Vindictive Pro-Vaccine Nurse Convinces Amazon to Take Down the Entire Health Impact News Network for Over 9 Hours

When I came online first thing this morning, I quickly found out that all of the websites in the Health Impact News network were not accessible, and had not been accessible for about 5 hours since the middle of the night. My chief technology officer began troubleshooting the issue, and when he could not determine what the problem was, he reached out to support at our hosting company, Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS informed us that they had blocked us due to an alleged DMCA copyright violation. Apparently, they had only sent a single email as a warning, and ended up sending the warning to the wrong email address, and not to the main email addresses on the account. So we had never received it. Our websites were down for over 9 hours as a result. We republished a story that originally appeared on The COVID Blog of pediatric nurse Mary Pat Voll, who bragged PUBLICLY on her Facebook account that she had received the "COVID vaccines." She was also 21 weeks pregnant at the time, and her baby was stillborn eight days later, according to a subsequent PUBLIC Facebook post she made. This is news, and this information is protected speech under the First Amendment. Mary published these on her Facebook account PUBLICLY, when she had the choice to publish it privately so only her friends and contacts would see it. Apparently she wanted it to be public only for those who are pro-vaccine and would sympathize with her, and be convinced that the "vaccine" had nothing to do with the death of her baby. But stating that the "vaccine" had nothing to do with the death of her baby is her OPINION, and she is certainly free to state her opinion publicly. However, what she is NOT free to do under the First Amendment is try to force others to have the same opinion, or threaten to censor them.

North Carolina College Professor DEAD After Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

Family friends of Virginia Ellington, a North Carolina college professor who taught at Appalachian State University, have contacted Health Impact News to inform us of the 63-year-old's death just 48 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The local medical examiner did something that is almost unheard of, and wrote that the vaccine was one of the "significant conditions contributing to her death." However, WRAL is reporting that this is just a preliminary report, as they did the customary interview of "health authorities" who of course are saying that the vaccine did not cause her death, and that everyone should still get the vaccine. So it is more than likely that the refence to the vaccine will NOT be on the final death certificate.

Entire City in Shock as Another Italian Professor is DEAD Following the AstraZeneca COVID Injection

As mass vaccination campaigns with experimental COVID injections now move on to the next demographic populations after beginning with senior citizens in assisted care facilities, and the healthcare workers in those facilities, the next targeted groups are educators. We have seen multiple reports, for example, in the U.S. of entire school districts having to close down following a mass COVID injection campaign, as so many people get sick after the injections that there have not been enough employees in some school districts to hold classes right away following these massive injections. Last week, I was informed of 3 deaths among faculty following COVID injections in one school district in Portland. But with nothing printed in the media and social media accounts silenced, I could not get collaborating evidence to publish those stories. The Italian press, however, has now reported another death following the AstraZeneca COVID injection, a young professor from Gela, Italy. This follows our report from last week about 31-year-old Ilaria Pappa, a professor from Ischia, who also died shortly after the AstraZeneca injection, and a 57-year-old Italian clarinet teacher who passed away less than 24 hours after having the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. All of this information is being censored by the Pharma-controlled corporate media, as well as Big Tech, all of whom are also heavily invested in Big Pharma now, which is the only reasonable explanation as to why people are continuing to rush out and take one of these experimental injections. What is it going to take for people to wake up and understand that the intention behind these shots is NOT to provide immunity against a SARS virus, but to control people and serve the goals of the eugenicist Globalists who have publicly stated that they want to reduce the world's population?