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So far AdminM has created 1823 entries.

Despite Over 95% Vaxx’d, Harvard Business School Shifts Classes Online After “Substantial Outbreak” Of COVID

Harvard Business School (HBS) has moved its first-year and some second-year MBA students to remote learning after an outbreak of COVID.  "In recent days, we've seen a steady rise in breakthrough infections among our student population, despite high vaccination rates and frequent testing," Mark Cautela, head of communications for HBS, told Poets&Quants. What's remarkable is that most college students and staff at Harvard (95% students and 96% employees) are vaccinated against the coronavirus. Is Harvard therefore implicitly admitting that vaccine effectiveness has waned to the point of total ineffectiveness? Harvard has requested students to limit in-person interactions with others outside their household, move all group meetings online, and cancel group activities. So, despite all the promises of a 'return to normal' if only everyone were vaccinated (which in this case they are), it appears elite higher education in 2021 is no different from elite higher education in 2020... and certainly not any cheaper.

Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries

As the data continues to come in regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots, it is abundantly clear now that pretty much EVERYTHING the FDA and the CDC have told the public about these shots is a LIE! Dr. Gérard Delépine from France, whom we have featured often here at Health Impact News over the years, has just published a study based on public data from the countries with the highest vaccination rates that clearly shows that the COVID-19 shots are hospitalizing people and killing people at higher rates than countries who have adopted early treatment protocols without the use of vaccines. This is the biggest scam and cover-up in the history of the human race. The voices of the millions who have suffered injuries and deaths of loved ones are being censored in the corporate media and in Big Tech social media sites. Google this week purged many YouTube channels that contained much of this information that goes contrary to the corporate media, where channels that have been published for years just vanished overnight, including The National Vaccine Information Center, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Ron Paul, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and many others. The video of a well-known Trinidad Pastor, Marva Paschier, has gone viral this week as she mourns the death of her son just hours after he took the shot. She is crying and you can hear someone in the background also mourning and wailing. Facebook took down her video (but we have a copy), but locally doctors and health officials are allegedly looking into the boy's death. This is the kind of information Big Pharma and the corporate media are trying to suppress.

26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After Death of 20-Year-Old Student

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. Joachim Kuhs, a member of the European Parliament, recently spoke to the EU Commission and stated: "Pull the brake on these vaccines and stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!" Meanwhile, Slovenia has suspended the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine in their country after the death of a 20-year-old who was mandated to get the shot in order to attend classes.

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game – Time to Resist Authoritarianism in the U.S.!

Barbara Loe Fisher is the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). Barbara and the NVIC have been around since 1986 when Congress and President Reagan signed into law legislation that gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines. It is because of Barbara and her efforts through the NVIC that we even have a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) mandated by law, even though the government does everything they can to hide this system, as very few people even know that it exists. NVIC built the best front-end system to search the VAERS database at MedAlerts. Barbara has been around fighting for you and your children's rights to informed consent for medical procedures for over 40 years. NVIC has mobilized grass-roots citizens in all 50 states who volunteer to watch what state legislators and local health departments do to try and force vaccines on people, mainly children over the years, and mobilize people to fight back against those efforts to deny the right to informed consent. For many years she was the go-to person that the corporate media would interview to give the "other side" of the vaccine debate, back when the corporate media still gave time to that side. Barbara has just published her most recent exposé on the state of medical tyranny through vaccination, "Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game," which gives a great summary of how we got to where we are today, and what we need to do now to push back against this authoritarianism.

N.Y. Governor Kathy Hochul’s “God” is Satan – Preaches at NYC Church and Proudly Displays the “Mark of the Beast”

New York Governor Kathy Hochul preached a sermon at a NYC church this past Sunday, and claimed that those who had not yet taken a COVID-19 shot "aren't listening to God and what God wants." There is only one possible way that any of her words could have any kind of truthful meaning. Her use of the word "god" is actually Satan. If by the word "god" she means her god, who is actually Satan, then everything she says makes perfect sense. Because true believers don't listen to the voice of Satan, but to the voice of God. And we won't take the "vaccine," because it represents the "mark of the beast," Satan. Jesus himself condemned people who claimed to know and represent God, but in fact represented Satan. Jesus warned his disciples that days like this would come, where killing people who follow Jesus Christ will actually be considered a service to "God." Kathy Hochul apparently neither knows God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, nor his son Jesus Christ. She is one of the many false prophets we have been warned about in the Bible. Jesus gives us assurance that he has everything under control, and that we do not need to fear these false prophets. "The prince of this world now stands condemned. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Johnson and Johnson Employees Admit They Would not Take the COVID-19 Shot Their Employer Makes, nor Give it to Children

Project Veritas released the third video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing two Johnson & Johnson [J&J] officials, who argue children do not need to take the COVID vaccine in part because of the potential long-term side effects. One of the exposed J&J employees, a scientist by the name of Justin Durrant, laughs about inconveniencing unvaccinated adults if they refuse to comply with mandates being imposed upon them. Durrant said he does not recommend taking his own company’s vaccine. He asked the Veritas journalist to keep that information private.

Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots – Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate!

Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz spoke at an event in Colorado this past weekend, and stated that more whistleblowers have now come forward, and that the death rate with those taking the COVID-19 vaccines is much higher than they originally thought. Presenting data that he claims comes directly from the CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) database, there have been 48,465 deaths among CMS beneficiaries within 14 days of a 1st or 2nd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. There are about 59.4 million Americans covered by Medicare, representing 18.1% of the population, so these are staggering numbers! As attorney Renz states: "You're being defrauded by your government!"

Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

Reignite Democracy Australia, which was started by journalist Monica Smit, an outspoken critic on authoritarian lockdowns in Australia who was just released from jail on bond last week, has started a group called "Nurses Speak Out" where gagged nurses are speaking out about the truth of what is currently going on inside of hospitals with people suffering from vaccine injuries. They are posting these stories on their Telegram channel as well. "This is an Anonymous whistleblowing channel for Nurses & Healthcare workers in Australia. We will share verified experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations. These submissions have been vetted by a collective of health professionals. Some details may be omitted, your identity will be protected. AHPRA has gagged, coerced and threatened anyone who comes forward - let's save some lives. This channel is dedicated to all frontline workers around the world. This is Australia. This is for you." Here are some of their stories that have just been published.

When the World Hates You, You’re a Rebel Standing on the Truth and Proving You Don’t Belong Here

Jesus made it very clear to his followers, both then as well as today, that to follow him was to take a path that leads to persecution and hardship, going against the crowd and having the world hate you, because you represent the "light" that Jesus is in the world, which in turn exposes the evil of the world system, ruled by Satan, the father of lies. Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) A choice now confronts every one of us, and it is most certainly NOT a choice between political parties or ideologies. It is a choice between good and evil, between Satan and the ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness, or Jesus and the ruler of the Kingdom of God. The pretenders, mostly the religious who belong to their churches or religious institutions, will not make it. Because one is not saved by their associations or belief systems. One is only saved by a person, who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Knowing about him is not good enough. Satan knows about him too, and that knowledge does not save him. Jesus is the vine, the life source, and as he stated in that upper room discourse, "apart from me you can do nothing." But together with him, we can do EVERYTHING! "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." Satan knows this, and he fears it. But are there enough true disciples of Jesus Christ who know his power left in the world to make Satan tremble? We're about to find out.

New Yorkers Rising Up as Mandatory COVID Shot Deadline Looms – Citywide Walk Out Planned Same Day

Many New York City workers are facing a Monday (9/27/21) deadline to be "vaccinated" with a COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment. A citywide "walk out" has been in the plans for the past week on the same day, from 2-6 p.m. starting in Foley Square. Known simply as "JoSpeaksTruth" on Telegram, this woman from the Dominican Republic fired up the crowds in NYC today, stating that: "This is the worst psychological operation in history... Another tactic that is used on the people is fear. A Stockhold Syndrome and cognitive dissonance. The government is abusing us. I need people to realize this: we can no longer continue to go this way. Our jobs are on the line. I personally, I don't care. Because I'd rather stand free, I'd rather eat food from the dumpster, than get injected with this bioweapon! This is an assault on our humanity. And if we don't have control over what we put into our bodies, we're nothing but slaves and cattle." Listen to her whole inspired speech on the streets of New York today. Time to stand up and resist New York! The largest city in the United States with international fame as one of the most ethnically diverse cultural centers found anywhere in the world, this is your time to shine! 

Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women

There have now been 1,614 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as of 9/10/2021. Everyone acknowledges and agrees that VAERS is vastly under-reported, but now we have an expert analysis on just how under-reported adverse events are from Dr. Jessica Rose. Her conservative estimate based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS need to be multiplied by X41. That would mean that a conservative estimate of the true numbers of fetal deaths would be 66,174 when their mothers are injected with a COVID-19 shot. Besides the fetal deaths, we also know there are 96 recorded cases where a breast-fed child was injured after the nursing mother took a COVID-19 shot. Again, if we multiply that number by X41, a conservative estimate would be about 3,936 adverse events in infants being breastfed when their mothers are injected. Two of those resulted in the breastfed infant dying after the nursing mother was injected.

Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths that are NOT being Reported

Last week we reported how James O’Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received “thousands” of emails (“hundreds a day”) from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories. As promised, Project Veritas released the first video today of what they say will be a series of videos from undercover whistleblowers exposing what the truth is about COVID-19 vaccines. Jodi O’Malley is a registered nurse who works for the federal government in HHS (Health and Human Services) at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, the Indian Health Service Division of HHS. She decided to contact Project Veritas when one of her co-workers was coerced into getting a COVID-19 injection as a requirement for employment at Phoenix Indian Medical Center, and died a short time later. O’Malley is seen in the video conversing with other nurses about the fact that these injuries and deaths following COVID-19 shots are not being reported to VAERS. One nurse, Deanna Paris, when discussing why doctors are not reporting these adverse events to VAERS states: "I think they want people to die." O’Malley states: "This is evil at the highest level." These are federal employees working for HHS saying this. When James O’Keefe asks O'Malley if she expects them to retaliate against her for going public, she replies: “Yeah. I’m a federal employee. What other federal employees do you see coming out?” He then asks her if she is afraid, and she replies: “It’s my career, you know? It’s how I help people. But am I afraid? I wouldn’t necessarily say I am afraid because my faith lies in God and not man. So, I have two older kids that are on their own, and I have a twelve-year-old at home that I care for on my own, but you know, what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this -- this is evil. This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”

Massive Police Brutality Recorded in Australia During Rally for Freedom as Thousands Take to the Streets

A "World Wide Rally for Freedom" was heavily promoted in Australia the past couple of weeks for yesterday, September 18, 2021. The police state in Australia has become so bad that they are now tracking their citizens' cell phone usage and social media posts, trying to arrest would-be protesters and lock them in their homes even before rallies are started. Police were armed with pepper spray, and from some of the video clips I have seen they were all too willing to use it whenever they could. As could be expected, there was some push back. Here is a short video report I have put together. I was going to use the word "violent" to describe what happened in Australia yesterday between the citizens and the police, but honestly, we have not see real "violence" yet at these protests, although it is getting closer. The REAL violence is happening in the vaccine clinics where mass murder is still happening, as the vaccines are killing and crippling people. This is not happening at the protests, yet.

Fully Vaccinated Account for 74% of Covid-19 Deaths in the UK Summer Wave According to Latest Public Health England Report

The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!

The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 "booster shot." There were signs heading into the meeting this week that there could be some fireworks at this hearing, as two top vaccine research scientists at the FDA, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Phillip Kause, the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research, recently resigned. This followed a report published in The Lancet from 18 officials at the FDA opposing the Biden Administration's plan to start distributing Pfizer "booster shots" later this month (September, 2021) before the FDA had even approved them. To say that there were fireworks at the Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday might be a gross understatement. The 18 member committee voted 16 to 2 AGAINST approving the booster shots, although later they did give their endorsement on approving them for people 65 and older. During the "open session" part of the meeting, dissenting doctors questioning the Pfizer shots were given a chance to address the public with their concerns, and they presented to the public REAL data about the shots that up until now has been heavily censored.

“Thousands” of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories

The U.S. Government and the corporate media's narrative regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is quickly falling apart. Truth is kind of like REAL cream in non-homogenized fresh milk: it rises to the top. We reported earlier this week how a local TV station in Detroit asked viewers on their Facebook Page to send them stories of loved ones who had refused the COVID-19 vaccines and had now died, but instead tens of thousands of comments came in about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths (219K at the time of publication of this article). James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has just released a video stating that they have received "thousands" of emails ("hundreds a day") from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories. He reports that they have one such story that they are going to publish this coming Monday.

NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot – Offered Bribe to Silence Story

John Stokes is a Division 1 NCAA student golfer in Tennessee. He recently received the Pfizer COVID-19 shots as mandated by the NCAA. Now he has heart disease (myocarditis), and will not be able to compete in his senior year. He shot a video from his hospital bed that soon went viral, where he revealed that other student athletes were reporting the same thing, some even requiring heart surgery. He is trying to warn others, because he does not feel that he was informed of the risks prior to taking the shots. Because he has been vocal in social media relating his condition to the COVID shots, local news has also covered the story. In his most recent video shared on social media, he encourages other athletes to report their COVID vaccine side effects, and he also states that someone has offered to buy the rights to his story in order to keep it quiet.

The Illusion of Getting Rich While Producing Nothing

By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse. Of all the mass delusions running rampant in the culture, none is more spectacularly delusional than the conviction that we can all get fabulously rich from speculation while producing nothing. The key characteristic of speculation is that it produces nothing: it doesn't generate any new goods or services, boost productivity or increase the functionality of real-world essentials. Like all mass delusions, the greater the disconnect from reality, the greater the appeal. Mass delusions gain their escape velocity by leaving any ties to real-world limitations behind, and by igniting the most powerful booster to human euphoric confidence known, greed. Lost in the mania of easy wealth from speculative trading is the absence of any value creation in the rotation-churn of moving bets from one table to the latest hot game: in flipping houses sight unseen, no functionality was added to the house. In transferring bets on one cryptocurrency to another or from one meme stock to another, no value to the economy or society was created. In the mass delusion that near-infinite wealth can be generated without producing anything, creating value has no value: the delusion is that I can get rich producing nothing but speculative gains, and then I can buy all the stuff somebody else is making. The fantasy powering the speculative frenzy is once I get rich, I'll stop working and live off my wealth. It's interesting, isn't it, how everyone can get rich via unproductive speculation, quit their jobs and then live off the productive work of somebody else who failed to get rich off speculation.

Is there an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the West and the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?

Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian journalist who lives in Japan. He was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998 to 2005, and states that he: "Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. If they dispute this, I invite them to sue me, any place, any time." He also previously was a Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post, and a staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper. In 2007, his life apparently took a radical turn, as he interviewed the former Finance Minister of Japan, Heizo Takenada, and he says: "I confronted him with evidence that he had sold out the Japanese financial system to a group of financial companies controlled by David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds. The very next day, I got an email from someone who said he was introduced by Mr. Takenada and that he wanted me to meet somebody. The person I met gave me this Freemason badge and he said to me that he was a professional assassin, and that I could either... continue exposing people and die at the age of 46, or I could become basically Finance Minister of Japan." He goes on to explain that the very next day an Asian Secret Society contacted him, and offered him protection from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Fulford claims that this ancient Asian Secret Society has a membership of over 6 million, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters. He claims the other non-gangster members are among the highest levels of Asian society in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and in all the Asian communities worldwide. These people all allegedly united after the first SARS outbreak happened in Asia in the early 2000s, because they believed that it was a bioweapon aimed at killing Asians. He says that the West is bankrupt, and is unable to pay their debts, and China holds a significant amount of that debt which will come due in a few weeks at the end of September. He mentions that Biden tried to call Chinese President Xi Jinping last week, but China blew him off. Fulford states that the Joe Biden administration has surrendered to China. The Asian Secret Societies, he claims, are trying to stop this. He discusses the "Dragon Family" that is "a group of Asian Royals" whom he claims controls the China Communist Party, and is "above" Taiwan, Japan, and China.

Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die

It should be obvious to most people today that the medical system in the United States, incorrectly labeled the "healthcare" system, is radically being transformed where political agendas now rule hospital policies, with hospitals becoming the distribution centers for Big Pharma products and services, including drugs, vaccines, and other medical procedures, where patient outcomes only matter in terms of how much financial revenue hospitals can make, and not health outcomes. In fact, the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from patients' deaths than they do from healing them. A video from a frustrated nurse has been making the rounds on the Internet recently, where she explains that her co-worker doctors and nurses now openly state that they want unvaccinated people to die, including herself.