Robert Roberson by The Innocence Project


Execution of Robert Roberson halted after Travis County judge issues temporary restraining order

Also, the U.S. Supreme Court, which almost always sides with Big Pharma, declined to intervene and referred the case back to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is also in bed with Big Pharma, and is not expected to do anything.

Supreme Court declines to intervene in Robert Roberson’s execution

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As I have been warning the public for over a decade now, if you bring your child into an emergency room anywhere in the U.S., especially “Children’s” hospitals, you risk having your child medically kidnapped by “Child Abuse” Pediatricians, whose entire profession relies on finding child abuse in children brought into the hospital.

This very evil profession turns doctors into criminal detectives and prosecutors, something they receive ZERO training in, and instead simply examine X-rays of children, and then decide mostly on those X-rays to make the claim that the child was “abused.”

We have reported on dozens of these cases where parents were falsely charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and lost their children, or even worse, went to prison.


Are New Pediatric “Child Abuse Specialists” Causing an Increase in Medical Kidnappings?

Child Abuse Pediatricians: Exposing Their Role in Medical Kidnappings to the Public

Doctor Kidnappers

A few of the Child Abuse Pediatricians who have been involved in medical kidnapping stories we have covered at Health Impact News.

We have literally “written the book” exposing this racket, which is used today by attorneys and other advocates who fight these cases, and it is also available to the public for free in my online store.

Click/Tap to order.

But now, taking your child to the hospital and having your child medically kidnapped from you has risen to a new height, as a Texas man sitting on death row is scheduled to be executed tonight based on the false science of the medical tyrants, Shaken Baby Syndrome. (I just became aware of this story today, or I would have published this sooner.)

So this is the sad state of affairs in the U.S. today which is ruled by Medical Tyrants who have the power over life and death, and who gets to keep their children and those who do not.

When you take your child to a hospital today, you could have your child ripped away from you forever, end up spending decades in prison, and then be executed – just because a doctor said so.

While I just found out about this case today, The Innocence Project has been working on his case, as they cover false imprisonments of parents over SBS in all 50 States, and if they take the case, their team of attorneys usually get it right, or else they won’t take the case.

Robert Roberson

Mr. Roberson an autistic father, is at risk of being the first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited “Shaken Baby” Hypothesis – unless Gov. Abbott or some court intervenes

Robert Roberson a Special Education student when he dropped out of school after the 9th grade and a person with autism spectrum disorder, is an innocent father who has spent over 20 years on death row in Texas for a crime that never occurred.

In 2002, Mr. Roberson’s two-year old, chronically ill daughter, Nikki, was sick with a high fever and undiagnosed pneumonia and suffered a short fall from bed.

Hospital staff did not know Mr. Roberson had autism and judged his response to his daughter’s grave condition as lacking emotion.

Mr. Roberson was prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to death under the now-discredited Shaken Baby Syndrome hypothesis. Mr. Roberson would be the first person in the U.S. executed based on the debunked shaken baby hypothesis unless the courts or Governor Abbott intervenes. His execution is scheduled for October 17, 2024.

On September 17, 2024, Mr. Roberson filed a petition for clemency which contains new medical and scientific evidence showing that Nikki actually died of severe viral and bacterial pneumonia that medical professionals missed in 2002, not because of any abuse.

Her illness progressed to sepsis and then septic shock, a process likely precipitated by the dangerous respiratory-suppressing medications she was prescribed during her last days, all of which has now been established by detailed reports from highly qualified medical specialists.

To date, no court has been willing to consider three new expert reports showing how Nikki died of pneumonia, proof that Mr. Roberson is innocent of any crime.

The compelling nature of Mr. Roberson’s innocence claim is attracting widespread, diverse, and growing support, including from 34 eminent scientists and doctors, a bipartisan group of 84 Texas legislators, 8 advocates for parental rights, 8 organizations that advocate for people with Autism and their families, faith leaders, innocence advocacy groups, former judges, 70 attorneys who have represented people wrongfully accused of child abuse, and best-selling novelist John Grisham.

Brian Wharton, the lead detective in charge of investigating Nikki’s death who directed that Mr. Roberson be arrested based on a doctor’s Shaken Baby hypothesis made even before an autopsy was performed, and who testified for the prosecution at trial, has come to believe Mr. Roberson is innocent. (Full Report at The Innocence Project.)

At the time of this writing, Mr. Roberson only has 6 hours to live, and only Texas Governor Gregg Abbott or the U.S. Supreme Court can stop this.

Robert Roberson waited to hear whether his execution might be stopped by either Texas Gov. Greg Abbott or the U.S. Supreme Court — his last two avenues for a stay.

He is scheduled to receive a lethal injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville.

A Texas House committee is also trying to delay the execution by taking the extraordinary step of issuing a subpoena for Roberson to testify at a hearing next week about his case.

Lawyers ask Texas governor and Supreme Court to intervene

Roberson’s lawyers waited to see if Abbott would grant Roberson a one-time 30-day reprieve. It’s the only action Abbott can take in the case as the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles on Wednesday denied Roberson’s clemency petition.

The board voted unanimously, 6-0, to not recommend that Roberson’s death sentence be commuted to life in prison or that his execution be delayed.

All members of the board are appointed by the governor. The parole board has recommended clemency in a death row case only six times since the state resumed executions in 1982.

In his nearly 10 years as governor, Abbott has halted only one imminent execution, in 2018 when he spared the life of Thomas Whitaker, whose father had asked that his son not be put to death. The father had survived a shooting Whitaker had masterminded.

“We pray that Governor Abbott does everything in his power to prevent the tragic, irreversible mistake of executing an innocent man,” Gretchen Sween, one of Roberson’s attorneys, said in a statement.

Roberson’s lawyers also have a stay request pending before the Supreme Court. The nation’s highest court has rarely granted 11th-hour reprieves to people on death row. (Source.)

Texas, as we have reported for over a decade now, is one of the worst states in the nation for illegally taking children away from their parents, where they are then often trafficked and sexually abused in the State’s Foster Care system. See:

Texas Judge: CPS Still Unconstitutional – Foster Care Sexual and Physical Abuse Still the Norm

To see a list of Medical Kidnapping articles we have published over the years listed by State, go here.

Most of the States have an option to download all the articles as a .pdf.

This is the one for Texas. It has 43 articles of horror.


New Documentary on Medically Kidnapped Girl Whose Mother Committed Suicide is the Most Powerful Film Ever Produced Exposing Medical Kidnapping

CORRECTION: The original headline to this story mentioned “medical kidnapping”, but while there was a custody dispute over the child, the hospital actually had sent the child home with the father just before she died.

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