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Fed-up Unarmed Australians Hit the Streets in Protest of Medical Police State – Police Fire on Crowds

Australians turned out in mass Saturday to protest tyrannical police harassment in a country that is reported to now be more authoritarian than even China.  In Victoria, video footage shows police firing on unarmed crowds, allegedly with rubber bullets. Other substances were sprayed on the crowd such as pepper spray, and one video clip showed a young boy blinded and crying. This was all after a week that saw horrific video footage online throughout Australia of police beating up 12-year-olds for not wearing masks, a child being ripped from a parent's arms allegedly to inject them, and police just in general bullying the public for whatever reason they saw fit, using "COVID" as an excuse for everything. Here is my video report.

INDIA: “World’s First DNA-based Vaccine” Given Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 18-Year-Olds as Parents Mourn the Deaths of Their Children Following COVID-19 Injections

News reports out of India today announced that a new experimental COVID-19 vaccine has been given emergency use approval for children from age 12 through age 18 on Friday. It is reportedly the "world’s first needle-free DNA based vaccine." The existing experimental COVID-19 shots have been linked to deaths among young people, and some parents have now gone public to warn others in India, stating that they did not get the full information they needed to make a decision to allow their children to get one of these shots. We have included a video from some of these heartbroken parents warning others. India has been corrupted in recent years by Western medicine that follows the allopathic medical model, and much of this has been funded by organizations run by Bill Gates, who has used poor children in India, often without their consent or the consent of their parents, to develop new vaccines. But India has its own system of health care that is thousands of years old: Ayurveda. India also has thousands of hospitals practicing homeopathy, a natural method of healing without the toxic pharmaceutical products of Western allopathic medicine. We have included a video with a man in India trained in Ayurveda and homeopathy who has successfully treated COVID-19 patients with no toxic Western drugs. Vaccines are not needed, especially for children. If you live in India, or know people living in India, please share this information with as many people as possible. It might save many lives, especially the children that are now being targeted with this new experimental DNA vaccine.

To “Save” America will the Foundation of the Corporate American Christian Church Need to be Destroyed?

I have already written how Christian church "leaders" who are now trying to force their members to get a COVID-19 "vaccination" to participate in their organizations is eerily similar to the principles that divided the New Covenant believers in the Bible, where the "Circumcision Jews" who had believed in Jesus as the Messiah, wanted to force non-Jews, Gentiles, to obey the Law and perform a medical procedure on the males: circumcision. But in this article I am going a step further, and I am claiming that the American Corporate Church is first and foremost an American business, and just as corrupt as other American businesses and institutions, and that the principles of the New Covenant actually nullify most of their activities. The American Christian Church, which would include Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons, etc., has for many years been intertwined with the American medical system, as well as the American Military Industrial Complex, along with all their intelligence agencies as well, such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. America is known worldwide as a "Christian Country," and the vast majority of our population identifies themselves as "Christian." And look at where we are today. We are no different than the ancient Jewish kingdoms that God judged and destroyed. Not only are we just as corrupt as other nations, we are actually MORE corrupt than most, having such notorious distinctions as being the #1 destination for human and child sex trafficking, and killing more innocent civilians through our military than all the "terrorists" in the world combined. Under the New Covenant, there is no need for corporate "churches" or their professional human leaders, such as "priests" or "pastors." We can learn directly from God, because his Word can now be directly "written on our hearts." If we truly believe and experience this, it becomes a huge threat to the multi-BILLION dollar Christian Church corporate structure. We don't need them!

CDC’s Own Stats Show a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” with Vaccine Injuries – 2,604,121 Injuries from 571,831 People Reported

Last month we reported on how the CDC's proclamation that the U.S. was now facing a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a lie, with no stats to back up this assertion. They claimed that "99%" of those being hospitalized with COVID were "unvaccinated," even though reports and other stats proved just the opposite. Even Republican Governors are perpetuating this lie to the American people. As regular readers of Health Impact News know, the U.S. Government has a tracking system to track reported injuries following vaccines, called "VAERS," the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The last VAERS report from this past weekend listed: 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, and 13,139 life threatening events following COVID-19 shots. But what about total injuries reported following these shots? They are listed as "symptoms" in the VAERS database, and I had never done a search on total symptoms reported following COVID-19 shots. So I did one today, and the search result returned 2,604,121 reported symptoms from 571,831 cases. There are over 10,500 kinds of symptoms reported, and I copied that table into an Excel spreadsheet and sorted them from most reported symptoms to least, and the results are in this article. I don't know if this article, or another one that reports something similar to this will go viral enough to attract the attention of the corporate media or Big Tech "fact checkers" who will come in and try to cherry pick something in the stats that they will claim "proves" this is false, but there is one thing that nobody can refute: From these 571,831 cases and 2,604,121 reported symptoms, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS FROM SOMEONE WHO IS UNVACCINATED WITH COVID-19.

Critical Nursing Shortages Hit Hospitals Nationwide as Nurses Quit or are Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

The United States is now facing a critical nursing shortage in hospitals as many nurses are quitting rather than complying with COVID vaccine mandates, or they are being fired. We have also documented several stories this year where nurses have died or been crippled from the COVID shots. Hospitals will soon be "overwhelmed" not because of outbreaks of COVID, but because the critical care staffing is being severely depleted by the COVID shots.

21,766 DEAD Over 2 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 21,766 fatalities, and 2,074,410 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

CENSORED: COVID Vaccine Injured Who Regret Their Decisions to Get the Shot and Their Message to You

There are untold numbers of people who have received one of the COVID shots and are now disabled or severely injured, and they regret their decision. Not only do they regret their decision, they want you to know what the true risks are, and warn you. These people are being CENSORED in the corporate media, and Big Tech social media sites. They don't want you to hear the "other side," because it does not fit their narrative, and to question their authority is now to be considered a potential "domestic terrorist." Some of these people who are now injured after taking a COVID shot used to attack and criticize those who don't trust the shots, and when encountering information that goes against the corporate media narrative, they used to believe these were all "conspiracy theories." But they don't believe that anymore, now that their lives are ruined. These are the voices of those who regret their decisions, and their voices are being heavily censored. The "health authorities" don't want you to listen to them. So ask yourself, if these shots are so beneficial, why do they need to attack and censor dissenting opinions? When they claim that all these people who regret taking the shots and are now warning you about them, are "actors" who are lying, what benefit would they receive for faking their injuries? Who would pay them to say these things?? Listen to them for yourselves.

Singapore Teen Awarded $225,000 for Heart Attack Caused by Pfizer COVID-19 Shot while More than Half Million COVID Shot Injuries in U.S. Get NOTHING

The Singapore Ministry of Health announced yesterday that a 16-year-old male was awarded $225,000 ($166,000 US) for medical costs after he suffered a heart attack after the first Pfizer COVID-19 shot. Here in the U.S., as we reported yesterday, the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years. A total of 571,831 people have filed adverse reactions to the experimental COVID-19 shots, and given how hesitant doctors and other heathcare workers are to admit a vaccine caused these injuries, we know this VAERS is severely under-reported, which means millions of Americans are now suffering from COVID-19 vaccine injuries. How many of these people injured by the shots have received compensation from the U.S. Government for receiving an experimental injection that is not even FDA approved yet? That would be ZERO. And it is not likely to change anytime soon, if ever.

Australia Now the Disgrace of the World: Police Attacking and Pepper-Spraying Young Children for not Wearing Masks!

Earlier this month we reported how quickly Australia had descended into tyranny, basically becoming a medical police state with martial law. Even China has criticized their authoritarian measures, and we showed video footage of police arresting the elderly and seniors in parks for simply not wearing masks. Well it would seem that things have descended even further, going from bad to horrible, as video footage is now circulating of police actually attacking young children for simply not wearing masks, throwing them on the ground to cuff them, and even pepper-spraying a 12-year-old girl. And amazingly, several of the police themselves are not even wearing masks! Watch the footage in the video report I put together. It starts out fairly quietly with a young girl explaining that her sister had just been arrested for not wearing a mask, but then more police arrive and the situation quickly deteriorates into chaos - thanks to the police. I have to admit that my blood was boiling as I watched these big brawny men fully armed throw around young harmless children. If this is what it takes for you to feel like a man, then you're no man at all! You're a worm that needs to be stepped on and squashed!

1,135,579 Injuries 1,559 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report last Friday, August 13, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through August 4, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,559 deaths and 1,135,579 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections.

CDC Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Saturday, August 14, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years. This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from the CDC. They have now recorded 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, 13,139 life threatening events, among 682,873 reported injuries from 571,831 cases. What are NOT included in these 12,791 deaths the CDC is reporting following COVID-19 shots, are the number of fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections into pregnant women, which now numbers 1,360 deaths according to the CDC.

New York Jews Embrace Nazism – Partner with IBM to “Show Your Papers”

The Jewish leaders of the Chatham Synagogue in New York make it very clear on their website that in order to worship at their premises, you must be both masked and vaccinated. As if this isn’t ridiculous enough they also ask that you show proof of being jabbed - suggesting an app that was created by a company directly involved in the slaughter of their own people. The Potsdam-based Jewish Congregation Beth El has similar requirements. Similarly, the Woodstock Congregation in New York demands that only vaccinated individuals attend their services. The same goes for attendees of the Jewish Temple Beth Tzedek in Buffalo, New York. It is not limited to synagogues. The Yeshiva University has a strict vaccination policy. They require all of their students to be injected with an emergency-use, unapproved, experimental gene therapy before they are allowed to attend classes. What is depressingly ironic and face-palm worthy about the above is the fact that all of these Jewish establishments list, as one of the options of proof of vaccination, the Excelsior Pass - a digital health pass developed through a partnership between New York State and IBM. Yes, IBM. The same IBM that in the 1930s helped Adolf Hitler to tag and identify the Jews of Europe, making it possible for his men to track them down, separate them from their families, segregate them, starve them, use them for slave labour, torture them and, ultimately, murder them. To think that Jewish people in Jewish-owned businesses, Jewish universities and Jewish synagogues are, once again, acquiescing to the same instruments of tyranny that almost caused their eradication from the face of the Earth over 80 years ago, is astonishing. For Jews, this is not a ‘New Normal’. There is nothing ‘new’ about any of this. It has all been done before.

We are Destroying the Lives of our Young with Experimental COVID Injections

From age 12 to those in their 20s, formerly healthy young people are now dying and being permanently crippled by the COVID shots. Sometimes cold words as text on a screen just don't do justice to tragedies like these. So here is a video tribute for those children and young adults who have died and been permanently injured as a result of being forced to receive a COVID-19 experimental injection, or young people who were fooled into making that decision for themselves, and are now either dead or deeply regret their decision because their life is ruined. There is no turning back.

The Evolving Definition of “Vaccine” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for 2021

The popular online dictionary, Merriam-Webster.com, has had the same definition for "vaccine" for several years. However, that definition has now been updated at least twice in 2021. It now includes examples of mRNA "vaccines" such as Moderna and Pfizer, "viral vector" vaccines such as J&J and AstraZeneca, and a completely new definition to cover some "vaccines" the military is working on: "a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases."

Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist, Military Documents Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees’

The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called “Internment/Resettlement Specialist.” People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes “Search/Restraint” as “Some of the Skills You’ll Learn,” according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, military documents show that the military can detain civilians here in America, including U.S. citizens.

Blacks Most “Vaccine Hesitant” to COVID-19 Shots – More Ignorant or Wiser than General Population?

Many surveys show that black people are the most "vaccine hesitant" when it comes to the COVID-19 shots. Is this because they are more ignorant than the general population, or wiser? Blacks have a very strong distrust of the government, an attitude that quite frankly has been essential to the survival of their people in most countries. I have been watching these pathetic "protests" around the world and wondering when people are going to actually get REAL, and do something about stopping this eugenic mass genocide; like targeting vaccine clinics where they are killing people with these shots, and trying to wake people up. The first video I have seen where someone actually did this, is of a black man in the U.K. who walked up to a bus where the AstraZeneca shots were being given to people. The AstraZeneca shot has been banned in many countries, due to blood clotting and other serious side effects. The first question he asked those in the bus who were injecting people was "Is the vaccine safe?" Without hesitation, both people in the bus stated "yes." He then pulls out a flyer that apparently had official UK government statistics from their "Yellow Card" adverse reporting system and asked them to explain why they were saying the shots were "safe" with so many injuries. One guy says: "That's propaganda" without even looking at it. The black man filming this encounter was doing what I have seen very few people do in protest: Go to the actual places where they are giving out the shots and try to educate people on how dangerous they are, and try to save some lives! Watch how another black man, who was apparently hired for security to guard those in the "vaccine clinic" bus, tries to stop the man from asking questions. I have also included a clip at the end of a woman who is obviously "street wise" when it comes to evaluating pharmaceutical products. I think it is time for the rest of the world to follow the Blacks, as they have far more experience in exposing government corruption and resisting it than most of the rest of the population. We have a lot we can learn from them, and the time has come for them to take on their ordained leadership role in fighting back against the Luciferian Globalists.

Belief in COVID “Vaccines” Now Reaching Religious Fervor: The Shot “Reduces Suffering” Before Death

A story out of San Antonio, Texas, shows the absurdity that the belief in COVID injections has now reached. KSAT reported that Yvonne Rodriguez is an only child, and that: "she made sure her parents Patricio and Sylvia Elizondo were vaccinated early on against COVID-19." But now they're both dead. Her mother died 3 months ago, and now her father has just died. Both were reportedly fully vaccinated. Instead of considering the possibility that the vaccine might have contributed to her father's death, or at the very least consider it was ineffective in stopping her parents' deaths, she instead continued to believe in the vaccines, and stated:  “I can’t imagine how much more he would have suffered if he had not gotten the vaccine.” As Dr. Cole so eloquently stated in his presentation last week, "This is no longer science." Let's call this what it really is: it is a religion. It is a system of beliefs based not on science, but on belief in the people in charge of this system, who have taken on the role of priests, and the "gods" of medicine and vaccines. And for all the Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues, and Muslim Mosques who pretend to believe in God, but are encouraging their members to go out and trust in the vaccines, many even offering them right there in their houses of worship, you are all IDOLATERS.

CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections

The U.S. CDC announced today that they have "new data" that they claim shows that the COVID-19 experimental injections are now safe for pregnant women. Of course they have been recommending all along that pregnant women get the experimental injections, so it appears that this is just a new marketing strategy to get more pregnant women to get the shots. A search of the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) lists 1,270 premature fetal deaths in pregnant women following one of the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 injections. The CDC admits that this "new study" of nearly 2,500 pregnant women who received an mRNA COVID-19 injection before 20 weeks of pregnancy had 13% of them suffer miscarriages. They concluded that: "The known severe risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy demonstrate that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant people outweigh any known or potential risks." But what exactly are these "benefits" of receiving a COVID-19 "vaccine" that "outweigh the risks?" They admit they don't stop transmission, they admit you can still get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, and they admit that people who are fully vaccinated are still dying. The CDC protects the pharmaceutical industry. They get caught lying all the time. They are not your friend, they don't care about your health, and they don't care if your unborn baby lives or dies.

Board Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients are Dying from the Vaccine than from COVID

Abrien Aguirre is a board certified occupational therapist who recently went public with his knowledge of working in 3 COVID units in Hawaii, two of them "isolation units." He states that he works in the largest skilled nursing facility in Oahu, working with the geriatric population. He was interviewed by a group known as "Hawaii Free Speech News." His testimony was recorded at a recent outdoor protest held at the Hawaii State Capitol in Honolulu. He explains how people with terminal illnesses are being put on the COVID death lists, which he says is "complete fraud." They rolled out the Moderna mRNA experimental injections at his facility, and he says: "I've seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine. None of that is being talked about on the News. It doesn't fit their narrative. I've seen more people pass away from the vaccine, than I have in COVID units." This testimony by Abrien Aguirre is one of the most damning interviews I have ever seen. Everyone should send a copy of this video to their elected officials, because the U.S. medical system has now become thoroughly corrupt. Mr. Aguirre has nothing to gain, and much to lose by going public, putting his career and possibly even his life on the line to go public with this damning information. Since politicians are complicit with these murders and crimes, it is unlikely that they will do anything about it. But by exposing their crimes, especially those who claim they are "just doing their jobs," we can ensure that they will most certainly be held accountable for these murders and crimes against humanity. There is no place in Hell too hot for where most of these people are going to end up.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Gets Schooled on COVID Vaccines by His Constituents

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson got an earful from his constituents at a recent town hall meeting, who schooled him on the facts surrounding the COVID-19 "vaccines." Do you think he will listen to his constituents since he took an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect them?