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Cases of Alopecia (Hair Loss) Explode Following COVID-19 Vaccines

As more cases of injuries following COVID-19 vaccination continue to be published in the medical journals, it becomes more and more evident that these COVID-19 vaccines have been the most damaging and lethal vaccines to ever be mass-injected into the population. Case reports of Alopecia, hair loss which sometimes include the loss of all body hair, even the eyebrows, have now been reported and published in the journal "Clinical Case Reports." While the two cases featured in the study were following Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines, the study also referenced several other reported cases of Alopecia following the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. I next went to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database maintained by the U.S. FDA and CDC, and found that there were 9 variations of Alopecia listed that could be searched for as symptoms following vaccines, so I chose all of them and searched for cases following COVID-19 vaccines for the past twenty two months. The search returned an astounding result of 3,495 cases, including 2 deaths, 392 permanent disabilities, 219 ER visits, 250 hospitalizations, and 41 life threatening events. Next, I performed the same search for cases of Alopecia as a vaccine adverse event following all approved FDA vaccines in the 30 years before the COVID shots were introduced, and the search returned a value of 1,927 cases. That's an average of just over 5 cases per month, as opposed to an average of over 145 cases per month from the COVID shots, which is a 2,621 percent increase.

20-Year-Old Medical Student from Kansas Dies from Heart Attack ONE DAY After COVID Vaccine

The family of a 20-year-old medical student in Kansas is reeling after she succumbed to a cardiac arrest within one day of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. In a tragic Facebook post Tuesday, the family of Regan Lewis commented they “can’t say for sure there is a link” between her untimely death and the Covid shot she received one day prior in order to take part in nursing school clinical studies. “I can’t say for sure that there is a link, but our beautiful 20 year old healthy daughter, Regan Lewis had a Covid shot yesterday so she could participate in her clinicals,” Regan’s mother Connie wrote on Facebook. “Today, she went into cardiac arrest and has been flown to Kearney. She is on a ventilator and is fighting for her life. PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR HER!” In subsequent updates, Connie later revealed her daughter “coded,” meaning her heart rate flatlined, and she passed away shortly thereafter.

How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not

Do you know if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ or not? It is a question that is actually very easy to answer, as it is definitively answered in the Bible, by the recorded words of Jesus Christ himself. But first we need to define "disciple," because in modern Christianity today, most understand the term "disciple" to be synonymous with "Christian." If we use the text of the New Testament to define these words, however, it is very clear that "Christian" and "disciple" are not synonymous at all.

The Dystopian Vision of the Health Information Police – California Bill Seeks to Censor and Punish Dissenting Doctors

Assembly Bill 2098 would empower the Medical Board of California to go after the licenses of physicians who disseminate “misinformation” or “disinformation” regarding Covid-19. The bill in its latest iteration defines misinformation as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” The inscrutability of this definition lies at the core of the bill’s opponents concerns.  No clear scientific consensus exists with respect to this novel virus, and even if it did, it may be proven incorrect later. Without clear guidance regarding what would constitute “misinformation,” physicians can only guess if they risk losing their licenses for expressing their good-faith disagreements with positions of public health officials. Even if in practice, the Medical Board only applied the law to speech that the First Amendment does not protect, the law’s vagueness would render it unconstitutional, because it would tend to cause doctors to censor themselves.

Red Cross Admits They do Not Separate Vaccinated from Unvaccinated Blood – Mother Claims Baby Died from Blood Clots of Donated Blood

Earlier this month (September 2022), the Red Cross admitted that they don't label blood products as originating from COVID-19 vaccinated people or blood from unvaccinated people. The reason they don't separate or apparently distinguish blood from COVID-19 vaccinated or unvaccinated people is because they believe that "the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient." As Kyle Becker of Becker News recently pointed out, this statement by the Red Cross that the COVID-19 vaccine does not affect the bloodstream is contradicted by several published studies. The Gateway Pundit recently published the story of Cornelia Hertzler of Hot Springs, Montana, who gave birth to a baby boy on January 3, 2022 who died just a month later on February 17, 2022 from blood clots just after receiving a blood transfusion. Mrs. Hertzler believes that her one-month-old baby died from a blood clot caused by receiving “COVID-vaccinated blood” during a blood transfusion. There is no indication that Mrs. Hertzler was able to receive any information about the vaccination status of the person who donated their blood that was used in her baby, and she perhaps was just drawing conclusions based on the fact that about 80% of the U.S. population has now received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and that COVID-19 vaccinated people who have now died commonly have strange blood clots, according to reports from funeral home embalmers. Either way, we are surely going to see more tragic stories like this one until someone steps forward to provide blood that is clearly marked as coming from either COVID-19 vaccinated people, or unvaccinated people. And if the Red Cross is not going to do this, then it sounds like there is a potential lucrative business opportunity for others to step in and fulfill.

Rat feeding study suggests the Impossible Burger may not be safe to eat

The Impossible Burger is a plant-based burger, the key ingredient of which is a protein called soy leghemoglobin (SLH for short), derived from genetically modified (GM) yeast. It's already being sold in restaurants and supermarkets in the US. In 2019 the manufacturing company, Impossible Foods, applied for permission to market the burger in the EU and the UK. However, the results of a rat feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods and carried out with SLH suggest that the burger may not be safe to eat. SLH is the substance that gives the burger its meaty taste and makes it appear to bleed like meat when cut. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initially refused to sign off on the safety of SLH when first approached by the company. The rat feeding study results suggest that the agency’s concerns were justified. Rats fed the GM yeast-derived SLH developed unexplained changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, and possible signs of anaemia.

Fake Meat Sales Plummet On High Prices, Woke Messaging

A few years ago, life was good for the fake meat industry. Beyond Meat had been given vast amounts of real estate in grocery stores, and had scored a deal with Burger King to sell "Impossible" Whoppers. McDonald's rolled out a McPlant burger (which was quietly shelved last month). Snarky woke advertisements permeated the airwaves and interwebs as plant-based 'meats' were on the rise. In fact, Beyond Meat waas valued at over $10bn in 2019, more than Macy's or Xerox - with the most bullish investors claiming that plant-based meat would make up 15% of all meat sales by 2030. Now, as Bloomberg reports, the fake meat industry is getting ground into hamburger - and that doesn't include cannibalistic nose-biting execs, according to Deloitte Consulting, LLC. Year-to-date, Beyond Meat stock is down 77%.

FDA Food Police want to Dictate What Foods are “Healthy” in New Guidelines Criminalizing Traditional Fats Like Butter and Coconut Oil

The criminal U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday published new proposed rules dictating when food products can have the word “healthy” on their packaging and when they cannot. The problem is that you should not trust the FDA to tell you which foods are healthy and which foods are not, anymore than you should trust them when they claim that COVID-19 vaccines are "safe and effective." The FDA does NOT exist to protect you, the public, but corporate America and the Globalists that control Wall Street and the Bankers. Just as the FDA serves the interests of Big Pharma and their interests in promoting vaccines and other highly toxic and dangerous drugs, so too they serve the interests of Big Food and Big Ag, and the three main cash crops that each year are heavily subsidized with American tax dollars to achieve world food dominance which are: corn, soybeans, and wheat. So is it any coincidence that FDA dietary nutritional advice places a heavy emphasis on foods developed from these three cash crops? Not only are these three cash crops used to attain world dominance in cheap export foods that local economies in poorer nations cannot compete with by growing their own native crops, these three crops from the U.S. are also the most polluted and contaminated crops in the U.S., as over 90% of all corn and soybeans grown are genetically modified (GMO) varieties that are heavily sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, including glyphosate which is known for causing cancer. And while wheat so far does not have any GMO varieties being grown commercially, most varieties are grown in the northern states such as the Dakotas and Wyoming, where the crops are "desiccated" at harvest by spraying them with glyphosate-based herbicides which kill them and allow them to be harvested more conveniently before the first snow fall. So ignoring more than 2 decades of peer-reviewed studies published in the medical journals on the government's own NIH-funded website that conclusively show that a low-fat and high-carb diet that is promoted by the FDA and USDA is harmful to the nation's health, and that natural and traditional saturated fats that have been in the food chain for thousands of years, such as butter and coconut oil, are "unhealthy," while the newer "polyunsaturated vegetable oils" from corn and soy which have only been in the food chain since WWII and the invention of "expeller-pressed" technology which allows oil to be extracted from corn and soy and are heavily processed to make them shelf-stable are considered "healthy," the FDA continues to promote Big Ag and Big Food profits by promoting dietary guidelines that are destroying America's health.

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage is About the Great Reset and Nothing Else

Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe. As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off. The alleged incident has caused a furious round of blame tennis, with accusations flying back and forth across what – for the sake of simplicity – we’ll call Iron Curtain 2.0. The European Union has claimed the pipes were “sabotaged”, but doesn’t directly blame anyone in their statement. The Telegraph is already blaming actively the Russians, specifically Western Bogeyman President Vladimir Putin. Headlining “Why Putin would want to blow up Nord Stream 2, and the advantages it gives him” On the flip side, the Russians have said the idea they would sabotage their own pipeline is “stupid” Some Western alternate media have pointed to Joe Biden’s vow to totally shut down Nordstream 2 back in February as a sign the US was behind the alleged attack. The former Polish defence minister has come right out and said that NATO forces blew up the pipeline, according to Forbes. The question – one it seems I keep asking the last two years – is “does it really matter?” Whatever the truth may be, the end result remains the same. Gas and electricity will be more expensive. There will be a huge push to turn to “renewables”, talk about “climate catastrophe”, and maybe even be energy rationing and/or blackouts. People will freeze, starve and probably die this winter. That has always been part of the plan, what reason is there to think this “attack” is anything but more of the same?

Study: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Used to Inject Vaccines into Humans

A new study published last month in Science Translational Medicine used 200 mosquitoes to deliver live malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites that had been genetically modified to inject malaria into the arms of human test subjects in a new vaccine trial. Max Barnhart of NPR covered the study last week. "We use the mosquitoes like they're 1,000 small flying syringes," explains University of Washington, Seattle physician and scientist Dr. Sean Murphy, lead author on a paper. The author made it a point to state: "To be clear, Murphy's not planning to use mosquitoes to vaccinate millions of people." Do you believe him? And even if Dr. Murphy himself is not planning on using the technology to mass-vaccinate people, what is to stop others from doing so? Bill Gates, for example, has already spent $BILLIONS on developing a malaria vaccine over the past decade, and last year he funded a biotech firm that released genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys.

JAMA: mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk Proven!

Journal of American Medical Association Urges to Avoid Breastfeeding After Vaccination! The times are changing! Remember how we said that vaccine shedding is a real thing and breastfeeding after vaccination is dangerous? Our warnings were dismissed as “misinformation” and we were cast as ignorant, science-denying cranks. Well, now the Journal of American Medical Association published a letter (archive link) that proved conclusively that mRNA vaccine shedding is real! The vaccine mRNA is indeed shed in breast milk and is affecting babies that receive said milk. This letter provides lab results proving that concerns of the so-called “antivaxxers” were fully justified!

The Flu Disappeared in 2020, but Not the Flu Shot – 20,000 Injuries and Deaths from Flu Shot as Children are Passing Out Minutes After Receiving COVID Shot + Flu Shot Together

Prior to the COVID-19 plandemic in 2020, the yearly influenza vaccine was the most dangerous vaccine in the United States in terms of injuries and deaths recorded in the Government VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database. When the world was told that a deadly new virus had arrived in 2020, the flu basically disappeared, as there just were not enough people dying to inflate both influenza and COVID death statistics. According to the CDC, here are the total amount of flu deaths during the 5 years preceding 2020: 34,000 deaths in the 2018-2019 flu season - 61,000 deaths in the 2017-2018 flu season - 38,000 deaths in the 2016-2017 flu season - 23,000 deaths in the 2015-2016 flu season - 51,000 deaths in the 2014-2015 flu season. Here are the current number of flu deaths since 2020 according to the CDC: 8,787 in 2020 - 1,092 in 2021 - 2,487 in 2022. And yet even though the CDC's estimated flu deaths have fallen by up to 5,000% since 2020, the number of flu vaccines sold in the U.S. reached a record high at the end of 2020, the last year flu vaccine sales data is available, at 193.8 MILLION doses. Since 2020 through the most current statistics added to the VAERS database last Friday, September 23, 2022, there have been 20,190 cases of flu vaccine injuries filed, including 185 deaths, 498 permanent disabilities, 237 life threatening events, 2255 visits to the ER, and 1095 hospitalizations. Since the number of cases reported to VAERS is only about 1%, one has to wonder if the flu vaccines are killing more people than the "influenza virus." This flu season, the White House is recommending people to get a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time they get a flu shot. Biden COVID advisor Dr. Ashish Jha has even stated in public that this is what God wants everyone to do. Using a couple of different search techniques in VAERS to try and find cases where people have already received both a COVID-19 vaccine and a flu shot since this recommendation was made, I found several cases where people apparently took the White House's and the CDC's advice (given in September, 2021) and got both vaccines together, and then suffered an adverse event. I was shocked to find out how many young children have already received these two shots simultaneously and have suffered! The most common side effects these children who have received BOTH a flu shot and a COVID shot together at the same time are experiencing are dizziness and fainting within minutes of receiving both shots. Other recorded side effects included myocarditis (heart disease), inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (encephalomyelitis), seizures, convulsions, organ failure, cardiac shock, rashes, vomiting, and hearing and vision loss. I have not found a way to lump all these together into one search result, unfortunately, but I have noted the case number in VAERS in each one to verify these are all from the VAERS Government database, so the CDC and FDA know all about this. And now you do too.

Pfizer Continues to Use Babies and Children as Lab Rats to Develop More COVID-19 Vaccines – Petitions FDA for New EUA Booster for 5 to 11 Year Olds

Pfizer and BioNTech announced today that they have completed a submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of a 10-µg booster dose of the companies’ Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 through 11 years of age. They will also be making a submission to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in the coming days. The Press Release today also reported that they have begun Phase 1/2/3 studies on babies and young children aged 6 months through 11 years of age to test "the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of different doses and dosing regimens of the companies’ Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine in children 6 months through 11 years of age." The Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine was already authorized for adults over the age of 18 on August 31, 2022 without any human testing, so Pfizer is using babies and children as lab rats to conduct the first human tests on this new COVID-19 vaccine.

New COVID Plandemic Documentary Exposes the Truth About Ivermectin and the Scandal That Let Millions of People Die Needlessly

Film producer Mikki Willis self-funded and self-published the most censored and most-viewed documentary in 2020 exposing the fraud concerning the COVID-19 "pandemic" that he and others have correctly relabeled as the "PLANdemic." Willis is now producing Plandemic III, and he recently released a 13-minute documentary on Ivermectin, the FDA-approved drug with a 30+ year record of safety and efficacy, which many physicians began to use to treat symptomatic COVID patients with, and a near 100% recovery success rate. The corporate media and the government medical tyrants, namely Dr. Anthony Fauci, did their best to discredit this simple drug that was curing everyone, because to admit the truth was to admit that legally they had no basis to issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for novel new drugs to treat COVID, including the COVID-19 vaccines. And let me just cut off those readers who will want to try and comment on this article, or email me personally, to criticize me for publishing this information saying things like: "COVID is a hoax! How can you treat something that is not real??" I am sorry, but those of you who take this position and constantly criticize me with such comments are very shallow in your thinking. What difference does it make if COVID-19 is a hoax when it comes to the story of Ivermectin and other re-purposed drugs, not to mention those doctors who used non-pharmaceutical treatments such as intravenous Vitamin C therapy, and saw so many people healed? These are real stories of real people, and people really got sick. Whether or not you want to call their illness "COVID-19" makes no difference when you are saving lives. It is just a label, and as we have conclusively demonstrated here at Health Impact News, the COVID-19 label by and large just replaced the "influenza virus" label starting in 2020, as there just were not enough sick people to have BOTH the flu AND COVID-19 making people sick in 2020. Flu cases all but disappeared, but people most certainly were getting sick, mostly older people with co-morbidity factors, very similar to the annual flu season. Many want to claim that COVID-19 was much "worse" than the yearly influenza outbreaks, but there is no way scientifically to attribute that to a new "deadly" virus. The lockdowns and social isolation alone, especially among the elderly, and all the fear caused by broadcasting 24/7 that a deadly new "virus" was plaguing the world, is alone sufficient cause to make 2020 worse than most flu seasons. And as it turned out, repurposed existing drugs to treat upper respiratory infections worked very well, with Ivermectin leading the pack, but doctors were persecuted, censored, and even arrested for practicing good medicine, as the goal all along was to produce a novel new vaccine based on mRNA technology, and there was no way the Globalists were going to allow generic, cheap and effective drugs, get in their way to accomplish their goal of sticking a needle into the arm of every single person living on the planet.

VAERS: 37-Year-Old Oklahoma Man Dead 2 Days After Monkeypox Vaccine – Over 2000 Symptoms Recorded After Vaccine Including Skin Diseases

The latest update of the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) today (Friday, September 23, 2022) records the death of a 37-year-old Oklahoma man two days after receiving the JYNNEOS/BAVARIAN NORDIC monkeypox vaccine. He was vaccinated on September 7th, and died two days later on September 9th. This is the second recent death made available to the public since the vaccines were made available just 3 months ago (June, 2022). The first death was a Hollywood makeup artist, who died 9 days after receiving a monkeypox vaccine. According to the CDC, as of September 20th, 684,980 doses of the monkeypox vaccine have been administered, the bulk of them being in July and August. With less than .1% of the public now being vaccinated with the monkeypox vaccine, there have been 719 cases filed in VAERS, including 1 death, 1 permanent disability, 3 life threatening events, 56 emergency room visits, and 4 hospitalizations. These 719 cases have recorded 2,212 symptoms, and excluding injection site reactions and mistakes in injecting the vaccine, the most prevalent symptoms seem to be skin conditions, including: Urticaria - very itchy weals (hives); Pruritus - itchy skin; Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating; Rashes. There were 19 reports of "Loss of consciousness." The CDC has stated that they want to expand the injection of people with the monkeypox vaccine to children.

Worse than Monkeypox? Multiple Cases of Skin Diseases Following COVID-19 Vaccination Start Appearing in the Medical Journals

More and more COVID-19 vaccine injuries are starting to make their way into the medical journals. Several recent published case studies focus on skin diseases, and we are publishing a few of them here today as a service to the public, since the corporate media will seldom, if ever, cover this news. Since there is already a plan in place to promote a monkeypox outbreak as one of the next big "pandemics" (see: Plandemic II Launched to Keep Pandemic Funds Flowing to Big Pharma: MonkeyPox), it is important to document these existing skin diseases that are already occurring following the mass COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. It would not surprise me one bit if the criminal government "health" agencies such as the FDA and CDC started publishing photos like you see in these studies and label them all as some new variant of "monkeypox" which would cause fear and panic in the public, when in fact these skin conditions are more likely COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

Judge: FBI Protected Mom who Made $200 million Selling up to 8000 Children over 40 years – Gets Only 3 Months in Minimum Security Prison

Margaret Cole Hughes, Director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC), earlier this year accepted a plea deal from the U.S. Department of Justice to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one count of making a false statement to the Polish Central authority in front of Federal Court Judge James Gwin in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Ohio. Defense attorneys admitted in court filings that Cole is still in business after making $200 million over 40 years from selling 8000 children through fraudulent international adoptions. According to Judge James Gwin, the FBI protected Cole’s child trafficking network for 40 years and failed to investigate her. Instead, it was the State Department that investigated Cole. Cole’s stepson, Robert E. Hughes III, still works for the FBI. He was assigned to investigate her case by Andy McCabe, who at the time, was Acting Director of the FBI. Defense attorneys said the evidence against their client would have filled the Library of Congress. Cole is wanted for child trafficking fraud in Poland. Margaret Cole Hughes, 75, began her three-month prison sentence in Alderson Federal Prison as a result of her plea deal. It is located in the resort area of Greenbriar, W. Virginia.

Children’s Mercy Hospital in Missouri Medically Kidnaps 10-Year-Old Girl because Parents Wanted a Second Opinion

Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, has struck again, allegedly kidnapping a 10-year-old girl from her parents simply because the parents questioned her treatment and use of a questionable drug that allegedly caused their daughter's brain to swell (encephalitis). The parents reportedly did not refuse treatment or go against the doctor's advice, but simply wanted to take their daughter to a different hospital to get a second opinion. The doctor refused, had security guards intervene to stop them from taking their daughter home, and now the State of Missouri has taken custody of the child giving them full legal liability to experiment on her with whatever drugs they want, without getting the parents' permission. Over the years we have covered multiple stories of medical kidnapping involving Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City which has now apparently become so routine, that a Missouri State Senator has introduced a new bill to stop the hospital from kidnapping people's children.

EU Begins Europe-Wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% Increase in Excess Deaths Among Children Since EMA Approval of COVID Vaccine

An exclusive investigation carried out by the team here at The Exposé has forced the European Union’s official statistics department to begin a Europe-wide investigation into why there has been a significant increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the European Medicines Agency approved the Covid-19 injection for children. On the 29th of August 2022, we exclusively revealed that official mortality figures for Europe showed a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children up to week 33 of 2022 since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021. Before this decision by the European Medicines Agency, deaths among children in 2021 were below the expected rate. But following the emergency use authorisation, we discovered that excess deaths among children had risen by a deeply troubling 1,599% by the end of the year compared to the 2017 to 2020 average. Now, three weeks after our investigation, EuroMOMO, which provides the statistics, has been forced to officially acknowledge the elevated excess mortality among children and has opened a Europe-wide investigation into the possible causes.

32 Young Canadian Doctors “Died Suddenly” in the Past 16 Months While Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated

I have now tracked 32 Canadian doctor sudden deaths (thank you to all who contributed). These doctors were actively practicing medicine & were healthy prior to taking illegally mandated COVID-19 Vaccines (2, 3 or 4 doses). I've sent a letter to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Presidents Dr.Alika Lafontaine & Dr.Katharine Smart, both of whom supported COVID-19 Vaccine mandates on all of Canada's 92,000 doctors and I urged them to call for IMMEDIATE termination of all COVID-19 Vaccine mandates in Canada's healthcare, as well as Investigations & Public Inquiries into these sudden deaths. CMA cannot continue to ignore this catastrophe. Please circulate!