Image source from Save Leiani Facebook page.
UPDATE 4/27/2016
Local news in Michigan has picked Leiani’s story, and noted how the gag order violates her 1st Amendment rights.
UPDATE 4/22/2016
Before the family was gagged, Rebecca Campos-Santana was a guest on Joseph Gibson’s blog-talk radio show on Sunday, April 17. Because they are no longer able to speak out and tell the media and the public about the injustice that they continue to face, it is important that the public have access to their side of the story.
Here is a link to the archived blog-talk radio interview with Rebecca – Understanding The Times In Which We live Today Joseph Gibson Examines Today
It is fortunate that both Rebecca and Leiani were able to be interviewed just prior to the gag order. As Health Impact News previously reported, Leiani was a guest of “The Captain” on Monday night. Link – Special Guest: Leiani McMichael: Medical Malpractice & Medical Kidnapping.
Michigan Forces Mom of Medically Kidnapped Teen to Sleep in Car – Issues Gag Order to Keep Story out of the Media
by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff
Wednesday was a very disappointing day for a medically kidnapped teenager in Michigan and her family. Leiani McMichael, her mother Rebecca Campos-Santana, their family, and supporters all over the nation hoped that the Oakland County Family Court would allow this family to be reunited at last. Their hopes were dashed when this did not happen, and the family is now being gagged from speaking out about the injustice that they continue to experience.
An advocate who attended court with the family posted this update on the Save Leiani Facebook page:
Here is an update as I and hubby left when they broke for lunch around 12:30 the Attorneys with GAL were trying to come out of a agreement plan that all can agree upon, the Agreement was it would take 6 weeks to reunite Leiani with her Mom, Rebecca … wasn’t happy nor Leiani which I can understand 6 weeks might [not be] much for CPS GAL etc… but it’s a life time for Leiani and her Mom especially for their young 9 year old whom is waiting for her Mom to be a full loving Mom reunited with them living together
… my heart aches for you in order for your daughter Leiani to be home with her step dad and little sister you were forced out of the house being Homeless living in your truck 🙁 because of your selfless sacrifice your cries as of your daughters will never go unheard God will prevail you guys.
as for your Sweet Leiani she is just an Angel she spoke cried out stating how unhappy she is of the whole situation I am so proud of her God bless her and protect her always…
[The wait was] too long, we’ve stayed from 8:15 till 12:30 just for the Attorneys to come out with an agreement before going before Judge Hallmark!!! OMG how can I forget to mention WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Reporter Nima Shaffe with the Camera man in coming to the court and update on #SaveLeiani case as they had to do the interview before Judge give a Gag order for Rebecca … not to talk to the media as they claimed that Leiani would be harmed by the social media, well we all know what is going on CPS wanted the Gag order to keep the truth from coming out and expose all the corruption Leiani is almost 18 years older in Oct, and they think that she can’t speak for herself as she really wanted to speak before the judge to inform her of her interest in wanting to be reunited with her Mom and wanting a normal family! I pray that Save Leiani was able to express her desires to the Judge.
This hearing and gag order is the latest development in a heartbreaking story that began when previously healthy 16 year old Leiani became sick in February 2015.
See original story:
Michigan Teen Medically Kidnapped and Placed in Juvenile Detention Facility as Her Health Deteriorates
She had numerous doctors appointments and tests to find out what was causing her abdominal pain. One surgery left her in worse shape than she was before. When a hospital gave her medicines to which she was allergic, the mishap left her in a coma. Instead of acknowledging the mistakes, Leiani was accused of making it all up. She was labeled with “conversion disorder,” and her mother was accused of Munchausen by proxy, and later “medical neglect.”

Rebecca before court – optimistic that the court would put the family back together. They didn’t. Source: Save Leiani Facebook page.
Then, Child Protective Services stepped in.
CPS seized Leiani away from her family and placed her in a juvenile detention facility – Children’s Village. This is the same “jail” that the Tsimhoni siblings were sentenced to by Judge Lisa Gorcyca after they refused to have lunch with their father.
Child Protective Services took a sick child away from her family and placed her in a place that Leiani describes as a dirty place with “bugs crawling all over,” where she was forced to sleep on a thin mattress on a concrete floor.
Leiani recently described her ordeal in an interview with “The Captain,” and she spoke out about the abuse she suffered, not at the hands of her mother, but at the hands of Child Protective Services. Link.
Freedom Promised, but Only if Mom Left the Home
In January, the court appeared to reunite the family, and it appeared that Leiani was going to be free. The Save Leiani Facebook page reported:
Leiani is Free! As you might expect there were things that had to be bargained for. We appreciate all of your support.
Her freedom was apparently only an illusion.
In order for Leiani to escape her captivity in Children’s Village and move home with her step-father, there were strings attached. The cost of her daughter’s freedom meant that Rebecca would have to move out of the family home.
Leiani, who is now 17 1/2, is only permitted to see her mother for 30 minutes per week, and can have a 15 minute phone call with her mom each week. She was told that if she were to make contact with her mother other than during the approved visits, she would be sent back to Children’s Village.
Her health has not recovered completely. Leiani is still experiencing stomach troubles, and they still don’t know what is causing her condition.
Mother Forced Out of Home, Sleeping in a Truck
With all available funds going to pay for attorneys, there was nothing left over to pay for a hotel. As a result, Rebecca sleeps in her truck, even during the cold Michigan winter.

This is where Leiani’s mother has been sleeping since her daughter was released from the juvenile detention facility. Source: Save Leiani Facebook page.
Family Had High Hopes for Court
Rebecca and Leiani had very high hopes for their court hearing on Wednesday, and they were joined by family and supporters. They recorded a video that was posted to the Save Leiani Facebook page:
According to one of the supporters, lawyers discussed and debated in court. Despite the fact that Leiani wants her family to be reunited, and despite the fact that she asserts that her mother did nothing wrong, the family’s desire for reunification is not happening immediately. It may happen in 6 weeks, but nothing is certain. In January, the court said they were going to begin reunification, but it hasn’t happened yet.
Leiani misses spending time with her mother. She is a Junior in high school, with prom and other important activities coming up. But the state of Michigan does not allow her to enjoy the wisdom and company of her own mother as she picks out dresses and plans her future. Leiani says that:
Family is always what’s in the best interest of the child.
When she was seized from home, the removal was immediate. However, as many families report to Health Impact News, the “reunification” process takes weeks or months, or even years. Is the reason for this so that the state can maximize federal funds?
Unconstitutional Gag Order
Though uncertainty remains over the reunification plan, one thing is certain, the family is now forbidden from speaking to media or posting on social media about their family or case. They have been shackled with an unconstitutional gag order.
How much more injustice are they trying to hide? What do they not want the public to know?
What the Public Can Do to Help
Though Rebecca and her family are forbidden to share the truth on social media, supporters are welcome to encourage the family, and to network with each other to fight to restore this family. There is a Facebook page that has been set up by supporters called Save Leiani.
Governor Rick Snyder may be reached at 517-335-7858 or 517-373-3400, or contacted here.
Mike McCready represents the district that Leiani and her family live in. He may be reached at 517-373-8670, or contacted here.
Their State Senator is Jim Marleau. He may be reached at 248-724-2442, or contacted here.
Other Michigan families whose stories have been reported by Health Impact News include the shocking recent story of Alexis Odonnell, whose health has drastically deteriorated in state care, whose twin Abbie was close to death, but is faring much better after advocates fought for her to get proper medical care. See their story and other stories of CPS injustice in Michigan:
Michigan Teen Girl in CPS Custody Near Death – Twin Sister Pleads for Her Life
Other stories from Michigan:
Once Thriving Michigan Teenager Now Facing Death in CPS Custody
10-Month Old Baby Medically Kidnapped in Michigan
Michigan Family Traumatized by CPS in Medical Kidnapping of Twins
Police in Michigan Seize 6 Children Because Family Was Camping in Tents
20 Year Old Autistic Girl in Michigan Medically Kidnapped Over Treatment Disagreement
State of Michigan Appeals Case Against Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child
Mother Faces Down Swat Team & Tank For Refusing to Drug Daughter
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