the most intense action has been for the past couple of days in Coutts, Alberta, where Truckers are finishing up their 4th day of protesting at the border between Alberta and Montana. The Truckers were actually blocked in by the police, so there seems to be some confusion as to who is actually closing the border. The Truckers were willing to open a lane, but the police originally did not want to negotiate. Yesterday, Canadian police sent two officers to negotiate with the Truckers, who had agreed to open a lane to pass through the border, and the police apparently promised the truckers that while they would not allow more vehicles to join their group, they would allow food to be brought into them. However, it was soon discovered that they did not make good on their promise, and Truckers had to brave blizzard like conditions to walk several miles to get food. When the officers returned, the Truckers repeated their demands, which are to end the vaccine mandates, and dismissed the police, who promptly left. Today, an attorney arrived to represent the Truckers in their negotiations, and the Canadian police sent two new officers, apparently tactical officers, who read their demands to the Truckers to surrender themselves immediately or face the consequences. The Truckers stood their ground, and the police had no choice but to retreat. They apparently made a tactical error by sending a multitude of SWAT teams and other forces which left the check points unattended, which allowed many of the hundreds of other truckers waiting to join them to come through and join the protest, including farmers driving tractors and other equipment. Rebel News has had people embedded with the Truckers the whole time giving multiple video reports and interviews throughout the four days, and they are also helping to support the Truckers with legal fees. I have compiled all of their video reports from the past four days into one video. These videos were posted on the Twitter account. Watch this incredible report to find out just who these Truckers really are, their commitment, their resolve, and their bravery which is the exact opposite of how the corporate media is portraying them. Thank you to Rebel News! I hope you have these reports in other places besides Twitter!

Are the Globalists Intentionally Destroying the Food Supply Chain to Create a Crisis of Hunger and Starvation?

About 6,500 people were told to evacuate their homes in Winston-Salem, North Carolina today, when a fire broke out overnight at a fertilizer plant that Winston-Salem Fire Chief Trey Mayo said contained "an estimated 5,000 tons of finished fertilizer." The cause of the fire is not known. The facility is inspected by the fire department yearly, Mayo said. The last inspection was in December, and no violations were found. Taken in isolation, this news story would not be very alarming in terms of its impact on food production in the U.S., as fires at fertilizer plants do happen from time to time and are not that rare. The main focus of this news story being reported in the corporate media today is the safety of those close to the fire, as it should be. But when one considers the fact that the U.S. still imports a significant portion of its fertilizer from China, which stopped exporting phosphate to the U.S. in September last year to allegedly save their supplies for their own farmers, and that potassium chloride from potash comes mainly from Saskatchewan, Canada, where truckers are now protesting COVID vaccine mandates with little to no traffic coming across the borders which is fueling major concerns about fertilizer shortages, and that on top of all that many state organizations for corn, wheat and soybean producers sent a letter to the second largest fertilizer company in the U.S. last December complaining that "tariff barriers" from the second largest fertilizer company in the U.S. were preventing them from buying fertilizers from Morocco and Russia, suggests that perhaps something much more sinister is in play here, with potential disastrous results later this year. When the United States was founded in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture. By the time Abraham Lincoln became President, that number had dropped down below 50%. Today, less than 1% of the U.S. population is employed in agriculture, and just a handful of companies control the food supply, here in the U.S. and around the world. Our agricultural system is heavily dependent on technology today, as mass production of food has caused a major depletion of our soil, which is dependent on fertilizers to grow crops today: no fertilizers, no crops, no food.

Documentary Exposes the “Other Holocaust” of Christians in Russia at the Hands of Bolsheviks

There is a documentary that was produced in 2017 that has recently come to my attention which is a 9-part 12-hour documentary on the history of Europe and World War II. The film has been heavily censored, and the original websites have been scrubbed off the Internet, although copies of the film appear to have been uploaded to Bitchute in 2019. The name of the film is: EUROPA – The Last Battle. The original website can still be found on Archive.org. The full version is over 12 hours long and has over 1 million views since February of 2019 when it was uploaded to Bitchute. I have only watched the first two parts so far, and today I am publishing and recommending Part 1, which covers The Global Economic Structure, The Historical Roots Of Zionism & Communism, and The Bolshevik Revolution & The Holodomor. I could find virtually nothing about the film's producer, Tobias Bratt, but the film is listed on IMDb where it has a 7.7 rating out of 10 based on over 700 reviews. The fact that there appear to have been major efforts to censor this film should pique anyone's curiosity, as it clearly describes the history of Europe and WWII from a perspective that is not widely known in the West. I am recommending everyone watch Part 1 of this documentary because I believe it is timely information to help understand the times we are currently living through, for several reasons. First, this is a perspective of history that is heavily censored here in the West, and that alone should make you curious to watch and learn something that maybe you did not know before, as this version of history is seldom, if ever, taught in American schools. The documentary is very credible, using actual photos and actual film footage of people such as Winston Churchhill, Jacob Rothschild, and many others in the later parts of the film. The Russian Christian Holocaust at the hands of the Bolsheviks is truly horrifying, and this is not a film for the faint of heart, and under no circumstances should be viewed by children or younger people who could suffer trauma from watching this. Secondly, this film starts out by exposing the Globalists who rose to power in the 1700 and 1800s, the Jewish bankers, namely the Rothschilds. Thirdly, we appear to be on the brink of war with Russia over the Ukraine, and if you truly want to understand the history of this conflict, then you will get a perspective in Part 1 of this film that you are not likely to find in too many other places, if any. Fourthly, when you understand the playbook of the Satanic Jewish Globalists, and Marxism, you will see that this exact same playbook is being implemented right now here in the United States under the Biden administration. And lastly, there is a concerted effort happening right now to censor this information, and present the Jewish Holocaust in Germany as the only holocaust that happened during WWII, and the Satanic Jewish Globalists want to punish anyone who dares to question that narrative. For example, the United Nations just passed a resolution a few days ago, on January 20th, "Condemning Holocaust Denial."

GENOCIDE! Military Medical Whistleblowers Reveal Miscarriages, Birth Defects, and Infertility Rates Exploded in 2021 Following COVID Vaccines

The evidence that COVID-19 shots are making an entire generation infertile while killing unborn children still in the womb continues to pour in. Last week, Senator Ron Johnson hosted a conference in Washington D.C. called "Second Opinion" which featured many of the same speakers from his previous event held in D.C. back in November of 2021. One of the speakers at this 5-hour recorded event last Monday was attorney Thomas Renz, who in the short time allotted to him, testified that three military medical professionals had become whistle blowers, putting their careers on the line, to expose data contained in the Department of Defense Medical Database, under oath and under penalty of perjury, regarding the explosion of miscarriages which increased by almost 300% in 2021, an almost 300% increase in cancer, and over a 1000% increase in neurological injuries, which have a direct impact over the pilots flying in the military. Renz stated: "Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed (by the COVID-19 vaccines.)" After this very brief testimony in Senator Johnson's 5-hour presentation, Renz did a couple of interviews in the Right Wing alternative media where he expanded on what he testified to at Senator Johnson's conference in D.C., and in an interview on OAN he stated: "Along with the 300% increase in miscarriages, we also have a 150% increase in birth defects. Men, if you want things not to work for you, we saw the average at 2100 for male infertility jump to 7551. That's a 350% increase. Female infertility increased by 471%." And here is the most damning part of this information that Renz is reporting from the whistle blowers sharing data from the DoD medical database: these percentage increases are measured over the average of the past 5 year's data, which included year 2020, the year COVID started, which means all of these increases started in year 2021, when the vaccines were rolled out. GENOCIDE! The word "genocide" comes from the Greek word genos, from which we get words like "generation," and the Latin suffix -caedo, which means the "act of killing." So am I exaggerating or using hyperbole when I describe these COVID-19 vaccines as causing "genocide" by making an entire generation of people in their child-bearing ages infertile? And remember, these statistics that Renz is reporting are from the military, who are among the healthiest and most fit members of our society!


A truck convey in Canada reported to be over 50,000 trucks has arrived in Ottawa today. There are several live feeds filming the events today, and this is one on Rumble that rotates many live feeds, including truckers in other parts of the world that are also participating. People on the ground in Ottawa are saying that they are there for the long haul, and claim to have supplies that will last months until their demands are met. One person who is allegedly NOT in Ottawa is Justin Trudeau, who earlier in the week called the trucker convey a "fringe group."

Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) released more data into the database maintained by the CDC and FDA today, and there are now 1,071,856 reports of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 "vaccines." By way of contrast, prior to December of 2020 when the COVID-19 vaccines were issued emergency use authorization (EUA), there were a total of 915,813 reports of deaths and injuries following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years. 29,542 deaths and injuries per year following all FDA-approved vaccines - 989,405 deaths and injuries per year  following EUA COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, following the first complete year of injecting the population with experimental COVID-19 injections that were given emergency use authorization, deaths and injuries have increased 3,250% compared to deaths and injuries reported following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years. The CDC admits that as of January 20, 2022: "VAERS has received 2,132 preliminary reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 years and younger who received COVID-19 vaccines." The CDC calls this number "rare." They have to say this, because they are funded and controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, and represent their interests, and not the interests of public health. However, if we search VAERS for ALL types of myocarditis and pericarditis, instead of cherry picking only two types of "carditis," and include all forms of "carditis" for heart disease, the number almost doubles to 3,912 cases. Using the exact same search for all cases of "carditis," we find that prior to December, 2020, when the EUAs were issued to the experimental COVID-19 shots, there were a total of 725 cases of heart disease following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years for young people under the age of 30. 23 cases of heart disease per year for those under 30 following all FDA-approved vaccines - 3611 cases of heart disease per year for those under 30 following EUA COVID-19 vaccines. That is a 15,600% increase of heart disease following COVID-19 EUA vaccines compared to FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years.

Does Your Family Believe You are “Out of Your Mind”? You’re in Good Company Because Jesus Faced the Same Thing with His Family

Does your family think you are "out of your mind" because you disagree with them on things like COVID-19 measures such as the wearing of masks, and taking COVID-19 vaccines? If you are being accused of being "out of your mind," please take comfort from the fact that people said the same thing about Jesus Christ when he walked this earth, including his own family who wanted to seize him, and stop him from his "insanity." From Mark Chapter 3: Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this, they went to seize him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you." "Who are my mother and my brothers?" he asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

Corporate Media Warning of Attacks on Power Grid and Cyber Attacks as U.S. Tells People to Leave Ukraine Now by Any Means Available

Information (or dis-information) is now very obviously being leaked to the corporate media warning of impending attacks on the power grid in the United States, as well as cyber attacks, as the U.S. is now telling citizens in the Ukraine to leave immediately, by whatever means necessary. If you are not prepared for periods of time with no electricity and no Internet, you may have very little time left to prepare.

How Can the “Evangelical Right” Promote Parental Rights While at the Same Time Supporting Child Trafficking?

The Parental Rights Foundation sent out a newsletter to its subscribers last week from their president, William A. Estrada, with an article titled: "Parents Are Winning. That’s Why Opponents Are Turning Us Into Bogeymen." It was a response to an article published in Salon by Kathryn Joyce titled: "Parental rights started on the Christian fringe — now it's the GOP's winning issue." Having covered the issue of "parental rights" for going on 8 years now, mainly through our MedicalKidnap.com platform, this is a topic I am very familiar with. And while I agree with Estrada's assertion that the parental rights issues cross ideological lines and should not be strictly a "right-wing evangelical" issue, I am also familiar with Kathryn Joyce's work, and in particular her criticisms of the evangelical right's position on international adoptions, and the whole "Orphan Care" movement among evangelicals, which is basically a child trafficking movement, because it is mainly funded by the U.S. Government. "Orphan care" includes not only international adoptions, but participation in the U.S. Foster Care system, the #1 pipeline for pedophiles and child sex trafficking. What is Joyce's main point in her article? It is stated right in her sub-heading: "Right-wing Christians have pushed for parental control over education for years. Suddenly it's the GOP's main focus." It's all about public education, and who gets to make the decisions on curriculum and other issues associated with public education. Is not the solution for evangelicals obvious?? STOP ASKING THE GOVERNMENT TO EDUCATE AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN AND EDUCATE THEM YOURSELVES!! Problem solved.

Where are the Protests at the Vaccination Clinics to Rescue the Children?

The Alternative Media is gushing over all the "wonderful speakers" that appeared in Washington D.C. yesterday at the Defeat the Mandates "protest." Fox News covered the event, as they identified the leader of the event as Will Witt, and interviewed him just before the event began on Sunday. "You're going to hear a lot of people talk about on the left say this is a big, anti-vax rally — it's people coming in to deny science," march organizer Will Witt, an author and political commentator for nonprofit PragerU, told Fox News Digital, "but this march is about the mandate, and this march is about the Draconian measures that we're seeing all across this country right now, especially in places like D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco." "Witt said 90% of speakers at the march are vaccinated." So other than rousing speeches that fired up their supporter base and their opposition to "COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates," and not necessarily the vaccines themselves, what exactly did this "protest" in Washington D.C. accomplish? Washington D.C. is one of a handful of places in the nation right now where children as young as 12 years old can receive a COVID-19 injection without the approval of their parents. So as these superstar doctors and other pro-vaccine speakers addressed crowds that were reported to be in the tens of thousands of people, nearby there were scores of vaccination clinics at schools, churches, pop-up clinics, and retail pharmacy stores where children are being abused and being injected with a bioweapon shot that could kill them. If these speakers are so concerned about these shots being injected into children, as some of them claim, would it not have been far better to go to these places where children are being abused, and protest there, seeking to educate parents on the dangers of the shots they are allowing to be injected into their children?? If there were 20,000 people at this "protest" in Washington D.C., just how many schools, churches, and other vaccine clinics do you think they could have shut down for the day by simply gathering there, and sitting down in front of the doors through non-violent resistance, making it difficult for people to enter the clinics? This is exactly what happened in this country back in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the Pro-life movement called "Operation Rescue."

What is Life?

Life. It is one of the most common words in the English language. It is something to "live," something to "spend," something that begins and ends, something that is evaluated as "good" or "bad," as "healthy" or "unhealthy." But how do we actually define it? Is it defined by our culture, or does it have an intrinsic meaning that transcends how the culture uses the word? How you understand or define "life" affects pretty much everything you do, and I doubt that very many people have actually spent time evaluating their understanding of "life," but passively just accept how the culture defines it. "Life" is closely associated with "truth," which means that the meaning of "life" is not dependent on people's opinions or understanding of what it is. It just is. It transcends even language, therefore it requires that we examine the language we use to describe and define life, and the closer we can come to its actual intrinsic meaning, the closer we come to understanding "truth."

Vaccine Mandates for Canadian and Mexican Truck Drivers at the Borders Started Today – Supply Chain Disruptions to Get Worse?

A COVID-19 mandatory vaccine requirement for all non-U.S. citizens coming across the borders from Canada and Mexico that includes truck drivers went into effect today, Saturday, January 22, 2022. Canada implemented a similar COVID-19 vaccine mandate for U.S. truck drivers entering Canada last week, and it is already disrupting the supply chains in Canada. Higher food prices and food shortages have already been reported in Canada this past week. Canadian truck drivers protested earlier this week at a Manitoba border crossing. A Canadian truck convoy, "The Convoy For Freedom 2022," has started with Canadian truck drivers from all parts of Canada heading to the Canadian capital in Ottawa for a rally next Saturday, January 29, 2022. There is a Gofundme page setup to solicit funds for the truck drivers to help with their expenses in driving to Ottawa, and it has already raised more than $1.6 million. There is as of now no vaccine mandate for truck drivers entering Mexico, but depending on how strict they are at the Mexican borders on enforcing the U.S. mandate on Mexican truck drivers, this could have devastating impacts on the U.S. economy.