Swiss American Neal Sutz with this two sons, Cory and Skyler.
by Health Impact News Staff
An American father, Neal Sutz, with dual citizenship in the United States and in Switzerland, fled Arizona in 2017 with his wife and two sons to start a new life in Switzerland, after he claims his life was ruined and his two children were in danger in Arizona, due to his wife’s family.
His wife is allegedly part of an influential family in the Mormon Church in Arizona. She claims, and has testified in court, that she and other members of her family were sexually abused as children, and she feared her own children were in danger. (Link to her handwritten letter submitted in court.)
Both boys are special needs children needing medical care, and shortly after arriving in Switzerland, they were allegedly medically kidnapped under the authority of Swiss child protective services (SPMi) after their mother experienced a psychotic breakdown in Geneva.
SPMi brought in an American psychiatrist living in Geneva, Dr. Daniel Schechter, to handle the Sutz case.
One of Dr. Schechter’s special interests is the effect of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) on their children. He was the winner of an award for this work shortly after taking on the Sutz boys’ case (link), and continues to win awards for his work on studying the effects of mothers with PTSD on their children. (2019 award link.)
Neal has been fighting the system for over 2 years to try and get his children back, and even took out a full page advertisement in the Washington Times to publish a letter written to President Donald Trump asking him to intervene in Switzerland. He does not believe President Trump or anyone in his administration ever saw it.
He believes there are powerful forces working against him to prevent his children from being returned to him, and he has written a book detailing this case, which can be purchased and downloaded here: SOS – SCREAM OF SILENCE – A TRUE STORY! STILL HAPPENING NOW!
Before his marriage into the Mormon Church, Neal Sutz was an accomplished author and film producer, being an expert and advocate regarding the rights of those diagnosed with mental health issues.
He received notoriety in 2004 when he attempted to be a guest on the popular Dr. Phil show, and claims he was discriminated against due to his past history with mental health. He ended up suing Dr. Phil and the producer, Oprah Winfrey, successfully under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Today, he is alone and almost penniless as he continues his efforts to regain custody of his two sons in Geneva, Switzerland, fighting a system he believes is too powerful for him alone to overcome, and he wants the world to know his story.
The Story Begins in Arizona
Neal Sutz was a best-selling author and business owner. He worked as a writer, producer, editor, actor and promoter of two films. His area of expertise was bipolar illness and the mental health system. The films were endorsed by some of the most influential psychiatrists in America. [1]
Neal met Cortnie, his wife to be, at the height of his career. At that time, she had a 5-week-old baby named Cory. She said that she had divorced the father and he was out of the picture. [1]
Neal fell in love with Cortnie and her young son. During the four months of courtship, Neal agreed to join her church (Mormon) and they were married. [1]
The SOS book states:
Imagine yourself – A best-selling author, climbing rapidly even further along your career. The writer, producer, editor, actor and promoter of two films, both receiving 99% audience approval ratings in 5 states and on their way to Hollywood, both films with endorsements from some of the most influential psychiatrists in America, as well as other best-selling authors and social and political powerhouses such as Waltraud Prechter of The Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Fund.
Imagine, just as all of this is happening, you meet,” The Woman of Your Dreams,” court her, fall in love with her, marry her, agree to join her “church” as a contingency to her agreeing to marry you.
You have a beautiful home with a pool, a young son of 5 weeks who you raised as your own son from the day you met him when he was 5 weeks old and, let us remind you, not a worry in the world that your world, in its entirety, would soon start being taken down, piece by piece, dollar by dollar, and eventually, son by next son, by the atrocities that were occurring in the family in which you married, all of which you were completely kept from – until it was too late.
Now, imagine finding out, less than 3 months into your marriage that your lovely new bride had kept some rather serious secrets from you. …
The first night you made love to her, that night being the first night you saw her naked, you view countless scars covering her body from head to toe. You came to discover that she has more than 4 distinct personalities, ranging from 3 to 12 years old and one of them, called “Fawn,” the most vicious of characters an author could possibly describe.
You discover that this lovely lady did not simply suffer from depression, as she indicated to you when you first met, rather psychotic depression, PTSD, unsuccessfully treated Borderline Personality Disorder, on-and-of, heavy prescription drug abuse and, let us recall once again, more than 4, significantly distinct personalities, each of whom who would show themselves, depending on which was this woman’s emotional wind was blowing on a particular day or what happened to “trigger” your bride into another personality with whom you had to live for hours or days.
You discover, through her recounting to you, that her biological father, her oldest brother and his friends and countless other “friends of the family and church,” had systematically and satanically tortured, beat and raped your new wife since she was a very young child…. [SOS book P-5]
In spite of the serious problems Neal saw in his new wife’s family, he is quoted in the book explaining the reason why he stayed part of the family as long as he did, as he recalls his first meeting with Cortnie and her mother, and Cortnie’s 5-week-old baby:
Neal, having been mysteriously captivated by the young baby, looked again down at him and asked Cortnie if she needed help carrying the baby chair. Cortnie immediately replied, “Yes, that would be nice of you.”
And then, just as Neal went to take the baby chair with the little one in it, into his hand, the little baby reached his tiny arm up, stretched out his tiny hand and grabbed one of Neal’s fingers. Odd thing was that, upon taking Neal’s finger into his little hand, the little baby, Cory, did it with the strength of a baby much older and much stronger.
At that very moment, a curious impression overcame Neal – A feeling of which there are not words with which to apply to the situation.
Only one thought, non-audibly, came to Neal’s mind – “This little baby is asking to be saved.” [SOS book P-15-16]
Cortnie’s baby stole Neal’s heart, and from that point forward he cared for the baby as if he were his own son.
Eventually Neal filed for divorce from Cortnie, and she did not object. However, his affection and desire to protect Cory did not wane with the divorce. He was the only father Cory had known and he continued to treat him as his natural son. [1]
Neal’s life remained entwined with both Cortnie and Cory. In a moment of passion, he and Cortnie conceived another son they named Skyler. [1]
They spent the next nearly 4 years trying to make the family situation work out. There was great turmoil on many fronts related to the mental illness of Cortnie and her enmeshment with her family. [1]
The alleged physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of Cortnie by her family, the stress this history put on the marriage between Neal and Cortnie, the stress this put on their young special needs sons, the twisted and interconnected corruption of the Mormon Church, the child protective service system in Geneva, and the even more corrupt judicial system are all explained in the book: SOS – Scream of Silence – The Unfathomable Story of a Father Trying to Save His Sons, published in May of 2019.
In addition to the book, Health Impact News has obtained court documents, police reports (including body-cam video footage), and other government agency documents that corroborates the allegations Neal Sutz makes in his book.
The February 2017 Incident that Changed Their Lives
On February 20, 2017, Cortnie saw a video that broke her fragile reality to bits given her history of psychiatric, emotional and addiction struggles.
The SOS book states:
On February 20, 2017, Cortnie discovered a video on her mother’s cellphone. It was a short film of [her stepfather], Robert Grant Bradford, sexually abusing Cortnie’s eight-year-old nephew [Austin] … in a bathtub. This child pornography video was filmed by Cortnie’s mother, Helen, who, … had adopted Austin…
Upon coming home that night, Cortnie sank to the ground, in a doorway between two rooms of their apartment, and showed Neal [a copy of] the video. She was somewhere between paralyzed, heartbroken and dead in her soul.
Immediately, Neal insisted that they give the video to the Police, so that Austin would finally be placed somewhere safe and her parents would be arrested.
Not wishing to put her lovely family in trouble, Cortnie refused. She first told Neal that it was best if she gave the video to a Bishop in The Mormon Church, so that her parents could get “Straight From Heavenly Father Counsel” on how to abstain from such behavior.
After this monstrous discovery, Cortnie began to drink hard alcohol in an abusive way to forget the situation, which she later admitted to numerous third parties, multiple times in the many coming months that followed. Now, mix Adderall, Valium, Effexor XR and, yes, a liter or more of Vodka every day – the perfect storm!
Cortnie ended up giving the video to a friend named Jenny who worked for DDD – Department of Developmental Disabilities. DDD is the division of the Arizona Government which dealt with the respite and habilitation aspects of Austin’s daily life.
Jenny was also married, Cortnie said, to a police officer in the city of Gilbert [Arizona]. This policeman relayed the information to his colleagues to begin an investigation. The police went to Grandpa and Grandma’s house and a “supposed” investigation began. At that point, Neal and Cortnie were out of the loop.
The clip of the video that Neal still has in his possession today, backed up in several places, is allegedly not the entire video. But it allegedly clearly shows that the young boy Austin is in the bathtub with his grandfather naked.
Neal has told Health Impact News that he passed a copy on to the FBI office in Bern, Switzerland, and that a copy was sent to local authorities in Arizona, but those authorities have allegedly concluded that there is nothing serious going on in the video just because the two of them are sitting naked in a bathtub.
He is not sure if anyone at the federal level, such as at the Department of Justice, has looked into this incident.
Cortnie, however, must have seen the entire video, as her emotional and mental state began to deteriorate rapidly after this event.
Neal’s Career is Intentionally Destroyed through Identity Theft
Strangely and inexplicably, Neal says he lost his high-income status shortly after this event.
He says that he didn’t realize that his identity had been stolen and someone had a deliberate plan to financially destroy him.
His books and films stopped selling, and the clients for his domain names business drifted away.
The little money he made working as a driver for Uber was not enough to support their family. Every time Neal tried to restart his companies in Arizona, he found nothing but dead ends. [See SOS book P-49 for details]
The Plan to Move to Geneva, Switzerland
Neal wanted Cortnie to live the rest of her life in a stable country. He wanted Cory and Skyler to benefit from the excellent Special Needs schools and the exemplary medical system.
For himself, Neal wanted to participate in the Swiss mentality of working hard and being well compensated, so he could support his family in the way they started off years ago. [1]
A close friend bought him four plane tickets so his family could go to Geneva. [1]
A few days before they were scheduled to fly to Geneva, Cortnie had another psychotic break down. She decided that she would leave their hotel room and go and kill herself. Neal could not stop her and take care of their children at the same time.
Before she left the hotel room, Cortnie wrote the following letter which gave over full parental responsibility to Neal for both children.
This is the letter Cortnie wrote, dated June 15, 2017: [SOS book P-52]
The SOS book states:
Cortnie repeated that she wanted to die because she could not bear to have seen Austin being molested by her step-father on a child porn video that her own mom made and that, “Cory and Skyler deserve a good, safe, loving life, and Hun, that is only with you. I know you’ll always take care of our boys and keep them safe.” [SOS book P-52]
After several hours of wandering the streets, Cortnie return to the hotel in a better frame of mind and eventually they were able to board the flight to Geneva. [1]
Cortnie willingly went to Geneva with Neal and their boys in the summer of 2017. They made a plan to remarry when they arrived in Geneva. They intended to start a new life together, far from the influence of her family. [1]
Cortnie’s history of psychotic illness, multiple personalities, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, prescription drug abuse, and alcoholism hampered their plans. The alleged meddling of her Mormon family and the hierarchy of the Mormon Church in both the United States and Switzerland further crushed their plans. [1]
Disaster in Geneva
Things did not go well for Neal and Cortnie in Geneva.
Neal and Cortnie arrived in Geneva without financial resources. When they got to Geneva, they met with Swiss officials who started the process of getting them settled in an apartment and provided them with financial aid. [1]
Neal and Cortnie were told that they should remarry in order to move the process forward more quickly. They agreed, but Cortnie started drinking even more heavily and began having an affair with another man in their apartment building. [1]
Not too long after arriving, Cortnie tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a window with her younger son in her arms. Consequently, their sons were taken into custody by child protective services. [1]
(We will refer to the Swiss version of child protective services as “SPMi” and not use the French name of the organization. French is the language spoken in Geneva, Switzerland.)
The SOS book states:
In the middle of the night between July 15th and 16th of 2017, completely drunk, drugged out and yes, in an alter personality, Cortnie threatened Neal with committing a double suicide with Skyler [their 3 year old son] by jumping out of the window of their 8th story apartment. …
Eventually, when he [Neal] was finally able to assure Skyler’s safety and get his cellphone which had been in the next room, Neal called an ambulance.
The medical team then took Cortnie, by that time completely catatonic but still able to be guided on her feet, to HUG (Hopitals Universitaire Geneve), psychiatric unit. HUG, in view of the severe psychiatric state of Cortnie, called Neal a day later and told him that Cortnie was to be psychiatrically hospitalized at Belle-Idée, the Psychiatric Hospital of The Canton of Geneva, for, “…long and intensive treatment.”
At the same time, unbeknownst to Neal, one of the paramedics called and requested the intervention of the UMUS (Mobile Social Emergency Unit) to check that Cory and Skyler were alright. They arrived at the family’s apartment less than three hours after Cortnie was taken to HUG, at approximately 8am. [SOS book P-57]
Cortnie was taken to a mental hospital and committed for long-term treatment. [1]
Cortnie Blames Neal for Family Problems – Children Removed from Neal’s Care
Cortnie was reportedly not happy to be confined to a hospital in a psychiatric ward, and took out her anger on Neal.
The SOS book states:
Cortnie, who had just threatened the jump out of an 8th story window with their 3 ½ year old son, who had just been Court Ordered to a psychiatric hospital for two months of INTENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT, “somehow convinced” psychiatrists, Swiss and American, and SPMi [Swiss version of child protective services], who then “somehow convinced a Court,” the TPAE (Tribunal de la Protection d’adulte et de l’Enfant) that Neal, in fact, was the REAL danger in the family and that Cory and Skyler were in serious danger in their father’s custody.
She also said that Neal had raped her for years and that he molested and beat her and their children continuously throughout their lives. [SOS book P-59]
Nine days after Cortnie was institutionalized, Cory and Skyler were taken from the care of their father. Neal willingly cooperated with several interviews by SPMi and doctors. He was completely unaware that there were allegations against him. His children were taken, he was told to hire a lawyer, and then two security guards escorted him from the hospital. The children would spend the next 3 1/2 months in the hospital waiting for a placement in a group home. [1]
An Award Winning American Psychiatrist Takes Charge

Dr. Daniel Schechter. Image Source.
As we stated in the introduction, SPMi brought in an American psychiatrist living in Geneva, Dr. Daniel Schechter, to handle the Sutz case.
The first thing he reportedly did, was to go visit Cortnie at Belle-Idée, the Psychiatric Hospital of The Canton of Geneva.
Dr. Schechter’s is world-renowned for studying the effect of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) on their children. He was the winner of an award for this work shortly after taking on the Sutz boys’ case (link), and continues to win awards for his work on studying the effects of mothers with PTSD on their children. (2019 award link.)
The SOS book states:
Subsequently, Neal learned that an order had been given to the children’s hospital of Geneva [where the two boys were being held], by the American Child Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel S. Schechter, M.D., who was “put in charge” of every aspect of his sons lives, including who could come and see them at the hospital, that it was strictly forbidden for Neal to enter the hospital building and approach his sons under penalty of being arrested by the police.
His name and description were in the entire hospital computer system and every hospital employee was put on alert. [SOS book P-63]
After Cortnie’s 60-day confinement was over, Dr. Schechter reportedly advised SPMi to allow her to have almost unlimited visitation rights to the two boys, while advising that Neal have very limited contact with them, and requiring Neal to get psychiatric treatment.
So the mother, who had just spent 60 days in a psych ward for an attempted double suicide, was granted more visitation rights than the father, who was previously a successful writer and film producer for mental health advocacy work.
Unbeknown to Neal at this time, Cortnie’s family back in Arizona had filed an international missing persons report, claiming Neal had kidnapped his ex-wife and children.
So the U.S. Embassy got involved, and one of the assistant U.S. Counselors, Chris Del Monico, began to work with Dr. Schechter to help him bring the children and mother (but not Neal) back to the U.S., either to University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, or Duke Medical Center in North Carolina.
A copy of the correspondence between Dr. Schechter and Chris Del Monico, discussing the medical records of the two children, can be found here.
Neal Tries to Clear Himself from the Allegations of Abuse
As Neal tried to clear himself of the false charges being made against him, he requested a letter of support from Dr. Schenkein from Phoenix Children’s Hospital in the United States who knew Neal and the boys very well.
This doctor has also worked with child protective services in Arizona, and is both trained and obligated to contact CPS in the case of any potential neglect or abuse of one of her patients.
Her letter spoke very positively about Neal and the care of his sons. [SOS book P-64]
Neal says he presented this letter to Dr. Schechter just 6 days after the boys were taken from him and admitted to the hospital, but neither Dr. Schechter nor SPMi gave it any credibility, apparently.
Attempt to Kidnap the Boys and Bring Them Back to the U.S. is Stopped by the Swiss Government
While the boys were under the control of Dr. Schechter, plans were being made to send them to Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina. The alleged plan took further shape as the Mormon Church got more and more involved.
The SOS book describes the plan starting on page 115. The mention of sending the boys to Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina is mentioned on pages 93-94.
The plan involved Cortnie taking the boys to a Christmas party without SPMi supervision. The party was with a Mormon family from Texas, who at that time, were allegedly among those who directed the Mormon Church in Geneva.
The boys and their mother would then allegedly use the opportunity to leave Swiss soil and return to the United States. [See SOS book P-115 for details.]
Neal obtained documentation of the plan and he and his attorney petitioned a Swiss judge to interfere with this plan. The judge immediately sealed the Swiss border for any movement of the boys out of the country.
Current Status of Boys and Their Mother Cortnie
After 3 1/2 months the boys were moved from the hospital where they and their mother had been studied by Dr. Daniel S. Schechter.
The boys were placed in a Geneva group home (foyer) for very young children. After a few months they aged out of that foyer and were transferred to another group home for older children. They have been living in that facility with 19 other children since February 2018.
Their father can see them at the foyer with supervision for 8 hours per week, divided into 2-hour blocks.
Their mother abandoned the situation in April of 2018 and returned to Arizona without saying goodbye to her sons.
Cortnie has been institutionalized several more times in Arizona – most recently by a petition filed in court by her mother, Helen Creamer Bradford, on February 6, 2019. [ see the SOS book P-228 for more details.]
A copy of the order as well as police body cam videos from the day they took Cortnie from the home of her mother and step father are available.
Neal tells Health Impact News that nobody in Geneva has heard from her since that day.
What is Going on in Arizona?
Anyone who has been following MedicalKidnap.com since its inception in 2014 will know that this website started as a result of families contacting Health Impact News because their children were being medically kidnapped in the State of Arizona.
Arizona has the highest percentage of children being taken away from their families and placed into foster care than any other state in the U.S., and the U.S. foster care system is known to be the pipeline for child sex trafficking. See:
Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? Why does Arizona Take the Highest Percentage of Children from their Homes?
What part, if any, does the Mormon family of Neal’s ex-wife have in what goes on in Arizona regarding child welfare?
Neal’s ex-wife, Cortnie Helen Creamer Sutz, is a member of the Creamer/Bradford family that lives in Arizona.
Her mother is Helen Creamer Bradford, who is married to her step-father, Robert Grant Bradford.
Robert Grant Bradford is reported to be the Great Grandson of Heber J. Grant, former Prophet of The Mormon Church. He was arrested in 2002 for an alleged plot to kill Arizona Governor Jane Hull and sheriff Joe Arpaio, while serving as a Mormon prison chaplain. (Source.) According to the SOS book, he pleaded “No Contest” to a charge of “Unsworn Falsification” and served a probation term.
David Benjamin Creamer is Cortnie’s cousin, and is on the United States Marshals Service “15 Most Wanted” fugitive list and is charged with “distribution of child pornography, transportation of obscene materials, firearms violations, money laundering and income tax evasion.” (Source.)
Damian P. Creamer is Cortnie’s brother, the CEO and Founder of Primavera Online High School and Strongmind, and reportedly one of the wealthiest men in Arizona.
The Creamer/Bradford family reportedly live in the affluent town of Paradise Valley, the wealthiest municipality in Arizona, and home to the rich and powerful, including Backpage founders Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin, Governor Doug Ducey, and many other politicians.
Call to Action
Neal Sutz just wanted to escape to Switzerland and start over in raising his family away from all the troubles in Arizona.
Today, more than 2 years later, his two sons are still suffering and being held locked up in a Group Home in Geneva by the Swiss Government.
Neal is being branded as a “nut case” who just “made this all up” and having no parental rights in the care of his American children.
Please visit Neal’s website and purchase his book, SOS – SCREAM OF SILENCE – A TRUE STORY! STILL HAPPENING NOW!, which documents in far more details what is happening with his family, much more than we could possibly cover in this article.
After you read the book (or this article), documenting how Mr. Sutz’s two special needs sons were taken from him in Geneva, Switzerland, 2 years ago, immediately call your Congressman, Senator, The White House, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and demand them to contact the Swiss Federal Government in Berne, Switzerland, specifically the Conseil Federal who runs all of the Cantons of Switzerland, including Geneva, and for them to demand the immediate return of Mr. Sutz’s sons to him in Geneva, Switzerland.
Contact every news outlet in your city and in your country and ask they carry and syndicate this story.
Neal stands ready to provide interviews, as long as he is still free. Contact him at his book’s website.
[1] SOS – Scream of Silence – The Unfathomable Story of a Father Trying to Save His Sons, Published May 9, 2019, as an e-Book available here. http://www.sosbook.is/ Wherever you see reference [1] noted in the text of this article, this means that we have made summary statements that were formed from the general reading of this book. Specific summaries or exact quotations will indicate page numbers.
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