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Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots

The latest data dump into the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) happened late yesterday afternoon (11/29/21) and covers data through 11/19/21. The VAERS database was mandated by Congress over 30 years ago, beginning in 1990, and is maintained by the U.S. CDC and FDA. As of yesterday's update, there are now a total of 1,765,262 cases of adverse events following all vaccines for the past 30+ years, including the experimental COVID-19 shots that have been issued emergency use authorization and are not yet approved by the FDA. Of those 1,765,262 cases of adverse events following all vaccines for the past 30+ years, 913,268 of them (52%) have been reported during the past 11 months following COVID-19 shots. For the past 30+ years there have been 28,379 deaths recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots. 68% of those deaths, 19,249, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. For the past 30+ years there have been 35,524 life threatening events recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots. 61% of those life threatening events, 21,582, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. For the past 30+ years there have been 51,231 permanent disabilities recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots. 60% of those permanent disabilities, 30,967, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. For the past 30+ years there have been 178,383 hospitalizations recorded in VAERS following all vaccines, including the COVID-19 EUA shots. 55% of those hospitalizations, 97,561, have followed COVID-19 shots in the past 11 months. From the data released into VAERS yesterday, we have found 2,732 fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, while there have been 2,163 fetal deaths following ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years. After reviewing this data supplied by the U.S. Government, how can anyone conclude that the experimental COVID-19 shots are safe? Now that we are almost 1 year into the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines," and we have all this data to show that they are neither safe nor effective, if you present this data to those who are still pro-COVID-19 "vaccines," it will not convince most of them. It is a political and ideological issue to them, the facts be damned. This is the classic definition of a "cult."

March of the Vaccine Dead Protest in Italy – British Cardiologist Confirms AHA Study that COVID-19 Shots Causing Heart Attacks

This past weekend a group of protesters in Italy that appears to number at least in the hundreds, marched with signs containing pictures of loved ones who had died after receiving a COVID-19 shot. Last week we published the study that appeared in the American Heart Association publication "Circulation" that linked COVID-19 shots to increased heart attacks. Shortly after that study was published, British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra was interviewed and asked to comment on the study. Dr. Aseem Malhotra has been featured multiple times over the years here at Health Impact News because he is one of the few doctors worldwide that is not afraid of exposing the fraud in the pharmaceutical industry, as he has exposed the false lipid theory of heart disease that claims cholesterol causes heart disease which then created a multi-billion dollar cholesterol-lowering drug business led by Pfizer. Dr. Malhotra confirmed the results of the AHA study and shared that British authorities in the field of Cardiology confirmed to him that this is happening, that the COVID-19 shots are leading to increased heart attacks, but they are afraid to go public because they will lose their research funding from the Drug Companies. He is calling for an immediate end to vaccine mandates. Meanwhile, so many athletes are suddenly collapsing due to heart problems that the corporate media can no longer deny it, but they are calling it a "coincidence."

A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot

As the vaccination train rolls on, tales of horrifying side effects continue to pile up. The mainstream media reports only on these cases in isolation, if at all, deliberately ignoring the wider pattern of serious blood clots directly linked to vaccination. At this point, the evidence seems deniable only when these cases are not looked at together as a group. Here is a list of people from around the world that, in just the last few weeks and months, have had their leg amputated as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The New COVID Variant Scam was Simulated in Israel Weeks before it was “Discovered”

The flames of "COVID fear" are being stoked again, as the Big Pharma Globalists unleash their new plan to increase profits and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using their corporate media and puppet politicians in an attempt to extend the false "COVID pandemic." Within just a couple of days after announcing that a "new variant" has been discovered in Africa, Big Pharma has now promised the world that they are rushing to rescue everyone with new drugs and new vaccines to fight this "deadly new variant." What kind of people are still watching this Hollywood-like scripted show and actually believing it is true?? For those who do not worship the medical system as their savior, it is very easy now to see through the propaganda and hype that is broadcast around the world 24/7 in an effort to usher in their Great Reset and New World Order. What I am going to do in this article today is clearly show how this new variant they are promoting like a new motion picture that they want everyone to watch is a complete scam, and then expose just what it is they want to accomplish through this new round of fear mongering, which is the only "pandemic" that is real, a pandemic of fear.

Fully Vaccinated Pro-Vaccine Canadian Senator Dead at the Age of 56

A prominent Canadian politician who was fully vaccinated against Covid-19 has passed away from “covid”, according to government officials. Josée Forest-Niesing, 56, suffered from an autoimmune condition that reportedly affected her lungs. After getting vaccinated, she fell sick and had to be sent to the hospital, where she remained for a month undergoing treatment. Eventually, Niesing was sent home on November 14th, only to have her condition deteriorate even further. One week later, she passed away due to the vaccine-induced illness from which she had suffered. Niesing was appointed a seat with the Independent Senators Group in 2018, which is primarily made up of people affiliated with the Liberal Party. Despite the circumstances surrounding her death, Niesing’s office issued a statement of praise for the covid vaccines. Rather than honour her life, Niesing’s office took the opportunity to promote the vaccine and share more propaganda. “Senator Forest-Niesing would like to remind all Canadians of the importance of vaccination,” reads the official statement. “(She) remains convinced her fight would have been much different if it had not been for this protection.”

Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought

The Indian Bar Association is reporting that murder charges have been filed in India's High Court against two billionaires responsible for the AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, Covishield, for the murder of a 23-year-old man who was injected with the shot. The two named defendants are Bill Gates, and Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), reportedly the world's largest vaccine maker. According to corporate news sources, Adar Poonawalla's company produces not only the COVID-19 vaccine Covishield, but also over 50% of the world's vaccines that are injected into babies. The article goes on to quote case law in India which makes it clear that before giving a vaccine or any treatment to a person, he should be informed about the side effects of the medicine and also about the alternate remedies available. If any person is vaccinated by suppressing the facts or by telling a lie that the said vaccines are completely safe, amount to the consent being obtained under deception. In India, vaccination under deception or by force/coercion or by putting certain stifling conditions, is a civil and criminal wrong. According to the article, this makes Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla co-conspirators to mass murder. If convicted, they face the death penalty. While it is encouraging to read that charges of mass murder are actually being filed against billionaire Globalists for their crimes against humanity for the gene-altering COVID-19 injections, the question remains as to whether or not this case will ever be brought to trial. Does India have the ability to run a covert military operation to extract Bill Gates from the U.S., for example, and bring him to trial in India?

Loss of Medical Staff due to Mandatory Vaccines Affecting Care of Children in Wisconsin Critically Injured in Parade Attack as ERs Nationwide Begin to Close

18 children were injured, some critically, in the recent Christmas parade attack in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local news is reporting that Wisconsin's largest Children's hospital is having a difficult time caring for these children due to medical staff shortages caused by a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and their refusal to honor most religious exemption requests. This follows a trend nationwide where Emergency Rooms are beginning to close down due to staffing issues and so many medical staff being fired or quitting due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates. This week it was announced that Mount Sinai South Nassau-operated Long Beach Emergency Department in New York was forced to close after more than 70 of their staff who had "temporary religious exemptions" to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate were denied their exemptions and fired. This follows a pattern currently being seen across the country, as the corporate media reports on ERs and hospitals beginning to close down due to staffing shortages. While many of these reports are blaming "outbreaks of COVID-19" for the staffing shortages, NPR recently reported that many of these ERs are "swamped with seriously ill patients" who "don't even have COVID" as staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they've ever seen. The "elephant in the room" that nobody in the corporate media dares to report, of course, is that the vast majority of these patients are vaccinated, and suffering from COVID-19 vaccine injuries. And with the FDA now authorizing a 3rd COVID-19 "booster shot" from Pfizer and Moderna, we can expect this situation to only get worse, especially when the children between the ages of 5 and 11 who are just now being injected start to experience these COVID-19 vaccine injuries. In the UK, which also authorizes the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots, public health statistics now show that 89% of COVID-19 reported deaths are among the fully vaccinated, and that those vaccinated with these experimental shots are more likely to die with a COVID-19 diagnosis.

Australia Military Starts Going Door to Door to Hunt Down Unvaccinated Aboriginals to Force Inject Them as Quarantine Camps Also Open

Many parts of Australia have become totalitarian police states with martial law, as the government has now targeted Aboriginals who have a low COVID-19 vaccination rate by going door-to-door in their communities to forcibly inject them. Leaders in these communities have called upon the nations of the world to take action to stop this genocide. In addition, quarantine camps have now opened in some areas, and The COVID World today published an exclusive report from someone inside one of these camps.

Pfizer’s War on Children Invades Canada and Israel as COVID Shots Begin to be Injected Into 5 to 11 Year Olds

Pfizer's global war to abuse and attempt to murder as many children as possible with their deadly COVID-19 injections invaded Canada and Israel this week, as parents continue to willingly offer up their children as sacrifices to the vaccine gods. Meanwhile, this past weekend literally millions of people took to the streets across Europe and other places to protest things like mandatory COVID-19 shots, vaccine passports, and new lockdowns as people protest their loss of freedoms. And how's that working out? I am sure the Globalist tyrants who are marching full speed ahead in their goal of enslaving the world's populations and reducing their numbers are laughing at you, because apparently none of these crowds are going after the tyrants. So as these protests continue to increase in numbers and volume, children are being abused and potentially murdered at vaccine clinics, schools, and churches. I keep looking and looking for these massive crowds to get off the streets and move to these killing centers that they could so easily shut down with these kinds of numbers, but all I see are videos of happy parents abusing and attempting to murder their children, brainwashed by the vaccine cult that is devouring their children, and nobody stepping in to stop them and save the children.

American Heart Association Journal Publishes Data that UK Medical Doctor Claims are “Proof” that COVID-19 Vaccines are “Murder”

The American Heart Association Journal, Circulation, has just published an abstract on mRNA COVID-19 shots that UK medical doctor Vernon Coleman has stated: "Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is Murder." Dr. Coleman goes on to state: "The journal Circulation is a well-respected publication. It’s 71-years-old, its articles are peer reviewed and in one survey it was rated the world’s no 1 journal in the cardiac and cardiovascular system category. I’m going to quote the final sentence of the abstract which appears at the beginning of the article. This is all I, you – or anyone else – needs to know. `We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.’ That’s it. That’s the death bell for the covid-19 mRNA jabs. If there were any journalists left in the mainstream media, this news would be lead item on all TV and radio programmes and be on the front pages of all newspapers. We’ve always known that to experiment on people without their full consent and understanding – after disclosing all the risks and potential side effects – is a crime. Now the evidence exists that must stop this experiment. If the covid jab experiment continues after today then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment, it is a cull."

Families of South Korea’s COVID Vaccine Victims Mourn Loved Ones During Mass Memorial Service

As South Korea continues its COVID-19 vaccination program, the number of deaths from vaccine side effects continues to rise. The families of the dead held a ceremony on the 20th of November to demand answers and justice from the South Korean Government. The distraught relatives shaved their heads while holding up photos of their dead loved ones as they begged for answers from government officials. Joo-Hwan Noh’s 20-year-old daughter had complained to her father in September that she developed chest pain after receiving the Moderna vaccine. Six days later, her pulse suddenly dropped, and she eventually died after being admitted to hospital. Another person at the event was Lee Mi-Joo, who lost her 25-year-old daughter just four days after her second COVID-19 vaccine last month. The grieving families yelled “acknowledge causality!” a reference to the government’s lack of admission that the vaccines are causing these sudden deaths.

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years

The carnage of deaths to unborn babies following COVID-19 shots into pregnant women just gets worse the more we investigate it. While we reported on Saturday that the latest data dump into the government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed 2,620 fetal deaths, which are more fetal deaths than are reported following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years in VAERS, one "symptom" that is tracked in VAERS that I did not account for, is an ectopic pregnancy which also results in a fetal death. WebMD defines "ectopic pregnancy": "Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. In more than 90% of cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy. Because a fertilized egg can’t survive outside a uterus, your doctor will need to take it out so you don’t have serious health problems. They’ll use one of two methods: medication or surgery." I performed a search in VAERS for ectopic pregnancies following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, and there have been 52 cases where a woman received a COVID-19 shot and then was found to have an ectopic pregnancy. Next, I performed the exact same search but excluded COVID-19 "vaccines" and it returned a result of 30 cases where a woman received an FDA-approved vaccine and then reported an ectopic pregnancy following ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years, which is about 1 per year. That means that following COVID-19 injections into child-bearing women for the past 11 months has seen a 50 X increase in ectopic pregnancies compared to child-bearing women receiving vaccines for the past 30+ years. And if I and anyone else with Internet access can perform these searches in the government owned data in VAERS, you can be certain that the FDA and CDC can too, and that they are aware of these risks. This is criminal. This is nothing more than barbaric forced sterilization, which was once legal in the U.S., but was later outlawed as part of the eugenics movement that valued certain human beings over others, and is part of Nazism. We are seeing many examples of these fetal deaths being reported, and we have published a lot of those, but here are some more as these reports continue to flood in.

2,620 Dead Babies in VAERS After COVID Shots – More Fetal Deaths in 11 Months than Past 30 Years Following ALL Vaccines as Scotland Begins Investigation

Fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots injected into pregnant women continue to increase, as there are now 2,620 fetal deaths reported in VAERS. When we run the exact same search in VAERS and exclude the COVID-19 shots, we find 2,225 fetal deaths following ALL vaccines injected into pregnant women for the past 30+ years. We are currently on pace to see a yearly total of 2,838 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots, while the yearly average of recorded fetal deaths following the vaccination of pregnant women for the past 30 years has been an average of 74 fetal deaths per year. Of the 2,620 fetal deaths in VAERS following COVID-19 shots, 2,015 of these fetal deaths follow Pfizer injections, and 689 of them follow the Moderna injections. VAERS is a passive system that is severely under reported. The CDC and FDA have never conducted a study to determine what this under-reported factor is, but independent scientists have, and we have previously published the analysis conducted by Dr. Jessica Rose, who has determined that a conservative under-reported factor would be X41. This means that there have probably been at least 107,420 fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections so far. And how many of these women will be able to get pregnant again? How is this not headline news?? And now it is being reported in Scotland that they are recognizing this spike in deaths in newborn babies, and they have launched an investigation to try to figure out why so many newborn babies are dying. Do you think these public health officials in the UK will look at the COVID-19 shots being injected into pregnant women as a potential cause? I seriously doubt it, but the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots are also being used in the UK, along with the AstraZeneca shot, and it is pure insanity not to consider these experimental injections as being linked to these infant deaths, and this should have happened months ago!

Orthopedic Surgeon Performed 800 Surgeries Per Year but Now Cannot Work Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Joel Wallskog was an orthopedic surgeon in Wisconsin that saw 5000 patients a year and performed about 800 surgeries, before he took the experimental Moderna COVID-19 shot. Now he suffers from transverse myelitis which affects his spinal cord, and he has difficulty walking. He can no longer work as an orthopedic surgeon. His 19-year career that took him 14 years of schooling to accomplish, is now over. Dr. Wallskog gave this testimony in Washington D.C. during Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable discussion earlier this month.

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?

Since the roll out of the experimental COVID-19 shots began we have reported many sad stories of medical professionals dying or being crippled by the experimental shots. The corporate media tries to hide these stories, because it is bad business for their main sponsors, large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this week that the public is catching on to the fact that when publicly visible people die, the corporate media is hiding their COVID-19 vaccination status, so searches such as "died suddenly" or "died unexpectedly" have soared in recent weeks, as this is how the corporate media typically now reports these deaths of otherwise healthy, young people. So here is an update of medical doctors who have died after receiving a COVID-19 shot, or when their vaccination status is not mentioned, died suddenly or unexpectedly. If this is just a small sampling of the total deaths that have become known through media reports, the hospital system could be in serious trouble, as many unvaccinated medical doctors have already been either fired or have quit due to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and those mandates for medical staff to be completely vaccinated kick in on January 4th. According to Forbes, about one third of hospital staffs in the U.S. are not yet "vaccinated." If most of these staff end up quitting or being fired, who is going to be left to run the hospitals??

Government’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 are About $100K per COVID Patient

Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol. CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more. Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

The Genocide of American Seniors Continues: 8 Dead in Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home

Health Impact News has consistently reported on the abuses against seniors in assisted living care homes since the roll out of the COVID-19 gene-altering shots, which targeted seniors first. Many of these seniors were injected without informed consent, and whistleblowers working in many of these homes came forward to report serious crimes and abuses, including injecting seniors against their will. See some of our previous coverage of this issue from earlier this year if you have not read these stories yet, so you can understand that I am NOT exaggerating when I use the term "genocide." Unfortunately, many of these seniors who survived the COVID shots and are now "fully vaccinated" are beginning to die again, allegedly with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, proving that the shots do not work in stopping transmission, which now even the WHO Director Tedros Adhanom admits, as does Bill Gates, who recently said we need a "new way" to do "vaccines" because the current ones do not stop transmission. The corporate news is reporting that a nursing home in Connecticut has seen 8 seniors die recently, and almost 100 seniors are infected with COVID-19, in spite of the fact that the nursing home is nearly 100% fully vaccinated. Connecticut is not the only place where this is happening. AARP published a Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard on November 10, 2021, which provided "four-week snapshots of the virus’ infiltration into nursing homes and impact on nursing home residents and staff." Wyoming nursing homes lead the nation in COVID-19 cases and related-deaths, according to this data from the AARP. Nearly nine per 100 long-term care residents in Wyoming contracted COVID-19 during the first half of October and nearly two residents per 100 died from the illness during that time, in spite of the fact that about 90% of the nursing home residents in Wyoming are fully vaccinated. If we attribute these deaths to the vaccines, the medical dictators will say this is "fake news" and a "conspiracy theory," so let's do what we have consistently done since these injections were given emergency use authorization, and let's see what the government's own data says in VAERS. If we search for deaths in people aged 65 or older following COVID-19 "vaccines" since the roll-out in December of 2020, we get a result of 8,641 deaths which as of today covers less than 11 months. If we search for deaths in people over the age of 65 following ALL vaccines prior to December 1, 2020, we get a result of 1,477 deaths among seniors which covers over 30 years. That's an annual death rate of about 49 deaths per year among seniors following vaccines (mostly the flu shot) for the past 30 years as compared to an annual death rate of 9,426 deaths per year among seniors following the COVID-19 shots. Genocide. I'm sorry, but there is no other word to describe what is currently happening with our nation's seniors and these death shots called "COVID-19 vaccines."

Texas Doctor Suspended from Hospital for Treating Unvaccinated Patients with Ivermectin Resigns as National Media Targets Her

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is a Houston physician in private practice. When she began treating COVID patients in 2020, she applied for hospital privileges at Houston Methodist Hospital, in case any of her COVID patients needed hospital services. However, she treated over 2000 COVID patients and not one of them had to be admitted to the hospital, she says. Last week the hospital suspended her hospital privileges, not because of poor patient care, but because of something she said on Social Media, which was that COVID-19 vaccine mandates were not necessary, and that she has had success in treating patients with Ivermectin. This is "dangerous" information, according to the hospital, who then targeted her with her story being carried in the pharma-owned corporate media as they tried to slander her and damage her reputation. She resigned from the hospital this week. She recently announced that she was only accepting unvaccinated new patients, since so many of them have no where else to go, so she would have had to resign from this hospital anyway, as they just adopted a policy of only allowing vaccinated people enter the hospital. Emily Miller, an independent journalist, has given Dr. Bowden better coverage, and we are exposing our readership to her article, since this doctor is currently being viciously attacked in the corporate news media for standing for the truth.

Vaccine Injury Attorney Suing the FDA: FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Attorney Aaron Siri is a Vaccine Injury attorney, one of just a handful of such attorneys in the U.S. Since the passage of the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Compensation law, one cannot sue pharmaceutical companies for vaccine injuries and deaths. A special U.S. Vaccine Court handles all cases with select judges chosen by the U.S. Government, and there only about 100 lawyers in the United States that are even trained to litigate in this special "court." The irony with COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths, is that even this very highly specialized and controlled government court will not try vaccine injury cases related to the COVID-19 experimental shots, mainly because they are still under Emergency Use Authorization and not fully approved by the FDA yet. So Aaron Siri's firm is suing the FDA, since there is no avenue in place within the U.S. Judicial system to sue the drug companies, or anyone else for that matter, for damages caused by the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines." We have previously covered Aaron Siri's lawsuit, which represents brave doctors who have chosen to put their careers on the line to dare to expose vaccine deaths and injuries caused by the experimental shots, and these physicians are the plaintiffs. Today, Attorney Siri published an update on his case against the FDA, where he wrote: "The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.  That is not a typo.  It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public. So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy.  Who does the government work for?"

“People’s Lives are Being Endangered” by “Fact Checkers” Censoring Vaccine Critics as Facebook Fact Checker owns $1.8 BILLION Stock in Vaccine Company

Congressman Thomas Massie is concerned that the "Fact Checker" company being used by Facebook to squelch any dissent on COVID-19 vaccines owns $1.8 BILLION in stock in a vaccine company, which also employs a former Director of the CDC.