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Exposing Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that Believers Should Always Obey the Government

One of the most common myths taught in Christianity today, and since the "Reformation" period in Europe in the 1700s, is that believers in Jesus Christ are taught to always obey our government. The passage in the New Testament part of the Bible that is used by pastors and other Christian "leaders" today to try and convince people that they need to always obey their government, is from Paul's letter written to the congregations who were in Rome at the time. The first thing one must do to understand this passage, is consider who these instructions were written to, and what their situation was that prompted Paul to write a letter to these congregations, which included this passage at the beginning of the 13th chapter of Paul's letter to the believers in Rome. We saw how this wrong interpretation of this passage in Romans was used by Christian leaders to tell people in 2020 and 2021 to obey what the Government was dictating in terms of a response to the fake COVID "pandemic" and their pharmakeia "cures." And we are going to see more cases like this in our future, especially in terms of Zionism and how they define "antisemitism." But this is an introduction to this topic that should clearly show how the Bible is so easily manipulated by these Zionist Jews and Christians to force the public to comply with their plans for a New World Order, run by the true Antichrist, Satan.

Palestinian Smart City: Most Surveilled City on The Planet and Military Test City for Future Smart Cities Around the World

Mint Press News published a documentary yesterday that is less than 10 minutes long showing how the Palestinian city of Hebron in the West Bank is currently the most advanced Smart City in the world where “Palestinians are the most surveilled people on the planet.” The Palestinian section of Hebron is very obviously the world's most advanced Smart City and the blueprint for future 15-minute Smart Cities that are already being planned throughout the U.S. The documentary is filmed inside the Palestinian area of Hebron. To enter you need to have your face scanned, and pass through gates where AI-powered unmanned machine guns are pointed at busy sections of the city. Hebron is the test city for the Israeli "Wolf Pack" surveillance system. This is the system they want to sell to create Smart Cities all around the world. The journalist, a Palestinian woman, says that many of the cameras in the city can see through walls, making no section of this Smart City private, not even people's homes. I checked to verify that such cameras exist, and they do. Here is a video produced by the Israeli manufacturer, Camero, whose logo displays the "all-seeing eye"...

Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution

In my last article I discussed the new Bill that the U.S. House of Representatives passed this week titled "The Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023", which had bipartisan support. As you can observe from the title of the Bill that now heads to the Senate, the language for this Bill was written last year, 2023, after the Hamas military attack in Israel, and pre-dates the current student protests over the war in Gaza that began a few weeks ago. In fact, the language for this Bill was drafted under President Donald Trump, written by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and was then enacted as a Presidential Executive Order on December 11, 2019. The text for that executive order that criminalizes "antisemitism" had never been able to be passed as law in the U.S. Congress, because it basically renders the First Amendment as null and void, and so by Trump's own admission during the ceremony where he signed this EO, he stated that he just did it himself anyway, because as President of the United States, he now had the power to do so. I checked to see if Trump's executive order on antisemitism from 2019 had been revoked by President Biden, and it has not. So this begs the question: If Trump's EO on antisemitism is still in effect, then why did the Zionists need this new Bill introduced to the House by Rep. Mike Johnson, which easily passed with bipartisan support? The reason seems to be that under the Biden administration, Trump's EO is being used to represent not only Zionist Jews who feel they are being discriminated against on college campuses, but also students of other faiths as well, such as Arab Muslims, who are also using Trump's EO to file discrimination lawsuits. This is apparently because Trump linked his EO to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. So having failed to meet their objectives with the Trump EO from 2019, the Zionists are trying, once again, to codify the meaning of "antisemitism" and criminalizing anyone who does not comply with their definition of "antisemitism", which includes denying that Jesus Christ was the Jewish Messiah. There had been rumors among some Zionist Jews that Donald Trump had converted to Judaism in 2017, but was afraid to go public with his conversion due to the backlash he would have received from Evangelical Christians. The rumor also stated that Jared Kushner, who openly admits he is a Jewish member of the Chabad Lubavitch sect, and is the son-in-law of Donald Trump, is the prophesied Jewish Messiah.

Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death!

There are more Zionists among Evangelical Christians than there are among Jews. President Donald Trump made this very clear during his presidency, admitting that he would never have been able to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem without support from Evangelical Christians, and that he has far more support from Evangelical Christians than Jews. Well, yesterday was a wake up call to Evangelical Christians, as the House of Representatives in Congress, led by their new Speaker of the House Zionist Mike Johnson, who now works together with Democrats to appease his Zionist war-mongering masters to continue funding America's wars while keeping the U.S. border open, has now passed a new "Antisemitism" law that effectively makes it illegal, if the bill passes the Senate and is signed by President Biden, to hold to traditional Christian beliefs and the teaching of the Bible that the Satanic Jews executed Jesus. In October of 2023 when Mike Johnson was elected to become Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress, I warned the public at that time and wrote: "Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech and antisemitic?" And that's exactly what he did yesterday, 6 months later. The road to Armageddon and the persecution of the saints, as prophesied in Scripture, is paved by Evangelical Zionist Christians who worship Israel. American Christian Zionist churches are the most dangerous places to be today. If you thought the COVID lock downs and vaccines were bad, you haven't seen anything yet.

The Government is Tracking You Through Your Vehicle as You Drive if You Have a Newer Vehicle Connected to the Internet

I have been warning our readers for the past few years that the Government has the ability to track you through your vehicle if you own a later-model vehicle that is connected to the Internet. But today, we now know that this is not just a theory, but that it actually has been happening, as two U.S. Senators have discovered that eight automakers will give up users' location data to police without requiring a court-issued warrant. We already knew that these car companies tracked and stored this data, as last September I published a report published by the Mozilla Foundation on every brand of car sold in the U.S. and reported: "All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label — making cars the official worst category of products for privacy that we have ever reviewed." They concluded that your car spies on you more than your cell phone and smart home devices. This announcement by the Senators follows other recent announcements that the government has passed legislation that new cars in the future must be outfitted with a "kill" switch that allows law enforcement to disable your vehicle.

How George Soros is Using Right Wing Republicans to Accomplish His Purpose in Eroding the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech

I am republishing an excellent article written by someone who goes by the name "BlueApples" on the ZeroHedge News site today. BlueApples comments on the recent revelation that George Soros is a contributor of funding some of the pro-Palestinian groups on College Campuses, and how this revelation has led to outcries among the Conservative Zionists, which actually strengthens the Pro-Israel lobby with goals that are similar to the goals of Soros, which is to eliminate Free Speech and the First Amendment. Excerpt: "It should come as no surprise that the pro-Palestinian protests across college campuses nationwide have been exposed as another agitprop operation funded by none other than George Soros. In the eyes of the right wing of the American political spectrum, that revelation has essentially validated their criticism that these protests are little more than a vehicle for the Cultural Marxist agenda Soros and his acolytes espouse. However, evidence to that point has been sparse as the protests have all but entirely been consistent in their adamant opposition to the US' support of Israel's war in Gaza and haven't deviated into anything like outspokenness explicitly against presidential candidate Donald Trump like previous instances of Soros-orchestrated social justice protests have. Perhaps the hubris of the "I told you so" moment that came when Soros' was exposed as the architect of the co-opting these protests has done exactly what the social engineer desired. By provoking the reactionary response against these college protests, Soros has seemingly further fortified the pro-Israel lobby's position by manipulating America's right wing into aligning with it and in doing so exposing its hypocrisy over the issues of free speech and free assembly as a means of anti-establishment activism. In the wake of that clearly concerted effort to police free speech to quash any defiance against the powers that be who were behind the pandemic, America's right maligned how the Bill Of Rights had seemingly been desecrated so that the ruling elite could advance their agenda without resistance. While they were right to hold that position, it's taken less than 4 years to memoryhole how the political establishment executes that modus operandi. Now, the same demographic of the electorate that previously held the rights imbued into Americans under the First Amendment as sacred has been manipulated into throwing them out the window. In response to college protests against Israel's war in Gaza, the mainstream American right has become the embodiment of everything they stood against in 2020 by embracing calls to deny protesters their First Amendment rights in support of the neocon axis' self-proclaimed greatest ally: Israel. In doing so, the political faction of the country that was supposedly against the establishment in Washington DC has been assimilated back into it. By doing its bidding as such, the political establishment behind the deep state, permanent Washington, globalism, and whatever other supranational incarnation it takes to undermine the national sovereignty of the United States has regained control of the right."

Speaker Mike Johnson: “Antisemitism is a Virus” that is Spreading – Antisemitism Vaccines and Drugs to Follow?

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson addressed students at Columbia University today where he stated that antisemitism is a virus that is spreading to other universities. Will antisemitism drugs and vaccines now be fast-tracked to "cure" this new "virus"? The Zionist Christian Congressman also threatened to call out the National Guard to fight against protests at American Universities. Remember the “May 4th Massacre” in 1970 where the Ohio National Guard murdered American students at Kent State University protesting the Vietnam War?

University Faculty and Jewish Rabbis Join Students in the Largest Anti-war Protests on U.S. Campuses Since the Vietnam War

In a major story that has been vastly under-reported in the U.S. media, but is now becoming headline news, anti-war student protests against the Israeli war in Gaza are continuing to increase on campuses all across the United States, something not seen on American University and College campuses since the 1970s and the anti-war protests over the Vietnam War. U.S. media and politicians from BOTH the Republicans and Democrats continue to call these protests "antisemitic" protests, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the College Campus groups who are participating in these protests are Jewish groups, with Jewish students joining these protests, which easily demonstrates the complete censoring of alternative Jewish voices in these protests, which are in fact anti-WAR protests. Even among the faculty of these Universities, there is widespread faculty condemnation over how their students are being treated in what are largely peaceful protests, as many of the faculty members are joining their students in these protests. As of the time of this writing, Columbia University has extended their deadline for 48 hours in demanding that the encampments disband and leave, and with hundreds of students already having been arrested at campuses all across the nation, there are now grave concerns that the National Guard is going to be called into some of these campuses, which could escalate the situation. This is exactly what happened at Kent State University and the "May 4th Massacre" in 1970, where four unarmed students were killed and 9 others wounded by the Ohio National Guard over peaceful protests against the Vietnam War. The Zionist Republicans continue to refer to these protests as "antisemitic," and most Democrats agree, including President Joe Biden who has condemned the protests as "antisemitic." The Zionist corporate and alternative media are consistently only reporting one view of these protests, the Zionist view, using their well-funded propaganda media to try and convince Americans that all these protests are about attacking the Jewish people. But if these protests are truly attacks against the Jewish people, and not what the protesters themselves claim it to be, which is taking a stand against war and the genocide of the Palestinian people, then what about all the Jewish people who are also taking a stand against what is happening to the Palestinian people? Well, according to the Zionists, those Jews who don't support Zionism are also "antisemitic", even if they are Rabbis who had relatives who died during the Holocaust. You probably have not heard from these conservative, Orthodox Jews who are also standing with the student protesters, have you? Here are some videos from two of these Jewish Rabbis, one who lives in New York and one who lives in the UK. Please educate yourself and listen to what these Jewish Rabbis say so you do not fall victim to the Zionist propaganda that only presents one side.

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion Die in America: Zionism is Now the Only Religion Allowed in the U.S.

Protests against the genocide happening in Gaza have continued to increase across America, with thousands of students in American universities and colleges protesting against the daily mass murders of innocent civilians and children happening in Israel. Last week, over 100 students were arrested at Columbia University in New York, with many students at other campuses all across the nation joining them in protest this past weekend. The arrests of over 100 students at Columbia University last week came one day after Columbia University President Nemat Shafik appeared before a U.S. Federal Congressional hearing on "Antisemitism". In the eyes of Zionists, if you do not support the Jews and modern-day Israel, then you must support their annihilation and "right to exist". There is no middle ground for them, and to not accept their position is to be labeled "antisemitic", deserving of losing your job, or being arrested if you voice your opinions in public. How in the world did we get to this point, where the U.S. Constitution clearly protects the right to "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Religion", and yet lawmakers in Washington D.C. today only allow one opinion and one religion?? There is only one answer to this question: Zionist Evangelical Christianity. Zionist Evangelical Christians, representing the main religion of Republican lawmakers in Congress, believe that their view is the only right one, and they will twist your words, and twist the writings of the Bible, to "prove" their point and justify genocide against those who oppose them. No other views are allowed in this fanatical religion. And this is NOT my opinion. Hear it yourself from the mouth of Congressman Rick Allen, as he "schooled" the President of Columbia University about what he believes the Bible teaches regarding Zionism, and that if she did not comply, then Columbia University would be cursed, effectively commanding the President of a major University in the U.S. to adopt his religion, or face the consequences.

Did Israel Even Attack Iran??

The highly anticipated response by Israel over Iran's recent bombing of Israel with over 300 attack drones and missiles, which resulted in zero deaths and only some damage on a desert military base, was reported as being launched by Israel into Iran yesterday (April 19th). In the days leading up to this alleged "attack," the debate among the Israeli military was whether or not this attack should be "hard" in "revenge", or limited in scope to "avoid escalation" in the region. Here is how CBS News reported the "attacks" as they were allegedly happening: "Two U.S. officials confirm to CBS News that an Israeli missile has hit Iran. The strike follows last weekend's retaliatory drone and missile attack against Israel, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to respond to. Officials were tightlipped about the location or extent of the Israeli strike." This was happening very late Thursday night (April 18th) in the U.S., when it was April 19th in Iran and Israel. I saw these headlines just before I went to bed Thursday night. The next morning, more details began to emerge, and it was reported that the alleged attacks were in the city of Isfahan, where Iran reportedly had nuclear facilities. As more and more details allegedly emerged, the U.S. media was reporting that the "attacks" actually came from within Iran, and were not in fact "missiles", but "drones." So I went to the Iranian English News site, TasnimNews.com, and they were reporting that there were no airstrikes at all. Later in the day the Iranian press updated their news to report that there actually were some  “suspicious” objects that were sighted. As the day progressed, the Iranian media began to mock the Western media, showing people in Isfahan allegedly going about their business as if nothing had happened. The Iranian press then stated that they identified these objects in the sky as "micro aerial vehicles" (MAVs), about the size of mosquitoes.

The High Cost of Knowing the Truth Leads to Another Lost Life – The Media Doesn’t Know How to Report These Suicides

Another person who has discovered the truth about how evil our U.S. Government is, chose public suicide by lighting himself on fire yesterday, rather than living with that knowledge. His name is Max Azzarello, and he died earlier today. This is the second time someone has committed suicide in public by lighting themselves on fire in recent weeks, as I covered the story of Aaron Bushnell, a member of the U.S. Air Force, who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. several weeks ago. While Aaron Bushnell was distraught over the truth that our government was committing genocide against the Palestinians while supporting the Satanic Zionist Jews, Max Azzarello, according to his own writings, was led to despair over the financial system and its imminent collapse, centered around what he called the "cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme." He made it very clear that both political parties were guilty, and yet, probably due to the fact that he committed suicide in New York close to the court where Trump was being tried, everyone in the media tried to portray him through their own political lens, with the Corporate Legacy Media mostly referring to him as a crazy "conspiracy theorist", while the Right Wing alternative media either did not cover it all, or in some cases called him an "Anarcho-Communist" with commenters referring to him as a "libtard" suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Almost NONE of the media sources I looked at, including the foreign media, even bothered to link to his last post on Substack, so that people could read for themselves what he wrote to explain why he was committing suicide. I am going to republish it here so you can read what this man wrote himself, rather than all the media B.S. about what they want you to believe about him. I have read it, and everything he writes is true.

Are You Prepared for Life with No Internet?

Here in 2024, the U.S., and the World, depend upon the Internet and technology so much that it makes the year 2000, when the concerns about the computer date format (Y2K) caused the U.S. to spend billions of dollars to fix, look like it was in the dark ages. We have entire generations now who have been born into this technology, and do not know any other way of life. Most just blindly trust that this technology and the Internet will always be there for us. Most people cannot even imagine or fathom what life would be like today without the Internet. Total e-commerce sales for 2023 were estimated at $1.1 TRILLION in the U.S., an increase of 7.6 percent (±1.2%) from 2022. If the Internet went down for just 1 day, it would result in a loss of $11 billion in the U.S., and about $43 billion worldwide. If the Internet went down for just a few days to a week, our economy would totally collapse. If the Internet went down for a month, SOCIETY would collapse. This is not exaggeration or hyperbole. People who understand the technology know that this is true. This is why the Globalists, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), have been warning the public since late 2020 that a "Cyber Pandemic" and "Cyber Attack" are coming that will make COVID-19 look like a walk in the park. They're not wrong.

Iran’s Response To Israel Was Pure Political Theatrics as the Genocide in Gaza Continues

Iran's response to Israel's attack on their embassy in Syria which killed several people including top military personnel, resulted in ZERO Israeli deaths this past Saturday night. News sources reported that Israel was set to immediately strike back, until they received a phone call from U.S. President Joe Biden, who allegedly stated that the U.S. would not support them, which dissuaded them. The next day (Monday) it was widely reported that Israel was about to retaliate, but that the response would not be severe enough to "escalate" tensions in the region. When I got this up this morning (Tuesday), the news media began reporting that Israel was now trying to decide between a "hard" response in "revenge", or a more tempered one to avoid any escalation. This was the headline news this morning, but an hour or two later, most of those headlines disappeared, and it was reported that Israel would pick the time and location for their next response, which is almost identical to what Iran stated just after their embassy was bombed in Syria on April 1. By the time you read this, their alleged plans may have changed again. Meanwhile, while the world has been focused on Israel and Iran for the past few days, during that same time period the genocide in Gaza has continued with Israel's relentless bombing of the Palestinians. 68 people were killed and another 94 hospitalized in Gaza during a 48-hour period, as the death total has now allegedly reached over 33,000. Yesterday it was reported that new mass graves were discovered at al-Shifa Hospital and other places. Some of the bodies reportedly still had medical bandages and catheters attached to their bodies. Also published yesterday was a report by The Guardian that according to the World Food Programme, malnutrition among children in Gaza is spreading at a record pace, with starvation claiming at least 27 young lives of children, and thousands more are at risk. If the website OilPrice.com, publishing out of the U.K., is not in your newsfeed yet, it should be. This is the website for reading news from the lens of oil pricing, and is most likely used by the major Globalists who fund these wars. Gregory R. Copley published an article yesterday that seems to cut through the B.S. being reported in the corporate media about what Iran actually did on Saturday night: Iran’s Response To Israel’s Strike Was Pure Political Theater.

Evangelical Christians Praying for Armageddon and Supporting the Death Penalty for “Antisemitism”

In March of 2023, several months before the current war between Hamas and Israel broke out, Norwegian film producer Tonje Hessen Schei premiered the documentary film, Praying for Armageddon: When Biblical Prophecy Fuels Political Power. What this documentary film does is expose the Christian Zionist Cult, from the non-Christian perspective. It was just re-released to the public a few weeks ago on Al Jazeera, who published it in two parts, both of which are now available for free to watch on YouTube. This is a very enlightening, and VERY timely, documentary to watch to understand the "other side" of how non-Christians and non-Americans view Evangelical Zionism. I highly recommend viewing this film, even though I don't agree with everything in it. It accurately exposes how massive amounts of money in Evangelical Christianity define and support Zionism politically. No Republican politician can ever lead the United States without being part of this Evangelical Christian Zionism movement, and wholeheartedly agreeing with it and the Zionist (mis)interpretation of the Bible. This documentary also reveals why President Trump, during his first term in office, moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which legally gave the U.S. a presence in Jerusalem, so that if the U.S. Embassy was ever bombed by the enemies of Israel, it would be legally interpreted as an act of war against the United States. That international law that states all embassies and consulates are considered as part of the countries where they originate, and that any acts of violence or attack on these embassies would be legally considered as an act of war on that country which would then give that country the "right" to strike back, is EXACTLY what just happened with the Israeli attacks on the Iranian Embassy in Syria. The whole world knows that this was an act of war by Israel against Iran, and that Iran has a legal "right" to strike back, something that is considered imminent at the time of my writing this. And while everyone today seems to agree that Iran is about to make retaliatory strikes against Israel which they have a "legal right" right to do, what is not so clear is what the response of Israel and the United States is going to be, and if this is going to greatly escalate World War III. If it does, and if American lives are lost, look for stricter laws, executive orders, and emergency actions to be taken against "antisemitism", much like we saw during COVID with actions taken against "the unseen enemy (virus)", with mandatory orders (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, etc.) given to allow continued participation in society. The main leader and face of the American Christian Evangelical Zionism movement today is undoubtedly Donald Trump, and he has already publicly stated that he wants a federal "death penalty" imposed for "antisemitism."

Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States

In 2021 we saw private companies and local governments all throughout the United States mandate COVID-19 "vaccines" as a condition for employment, and many of those mandates are still in place today. But there is another mandate that could soon be required as a condition for employment and receiving government aid, and that is the mandate to not criticize or say anything negative against Israel. In fact, there are already laws on the books in 38 states that prohibit you from receiving government contracts or public investment funds, unless you agree to not participate in any anti-Israel activities. The main lobbying group supporting these State laws in the U.S. and around the world, is Israel Allies Foundation, whose Chairman of the Board is Evangelical Christian Dr. Dave Weldon, who previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-2008, representing Florida’s 15th district. Many other pro-Zionism organizations are well-funded by Evangelical Christians, such as Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), and hundreds of others. Other mega Christian organizations that do not focus solely on Zionism but also promote Zionism, include the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Focus on the Family (FOF), the Family Research Council (FRC), and many, many others. Are you ready to wear the Star of David on your body somewhere or hang the flag of Israel next to the American flag at your home to prove your loyalty to Israel in order to participate in society? Zionism is synonymous with Freemasonry and Satanism, and you will not find idols representing either Israel or the U.S. anywhere on my body nor on my property. I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit to represent God's ownership of me, and when God's judgment comes against this evil nation, including the Churches, this is the only mark that will save you. When the final Universal Supreme Court rulings are handed out during the Last Judgment, I will be found Not Guilty because I am represented by my Counselor and Attorney of record, J.C. King & Associates. He's not a member of the Crown's Bar, and he's never lost a case yet.

WW III Update ALERT: Iranian Attacks in Syria (and possibly other places) Against Israel are Imminent

The U.S. media has been warning the public for the past few days that an Iranian attack against Israeli targets is imminent. It seems to be an accepted fact that Iran is going to take action against Israel for the recent attack against their Embassy in Damascus Syria. And given the rhetoric yesterday and today, it appears that Iran's retaliation is most likely going to happen in Syria, although Israeli embassies around the world are on high alert, and U.S. politicians are (at least publicly) begging Iran to not attack U.S. sources. Since the U.S. is also being mentioned in these threats of retaliation, the U.S. media has been covering this and warning Americans about this imminent response. Sadly, the coverage of this situation depends entirely upon one's political bias, with the Democrats trying to publicly distance themselves from Netanyahu's actions, while the Republicans (who are mostly Zionists who support Israel) are stating that any attack on U.S. citizens will be Biden's fault because of "his" border policies. Even Nancy Pelosi, who is seldom in the news these days, publicly spoke with Biden to allegedly encourage him to stop sending military aid to Netanyahu. But the media's coverage of this supposedly imminent attack agrees with the evidence that this is going to happen very soon, regardless of one's political views.

Are Your Grains Tested for Glyphosate? Ancient Khorasan Wheat Glyphosate-Tested Now Available!

There has been a resurgence in interest in ancient grains in recent years, as more and more people begin to realize just how toxic modern wheat products are, with many "gluten intolerance" diseases increasing in modern times. Unfortunately, ancient grains grown in the United States, along with all other grains such as wheat, oats, and barley, are almost all contaminated by modern pesticides and herbicides, even if they are certified organic. We published a report on an investigation I conducted in 2014 by testing both organic and conventional products made from American (both the U.S. and Canada) grains, and we found very little difference between organic and conventional grains in terms of being contaminated with glyphosate, the active ingredient in the world's most popular herbicide, RoundUp, which has been linked to cancer and other diseases. When we began to search for sources for ancient grains, all the ones we found at the time tested positive for glyphosate, which forced us to begin searching for glyphosate-free grains outside the U.S. We found that Italy had the cleanest ancient grains which consistently tested negative for glyphosate, and we found some organic, heirloom corn that tested clean in Central Mexico, where glyphosate was banned. We eventually found a source of Khorasan Wheat from a single farm in Italy, and sold that for a few years. But their harvest in 2023 was not successful, leaving us with very little left in stock from the year before. But we recently just found a farm in Washington State that grew Khorasan in 2023, and samples from their field tested clean for any glyphosate. I proceeded to purchase many tons of this product, and we now have it in stock as a whole grain which you can purchase in bulk, as well as a whole grain flour. Here are some studies published in the peer-reviewed literature on the health benefits of Khorasan Wheat, conducted mainly by researchers in Italy.

American Congressman Pastor Timothy Walberg Calls for Nuclear Bombing of Gaza Like we Did in Japan

Israel is continuing its campaign of terrorism not only against the Palestinian people, but by also bombing Western aid workers trying to provide humanitarian relief to the refugees. The entire world is watching with horror as Israel continues their genocide against the Palestinian people, and also bombing Iran and Syria. The United States appears to be the only nation still supporting Israel by supplying them military aid and weapons, even as U.S. President Joe Biden gives lip service to allegedly opposing the actions of Israel's Right Wing Zionist madman, Benjamin Netanyahu. It can easily be stated today that Netanyahu has more support in the U.S. than he even does in his own country of Israel, where the majority of Israelis are NOT Zionists, and where tens of thousands of Jews have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest against the mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. The groups in the U.S. that primarily support all of Netanyahu's actions and reign of terrorism, are the Evangelical Zionist Christians, where many American pastors have been calling on the U.S. to "wipe out" all of the Palestinians in Gaza, which of course includes many Christian Palestinians as well. The latest Evangelical Pastor to call for the genocide of the Palestinians, is Pastor Timothy Walberg, who is also a Republican Congressman from Michigan. Walberg last week stated in a Town Hall meeting in Michigan that the U.S. should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, just like we did on Japan during WW II. He also included Iran and Russia, as well as North Korea and China, in his calls for nuclear annihilation. "We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick." As could be expected, reactions from leaders around the world were appalled that an America politician who is also a Christian Pastor, would support such barbaric actions.

Zionism and Child Sex Trafficking Among the Globalists – Like Epstein, Sean Combs “P Diddy” has Strong Ties to Zionists

Hip-hop star P Diddy, whose legal name is Sean Combs, has been hit with five civil lawsuits in four months, while the Department of Homeland Security raided his homes in Miami and Los Angeles recently. Similar to Jeffrey Epstein, Combs allegedly ran a sexual blackmail operation to leverage the rich and famous. Alexander Rubinstein, writing for Mint Press News, reported today that Combs has strong connections to influential Zionists and the Pro-Israel lobby, such as co-defendant Billionaire Lucian Grainge, the Chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group, the largest music company in the world. Gene Deal, the former bodyguard of P Diddy stated that Combs was a CI "confidential informant", and that he had "friends in certain places". One of those "friends in certain places" is obviously fellow Zionist Donald Trump. It's no secret that Donald Trump is a hardcore Zionist and friend of Benjamin Netanyahu. Jewish Zionism and child sex trafficking blackmail go hand in hand.

Israel Expands War as Russia Appoints Decorated Admiral as New Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy

Tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets this week to protest against their Conservative Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has gone on a rampage and has started bombing everyone from local aid workers trying to help Palestinian refugees to bombing the Iranian Embassy in Damascus Syria. These protests in Israel are reportedly the largest protests to date since October 7, 2023 when the Hamas-Israel war started. Israel faces fierce opposition from outside of Israel as well, as several aid workers, including some Westerners, were killed by an Israeli attack in Gaza yesterday. Also, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), along with several others, were assassinated by Israel in Syria at the Iranian Consulate yesterday. Meanwhile, Russia, which is still reeling from a terrorist attack in Moscow last week that they have promised to retaliate against, condemned Israel's attack in Syria. All of these events which are happening very rapidly now point to a major escalation of World War III. And perhaps the most concerning sign of this escalation is the news that Russia published today, which is that Northern Fleet Commander Admiral Alexander Moiseyev was announced as the acting commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy at a special ceremony dedicated to Submariner’s Day in Russia. Admiral Alexander Moiseyev is a very well-known military figure in Russia, best known for his experience and expertise for Russia's nuclear submarine program. Russia's submarine fleet is considered one of the major strength's of Russia's military force. This could signal a major escalation of Russia's involvement in WW III, as they have the capability of striking targets almost anywhere, and I would imagine the Ukraine port city of Odessa in the Black Sea will soon see some major action.