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Apple Files More Patents on Biometric IDs – Is the iPhone the Most Evil Device on the Planet Now?

The Apple iPhone is currently used by over 120 million people in the U.S., capturing almost 50% of the mobile smart phone market. Worldwide, about 1 billion people use Apple iPhones. If you own an Apple iPhone, do you have any idea how much of your personal life and data are now owned by Apple in exchange for allowing you to purchase and use one of their devices? Apple works hand in hand with the U.S. Government and their intelligence agencies to track as much information about you as possible. In an article published today, June 1, 2023, Reuters reports that the Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) is claiming that the U.S. NSA has used Apple iPhones for an American espionage operation inside Russia. Apple has been awarded dozens of patents in the past few weeks for biometrics to be used with a national ID, including fingerprints, faces, and irises from your eyes. Back in April we reported how Apple was teaming up with banking giant Goldman Sachs by offering attractive rates on savings accounts through their Apple Wallet. Within four days of Apple's launch of their high yield savings account, almost 1$billion was deposited into the new account by Apple iPhone users. But now, more than a month later, many iPhone users are complaining that while it was very easy to deposit funds INTO the new Apple account, getting those funds OUT OF the account has often proved difficult. So why do you still own an iPhone? Do you not recognize that it is an instrument for evil? Just look at Apple's logo, the apple with a bite taken out of it. What does that represent?

The Western Banking System is on the Brink of Collapse

There is virtually nobody in either the corporate or alternative media these days who are not warning about the serious problems with U.S. and European banks today. Even if a U.S. debt ceiling agreement is reached this week, it will not save the banking system. I am highlighting two new articles published today that reveal just how dire the current banking crisis is, and what may be lying ahead in the not-too-distant future with a new financial system rolled out and the implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). First, Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade reports on a new IMF projection for the U.S. economy.  Next, Sam Parker, writing for Behind the News Network, just published a 2-part article titled "They're Coming for Your Money." He reports how the two families that control western banks, the Rockefellers in the U.S., and the Rothschilds in Europe, are planning on bringing down the entire western banking system to implement the "Great Reset" and roll out programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

We met Jennifer Guskin back in 2018, when one of my reporters interviewed her after Baltimore Department of Social Services had medically kidnapped her baby daughter. Jennifer was very concerned about her baby who was put into foster care, and forcibly vaccinated against her and her husband's will. She was especially concerned because she too had been put into foster care as a very young child, and then sexually trafficked to the rich and powerful in the Washington D.C. area for years. So she was understandably concerned about something similar happening to her baby, and as we have documented over the years, our nation's foster care system is the #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. We vetted her story like we did with every other Medical Kidnapping story, by reviewing her documentation and medical records in her child custody case, and then interviewing her for her side of the story. 2018 was the second year in the Trump presidency, and the Q and Qanon movement was starting to really pick up speed, reporting many cases of child trafficking, all with the hope that President Trump was going to arrest those responsible and stop this horrible system. This led some, like Jennifer, to decide to go public with her own story of how she was trafficked. In the end, unfortunately, only Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, but he never faced trial. I've known Jennifer's story since 2018, and have had all of her videos copied and backed up in the Cloud for going on 5 years now. Her story is so horrific, far worse than anything else we have ever published, that I never published it or gave her exposure, because I knew few people would believe it. But her story is not unique. It involves MK Ultra mind control and experimentation, along with grim details of murder and Satanic ritual abuse. And because she was trafficked in Washington D.C., she names names. But now, it is time to publish her story. I tracked her down today and spent some time chatting with her, and unlike most stories similar to hers that we have covered in the past, she has not given up. She told me that her daughter is now part of her life again, and she is trying to get her back home. She wants her story told, in the hope that America will wake up and understand the full scope of just how serious of an issue this is, like a cancer that is growing and killing our nation.

Big Tech Communism has Arrived: Amazon Sidewalk Joins the Helium Network to Connect All Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Big Tech Communism has arrived in the United States, as the U.S. has now surpassed China and other communist countries to become the world leader in spying on its citizens. It was announced this past week that Amazon Sidewalk has now joined the Helium Network allowing all Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which are currently in the homes of most Americans, to be connected into one large mesh network nationwide. The World Economic Forum's (WEF) goals for the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset where nobody will own anything and be confined into 15-minute cities, is clearly a modern day Big Tech version of communism, where the rights of the individual are sacrificed for the rights of the community. This new system of surveillance, which is creating the ultimate police state, is well underway in the United States, which has, by far, the largest proportion of its population connected to the Internet, including cell phones, vehicles, cameras, and household appliances, than any other country in the world. Learn more about Big Tech's plans to monitor every aspect of your life and how to opt out.

Our Duty to Shine the Light into the Darkness and Expose the Evil

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible.

20,000% Increase in Retinal Eye Damage Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Earlier this month (May, 2023) a large scale study was published in the npj Vaccines journal, which is part of the Nature.com Portfolio, and looked at the "Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination." The study included 7,318,437 people from the TriNetX network divided into vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, and they concluded that "individuals with COVID-19 vaccination had a higher risk of all forms of retinal vascular occlusion in 2 years after vaccination, with an overall hazard ratio of 2.19 (95% confidence interval 2.00–2.39)." This is one of the first large scale studies published that examined COVID-19 vaccination side effects which are continuing more than 2 years following a COVID-19 injection. The U.S. Government's vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) database shows that there was an astounding 19,665% increase in retinal disorders following the COVID-19 experimental shots compared to all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 32 years. A Health Impact News subscriber from Australia alerted us to a recent news story about a 21-year-old man who became permanently blind following a COVID vaccine which destroyed his career. The government is refusing to compensate him for his injuries, despite the testimony from two renowned eye surgeons who agreed that his condition was caused by the Moderna vaccine.

Profiting from War and Death: The Organ Harvesting Business in Ukraine

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has issued a plea to deal with the "big business" of organ harvesting and called for close international monitoring of these illegal activities in the combat zone of Ukraine. She stated: "The existence of this terrible bloody business is impossible without sponsorship at the highest government level." Her plea came on the same day that the head of Russia’s private military Wagner Group, Evgeny Prigozhin, went public and stated that his private military forces lost around 20,000 soldiers during the fight for Artyomovsk, and that half of these deaths were from inmates recruited from Russian prisons. Ukraine has a long history of participating in organ harvesting and trafficking, even before the CIA-led military coup in 2014. One can't help but wonder if the Wagner Group is also profiting from organ harvesting, as a single prisoner from Russia who dies fighting in Ukraine could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for their organs. In March this year (2023) we published a video of a Russian soldier who stated that they found a “baby factory” in Ukraine where young children are raised for the pedophile child brothels, or murdered to harvest their organs and sell on the Black Market. And yet many in the western media, even in the alternative media, are calling this "Russian propaganda" and "disinformation." However, it is the western media that has reported for over a decade now that organ harvesting and trafficking in Ukraine is a very real and horrible problem, long before the current war started.

“Nobody Imagined it Would go on This Long”: Bud Light Sales Continue to Plummet over Mulvaney Backlash

The controversy, now nearing its third month, has turned off a broader customer group than just those who characterize themselves as conservatives. Sales of Bud Light continue to plummet, reflecting ongoing backlash to the brand's decision to hire transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as a spokesperson. According to data cited by the beverage industry trade publication Beer Business Daily, sales volumes of Bud Light for the week ending May 13 sank 28.4%, extending a downward trend from the 27.7% decline seen the week before. AB InBev shares have fallen more than 10% since Mulvaney's social media post went live. In a note to clients published Tuesday, JPMorgan analysts said that even if the decline in Bud Light sales stabilizes, "We believe there is a subset [of] American consumers who will not drink Bud Light for the foreseeable future.” "Nobody imagined it would go on this long," Schuhmacher said. He continued: "It seems random — it struck a nerve. I've never seen anything to compare it to, in all of the [consumer packaged goods] industry. It’s a real shock."

The Financial Fall of Budweiser Shows the Hidden Power that the American Consumer Still Has Over Wall Street Billionaires

Anheuser-Busch, the largest beer company in the world, is learning the hard way that the American consumer still has a hidden power against corporate America, as their company value has lost $15.7 billion since April 1st, when they hired transgender-influencer Dylan Mulvaney to promote their Bud Light beer, which sent sales diving all across the U.S. This has been truly historical, and I have to say I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. More powerful than protests, even the "Occupy Wall Street" protests of 2011, and certainly more powerful than voting for politicians, the American consumer's most powerful voice for protest and change, is how they decide to spend their money, by voting in the only place that really matters, the marketplace. And let's be very clear here and give credit where credit is due. This is NOT simply a "conservative" protest, but this is a protest by AMERICANS that crosses political divides. And that is the main reason why a Wall Street corporate giant is reeling today, and trying to backpedal as fast as it can. Americans are rejecting the transgender culture, from trans "women" biological males invading sports and completely annihilating every female sports record on the books, to children committing suicide after receiving transgender medical procedures, to trans "women" biological male prisoners being incarcerated in women prisons and jails where rape and sexual abuse is skyrocketing, the majority of Americans are saying "this has gone too far." And in doing so by voting with their money, they are discovering the hidden power of the American consumer to fight back against the Wall Street billionaires and bankers.

Is The Federal Reserve Large-scale Human Behavioral Experiment since 2008 Coming to an End?

The Fed has trained the trading-rats all too well, and there is no way to avoid the unintended consequences of the Fed's large-scale human behavioral experiment.

Falling Off the “COVID Cliff” – The Collapse of Big Pharma Has Begun as 30% of Rural Hospitals in America Facing Closure

The Big Pharma financial bubble that was created in 2020 during the Trump Administration, which pumped $trillions into Big Pharma for COVID, has burst. It is being referred to in the corporate media as falling off of the "COVID Cliff." Those falling the deepest are the ones who greatly benefited from the COVID scam, as reflected in the 2023 first quarter financial reports of drug makers. Leading the collapse are the COVID mRNA "vaccine" makers, as sales for BioNTech decreased 80%, Moderna sales decreased 69%, and Pfizer sales decreased 29% during the first 3 months of 2023. In addition to the pharmaceutical drug cartel, 646 rural hospitals are at risk of closure due to financial issues, comprising around 30 percent of all rural hospitals in the U.S., according to the Center for Healthcare Quality & Payment Reform. Normally all these financial losses in the U.S. medical system would have crashed the economy by now, but of course the U.S. Stock Market ponzi casino is pumping money into the current financial bubble: Big Tech. The crash of the U.S. economy and the following "Great Reset" is all but certain now, with the only question remaining being: When? It could come soon if the U.S. does not remove the current debt ceiling and begins to default on its financial obligations. But even if a last minute deal is struck to avoid a U.S. sovereign debt default, that will not stop a major collapse of many U.S. banks as the liquidity crisis will increase.

44% of Americans Now Using Biometrics Instead of Passwords to Log In to Their Accounts – We are Closer to a One World Financial System

A new report published by the FIDO Alliance states that 44 percent of Americans are now logging in to their online accounts with biometrics, rather than a password, and more than half of Americans today, 58 percent, state that they are interested in replacing their passwords with biometric passkeys. The FIDO Alliance report clearly states who is pushing the adoption of biometric passkeys at the beginning of their report: "It’s been a year since Apple, Google and Microsoft announced their commitment to passkeys with plans to expand support  for a common passwordless sign-in standard created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium." The FIDO Alliance leadership and members are comprised of the biggest names in Big Tech and the financial sector, including Amazon.com, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Meta, Intel, Yahoo, American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, CVSHealth, U.S. Bank, PNC Bank, Wells Fargo, and many others. The most widespread biometric ID system currently being rolled out in many locations across the U.S. today is probably Amazon's palm scanning system called "Amazon One." A report published by Gizmodo today states that Amazon's palm scanning technology has now been updated to record your age, so you can purchase alcohol now without an ID by just letting them scan your hand. As I reported yesterday, the latest fad in the field of biometrics is Sam Altman's Worldcoin system and their "Orb" to scan people's eyes to create a unique "World ID". The system to produce a new one-world financial system is already in place, and it could happen now a lot quicker than most people realize.

Yellen: “More Bank Mergers Necessary” as Banks Lose Tens of $Billions in Deposits the Past Two Weeks

It appears that the Biden Administration is abandoning their rhetoric that "the banking system is fine." CNN reported today that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met with CEOs of large banks yesterday and told them that "more bank mergers may be necessary." Her statements killed a stock rally this week that saw the stocks of regional banks increase 10%, in one of their best weeks since 2020. Not anymore. As ZeroHedge News reported today, reports show that $billions of losses in deposits at U.S. banks have occurred in the past two weeks, with over $70 billion lost in large US Commercial Banks.

Expectations of an Imminent Big Tech Crash Bringing Down the U.S. Economy is Expanding

While I was among a very small minority in the 4th quarter of 2022 warning the public about the Big Tech crash that was coming and was a threat to bringing down the entire U.S. economy, judging from my newsfeed the past 2 weeks, I no longer think that this view is the minority view anymore. Both the alternative and corporate media are increasingly printing news and opinion pieces about how dangerous it is right now to have just a handful of Big Tech companies holding up the entire stock market, and mostly because of the hype over AI. I am going to highlight much of this news in this article, along with evidence that the banking crisis is actually getting worse, and then go further than most will dare to go, and consider the question: Is this all intentional??

President Trump and Rudy Giuliani Sold Presidential Pardons for $2 Million

At the end of President Donald Trump's presidency in January of 2021, I reported how Trump not only did not keep his promise to "drain the swamp" when he became president in 2016, but that he proved that he was part of that very swamp based on who he pardoned in his last days in office. On his last day in office, Trump pardoned Israeli colonel Aviem Sella, the convicted handler of US-born Jewish-American intelligence analyst and traitor Jonathan Pollard, who stole US military secrets and sold them to Israel. Many of Trump's supporters were hoping that he was going to pardon two whistleblowers who have risked their lives to reveal the workings of the deep state, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. In addition to not pardoning Edward Snowden and Julian Assange nor those arrested in the January 6th entrance to the U.S. Capitol, Trump pardoned several Big Pharma executives who had been convicted of medical fraud. And now we have reports that President Trump and his personal attorney and former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, in the true fashion of corrupt mafia criminal actions typical in NYC, offered Presidential pardons for the cost of $2 million dollars. While the Trump supporters will undoubtedly be quick to point out that the one making this claim of Presidential pardons being for sale for $2 million is part of a lawsuit by a woman who was a former aide to Giuliani and is accusing him of sexual harassment, and is not a trustworthy source, The Independent today has published an investigative report that corroborates her claim with a former CIA officer, John Kiriakou, who has stated the same thing; that he was offered a Presidential pardon by Trump for $2 million.

Don’t Tell Chat AI Anything You Wouldn’t Want to See on a Billboard

Chatting with an AI program feels personal and conversational, but don’t be fooled. Here's why you should keep a lid on what you reveal to ChatGPT and its ilk. ChatGPT is a gossip. Google’s Bard, too, and maybe Bing AI. What you get out of them depends on all the information that went in. And that’s precisely the problem. Why? Because everything you ask them, tell them, or prompt them with becomes input for further training. The question you ask today may inform the answer someone gets tomorrow. That’s why you should be very, very careful what you say to an AI.

Elon Musk is Latest Billionaire to be Subpoenaed in Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island Case

Elon Musk became the latest billionaire subpoenaed in the Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island case today. He has allegedly been trying to avoid being served since last month. According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, Epstein provided business contacts to Musk helping him start Tesla and SpaceX. Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk, sits on the board for Tesla and SpaceX, and also dated one of Epstein's girlfriends. In a 2020 article published in The Sun, Musk's ex-wife Talulah Riley denied "truly awful" rumors that Ghislaine Maxwell had handpicked her to be Musk's "child bride", although she did admit that she and her then-husband Musk had been entertained at Jeffrey Epstein's house in New York City.

$14 Billion in Foreign Deposits at Silicon Valley Bank were NOT Bailed Out – More than $1 Trillion Foreign Deposits at Chase and Citibank as U.S. Debt Crisis Looms

The Wall Street Journal sent shock waves through the financial world Saturday night when they reported that the FDIC seized nearly $14 billion in foreign deposits at Silicon Valley Bank in the Cayman Islands last March, mostly from Chinese investment firms, which had been waiting to gain access to their funds. It's not happening. As Pam Martens reported this morning, this will most certainly cause a bank run on all unsecured foreign deposits, which is over $1 trillion in just two banks: JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup’s Citibank. As Mike Shedlock of MishTalk.com reported, the FDIC has now sent a clear message to foreign depositors: You can't trust U.S. Banks. If this news wasn't bad enough, we also have the alleged political posturing going on right now over whether or not Congress is going to raise the U.S. debt limit, or default on some government obligations, like U.S. Treasuries. Asia (Japan and China) holds a vast majority of foreign held U.S. Treasuries, and probably a lot of the same investment firms that just lost all their deposits at Silicon Valley Bank. This past Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the U.S. has "to default on something" if a new debt ceiling is not reached by Congress, and that includes U.S. Treasuries.

Google Introduces Plan to Use Generative AI to Take Over the Internet – AI’s Real Threat to Society

Google announced its new plans for AI this week at their annual I/O developer conference, and to say that not everyone in the Tech Industry was thrilled by their plans to integrate Generative AI into their search engine, would be an understatement. Emily Dreibelbis, writing for PC Magazine, published one of the more apocalyptic articles warning that Google could basically destroy most websites on the Internet. Maggie Harrison, writing for Futurism, issued similar warnings for the future of independent journalism due to Google's plan for Generative AI, noting that Google still owns 91% of all Internet searches. This is one of the REAL dangers of AI, the fact that the largest technology companies that control the Internet could very easily drive everyone else out of business and thereby control all the content on the Internet. And in fact, that trend has already started in the technology sector, as year-to-date there have already been 193,860 employees laid off in the technology sector, with many tech businesses failing, as well as some of their top banks also failing, like Silicon Valley Bank, that funded these companies. This investment in the future of AI, is the main thing holding up the U.S. stock market right now. Five technology stocks, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Meta and Amazon, have accounted for 89% of the S&P 500 YTD price return. It is looking more and more every day that we are looking at a total market collapse at some point, and then only the largest banks and the largest technology companies will be left, because they are "too big to fail," especially since the U.S. military and their Intelligence agencies all depend on Big Tech, who hold all their data in their Cloud Computing data centers. This appears to be the goal of the Wall Street billionaires and their bankers, since there is no way they can pay off their debts. Just crash the entire financial system, and choose which Tech companies and banks survive. Then they will have total control of the flow of money as they require digital IDs and work towards a Central Bank Digital Currency, operated by the Big Tech companies that survive, who will also control the flow of information through AI. Will enough Americans wake up soon enough to prevent this from happening, or will it take a total collapse of the economy to reveal what is really happening with this "Great Reset"?

Berkshire Hathaway Investor Arrested by Warren Buffet at Shareholder Meeting for Pointing out Ties to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein

Peter Flaherty, who is chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center and also a shareholder in Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway company, was arrested during Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholder's meeting last weekend for proposing that Warren Buffet should step aside as Chairman of the Board and CEO so someone else who was not tied to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein could lead the company. "I was treated like any other criminal, fingerprinted, handcuffed," Flaherty said. "I've always been courteous with decorum at the annual shareholder meetings. I didn't raise my voice. I was not disruptive." As we have previously reported, Warren Buffet was one of the main board members funding the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just after the foundation started. The Foundation basically owns the World Health Organization. Flaherty said Buffet had donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, adding: "If 'woke' culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus. The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of Critical Race Theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist. The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of 'socially and culturally constructed ideas. This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact. We know how much Bill Gates cares about children. He met and traveled with Jeffrey Epstein many times after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes."