Why is Geert Vanden Bossche Getting So Much Exposure in the Alternative Health Media? Could this Pro-Vaccine Scientist be "Controlled Opposition"?
I have received literally dozen of emails for the past week from people wanting me and Health Impact News to cover the recent interviews that “virologist and vaccine expert” Geert Vanden Bossche has given warning about the dangers of the new experimental COVID vaccines.
But until now, we have not covered his interviews, because honestly he was not adding anything to the current discussions about the dangers of the experimental COVID vaccines that other doctors and scientists that we do feature here at Health Impact News have made. He claims to have worked with Bill Gates at GAVI, and I guess that is the reason so many find him interesting and credible.
But as I read his bio, I found him far less credible than other physicians and scientists we have featured here at Health Impact News, as he is very clearly pro-vaccine and believes vaccines are necessary. He himself says publicly:
“I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.”
Really? I have publicly called some of these same people he calls “brilliant and competent scientists” mass murderers. So why would Health Impact News take seriously anything this man says? My first impression was that this man was “controlled opposition” with some unknown hidden agenda.
I simply could not understand why so many in our readership would want us to cover what this man says, and yet most of major names in the alternative media were giving this man a platform for his views.
Today, I finally came across someone who shares my skepticism about what this man is saying. I first read her article on Off-Guardian.org, but the original source is her own website, and we reproduced it here for our readers.