Does Los Angeles County have the Most Corrupt Judicial System in the Nation?

Since Health Impact News started reporting on medical kidnappings taking place in the United States, we have briefly touched upon the topic of corrupt judges and the courts that allow this to happen. I was privileged to have a conversation with one of the top American legal minds of our day and age, Dr. Richard I. Fine, who lost his career and was unjustly put in prison for 18 months as a political prisoner, because he was exposing judicial corruption in LA County. He was never even charged with a crime. His story is not widely known, and it gives the public an insider perspective to the depth of the corruption in the American judiciary. Health Impact News investigative reporter John P. Thomas interviewed Dr. Fine which can be read at Health Impact News. As Dr. Fine explains in his latest article that he has asked Health Impact News to publish, this illegal practice of bribing judges to benefit Los Angeles County Supervisors is still happening.

LA County Bribing Judges Declared Illegal: But Who Will Uphold Justice in LA?

Has corruption in the judicial system become such a boring topic that even politicians can safely ignore it? I am old enough to remember a time when people were genuinely outraged when they heard about the corruption of government officials. Careers would be ended, people would be expelled from government agencies in disgrace, and shame would haunt the fallen individuals for many years if not for the rest of their lives. But apparently, this is not the way things are now in California. Lawmakers seem indifferent to the system of corruption that has become a way of life in the state’s judicial system. The courts have ruled that LA County's kickbacks to judges are illegal, essentially amounting to bribery, but who will uphold justice in LA and hold these judges accountable?

American Judicial System for Sale: Bribes and Corruption now the Norm

Since Health Impact News started reporting on medical kidnappings taking place in the United States, we have briefly touched upon the topic of corrupt judges and the courts that allow this to happen. I recently was privileged to have a conversation with one of the top American legal minds of our day and age, Dr. Richard I. Fine, who lost his career and was unjustly put in prison for 18 months as a political prisoner. He was never even charged with a crime. His story is not widely known, and it gives the public an insider perspective to the depth of the corruption in the American judiciary. Health Impact News investigative reporter John P. Thomas recently interviewed Dr. Fine, and this is his report. Dr. Fine's message is a message every American needs to know.