United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Health Impact News Staff
This past Friday, August 30, 2019, Neal Sutz, an American father from Arizona currently living in Switzerland, appeared on the Northwest Liberty News show to explain how two U.S. diplomats had been “Criminally Denounced” to Switzerland’s Attorney General due to their alleged involvement in an international medical kidnapping case with Mr. Sutz’ two American children.
See Health Impact News‘ original coverage of this story:
American Dad Escapes Arizona with Two Sons Only to Have them Medically Kidnapped in Switzerland
Arizona Dad Fighting for His Two Sons Sues Mormon Business Leader and Alleged Child Sex Abusers for $200 Million
Here is Mr. Sutz’ Press Release:
2 U.S. Diplomates In Switzerland Formally, Criminally Denounced To Switzerland’s Attorney General
Geneva, Switzerland / August 28, 2019 – Parallel to Neal Sutz’s highly-controversial, on-going, 2+ year legal battle in Geneva, Switzerland to save his sons from the horrific conditions of their illegal detainment in a Children’s Group Home outside of Geneva, a formal, Federal Criminal Denunciation was today filed against U.S. Consulate, Jeremias Dirk, and his Senior Consular Assistant, Chris Del Monico, directly with the Office of The Attorney General of Switzerland, Mr. Michael Lauber.
As the primary point of the Criminal Denunciation is Mr. Dirk and Mr. Del Monico blatantly violating, for an extended period of time, beginning in July of 2017 and continuing for an extended period after that date, Article 271 cp of the Swiss Federal Penal Code. Article 271 cp clearly states that anyone, including Foreign Diplomats, can be punished by criminal sanctions if they take or facilitate an act, which is reserved to the Swiss public authorities.
Punishment and prosecution under Article 271 cp, if they are a foreign diplomat, include the removal of the accused’s Diplomatic Immunity and leave said individual or individuals who have violated Article 271 cp subject to a Swiss prison sentence of up to 20 years.
Interesting, but not surprising in this highly-controversial and deeply corrupt, “custody case” in Geneva, Switzerland, is the fact that upon Mr. Dirk’s and Mr. Del Monico’s second period of involvement in violating Article 271 cp, is that they did so, as proven by Geneva’s Child Protective Service’s file, under the direct instruction of Robert Grant Bradford, him being Mr. Sutz’s ex father-in-law, and more importantly, an American felon, having been charged, and then plea-bargaining out of, his involvement in the 2002 assassination plot against Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Arizona Governor, Jane Hull.
Bradford is also the great-grandson of the former Prophet of The Mormon Church, Heber J. Grant, and is implicated in an Arizona-buried case into the molestation of and filming of a child pornography video of his young, special needs grandson-through-marriage.
Mr. Dirk and Mr. Del Monico are proven, by the countless documents in the Swiss Juvenile Court’s court file regarding the illegal seizure and illegal detainment of Neal Sutz’s two sons, to have blatantly and irrefutably violated Article 271 cp, for their involvement in this Swiss case, regarding Mr. Sutz’s son and stepson, both taken when they were only 7 and 3 years old, two and one-half weeks after Mr. Sutz, his ex-wife Cortnie Helen Creamer Sutz, and their two, special needs sons moved to Switzerland to escape the influence and presence of Ms. Creamer-Sutz’s birth family.
Mr. Sutz’ ex-brother-in-law, Damian Parnell Creamer, and various other parties, are all implicated in this international scandal, and are currently defendants in a $200 Million defamation lawsuit in Arizona’s Maricopa County Superior Court. Mr. Sutz stated,
What is one of the most shocking aspects to this nightmare, which has destroyed the lives of my two, sweet, formerly-innocent sons, is the fact that President Trump, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and even U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, Edward McMullen, have all intentionally, through direct manipulation by Mr. Dirk and Mr. Del Monico, been kept unaware of this judicial and political horror story.
I don’t know those people personally. However, based on their policies and tireless work on stopping child trafficking, pedophilia and parties in the U.S. Government who commit what one might call, ‘Deep State crimes,’ that if any of them were aware of the illegal seizure of and the illegal, 2+ year detention of my sons, not to the legally-documented proof that Mr. Dirk and Mr. Del Monico personally organized an attempt at committing the international child kidnapping of my sons, not to mention the horrific, abusive and negligent conditions in which my sons have been living, not to mention the fact that I have had, contrary to Swiss, American and International laws, had even my right to speak in Geneva court and present evidence taken away from me, they would all surely all raise living hell against the Swiss Government, specifically the Geneva Government, known as the Conseil d’état, and demand the immediate release of my sons and their immediate return to me.”
Mr. Sutz has written a book regarding this international case of legal and political corruption entitled, “SOS – Scream of Silence,” which includes certified documentation.
Mr. Sutz continued,
“As the Federal Criminal Denunciation was today filed with Switzerland’s Attorney General, and a copy has been sent to U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, I trust that this story will no longer be kept buried and that Swiss Attorney General, Michael Lauber, in conjunction with U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, Edward McMullen, Secretary Pompeo, U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, and, of course, President Trump, will take the mere, few hours needed to review the truth of this case, my book, the irrefutable documentation, photos and videos, the countless people involved who have broken Swiss, American and International law for more than two years now – not to mention them looking at the fact that the proof, the facts of this case from day one, showing very clearly that my sons should never have been taken from me in the first place, let alone held in the hell that his their lives now for more than 2 years.
Once they see the facts before their very own eyes, I trust they will put the necessary pressure and influence on the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, the TPAE Court here, the Geneva Child Protective Services, known as the SPMi, the Geneva Conseil d’état, and all other parties involved, to immediately return my sons to me before it is too late for my little boys.
I do not believe that the economic and political relations between the USA and Switzerland are so important to each of my countries that they will continue to sacrifice two innocent boys, and their father, to keep buried a story of the most unfathomable, atrocious and corrupt character than any situation in all the history of USA-Switzerland relations.”
Did this Case in Geneva Reveal a World-wide Child Trafficking Network?
When Neal Sutz and his family arrived in Switzerland allegedly escaping his wife’s powerful Mormon family in Arizona where Mr. Sutz attempted to expose the child sex abuse allegedly happening within her family, his wife tried to commit suicide by threatening to jump off a balcony along with their young son.
She was confined to a psychiatric hospital, and in spite of the fact that she was committed due to her alleged mental instability, her accusations against her husband that he was the one sexually abusing the children was all that was needed for the Swiss child social services agency to take his two children away from him.
What then began was a long process by Neal to try and understand how this could possibly happen, and today, more than two years later, his two children have still not been returned to him even though Neal has not been convicted of any crimes or even charged with abuse.
As we reported in our original story about the Sutz family, a famous American psychiatrist living in Geneva quickly got involved in their case:
SPMi brought in an American psychiatrist living in Geneva, Dr. Daniel Schechter, to handle the Sutz case.
The first thing he reportedly did, was to go visit Cortnie at Belle-Idée, the Psychiatric Hospital of The Canton of Geneva.
Dr. Schechter’s is world-renowned for studying the effect of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) on their children. He was the winner of an award for this work shortly after taking on the Sutz boys’ case (link), and continues to win awards for his work on studying the effects of mothers with PTSD on their children. (2019 award link.)
After Mr. Sutz’ wife’s 60-day confinement was over, Dr. Schechter reportedly advised SPMi to allow her to have almost unlimited visitation rights to the two boys, while advising that Neal have very limited contact with them, and requiring Neal to get psychiatric treatment.
So the mother, who had just spent 60 days in a psych ward for an attempted double suicide, was granted more visitation rights than the father, who was previously a successful writer and film producer for mental health advocacy work.
Unbeknown to Neal at this time, Cortnie’s family back in Arizona had filed an international missing persons report, claiming Neal had kidnapped his ex-wife and children.
So the U.S. Embassy got involved, and one of the assistant U.S. Counselors, Chris Del Monico working for Jeremias Dirk, began to work with Dr. Schechter to help him bring the children and mother (but not Neal) back to the U.S., either to University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, or Duke Medical Center in North Carolina.
A copy of the correspondence between Dr. Schechter and Chris Del Monico, discussing the medical records of the two children, can be found here.
To be able to transport the Sutz boys back to the U.S., however, the Swiss CPS (SPMi) had to claim that Cortnie, the mother, was the sole biological parent of both boys, and that Neal was not the biological father of either one.
The SPMi, however, already had evidence that Neal’s youngest son, Skyler, was not only his biological son, but that his birth was registered in Switzerland and he already had full rights as a Swiss national by virtue of the fact that his father Neal Sutz was a dual citizen in Switzerland, whereas the mother was not.
So Mr. Sutz had to send a copy of his son’s birth certificate to the U.S. Embassy to prove he was the biological father and still had parental rights and was not approving the transportation of his sons back to the U.S., where he knew they would be in danger.
The reply from the U.S. Embassy:
The International CPS Organization: International Social Services (ISS) – The Gateway to Global Child Trafficking?
Even though Mr. Sutz provided the U.S. Embassy with proof that Skyler was his son by sending them his birth certificate in August of 2017, the U.S. Embassy apparently contacted the International CPS organization, International Social Services (ISS), in October of 2017 to facilitate the kidnapping of the two Sutz boys back to the U.S., specifically to North Carolina, where Dr. Daniel Schechter wanted to continue his work.
Here is an email correspondence between ISS-USA representative Yalemzewd Mulat and Swiss social workers:
The ISS-USA site describes their work as:
We are the U.S. member of a global child protection and social service network. We connect vulnerable children, adults, and families, separated by an international border, to the services and support they need.
ISS-USA conducts home studies, finds relatives in other countries, obtains documents such as birth certificates and adoption paperwork, provides post-placement monitoring, and acts as advocates for children reuniting with families all over the globe.
They are part of a global ISS network, which was originally founded just after WWI in Geneva, Switzerland, 1924. The U.S. branch was established two years later in 1926.
In 1993 ISS took part in the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, and in 1994 the U.S. signed the Hague Adoption Convention.
That same year (1994) ISS-USA became part of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a nonprofit organization based in Baltimore, Maryland.
By 2011, ISS-USA signed a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and by then ISS had grown to a global network of organizations located in 120 countries. (Source.)
Besides being the global CPS organization around the world receiving government funds for trafficking children internationally, ISS works together with many international non-profit organizations, such as the Red Cross and Save the Children.
In 2017 Save the Children, working with the Swiss-based ISS, boasted of taking more than 1500 children a year out of Africa:
The International Social Service (ISS) Switzerland developed the eight-step model with local partners. The work was supported by concrete measures for the transnational care of children between the 15 countries of West Africa and Mauritania. Today, an inter-country referral mechanism, recognised by national and regional authorities as the West Africa Network for the Protection of Children (www.resao.org) supports more than 1,500 children a year. (Source.)
CPS – NOT About Protecting Children
As we have documented many times over the past several years here at Health Impact News, Child “Protection” social services is NOT about “protecting children,” but it is part of a multi-billion dollar child trafficking network. There are currently over 400,000 children in the American Foster Care system, and very few of them were placed there because they had abusive parents.
For more info see:
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers
From Child Protection to State-sponsored Child Kidnapping: How Did we Get Here?
In recent years, it has been revealed that the vast majority of children who are sexually trafficked come out of the U.S. Foster Care system. See:
America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines
Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children
State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking – 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care
Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? Why does Arizona Take the Highest Percentage of Children from their Homes?
Government funded Child Protection Services appears to have its genesis in Geneva, Switzerland in 1924, just after WWI, and the International Social Services (ISS) global network based out of Geneva now has branches in 120 countries, and is apparently funded in the U.S. by the Health and Human Services federal agency, the same agency that CPS organizations in all 50 U.S. States are funded today.
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