Claire and William Rembis studying law at the Texas Tech Law Library, preparing for their Adversary hearing. Image from Facebook.
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Although Claire and William Rembis from Texas were disappointed that their children were not returned home on Tuesday 9/20, they feel confident that the children will be home “quickly,” as stated by Judge Hart. A Status Update hearing is scheduled for 10/5 to confirm that the Rembis’ have stable housing and employment before the children can be returned home.
Some of the rulings made by Judge Hart – such as being able to continue home-schooling, no vaccines, and no haircuts for the boys – were landmark rulings and victories for foster families everywhere, according to Claire Rembis.
Mainstream Media has reported on the Rembis family story also, but seem to have only reported on allegations made against the family in family court, before the family had a chance to present their side of the story. Health Impact News presents the family’s story also.
Family Loses Everything Choosing to Protect Children from CPS Trauma
The family has suffered incredible financial hardships and heartaches because they chose to leave town temporarily to protect their children from potential sexual abuse and trauma from CPS, like the children had suffered at the hands of Texas CPS in 2015.
When they chose to temporarily leave Lubbock in August, William left a good paying job, the family was wrongfully evicted (which they are fighting), and their home was burglarized.
To review the initial allegations leading to the CPS investigation in Lubbock, and to hear the entire De Novo hearing as recorded on YouTube, see:
Homeschool Texas Family Terrorized by CPS for Speaking Out and For Having Too Many Children at Home
After the De Novo hearing in August, Claire and the children began to fear for their safety when social worker Kris Stecklein allegedly began harassing them at their home multiple times per day, pounding on the door, yelling, peeking through windows, and getting neighbors to spy on them. They decided to take a trip to Colorado to visit a friend, to clear their minds and find legal counsel from a safe distance from Stecklein.
While visiting a friend in Colorado, urgent business called Claire and William back to Texas, for what they thought would be a one-day quick trip. While in Texas, William was arrested on charges on 8/25 for driving on a Michigan license. He was jailed, just long enough for him and Claire to be “served” with the Emergency Removal Order and a petition to terminate their parental rights.
Claiming that they were “missing persons,” Colorado police aided Texas CPS in apprehending 10 of the 11 Rembis children, placing them into Texas state custody. See:
Colorado Police Help Texas CPS Kidnap Rembis Children and Bring Back to Texas – Father Jailed
Children Cry to Come Home During Visits
Claire describes how the children cry and ask when they can come home during visits, but says they are forbidden from answering their children’s questions, or CPS will terminate their visits:
As we are leaving, most of the kids start crying & asking when they can come home. It’s very overwhelming for everyone to cry at the same time. This unnecessary hurt is just so unfair.
Rembis’ are Hopeful the Children Will Be Returned October 5th
Claire explains:
The judge said that the kids will be back, ‘pretty quickly.’ He said that he felt ‘forced’ to keep them in custody because we went to Colorado before taking them to the CPS office for interviews & inspections.

“Our babies at a recent CPS visit. Hopefully, the children will come home October 5th.” Image supplied by family.
Claire says that the judge had some concerns, but considered them “fixable.” He set a Status Update hearing for October 5th, to confirm that the Rembis’ have gainful employment and stable housing.

One of the judge’s “concerns” was a hole in the children’s closet that they swept trash into, rather than putting it into a garbage can. Photo given to Rembis’ during Adversary hearing.
Willie already has a new job, and the family is working on staying in their current home, but they need to come up with over $1200 by Monday 9/26, plus extra money to furnish the home and replace items that were stolen when the house was burglarized.
Claire continues to stand on the Word of God as found in Philippians 4:19:
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
You can help support the Rembis’ today by donating here.
Judge Hart Chastises Stecklein for Inappropriate Behavior with Rembis Child
Claire reveals:
My daughter told me that the CPS worker, Stecklein, took her to the movies. Kristin told her that they were going to go back this Friday, to see another movie together. Just the 2 of them?!
Claire says Judge Hart told Stecklein that it was inappropriate for her to take Cinderella to a movie and that she must stop.
Stecklein Allegedly Admits to Asking Neighbor to Take Photo of Pocahontas in Alley
On the evening of August 10th, when police investigated an allegation of children rummaging in the dumpster, William explained to the police that he and some of the children were only taking trash out to the dumpster, and that the children were not rummaging in the dumpster.

Allegations made by CPS the night of 8/10. Charges like these felt like harassment to the Rembis’, who deny that their children eat from dumpsters. Image supplied by Rembis family from CPS document.
Claire says Stecklein admitted under oath that she was in the neighbor’s backyard and got the neighbor to take a photo of Pocahontas, “proving that the children walk in the alley barefoot.”

Image of Pocahontas barefoot in the alley when she took trash out with her dad. Stecklein allegedly asked a neighbor to take the photo for her. Photo was supplied to Claire in court.
Claire finds it disturbing that her neighbor and Stecklein called her daughter over towards them in order to take her picture.
Judge Allows Children to Continue to be Homeschooled
At the closing of the Adversary hearing on 9/20, Judge Hart ruled that since the children will be “going home quickly,” they can continue to homeschool with their mother Claire Rembis as their teacher.
Claire reports that CPS objected, asking, “what about the children who want to go to public school?” Judge Hart replied that it didn’t matter because it was the parents’ decision, and that since the children are going to be homeschooled when they get home, it didn’t make sense for them to go to public school.
Praise God, in an unprecedented, never before seen decision, Judge Kevin Hart ordered that I, Claire Rembis AKA “Mommy,” be allowed to continue to educate the kids. So, while in foster care, I will still be their teacher.
This is monumental. This is a step in the right direction in trying to overhaul the entire Texas CPS system that is currently in crisis. Please share this incredible decision & be sure to give thanks to God
Judge Denied CPS’ Request to Vaccinate Children or Cut Boys’ Hair
Judge Hart also ruled that the state could not give any vaccines to the children. This was a relief to the Rembis’ who hold strong religious convictions regarding vaccines, after learning about their risks and harmful ingredients like fetal cells cultured from aborted babies.
One of their children almost died from vaccine injuries related to the DTaP vaccine, and now suffers from Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP), a bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot normally.
Two children were previously diagnosed with autism, which the Rembis’ also attribute to vaccine injuries, another reason the Rembis’ are now wary of vaccines. Claire says Lubbock CPS tried to accuse them of medical neglect for not having the children on medication for their autism, but she explained in court that the children are very high functioning and that they were never prescribed any medication. The Rembis’ say that their healthy lifestyle of avoiding GMO’s and foods with dyes and preservatives, switching to natural cleaning products, toothpastes deodorants, etc., have helped their children to the point that they do not exhibit autistic behaviors.
After explaining that the boys’ long hair is a cultural choice and that they had been wrongfully punished in public schools with “detention,” William and Claire were relieved by Hart’s ruling that the boys’ hair could not be cut without parental permission.
Help Support the Rembis Family

The Rembis family cannot understand why CPS continues to harass their family. Image supplied by family.
Thankfully, many people are reaching out to the Rembis’ in public, saying things like:
I’m so sorry your family is going through this! Your family is clearly being railroaded!
The family is financially devastated from this ordeal and needs immediate financial support for housing and furniture and finances for a private attorney.
Pray for my husband & I. The pain is so intense & our hearts hurt more than we ever imagined possible. Pray for financial provisions as we dropped everything, including my husbands good job, to try to protect the kids from CPS.
Please consider donating to the family here: Family Defense Resources

Check The Rembis Family Facebook Page for regular updates.
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