Freemason Satanic Dentistry. Official symbol of the American Dental Association. More info.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In May of 2019 Health Impact News reported that Oregon became the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to inject children with vaccines. See:

Oregon Becomes First State to Permit Dentists to Vaccinate Children

In 2021, under the PREP Act during COVID, dentists all across the U.S. were given authority to start vaccinating their patients in an effort to vaccinate more children and adults with the experimental COVID-19 “vaccine,” regardless of whether the state they resided in allowed dentists to give vaccines or not. (Source.)

So dentist offices joined local churches and other public places in 2021 as killing centers authorized to inject COVID-19 bioweapon shots in an attempt to mass murder their patients.

The American Dental Association was so pleased with this new role of dentists becoming mass murderers by injection, that they began to campaign to have states allow dentists to administer ALL childhood vaccines. See:

Firmly establishing oral health care professionals’ roles as vaccinators within the health care system

Today, American taxpayers are funding the education of dentists to become experts in vaccines, as is evidenced by the recent award of $685,000 to educate dentists on the deadly HPV Gardasil vaccine.

U.S. Taxpayer Funded Initiative Trains Dentists to Push HPV Vaccine

In recent years, government health agencies, cancer societies, as well as the American Dental Association (ADA), have attempted to recruit dentists to advocate for patients to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent oral cancers. An HPV Vaccine Roundtable initiative, funded largely by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), advises dentists to “know their unique role” and “capitalize on adolescent patient visits” to “strongly and clearly” promote HPV vaccination to all eligible patients.

Last month, the taxpayer-funded National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) awarded over $685,000 to the Health Partners Institute to research and test strategies to persuade dentists to advocate for the HPV vaccine for patients ages 11 to 26. (Full article.)

Miss a Dentist Appointment – Lose Your Child to CPS

Allowing dentists to vaccinate their patients allows dentists another way to medically kidnap your children.

Back in 2018, Health Impact News reported on a mother in Pennsylvania who stood up to her family dentist who threatened to report her to CPS to have her children taken away from her for simply missing a scheduled dentist appointment. She shared her threatening letter online on social media, where it quickly went viral. See:

Mom Stands Up to Dental Bullying When Dentist Threatens to Call CPS Over Missed Dental Appointment

I instructed my Medical Kidnapping investigation team at that time to look into the practices of this clinic, and we soon found out that all across the U.S., pediatric dental fraud is very widespread, with several cases totaling $millions of dollars being investigated by the Department of Justice. See:

Did Pennsylvania Mom Who Stood Up to Dental Bullying Uncover Massive Pediatric Dental Fraud Nationwide?

By allowing dentists to now inject your child with poisonous vaccines, the chances of having your child medically kidnapped via your dental office has greatly increased.

Dentistry, just like the rest of the Satanic medical system, is an association of Freemasons. They use the caduceus symbol in their logo, which is a serpent slivering up a pole, which is the ultimate anti-Christ Satanic symbol used for pharmakeia. See:

The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?

Learn more about holistic oral care options:

Cure Tooth Decay Through Diet

For Yourself and Your Children: Avoid Root Canals Like The Plague

Safer and Healthier Alternatives to Root Canals

Oil Pulling Goes Mainstream – Health Benefits Cannot be Denied

Dentistry Lacks Sufficient Research to Substantiate Many Procedures

Chocolate Better for Your Teeth Than Fluoride


The Weaponizing of CPS – Lose Your Children IF: You Don’t Vaccinate, You Don’t Make a Dentist Appointment, You Don’t Pay School Lunch Fees, You Don’t Shut Up, Etc.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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