Michael with Damon and Elijah. Photo provided by the Brooks family.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Michael Brooks is a Tennessee dad whose children were taken from him by Child Protective Services after he used medical cannabis to treat his Hepatitis C. After conventional medical treatments failed to cure his terminal Hepatitis C, he turned to medical cannabis and soon his Hepatitis C was in remission. But unfortunately, Tennessee DCS used his medical cannabis treatment as a reason to take away his children.
His health deteriorated rapidly when he stopped using the treatment in the attempt to comply with requirements by the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) in order to get his children back.
He was set to have his rights terminated last month, but his case was continued. Michael took to Facebook Live on June 26, 2017, to record a video for his followers, and it looks like things may be turning around for the Brooks family. His health has begun to improve and there is again hope of his getting visitation back.
See original story and update:
Terminally Ill Father Finds Cure in Cannabis Oil but Now on Death Bed After Complying with CPS to Get Children Back
Tennessee Judge Gives Dying Father Chance to Defend Himself in Effort to Regain Custody of Children
Health Improves with CBD Oil
Michael Brooks has been dying from Hepatitis C. His disease was under control while using medical cannabis, but he was forced to give up his medication due to Tennessee laws as he tried to meet requirements to get his children back from DCS.
On Facebook Live, Michael said that he had been taking CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil and Moringa oil for the past two weeks. CBD oil is legal in all 50 states, as it contains almost no THC, the chemical that gets one “high.”
His body has responded so well that he has been able to throw away his other 20 medications. He said:
The depression is defeated; I’m thinking clearer than I have in a long time.
He told Health Impact News that his appetite has greatly increased—so much so that he may have gained as much as ten pounds.
Michael went on to say that before starting the CBD and Moringa oil, he was having seizures several times a week. But, within the first few days of the new treatment, the seizures ceased.
Before and After Photos

The “before” was a screenshot taken from Michael’s Facebook Live video on May 10, and the “after” was a screenshot from Facebook Live on June 26.
Michael said:
I’ve been going through this for two years. Two years! It’s almost physically killed me, spiritually left me barren for some time, and emotionally, I was a wreck for a while.
But, I’m coming out the other side of this. I’ve learned how to let it go and give it to God. I do everything that I can on a daily basis.
I call every state representative, every congressmen. Our governor. I press-in. I call DC.
I do everything that I can, and then I give it to God. I think we all should do that. If we want to see change, we’ve got to be the change we want to see.
Possibility of Resuming Visitation
In the Facebook Live video, Michael Brooks said that he expects to go to court on July 19, and he is hopeful about getting visitation with his children back.
It has been about 12 weeks since he and Jamie, the children’s mother, have seen the children. Michael told Health Impact News that the visitations stopped after he complained about the unsanitary condition of the vehicle that the children were transported in.
Michael said that on July 19, his legal team will address issues with the Attorney GAL assigned to his case who has testified that he and Jamie were “not even suited as human beings” to parent, without ever officially meeting the couple.
According to Michael, he and Jamie have only spoken to the Attorney GAL about three times in a courtroom. Reportedly, the Attorney GAL has “acted as a witness and a lawyer” in this case, which, Michael said, is illegal. He said that the Attorney GAL’s testimony has impeded his and Jamie’s ability to have visitation resumed.
Michael went on to say that the court was set to Terminate Parental Rights (TPR) for him and Jamie on June 30, but it has been changed to July 28.
How You Can Help
Governor Bill Haslam may be reached at (615) 741-2001 or contacted here. His Facebook is here. His Twitter is here.
Representative Curtis Halford of House District 79 may be reached at (615) 741-7478 or contacted here.
Senator John Stevens of Senate District 24 may be reached at (615) 741-4576 or contacted here.
Gibson County Department of Children’s Services may be reached at (731) 855-7864.
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