Iran Calls for an Emergency BRICS Meeting Over Gaza – Putin and Xi to Attend

For perhaps the first time in our modern history, non-Western countries now have an alternative to the United Nations when seeking relief from military actions and non-stop bombings from the United States and countries enriched by them with weapons of mass destruction purchased on the black market from the Pentagon's unfathomable $6 TRILLION black hole budget of which there is no accounting. This alternative to the mainly Western-funded United Nations is BRICS. BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but the group will be joined in January by Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. A new report just published by Bloomberg states that BRICS is already larger than the G7 countries consisting of the US, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. Iran, perhaps becoming disillusioned from alleged promises from the United States to release $billions of funding to prevent them from escalating the war in Gaza, has just called for an emergency virtual summit with the BRICS nations over the Gaza situation to be held tomorrow, Tuesday November 21st, with reports that both Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi will attend. Will an announcement from the BRICS nations just be more saber rattling rhetoric about the humanitarian crisis with the suffering of the Palestinian people? Or is Iran marketing their military and alliances to the highest bidder now, realizing that the funding from the U.S. is probably drying up due to the Zionist controlled U.S. Congress? Are the Zionists in the U.S. getting ready to sacrifice the entire country on the altar of Zionism in their unconditional support of Netanyahu's Israel?

Trouble in Toyland: How the $16 BILLION “Smart Toys” Industry Spies on Your Children and Makes Their Data Available to Child Traffickers

If your end-of-year holiday traditions include buying presents for your children and grandchildren, please avoid high-tech toys such as the growing "smart toy" sector with toys connected to the Internet. These "toys" are mainly data collection tools to collect as much information on your children as possible, including their location. It is a dream scenario for child traffickers.

Israeli Hamas Victim: “Killing Babies Won’t Bring Our Babies Back”

The genocide of the Palestinian people and the constant murder of innocent lives, including innocent babies, continues as the rest of the world looks on and does nothing. The United States, with its massive wealth and military, has apparently paid off Iran now with reportedly $billions of dollars, ensuring, at least for now, that Iran and Hezbollah will not follow through on their threats and intervene for the Palestinian people. And yet, the vast majority of the world, including those who reside in Israel and Palestine, is calling for a ceasefire and peace. One of these groups advocating for peace and a ceasefire is Women Wage Peace, a group of both Palestinian Muslim women and Israeli Jewish women, who are pleading for a ceasefire. This includes some of the family members of those Israelis who were savagely murdered by the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th. “We are just drowning in our own violence and blood. Israel won’t cure our dead babies by killing more babies.”

What is in Elon Musk’s New Mega Rocket? Get to Know NASA’s New Artemis Freemason Space Program

This coming Friday, November, 17, 2023, SpaceX's largest rocket, the "Starship," which is also the world's largest ever built rocket and launch system, is scheduled to make its second test launch and flight. What is this mega-rocket going to be used for? Launch more satellites, joining the more than 8,800 operating satellites currently in orbit radiating the earth and looking at who knows what? Probably, but this rocket is built for bigger things. Could we be entering into a new phase of war, where the threat from alleged "nuclear bombs" becomes nothing compared to energy weapons that could potentially affect the weather, create earthquakes, and cause massive fires that instantly incinerate everything in their path? Such massive destruction could render human soldiers unnecessary, as the modern warrior would then be sitting behind a computer somewhere ready to "pull the trigger." Well one thing we know for sure, is that NASA's new space program, Artemis, has already contracted with Musk and his SpaceX "Starship" to become part of the Artemis space program. Since its inception, the U.S. space agency NASA has used the names of "Greek Gods and Goddesses", which the Bible refers to as "Demons", to name their spaceships and space "exploration" programs. "Apollo" was one of the first names used. And that is because NASA is a Freemason organization.

Billionaire Zionists Pledge $50 Million to Control Media as Worldwide Support for Mass Murder and Genocide of Palestinians Dwindles

The mass murder of the Palestinian people in Gaza just continues going from horrible to apocalyptic, as American Zionists cheer the genocide. It is being widely reported today that Israel is attacking hospitals in Gaza where women and children are seeking refuge, particularly al-Shifa Hospital where infants were reportedly taken off of incubators today due to a lack of electricity, and are now dying. As I have repeatedly reported since this war started on October 7th, the Zionists who support genocide against the Palestinians like this are, by far, the minority voice, as not even a majority of the Jews living in Israel support Netanyahu's mass murdering of innocent civilians, and hundreds of thousands of Jews in the United States have also protested against the Palestinian genocide as they call for a cease-fire and peace. But the Zionist corporate and conservative alternative media is where the Big Money is, funded by Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and these media sources are solidly pro-Zionism. But with more and more public Zionist figures taking a hit for promoting genocide, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Zionist funded corporate media out of the U.S. is reportedly collecting $millions to try and control the narrative. And it's easy to understand why, because these Billionaires need a new war to fund the economy, as the Ukraine War loses popularity and is running out of steam.

How Many Times did Zionist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ride on Epstein’s Lolita Express?

The now Independent candidate for the office of the President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has angered many of his supporters in recent days by supporting Israel and agreeing to stifle free speech on campuses in the United States, such as Harvard, where anybody who reports the suffering and genocide against the Palestinian people is labeled as "antisemitism." What is interesting about these reports of RFK Jr. losing support due to his position on Israel and censorship, is that some people are learning for the first time that RFK Jr., along with his previous wife Mary, who committed suicide after Robert took custody of their children together away from her, has previously flown with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet. Newsweek claims that they have an "exclusive" on RFK Jr.'s previous association with Jeffrey Epstein, including riding in his jet, which a "spokesperson" from his campaign allegedly claimed happened only "one time." This was published on November 1, 2023, and the "spokesperson" who allegedly spoke to Newsweek, and "clarified" why Kennedy flew "one time" on his jet, is not revealed. However, I published an article about RFK Jr.'s announcement that he was running for President on April 6, 2023, where I reported that RFK Jr. has been listed as a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’, and admits he flew on Epstein’s plane twice (source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 159). So how many times did Kennedy actually fly on the Lolita Express? And since Big Tech is apparently bank rolling his campaign, where most of the big names support Israel, it is not surprising (to me, at least) that Kennedy supports limiting free speech against anything related to the Palestinian plight in Gaza, where a child reportedly is being killed every 10 minutes, in spite of the fact that Kennedy earns a half million dollars a year salary to head up Children's Health Defense. I guess Palestinian children are not included in their "Children's defense."

Medical Kidnappers Lose Major Court Battles but Child Trafficking through Child Welfare Continues

We get to end this week with some rare positive news stories in the subject of medical kidnapping and child trafficking in the U.S. The highly public medical kidnapping case in Florida that was made popular with the Netflix film "Take Care of Maya" ended this week, where a jury awarded over $210 million to the Kowalski family for their losses during the time Maya was medically kidnapped by Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Florida which led her mother to commit suicide. After Netflix blew up this story nationwide, it is hard to understand what the rationale was that led Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital to decide to take this trial to a jury, instead of settling out of court to avoid the bad publicity that this case brings against them. The only possible reason that makes any sense to me, is that these hospital executives were drunk on their own delusions, and actually believed that if they presented their case to a jury that the jury would think like them, believing that hospitals and doctors are just a step below "gods" and always know best, and decide in their favor. Regardless of their reasoning, this case exposed the Satanic evil activities of the medical system and child trafficking more than any other film has to date. Here are some additional court cases against the Child Traffickers in the U.S. that were in the news recently.

Is the Spirit of Columbia the Head Demon Over the United States? Is this Demon Referenced in Biblical Prophecy?

One of the teachings of the Bible that I have referenced frequently in my writings is that the entire world system, particularly its political and financial systems, is all part of Satan's kingdom. This is the system that all of us are born into naturally, and to escape this demonic system, we have to be "born again" spiritually to enter into the Kingdom of God, ruled by Jesus Christ. We are then called the "children of God," because of our rebirth spiritually. When Jesus Christ allowed himself to be executed to fulfill prophecy, he redeemed the entire human race and passed judgment on Satan and his demonic hierarchy who rule the world. The Greek words in the original text of the Bible that refer to Satan and his administration, are usually translated with English words such as "power" and "authorities." Jesus defeated them at the cross by his voluntary sacrifice, ruling against them in the court of justice in the spiritual realm, allowing anyone who so chooses to leave Satan's kingdom and join the Kingdom of God under the New Covenant through the rebirth. Satan and his administration, however, have yet to be sentenced to their punishment, which the Bible explains to us will still happen at a future date. Until that time, they still rule the world system. Occasionally, the Biblical texts give us an indication as to who these "powers and authorities" are in Satan's kingdom. One of those places is in the Book of Daniel, where it is recorded that each major geopolitical nation has its own head demon, referred to as a "Prince", apparently using this title in their ranking before Satan. This would imply that these "princes" are among the highest ranking demons ruling on earth, answering directly to Satan himself. We see two head demons referenced in Daniel, one identified as the "Prince of Persia" and one referred to as the "Prince of Greece." One good angel serving in the Kingdom of God is also mentioned as a "chief prince", Michael. Michael is mentioned again the book of Revelation. So what about the United States of America, which is a modern-day country that did not exist when the Bible was written? First, one needs to understand that the USA was founded by Satanic Freemasons and has always been ruled by Satanic rulers who are all part of Freemasonry. Since our founding in 1776, the goal of the U.S. was to become the center of the New World Order. American Christians have been taught that the USA was founded as a "Christian Country." And I don't necessarily disagree with that belief, because I understand that the Christian religion, along with ALL of the world's religions, is part of the Satanic world system run by Freemasons. It makes sense, therefore, that today in 2023 as the U.S. is entering its last stages of being the world's last remaining "superpower", that there is a national demonic power who rules most of the world today as one of the most powerful demons in the world, perhaps only second in command to Satan himself. It is also possible that Satan's physical location where he dwells on earth is also in the U.S. today. I believe that the name of this demon who is the head demon over the U.S., is a female spirit that is named "Columbia."

Is the Rothschild Banking Empire Global Pedophile Network’s Link to Israel About to be Exposed?

"All wars are bankers' wars" is a common fact known to many in the Alternative Media who understand that politicians are mere puppets to the world's Globalists who control the finances of the world, and these Globalists who control the banking industry as well as the Billionaires on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, fund both sides of almost every war to maximize profits. It is, therefore, always prudent to take a step back anytime "war" breaks out, such as the most recent one that began in October in Gaza, and try to figure out what the Globalists' purpose and end game might be. I have been pondering this for the past few days, ever since the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, failed to call for an all out war against Israel last Friday, as many had expected. This had been the threat made to Israel if they chose to invade Gaza with ground forces, which they have now done, as they continue to bomb anything and everything in Gaza, including yesterday when Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu stated that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was an option for Israel and claimed there are no innocent civilians in the enclave. So why haven't Hezbollah and Iran followed through on their threats? I don't know, and can only speculate. Did the U.S. buy off Iran and Hezbollah before the Hamas attacks happened, as is evidenced by the release of $billion of dollars to Iran just before the attacks? Or are Iran and Hezbollah playing the long game, by not falling for the Israeli trap, and just standing by and waiting for Israel to implode by itself without a larger escalation of the war? The latter is the opinion of Scott Ritter, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer that now writes for But there may be another piece to this puzzle that Pam Martens has uncovered and published in her column today at Wall Street on Parade, and her ongoing coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein lawsuits against Chase Bank, the largest bank in the U.S. While examining court documents for the most recent proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase Bank, who funded the Epstein worldwide pedophile network, she noticed that one of the plaintiffs, former Epstein victim Sarah Ransome, was challenging the settlement and is appearing in court in New York later this week. As a former Epstein victim, Ransome has cut deals before to prevent her from testifying, and regretted it. Martens discovered that a federal marshal has now been ordered to be present at this hearing, something that no other media outlet has reported yet. The likely reason the federal marshal has been summoned for the hearing is that Attorney David Boies has taken the questionable action of making public on the court docket an exhibit showing what purports to be 105 pages of personal emails sent by a Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking victim, Sarah Ransome. The final email states this: “David and Demon – You’ve made the biggest mistake crossing me. You’ve underestimated me and I’m coming for you. Sarah Ransome” Throughout the series of emails, Ransome refers to Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, as “Demon” instead of Dimon. In an email dated October 24, 2023 to leaders of countries in the Middle East, Ransome writes this: “My bad choices because life dealt me a rather rough hand doesn’t change the fact that I was raped repeatedly and trafficked by Epstein, no matter how hard the U.S. and Israeli Administration deflect that they indeed have broken the Geneva Convention and have been committing war crimes globally for decades…We all know that the material Epstein filmed for both governments has been used to broker deals in their favour for years.” What is she going to reveal? How deep does this evil network go, and what are its connections to Zionists in Israel, as well as here in the U.S., and this current war?

Netanyahu’s Terrorism Against Jews – Millions Killed by Bioweapon Shots and Recent Bombings by IDF?

Max Blumenthal, writing for The Grayzone, has reported that Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack have testified that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen. "Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been 'burned alive' were actually killed by friendly fire? Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen. Orders came down from the military’s high command to attack homes and other areas inside Israel, even at the cost of many Israeli lives." This is not the first time in recent history that the Israeli leader Netanyahu has attacked his own people. He brokered a deal with Pfizer in 2020 to inject the Israeli citizens with Pfizer's experimental COVID shots in return for letting Pfizer use the Israeli citizens as guinea pigs by studying the effects of the experimental shots, the most deadly "vaccine" in human history.