by Health Impact News/ Staff
They were Chinese medical scholars continuing their education and careers in the U.S.
Yang Wang, who upon obtaining her U.S. citizenship changed her name to Catherine Anderson (now Catherine Yang Wang Anderson) to have an easier name for Americans to pronounce, graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai, one of the top universities in China, and reportedly harder to gain entrance than Harvard University in the U.S.
Her husband, whose last name is also “Wang” but unrelated outside of marriage, graduated from one of the top medical schools in China, Capital Medical University in Beijing.
They obtained student visas to continue their education in the U.S. Catherine went on to obtain two Masters degrees, one as a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Maryland, and another one as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Her husband obtained his Nebraska physician license when he started his residency in Creighton Medical School in the Pathology Department, and became the Chief resident and was retained as a faculty member at Creighton after his graduation.
Two beautiful daughters were born to them while residing in Nebraska. Both went on to become honor students in high school, ranking number 1 in their classes, following in their parents footsteps to achieve academic excellence and preparing for college at the age of 14.
Unbeknownst to them, tragically, they had settled in a part of the U.S. that is known for one the largest child sex trafficking scandals ever uncovered and then buried in U.S. history: the Franklin Cover-up story centered around Boys Town. See:
Is the Franklin Cover-up Scandal of Child Sex-Trafficking in Boys Town, Nebraska Still Happening Today?
Catherine learned that her oldest daughter was developing an unhealthy relationship with one of her male high school teachers outside of class, and eventually learned that this teacher was “counseling” her on “sexual identity issues.”
After finding inappropriate text messages on her daughter’s phone, she reported the teacher to law enforcement.
What followed next is every parent’s worst nightmare. Instead of investigating the teacher, Catherine became the focus of investigation, and not only did Nebraska CPS take custody of her older daughter who was then 16, but they seized her younger 15-year-old daughter as well, against the wish of the younger daughter who had no complaints against her mother and wanted to stay home where she felt safe.
The tragic story that follows is a story about how one mother fought as hard as she could to get her daughters back, not realizing in the beginning that she was fighting an apparent child sex trafficking ring that allegedly brings in more money to the state of Nebraska than any other business.
She has spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees fighting for her daughters, and has had her career destroyed.
Her youngest daughter went from honor roll high school student preparing for college to being forced into a life of prostitution and being sexually trafficked, while every government agency she contracted to try and end this nightmare just stood by and watched.
Welcome to the new America.
The Destruction of an American-Chinese Family in Nebraska by Medically Kidnapping Their Children
Inappropriate Sexual Relationship between Minor and Male High School Teacher
Catherine Yang Wang Anderson’s story is documented in her lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska.
The case is ongoing.
According to her federal lawsuit, on October 7, 2013, Catherine found inappropriate texting and emails between her oldest daughter, then 16, and her male high school teacher and another adult.
This was not the first incident, and Catherine had warned her daughter several times previously that it was inappropriate for her to develop a personal relationship with a male teacher outside of school. She had also allegedly expressed her concerns to school officials.
The teacher was allegedly “counseling” her daughter on “sexual identity issues.”
She contacted the police when she found the text messages on her daughter’s phone which had supposedly “been lost,” and drove to the school to confront the teacher. The teacher allegedly accused Catherine of threatening him, and allegedly convinced the daughter to accuse her mother of threatening her as well.
Police officers were dispatched to the home, where Catherine and the younger daughter were present. The older daughter did not go back home after this.
The police were allegedly investigating the complaints the older daughter made against her, that Catherine was threatening her daughter. While in the residence, Catherine shared her concerns about her older daughter’s teacher and their inappropriate relationship.
According to the lawsuit, the teacher was never investigated.
As to their search of Catherine’s home, and their interrogation of the younger daughter, the lawsuit states that the police found Catherine’s home safe.
On October 8, 2013, Douglas County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Mark Gentile and Sergeant John Pankonin went to Wang Anderson’s home to make contact with [the younger daughter] and observe the living conditions inside of Wang Anderson’s home.
They knocked on the door and Wang Anderson answered. After Lieutenant Gentile told Wang Anderson that they were responding to a report at the school, Wang Anderson readily allowed Lieutenant Gentile to speak to [her daughter]
At that time, Lieutenant Gentile interviewed [the younger daughter] out of the presence of Wang Anderson, in the garage connected to Wang Anderson’s home.
Sergeant Pankonin spoke with Wang Anderson outside of the garage while Lieutenant Gentile spoke with [the younger daughter].
During the interview, [the younger daughter] told Lieutenant Gentile that she had never heard or observed Wang Anderson make any type of threat to [the older daughter], and that [the older daughter] may have made the reports about Wang Anderson because “she was mad at” Wang Anderson.
According to his investigative report, Lieutenant Gentile specifically asked [the younger daughter] if she felt unsafe by residing at the residence with Wang Anderson. [The younger daughter] “immediately stated that she did not feel unsafe and was fine living with [Wang Anderson] at the residence.”
On information and belief, at that time, Lieutenant Gentile observed the condition of Wang Anderson’s home and found it to be safe and sanitary.
Following these personal interviews and interactions with [the younger daughter] and Wang Anderson, and the observations of the Wang Anderson home, Lieutenant Gentile and Sergeant Pankonin determined that it was safe for [the younger daughter] to remain in Wang Anderson’s home and care, and did not remove her.
Nebraska CPS was also called in to investigate, and allegedly reached the same conclusion. According to the lawsuit:
On October 8, 2013, during the evening, NDHHS Child and Family Services Specialist Jennifer White (“White”) and NDHHS employee Archie Scott went to Wang Anderson’s residence.
White interviewed [the younger daughter] at Wang Anderson’s home, out of Wang Anderson’s presence. With Wang Anderson’s permission and cooperation, White and Scott then thoroughly searched and inspected all three stories of Wang Anderson’s residence.
After the interview of [the younger daughter] and the home search, White and Scott determined it was safe to allow [the younger daughter] to remain in Wang Anderson’s home and allowed her to remain there. At that time, Scott told Wang Anderson that there was nothing wrong with her house.
Medical Kidnapping of the Daughters
However, after this initial visit by the police and CPS, something apparently changed, and in writing up the report of that visit, the officer allegedly made unfounded accusations against Catherine.
Lieutenant Gentile made a report regarding his October 8, 2013 encounter with Wang Anderson and noted that Wang Anderson had been wearing a rubber glove when she answered the door.
In his report, Lieutenant Gentile drew the following unsubstantiated conclusion: “It was evident to GENTILE that WANG ANDERSON was apparently suffering from some type of OCD/mental condition.”
On information and belief, Lieutenant Gentile was not qualified, experienced, or trained to make such a conclusion about a person’s mental health.
Lieutenant Gentile’s conclusion was not based on diagnosis by a medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, or other qualified person, other professional assessment, or questions asked to Wang Anderson to assess her mental state.
The process of medically kidnapping the younger daughter had begun.
As we have reported over the years in so many of our stories, medically kidnapping children from their parents often happens with a false diagnosis of mental illness on the parents.
Catherine and her husband, of course, have no history of mental disease. In fact, they were medical scholars and at the top of their professional careers at the time. Her husband, a medical doctor, had taken a job in Texas just prior to this, and was traveling back and forth between Texas and Nebraska.
The CPS worker also allegedly changed her assessment of Catherine’s home as being safe, and wrote in her SDM Safety Assessment report: “the physical living conditions are hazardous and immediately threatening to the health and/or safety of the child.”
With no alleged evidence of abuse in Catherine’s home, the older daughter was immediately placed into foster care and taken to Project Harmony.
This action was allegedly done without a court order.
The next day, October 9, 2013, Sheriff Deputy Brenda Wheeler, along with NDHHS Child and Family Services, allegedly removed the younger daughter from school, and took custody away from Catherine, putting her into foster care with her sister at Project Harmony.
This was allegedly also done with no court order, and no charges filed against either parent.
The nightmare had begun.
Juvenile Judge a Willing Participant to Remove Parental Rights

Judge Elizabeth Crnkovich. Images from Remove This Judge Facebook Page.
On October 10, 2013 Douglas County Attorney Michael Cimino filed a Petition in the Separate Juvenile Court of Douglas County accusing Catherine of abusing her children and being mentally unstable.
Juvenile Court Judge Elizabeth Crnkovich was apparently more than willing to render an ex parte order with no hearing to look at any alleged evidence.
Without notice to Wang Anderson or Dr. Wang or a hearing, Judge Crnkovich rendered an ex parte Order for Immediate Custody which placed custody of [the older daughter]. and [the younger daughter] with NDHHS for placement in foster care or other appropriate placement excluding the home of Wang Anderson or Dr. Wang.
In her ruling, Judge Crnkovich wrote that “reasonable efforts were made to prevent removal,” even though such “efforts” never allegedly happened.
Judge Crnkovich also appointed a guardian ad litem, not to either of the girls, but to Catherine, insinuating that she was not competent mentally to represent herself.
However, according to the lawsuit:
During the pendency of the Juvenile Proceeding, two psychologists and a psychiatrist examined and evaluated Wang Anderson, and determined that she had no mental illness, other than adjustment disorder which was developed after, and as a result of the removal of her children.
Juvenile Court Judge Elizabeth Crnkovich has not been a popular judge in Nebraska. There have been protests and petitions to remove her from the bench.
Earlier this month (September, 2019), she resigned her position as judge facing ethics inquiries. (Source.)
Younger Daughter’s Health Immediately Deteriorates
It is important to note at this point that while the older daughter had been allegedly brainwashed into thinking that a lifestyle free from the burdens of her mother’s love and discipline where she was free to discover her “sexual identity” convinced her to not want to return to her mother’s care, a decision she probably later regretted, the younger daughter at this time had no such desire, and wanted to remain in the comfort and protection of her mother’s home.
The trauma of being suddenly taken out of her home and away from her mother produced an immediate negative impact on her health. She began to quickly lose weight, and within days she was diagnosed as having an “eating disorder,” and soon her condition became “life threatening.”
Amanda Gurock, a resident of Albany County, New York, was brought in to examine both girls after they were put into foster care. Gurock was a licensed mental health practitioner, social worker, and professional counselor in the State of Nebraska.
According to the lawsuit:
During the initial diagnostic interview (IDI) and pretreatment assessment (PTA) of [the younger daughter] on October 23, 2013, [the younger daughter] kept saying to Gurock that “she wanted to be home”.
Reliable Rock and Gurock omitted this information from her reports and did not disclose it to NDHHS, NFC, the Juvenile Court, Wang Anderson, or anyone else.
The therapy they recommended allegedly did not include any family therapy between the younger daughter and her mother.
What followed was months, which turned into years, of Catherine trying to get custody of her daughters back, while her younger daughter was transferred to many other facilities and foster homes to deal with her “eating disorders.”
This included time outside of Nebraska, in Oklahoma and then later in Arizona.
Younger Daughter Forced into Prostitution and is Sexually Trafficked
While under the care of Nebraska CPS (NDHHS Child and Family Services) and in foster care, the younger daughter became sexually active and was allegedly sexually exploited.
From the lawsuit:
As a direct and proximate result of [the foster parents] inability and failure to provide appropriate care, guidance and supervision during those time periods, [the younger daughter] has been harmed, including being sexually exploited, and has repeatedly been sexually abused and sold over money, including, without limitation, in August of 2014, March of 2015, September of 2015, and other occasions.
On information and belief, [CPS and other defendants] have all failed, refused and neglected to protect [the younger daughter] from these foreseeable incidents; and to timely discover, investigate, report, and respond to each incident when [the younger daughter] has been sexually abused, exploited or sexually assaulted and sold repeatedly over money.
On information and belief, none of these incidents were reported to Child Protective Services.
These defendants have failed and refused to properly supervise or monitor [the younger daughter] or restrict her use of electronic devices, allowed her to be employed in dangerous locations, failed to educate her regarding appropriate relationships and attire, failed to timely or adequately inform her parents or the Court regarding these incidents, failed to provide proper medical care, including timely examination, testing, and treatment, failed to provide proper education regarding medical care, testing, and treatment, and failed to make appropriate critical incident reports following each incident.
Details of some of these incidents are included in the lawsuit.
A Mother’s Plea for Help: Governor, FBI and Others Fail to Intervene

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts. Governor Ricketts is the son of billionaire Joe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade. Governor Ricketts is also also a part-owner – along with other family members – of Major League Baseball’s Chicago Cubs.
Catherine contacted Governor Pete Ricketts and many other government officials and law enforcement agencies to help in her case. Here are two emails she sent to the governor:
From: Catherine Wang
To: “
” <
Cc: “
” <
>; “
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>; “
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>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; Julie Pham <
>; County Attorney Office <
>; Courtney Phillips <
>; Doug Weinberg <
>; Camas S. Steuter <
>; David P. Newell <
>; Donna M. Rozell <
>; Paula D. Jones <
>; Melissa K. Nance <
>; Daniel Little <
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2016 9:49 PM
Subject: Life threatening under DHHS/NFC custodyDear Governor Ricketts,
More than fourteen months ago, our juvenile case was brought to your attention. I was the one who contacted police first when I found out sexting between my 16-year-old daughter and her Millard West high school male teacher. Without any evidence, both my husband (trained at Creighton, and licensed as physician in Nebraska for 19 years) and I (licensed as R.N. for 20 years) have been labeled as “profound mental illness” by Douglas county sheriff deputy, DHHS case workers, and juvenile court judge Crnkovich. Both of our children, who excelled at school as Honor students, ranked number one, admitted by college at the age of 15, without any behavior problem, were taken away from us, despite your DHHS own investigation concluded that “physical” and “emotional” abuse were “unfounded”.
For the past 38 months, they have been severely neglected and abused under NFC and DHHS care. My younger daughter has been repeatedly sex trafficked, despite of our repeated plea, motion for protection. NFC and DHHS called her “prostitution”, despite federal law clearly states that anyone under the age of 18 can’t give consent to sell sex, and defines it as sex trafficking.
We have tried for the past 36 months with each level of administration of NFC and DHHS, but couldn’t get any critical incident reports, police reports, or medical records (only partial about 20 percent). NFC/DHHS even refuses to provide a list of care providers. We still don’t know who provide care for her.
Most recently, since the past September, I have repeatedly reached out to every level of administration of NFC and DHHS about my grave concern about her safety due to continuously lack of supervision, care, protection, and treatment, reckless disregard has resulted in minor children being repeatedly resulting in life-threatening danger.
My repeated plea has been ignored, and it took more than 2 months for NFC and DHHS attorney Carlo Risko to set up a meeting on December 9, during which all of them described a very healthy youth, which is completely contradictory to common sense. When I present my grave concern, I was immediately attacked by DHHS attorney Carlo Risko who even intimidated and threatened me. They left without even giving me enough time to present my case. One wouldn’t believe the absurdity of their claims and behavior during this entire meeting, if ones doesn’t view AV recording.
Since then, we had been kept in complete dark. Dec. 14 they moved my younger daughter by citing “life threatening behaviors” but won’t tell us until three days later sending a fax at late Friday afternoon without any explanation. Despite of my repeated concern about this foster care provider’s criminal history and drug use, and my request for investigation of his inappropriate sexual relationship with my younger daughter by submitting my evidence, she is placed at his home again last Wednesday. The complete recklessness and disregard of her safety and well-being clearly indicates that they act with impunity.
We have intact parental right which is confirmed by Court of Appeal. I am asking you to investigate the horrific neglect and abuse our children have suffered under your DHHS care. How could their perfect healthy assessment on Dec. 9 turned into “life-threatening”? Please let us know immediately what’s the life-threatening behaviors are and what’s the action taken.
Why are all the secrecy? I demand the immediate release of critical incident reports, police reports, and entire medical records. This case is under investigation, not only by Department of Justice, but also private investigators and national news media.
What has happened in the past 38 months is barbaric, and should never happen in any civilized society.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Catherine Yang Wang Anderson
Concerning misuse of public taxpayer funds:
From: Catherine Wang
To: “
” <
Cc: “
” <
>; Mike Foley <
>; Cynthia Grandberry <
>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; Mary Ann Borgeson <
>; Don Kleine <
>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; County Attorney Office <
>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; “
” <
>; Julie Rogers <
>; Julie Pham <
>; Courtney Phillips <
>; Doug Weinberg <
>; Camas S. Steuter <
>; David P. Newell <
>; Donna M. Rozell <
>; Paula D. Jones <
>; Melissa K. Nance <
>; Daniel Little <
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:39 AM
Subject: Collusion, and organized child trafficking: Part I Risko DHHS attorneyDear Governor Ricketts,
We haven’t been asked to pay a penny for our children’s care and treatment for the past 38 months under DHHS care, despite my husband has been licensed as physician in Nebraska for more than 19 years, and has been Chief in charge of hundreds of physicians and staffs at one of the largest VA hospitals in America. Our repeated request to pay has been rejected. NFC/DHHS has forced my daughters into poverty, depending on welfare and taxpayers. I know as a fact, with evidence, that there have been fraud involved with Federal funding for my children’s case.
When we approach Department of Justice and private investigators, all of them initially responded with disbelief. I was told by a federal prosecutor that when nothing makes sense, always follow the money. My case has “generated” well over a million dollars. Just for court-appointed attorneys’ fees has been over $160,000.00, still counting. During Dec. 9’s meeting, I insisted buying a new car and paying for all her cost. My offer was rejected again and I was told by your case workers and DHHS attorney Carla Risko that there are too much money available for my kid. Without AV recordings, no one would believe your DHHS attorney Risko’s statement, especially your HHS committee Chairperson Kathy Campbell.
I was told by highly experienced experts that it’s highly unusual for DHHS attorney Carla Risko to attend every single meeting with parents. What more astonishing is what she has been saying and how she has been stonewalling, intimidating, and literally threatening me during last Dec. 9’s meeting. Again, without extensive AV recordings, no one would believe Risko, who is also Special Assistant Attorney General, would do such things.
She not only fabricated damaging evidence during hearing on Feb. 7, 2014 and April 8, 2016 knowing that all would have been transcribed by court reporter in real time, but also filed motion by citing fathom email from Laureate therapist who testified 2 months later that she never sent such an email, which directly resulting we were completely cutoff from our younger daughter who was institutionalized for more than 5 months at Oklahoma’s Laureate Psychiatric hospital. The cruelty is incomprehensible.
As an attorney paid by taxpayers to protect the most vulnerable children, she openly wrote an email sending to everyone calling a 16-year-old child under DHHS care as “her prostitution”. She should know that federal law clearly states as sex-trafficking because any minor under age of 18 couldn’t give consent to be sold. NDHHS Protection and Safety Procedure Update # 26-2015 signed by Doug Weinberg:“The Division of Children and Family Services considers youth involved in sex trafficking as victims due to their age and inability to protect themselves from exploitation by adults.” DHHS attorney Risko, GAL Ucchino, Deputy county attorney Schuchman, Nebraska Family Collaborative (hereinafter referred to as “NFC”) case workers and supervisors have not only continuously failed to protect the minor child, but also actively covered up by continuously labeling this horrendous federal crime as “sexualized behavior”, “her prostitution”, and “normal teen’s sexual experimentation”.
Why isn’t any investigation done for the neglect and abuse under DHHS care?
Risko completely disregarded the Law. In her email, she gave specific instruction to NFC “not be recommending reunification” and “not letting parents to participate family therapy”, despite Judge’s ordering “Reunification” which is confirmed by Court of Appeal and NE Supreme Court. She has never disclosed to court or any parents that her husband Joseph S. Risko has been a long time associate partner at Shirber & Wagner, LLP Law firm of which its partner Jeffrey A. Wagner, and associate Karen S. Nelson have been court-appointed to handled countless juvenile cases in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. Without knowing this fact, I personally delivered the entire case files to her husband who was constantly act as receptionist, while she was the opposing attorney on our case seeking the termination of our parental rights. She also lied about her violation of my husband’s HIPPA to obtain his psychological evaluation, without his consent, from her husband’s partner Jeff A. Wagner who represented my husband at that time. It’s a violation of Civil Right. I have 2 attorneys as our witnesses.
No one should be allowed to neglect, to abuse, to human trafficking, and to sex trafficking foster children without impunity, while making hundreds of millions of dollars, especially from federal funding.
The cover-up is always worse than the crime itself.
I am requesting you to investigate this long-standing horrific crime against the most vulnerable children. It’s against humanity, and should never be allowed in Nebraska, or any civilized society. I have tens of thousands pages of documentations and AV records which have been submitted.
Catherine Yang Wang Anderson
In addition to the governor, Catherine has contacted the FBI, the Nebraska Attorney General, the US Attorney General’s office, and many others.
Today, Catherine’s daughters have aged out of the foster care system, but the damage has been done, and she continues to seek justice with her federal civil rights lawsuit.
Franklin Cover-up Scandal of Child Sex-Trafficking in Boys Town, Nebraska
Health Impact News recently published a report on the Boys Town and Franklin Credit Union scandal in Nebraska in the 1980s, and we asked the question:
Is the Franklin Cover-up Scandal of Child Sex-Trafficking in Boys Town, Nebraska Still Happening Today?
It appears that Catherine’s story answers this question, and suggests that things are “business as usual” in Nebraska.
In our story about the Franklin Cover-up, we noted:
With cash reserves of five hundred million dollars, Boys Town was considered the richest square mile in the world.
Today, Boys Town may still be the richest square mile in the US, if not the world. According to their 2016 form 990 tax return, “Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home” has a total net asset of over a billion dollars.
One of the defendants in Catherine’s lawsuit is the Nebraska Families Collaborative:
The Defendant Nebraska Families Collaborative (“NFC”) is a Nebraska Non Profit Corporation with its principal place of business in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.
At all relevant times, NFC had a contract with NDHHS to provide case management and an individualized system of care for families and their children and youth who are wards of NDHHS involved in the Child Welfare or Juvenile Court System.
NFC is now called PromiseShip. According to their website:
Boys Town, Child Saving Institute, Heartland Family Service, Nebraska Family Support Network and Omni Inventive Care came together in 2009 to establish PromiseShip (initially known as Nebraska Families Collaborative).
Isn’t it time for the U.S. Department of Justice to take a look at what is going on in Nebraska?
See Also:
800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year – International Tribunal Exposes Pedophilia Problem – Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse
Pedophiles Continue to be Licensed as Foster Parents in the U.S. to Meet the Demand for Child Sex Slaves
Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children
Publicly Open Pedophile Running for Office in Virginia Reveals How Foster Care is a Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”
State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking – 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care
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