March 18, 2025
  • Dr.-Peter-McCullough-with-Tucker-Carlson-768x433

    Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of "Vaccines"

    To use an old cliché, “the cat is out of the bag.”

    For perhaps the first time since the COVID Plandemic started at the beginning of 2020, Americans who get most of their information solely through the corporate media, which is heavily funded by Big Pharma, got a dose of reality on just what exactly has been going on for the past 16 months or so, thanks to Tucker Carlson, and his 45-minute interview with Dr. Peter McCullough last week on his “Tucker Carlson Today” show on Fox News.

    Dr. Peter McCullough is well-known to most Health Impact News readers, as we have featured his testimony before the Texas Senate as well as the U.S. Congress in previous articles.

    Viewers of this Fox Network program learned that there is, in fact, a worldwide conspiracy to suppress effective treatments for COVID patients in favor of experimental COVID injections.

    To be sure, neither Tucker nor Dr. McCullough used the politically explosive term “conspiracy,” but they used other terms that communicate the exact same thing.

    Dr. McCullough, for example, throughout the interview when referring to why other doctors and health agencies were not educating the public about effective early treatments that have been proven to save lives, used the term “group think,” and kept saying that “something is up” worldwide, to the point where Tucker kept pressing him to state why he thought this was happening.

    Dr. McCullough eventually replied: “This is the goal of investigative reporters to figure out.”

    Because to discuss the “why” this is happening was not the focus of this interview, and would have led to discussions about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, their ties to eugenics and establishing a New World Order, etc.

    To his credit, however, Dr. McCullough did allude to some of these things by bringing up the Nuremburg Code, and how doctors today are violating it.

    But this interview was focused clearly on one single question: Why is nobody discussing COVID treatment protocols outside of the new experimental “vaccines”?

    And Tucker was brilliant in this interview.

    • College-students-masks-768x512

      No COVID Vax, No College? Should Young People Risk their Health and Fertility Just to Attend College?

      Students looking forward to getting back to college are getting letters from 100 to 200 colleges notifying them of a new prerequisite: getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

      As one letter states, this is because of our “our continued desire to protect the health and safety of our community.”

      The main purpose of the requirement is not to protect the students themselves. Of all COVID deaths, only about 0.1% have been in 15-to-24-year-olds. Yet young people can suffer death or serious disability after getting the jab.

      According to a controversial independent analysis, the aggressive Israeli vaccination campaign killed more than 200 times as many young persons as the coronavirus itself could have killed during the same 35-week period.

      The prospect of most concern to the young women calling our office is infertility. Viral spike protein has been found in placentas from mothers who gave birth after having COVID.

      So, what can students do? Be cheerful or reluctant participants in a massive uncontrolled experiment and hope for the best? Seek an exemption? Or pause their education plans—and outrageous tuition?

      There are “help wanted” signs everywhere. For learning, there are libraries, and more on-line opportunities will spring up. A college degree may be unnecessary or can wait. The biological window for having a family will close. How much risk of infertility should young people take?

      • Anthony-Nguyen-Kha-Huy

        45-Year-Old California Father of Two DEAD 10 Days After COVID Injection

        Anthony Nguyen Kha Huy received his COVID shot on April 20th according to his brother-in-law Phuong Tran. He passed away 10 days later at the age of 45. Family suspects the vaccine caused his death.

        • Ronald-W.-Babb-Sr.-DEAD-768x543

          57-Year-Old Syracuse Man Mocks “Anti-vaxxers,” DEAD Seven Days After Johnson & Johnson Shot

          A 57-year-old husband, father and grandfather is dead, in what is fast becoming a trend of death after social media virtue signaling.

          Mr. Ronald Babb, Sr. and his wife Rose, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on April 12, according to his Facebook page. They received the shot at a Walmart on Genessee Street in Camilius, New York, about 14 miles west of Syracuse. Mr. Babb posted he and his wife’s “vaccine cards” on Facebook with a caption saying they are now waiting to “turn into robots.”

          The “turn into robots” mock is apparently in reference to the nanotechnology associated with both PCR testing and the experimental shots. Tiny theragripper devices (robots) carry and release drugs into your body when commanded to do so, according to Johns Hopkins University.

          Family members further discussed the dangers of J&J shots the next day.

          Mr. Babb died seven days after the shot, Monday April 19. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Rose, four children and seven grandchildren.

          • Young-people-crippled-killed-by-pfizer-shot-700x441

            Criminal FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for Pfizer's mRNA Injections on 12-15 Year-olds - Up to State Governors to Save the Nation's Children

            As expected, the FDA granted emergency use authorization to Pfizer’s experimental COVID mRNA shots to be injected into children between the ages of 12 and 15 today.

            The FDA is a criminal organization comprised of medical professionals with ties to Big Pharma who are serving the pharmaceutical industry, and not the public.

            None of the COVID-19 injections given emergency use authorization were done so legally. Many scientists and doctors have protested, and even filed official complaints against the FDA, because there are already effective treatments for COVID-19, making an emergency use authorization unnecessary.

            In addition, the current injections for COVID-19 do not meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” but are an entirely new class of injections that inject an operating system into your body and works directly with your DNA.

            Many young people aged 16 to their early 20s have already died and been seriously injured following the Pfizer injections, and we have covered their stories here on Health Impact News.

            There is a eugenic agenda here to reduce the world’s population, and for those young girls in the 12 to 15 year age range whose parents allow them to get this experimental injection, most if not all of them will probably become infertile and never be able to bear children, if they survive the shots.

            Governors can stop this at the State level, and refuse to adopt the FDA Guidelines.

            • pregnant-jab-768x432

              2 Brazilian States Suspend Giving Covid-19 Vaccines to Expectant Mothers after Death of Pregnant AstraZeneca Recipient

              The Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have excluded pregnant women from their Covid-19 vaccine rollouts after the medicines regulator published new advice following the death of an expectant mother.

              On Monday night, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) recommended the immediate suspension of the use of AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria jab in pregnant women.

              Newspaper Folha de São Paulo reported that Brazil’s Ministry of Health is investigating the death of a pregnant woman in Rio de Janeiro after she received the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

              • india-covid-deaths-3-768x468

                Is India Seeing a Wave of Deaths and Injuries following COVID-19 Shots?

                After seeing relatively good success in handling the COVID crisis with an emphasis on early treatments such as Ivermectin, India is all of a sudden seeing a surge in cases and deaths being attributed to the COVID-19 virus.

                But some are wondering if the ramping up of COVID “vaccines” is the cause behind these recent surges.

       has reported that more than 100 patients in a single hospital have died just after receiving COVID shots.

                A New Jersey Doctor, Dr. Rajendra Kapila, has also reportedly died in a trip to India even though he was fully vaccinated with both doses of the Pfizer vaccine before he traveled to India.

                Dr. Mathew Maavak has contacted us and asked us to publish his analysis on what is happening in India.

                • Israel-flag-vaccine

                  Never Has a Vaccine Injured so Many: Israeli People`s Committee Report of Deaths and Injuries following the Pfizer Experimental COVID Shots

                  We hereby clarify that The Israeli People`s Committee is an independent organization relying on publicly available information from official publications and social networks. The information has been checked by members of the committee to avoid false, refuted, and erroneous data.

                  While the Prime Minister of Israel and senior officials of the Ministry of Health brag that Israel serves as a global model for nationwide vaccination, and while they boast that Pfizer has chosen us to be the experimental country thanks to the advanced technological systems of our HMOs [Health Maintenance Organizations], the state has systematically shut down all monitoring and tracking systems, which are designed to identify and alert of adverse events that occur in proximity of receiving the vaccine.

                  The silencing mechanisms of the health system regarding the vaccine’s adverse events, and the denial of their severity and worrisome scope, combined with the fact that the mainstream media have ignored adverse events and avoided reporting them, have created a situation whereby the Israeli public is almost completely unaware of the existence, nature and prevalence of the vaccine’s adverse events.

                  In this report we wish to say to the Israeli Government and governments throughout the world: a lack of transparency kills people. Deception and concealment lead people to disability and loss of life. Remove all confidentiality, create transparent and controlled reporting mechanisms; only then can lives be saved and further damage avoided from the very tool that is supposed to preserve health.

                  Is this a case where the drug is more deadly than the disease?

                  • Dr-Paul-Alexander-Fox-Laura-Ingraham-768x432

                    Former HHS COVID Advisor Dr. Paul Alexander: Do NOT Give COVID Shots to Children!

                    Former HHS COVID Advisor Dr. Paul Alexander was recently on “The Ingraham Angle” show on the Fox News Network.

                    Dr. Alexander is opposed to giving the experimental COVID-19 shots to children, because children have an almost zero risk of infection of COVID-19, and do not pass it on to others.

                    He is bewildered at why the CDC and Anthony Fauci are allowing this, as they have the data also.

                    He explains that if they want to give these shots to children, they should remove the immunity the pharmaceutical companies currently have if anyone dies or are injured from the shots.

                    • everest-Romney-768x491

                      Healthy Utah High School Athlete Develops Blood Clots in His Brain Following COVID Injection

                      The local corporate media in Draper, Utah, is reporting that a 17-year-old student from Corner Canyon High School ended up in the ICU with blood clots in his brain just after receiving an experimental COVID injection.

                      However, as with ALL stories of COVID “vaccine” injuries or deaths that make it into the corporate media, they continue to state that there is no link between the injuries and the injections.

                      In fact, the reporter in the video of this story tells us that they are not even going to name which “vaccine” he received, showing just how much control Big Pharma has on the media.

                      The media not only is protected under the First Amendment to state the facts and name the company who made this shot, but the job of the media is supposed to be to inform the public, which they are clearly not doing when they report a “vaccine” injury but refuse to name which one caused it.

                      Since the Johnson and Johnson shot has already been linked to “rare” blood clots, my guess is that this was one of the mRNA injections from either Pfizer or Moderna, and they just don’t want the bad publicity which would slow down their efforts to inject even more people.

                      Continuing to call these reactions “rare” is criminal, as more people have died following COVID injections now than recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 20 years.

                      How many more lives will be destroyed, like this 17-year-old healthy high school student who had his whole career and life still before him, just because Big Pharma wants to use the public as lab rats to fulfill their eugenic view of medicine and develop novel, new vaccines designed to reduce the world’s population and enslave everyone to the medical system?

                      • CVS-Rite-Aid-Served-Notice-700x441

                        You've Been Served Notice! CVS, Rite Aid Liable for The Potential Danger of Indiscriminate COVID-19 Vaccination

                        Health Impact News is giving public notice that two private corporations, CVS and Rite Aid, have been issued a Safety Warning for the potential danger of indiscriminate COVID-19 “vaccination” in the naturally immune and recently COVID-19 infected, by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Phd, on April 29th, 2021.

                        Many physicians have now spoken publicly about studies showing that those with natural COVID immunity will see a 2 to 3 fold increase risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots.

                        This includes Dr. Ben Edward’s testimony to the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs this past week.

                        • Texas-Physicians-Against-Mandatory-COVID-Shots-768x592

                          No Vaccine Passports in Texas! Medical Doctors Testify Before State Senate to Oppose Mandatory COVID Shots

                          This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.

                          SB 1669 was sponsored by Senator Bob Hall.

                          Senator Bob Hall, in his opening statements at the Senate hearing this week stated:

                          “The chief responsibility and Constitutional role of our government is to protect the rights of the individual. Employees can take off their helmets, masks, and uniforms at the end of the work day, but they cannot remove a vaccine.”

                          Dr. Richard Bartlett, Dr. Ben Edwards, Dr. Amy Offutt, and Dr. Angelina Farella, all practicing medical doctors in Texas, then followed with testimony opposing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.

                          All of these doctors have successfully treated COVID patients using existing treatments without the use of novel, new COVID drugs still in the trial stage, including the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

                          With more than 4000 deaths now reported by the CDC following injections of the experimental COVID-19 shots, they all expressed astonishment that these injections had not been pulled off the market yet.

                          • 5-year-old-Lachlan-and-7-year-old-Callum

                            CDC Reports 2 More Infant DEATHS Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

                            The CDC released more data in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) today, and it included two new deaths of infants age 2 and age 1.

                            While none of the COVID injections have emergency use authorization for children under the age of 17 yet, there are ongoing trials with children being injected with the experimental shots as young as 6 months old.

                            One of the infants who died was apparently in a Pfizer trial, while the other one was apparently in a Moderna trial.

                            VAERS ID 1255745 involved a 2-year-old baby girl in Virginia who died 5 days after she was injected.

                            VAERS ID 1261766 involved a year-old baby boy in Florida who suffered convulsions and seizures after the Pfizer shot and died 2 days later.

                            • Thomas-Flanagan-dead-covid-shot-768x543

                              48-Year-Old Surgeon DEAD after Mocking "Anti-vaxxers" and Writing His Own Obituary after Moderna COVID Injections

                              A 48-year-old plastic surgeon in Ohio is dead.

                              Dr. Thomas Flanigan received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on January 6, according to his Facebook page. He received the second dose on February 3.

                              He mocked those who are skeptical of the shots by writing on his Facebook Page: “Second dose. The microchip is working fine. My mind is slowly being taken over by the hive mind. We are just fine. Resistance is futile.”

                              Sometime thereafter (it’s unclear exactly when), he wrote his own obituary, in the same mocking fashion as the foregoing Facebook post. It is reminiscent of the Polish doctor we wrote about in February. But the surrealism surrounding this story is unmatched compared to any other story we’ve written thus far.

                              First, none of the media outlets that covered this story (except the New York Post) mentioned that Dr. Flanigan received experimental Moderna mRNA shots in January and February. However, the Post, like the other outlets, wrote that his cause of death is “not clear.” Second, the headlines are practically celebrating his death, perhaps in an attempt to deflect attention away from the Moderna shots.

                              They refer to the obituary as “hilarious,” “incredible” and other strange adjectives given the situation.

                              • The-Patients-Are-Waiting_Trailer_New-768x512

                                The Union of the Military with Big Tech and Big Pharma is Now the Goal for Medical Tyranny

                                A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda.

                                • admin-ajax

                                  16-Year-Old Wisconsin Girl DEAD Following 2 Doses of the Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections

                                  The 16-year-old Wisconsin girl that was listed in the last week’s data dump by the CDC into the VAERS database who died shortly after receiving the second dose of the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection has been identified as Kamrynn Soleil Thomas, of Waunakee, Wisconsin.

                                  Her death was reported to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System twice.

                                  “Hemodynamic collapse at home. Persistent cardiac arrest requiring ECMO. Event believed secondary to pulmonary embolism. Death by neurologic criteria.”

                                  The next target for these Pfizer injections are children, as Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization with both the FDA in the U.S., and the EMA in Europe, to inject 12 to 15 year olds with their experimental COVID mRNA shots.

                                  FiercePharma has reported that Canada has just approved the Pfizer shot for 12 to 15 year olds.

                                  • 3-middle-age-people-DEAD-covid-injections-768x375

                                    Tragedy Continues to Strike Families with Loved Ones Dying After being Injected with Experimental COVID Shots

                                    There are so many tragic stories now of loved ones dying after taking an experimental COVID injection, that one has to wonder if people are now starting to become desensitized by all these stories as the public is perhaps being conditioned to accept “death by lethal injection” as part of the “new normal?”

                                    A 50-year-old woman in Canada, a 61-year-old woman in Orange, California, and a 58-year-old man in Minnesota are three more casualties following COVID-19 injections.

                                    • Flowers-On-A-Tombstone-In-A-Cemetary-CDC-COVID-Vaccine_Deaths-768x560

                                      CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections - Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 20 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001

                                      The CDC has just released the newest total of deaths reported following the experimental COVID shots since they were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) in early December through May 3, 2021, and that total now stands at 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS.

                                      The number of deaths recorded following the experimental COVID injections now equals the total number of recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 21 years.

                                      The next target for these killer injections are children, as Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization with both the FDA in the U.S., and the EMA in Europe, to inject 12 to 15 year olds with their experimental COVID mRNA shots.

                                      FiercePharma has reported that Canada has just approved the Pfizer shot for 12 to 15 year olds. It was announced on Pfizer’s website today.

                                      And the majority of the world’s population seems to be oblivious to the fact that genocide is happening right in front of our eyes, and prefer instead to believe the government “health authorities” who are lying and telling everyone this really isn’t happening.

                                      • infant-needle

                                        From MK Ultra Mind Control to Lab Created Viruses: How the U.S. Government Keeps Experimenting on Its own Citizens

                                        “We the people” have also become the police state’s guinea pigs: to be caged, branded, experimented upon without our knowledge or consent, and then conveniently discarded and left to suffer from the after-effects.

                                        This is not a government that values us.

                                        To the architects of the American police state, we are not worthy or vested with inherent rights. This is how the government can justify treating us like economic units to be bought and sold and traded, or caged rats to be experimented upon and discarded when we’ve outgrown our usefulness.

                                        To those who call the shots in the halls of government, “we the people” are merely the means to an end.

                                        “We the people”—who think, who reason, who take a stand, who resist, who demand to be treated with dignity and care, who believe in freedom and justice for all—have become obsolete, undervalued citizens of a totalitarian state.

                                        • NHS-Whistleblower-Warning-768x511

                                          Senior NHS Board Member Warns: Stop The Genocide Or Our Children Are Next, as Pfizer Seeks Permission in UK and US to Inject 12 to 15 Year Olds

                                          The UKCOLUMN has published two interviews with whistleblowers from within the UK’s NHS (National Health Services).

                                          On April 14th they interviewed a nurse whistleblower who referred to the experimental COVID injections as “genocide,” and her interview prompted a Senior NHS Board member to come out also and warn the public, in an interview with Brian Gerrish.

                                          She agreed with the nurse who came forward that “genocide” is the proper word to describe what they were seeing with the adverse reactions to the injections.

                                          “If I had a magic wand, it would just stop. It would stop now, before we hurt anybody else. That would be amazing.

                                          That would be the best day ever, because every day I wake up, I think about how I can find that golden nugget to try and wake up the people around me to the damage we are causing.

                                          We are causing — I mean, we heard the word ‘genocide’ from the lady on Wednesday. I don’t disagree with that statement. And it’s terrifying, and it saddens me, and the reason I’m staying where I am for now is to try and make a difference in whatever way I can.”

                                          Brian Gerrish then asks her:

                                          “What advice, or what would you say to your NHS colleagues, to encourage them to think about what’s going on?”

                                          She replied:

                                          “Honestly, what comes to mind is, ‘Your children are next.’ And that is terrifying, and it makes me well up when I think about it.

                                          So if you won’t speak up because you’ve had the vaccine, or you won’t speak up because you’re scared (I understand that), or you won’t speak up because you don’t want to lose your job (and I totally understand that), just know that this doesn’t stop until we all stand up and say, ‘Stop.'”

                                          • adenovirus-killing-young-people

                                            Experimental Adenovirus COVID Injections Continuing to Kill Younger, Middle-Aged People

                                            The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson experimental adenovirus COVID shots seem to be killing younger, middle-aged people at a higher rate than the mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna.

                                            Here are the stories of some of the victims who have died following the injections and devastated their families.

                                            • We-The-People-gavel-768x513

                                              Living in Enemy Territory: Is This What you Want America? If not, Here's What Needs to Happen to Take America Back

                                              Those of us living in the United States are currently living in enemy-occupied territory. The criminals running the country are the Wall Street Billionaires, mostly from Big Pharma and Big Tech, and their Central Bankers. (Throughout the rest of this article I will refer to them as the “Globalists.”)

                                              They didn’t use coercion, they didn’t use superior firepower like tanks and SWAT teams, they just simply declared a “pandemic” over a “killer virus” and then told everyone to go home and stay there, and to make sure they always wore a mask, even indoors, and to stop assembling with one another.

                                              They basically declared the Constitution of the United States null and void, so they could “fight the virus” with “emergency orders” which they claimed superseded the Constitution.

                                              Oh I think there were battle plans in place. Everyone expected major upheaval and fighting around the national elections and inauguration last year. After all, we got a taste of it in most of the major urban areas last summer, starting in Minneapolis.

                                              But my guess is that the Globalists saw how successful their reign of fear worked, and how pathetic the “insurrection” was in D.C. in early January, that they just decided to go full speed ahead and start injecting everyone and kill off a major portion of the population that way, since there has been basically no opposition to their evil plans so far.

                                              No tanks, no armed forces, no “dirty” bombs – just lies and propaganda broadcast through their corporate media were all they needed to set their plan in place.

                                              They now control all three branches of the federal government, the economy, and for the most part the day-to-day lives of the American population.

                                              They still have a lot of work to do, for sure, to transition to a one-world government with a one-world digital currency, ruling over the masses that they want to significantly deplete through genocide, using the new COVID injections which are still only 4 months into the roll out.

                                              They have absolutely no intention to allow Americans’ lives to return to “normal,” now defined as vintage 2019 life. If we continue on our current course, things are going to get a LOT worse. Deaths and destruction are going to start multiplying by the end of the year, making 2020 look like a year-long vacation.

                                              Is this the USA you want America?

                                              If not, I am going to outline in this article what needs to happen to take back control of this country.

                                              • 4.23-VAERS-release-768x461

                                                GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections - Children Now being Reported as Dying Also

                                                The mass murder of Americans through the experimental COVID injections continues, as the CDC is now reporting that 3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

                                                Many believe there is solid evidence that the CDC is holding back much of the data, and that the number of deaths and injuries reported is much higher.

                                                This is in addition to the fact that many deaths and injuries following the injections are not even reported, because the propaganda put out by the U.S. Government and reinforced through the pharma-funded corporate media, continues to claim that NONE of these deaths are linked to the COVID injections, and are just “coincidences.”

                                                To give some perspective to these recorded numbers, and show how criminally evil it is to claim that none of these deaths or injuries are caused by the injections, the total deaths now recorded following experimental COVID injections since December, 2020, is more than the recorded deaths following vaccines for the previous 15 and a half years before the experimental COVID shots were unleashed against the public.

                                                And now they are targeting the children.

                                                Tragically, there are now at least 5 deaths recorded among children following COVID injections, including a 5-month-old baby who was not injected, but was breast feeding from her mother who was.

                                                • Doctors-for-COVID-Ethics-2-768x428

                                                  Doctors for COVID Ethics: COVID-19 Vaccines are Unnecessary, Ineffective and Unsafe

                                                  COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them.

                                                  In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.

                                                  • Thomas-E.-Levy-MD-JD

                                                    Doctor Offers FREE Book to the Public on Curing Respiratory Virus Infections through Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization

                                                    Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and the author of Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins and STOP America’s #1 Killer!; plus several other groundbreaking medical books.

                                                    He is one of the world’s leading vitamin C experts and frequently lectures to medical professionals all over the globe about the proper role of vitamin C and antioxidants in the treatment of a host of medical conditions and diseases.

                                                    His latest book, Rapid Virus Recovery: No Need to Live in Fear! is now available for FREE as an e-book through MedFox Publishing.

                                                    Dr. Levy states:

                                                    “The entire intent of this book is to make it clear that nearly all acute viral syndromes are curable, especially those contracted via the respiratory route, and rapidly so. This includes COVID and any future pathogens that may emerge from mutation or from a laboratory.”

                                                    That’s a pretty bold statement, but his book includes over 600 citations from peer-reviewed medical journals to back up his claim.

                                                    The book that he is offering to the public for free is mainly about hydrogen peroxide nebulization, an inexpensive solution that anyone around the world can implement without the use of a doctor or hospital for less than $40.00.

                                                    Dr. Levy states:

                                                    “In order to stop any pandemic, COVID included, it is essential that a cure not only exists, but that it is extremely cheap, available everywhere, easily administered, completely nontoxic, and not requiring the intervention of a doctor or hospital in  order to be obtained.

                                                    At this time, there is really only one such treatment that fulfills all of those requirements. It is: Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization.”

                                                    Download and save this book NOW before it is banned from the Internet, as the protocols described in it are now declared illegal by the FTC and Department of Justice.

                                                    • James-Altman-Catholic-Priest

                                                      Wisconsin Catholic Priest Defies Authorities and Warns His Flock on the Dangers of the COVID Injections

                                                      We’ve called out those in the clergy who have claimed to represent Christ and are urging people to go out and get the COVID injections, so it is only proper that we also give credit to the clergy when credit is due.

                                                      A Catholic priest in Wisconsin, James Altman of St. James The Less in La Crosse, has incurred the wrath of the corporate media for daring to defy health regulations, and for warning his congregation about the experimental COVID shots, pleading with them to NOT get them and become “guinea pigs.”

                                                      James Altman has pretty much defied everyone in authority above him: the local health department, the Bishop William Callahan of the Diocese of La Crosse, and the Pope himself, all who support COVID measures such as masks, limiting indoor gatherings, and the deadly experimental shots.

                                                      This of course infuriates the corporate media and the corporate church.

                                                      James Altman is obviously more concerned for his parishioners than he is about his own reputation and position in the corporate church, and for that we salute him, and pray for God’s protection over him.

                                                      • UK-COVID-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions-Report-

                                                        1,047 Dead 725,079 Reported Injuries following COVID19 Experimental "Vaccines" Reported in the U.K.

                                                        The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, April 29, 2021.

                                                        The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through April 21, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna.

                                                        They report a total of 1,047 deaths and 725,079 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections.

                                                        685 of the 1,047 deaths followed AstraZeneca COVID injections, and 573,650 of the 725,079 injuries followed AstraZeneca COVID injections.

                                                        Two countries, Norway and Denmark, have now completely halted injections of COVID shots by AstraZeneca, with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stating that the AstraZeneca experimental shots are associated with a higher risk of injury and death than the COVID-19 virus.

                                                        Other European countries have also temporarily halted the AstraZeneca shots while they review safety data, but the UK has never halted injecting people with the shot causing fatal blood clots, and the reported events of death and injuries following AstraZeneca shots.

                                                        • EudraVigilance-4.29-768x584

                                                          8,430 DEAD 354,177 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

                                                          The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

                                                          Their report through April 24, 2021 lists 8,430 deaths and 354,177 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

                                                          COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414).
                                                          COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH.
                                                          COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19).
                                                          COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S).

                                                          This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data.

                                                          Denmark and Norway have completely suspended use of the AstraZeneca experimental COVID-19 shots.

                                                          A statement issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated that the AstraZeneca COVID “vaccine” is more dangerous than COVID itself, especially for young people.

                                                          The EMA continues to recommend it. They did, however, add a safety warning to the J&J shots, due to fatal blood clots.

                                                          • Fear-Christ

                                                            Your Life Today Depends on What and Whom You Fear: A Virus, or God?

                                                            “Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread.”
                                                            (Isaiah 8:11-13)

                                                            The Bible has a lot to say about “fear.” In short, fearing the wrong things or wrong people can lead to your death, while appropriate fear will lead to life.

                                                            • Traffic-collision-on-Highway-101-reported-after-driver-has-seizure-covid-shot-return

                                                              COVID-19 Injected People Becoming a Threat to Public Health and Safety

                                                              A California man reportedly crashed his vehicle after suffering a seizure driving back from receiving his second injection of a COVID-19 shot.

                                                              A man with a Bitchute channel called “clif_high” has coined a new term to describe the times we are currently living in as over 1 billion people around the world have now been injected with the experimental COVID shots: “Vaxxxidents.”

                                                              Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount that COVID injected individuals are somehow infecting those who have not received the injections.

                                                              So as schools, colleges, and universities throughout the nation prepare to restrict access to those students and faculty who have not been injected with one of the experimental COVID shots, one private school in Florida is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE, and prohibiting teachers and staff who have been injected with the experimental shots from attending their school.

                                                              The owners of the school are being vilified in the corporate media, but it is a bold move to protect the students and other school staff from the risk of being infected from those who chose to take the experimental shots.

                                                              It shows, to me at least, that the administrators of this school are willing to face public scorn and potential lawsuits because they value the health and lives of their students and staff more than the public disgrace that comes when one dares to expose Big Pharma and their lies.

                                                              A document published by Pfizer during their trials of their COVID-19 mRNA shots is making its way around the Internet today where it appears that they warned participant members of coming in contact with others not part of the trial, including pregnant women.

                                                              The title of the document is: “PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)”. It can be found in many places on the Internet right now, including the New England Journal of Medicine.

                                                              • Alber-Elbaz-DEAD-768x584

                                                                59-Year-Old Israeli Fashion Icon Alber Elbaz DEAD After Being "Fully Vaccinated" for COVID-19

                                                                Another public figure has died following injections of the experimental COVID shots.

                                                                Israeli fashion icon Alber Elbaz has reportedly died at an American hospital in Paris, France, over the weekend.

                                                                The French Press (Elbaz worked and lived in France) and many of the European Press have originally reported that his cause of death was “unknown,” but Israeli Press are now reporting that he died of the “South African variant of COVID-19,” while admitting that he was “fully vaccinated.”

                                                                His death was described by some as “sudden.”

                                                                We are not sure why the Israeli Press is claiming he died from the “South African strain of coronavirus,” since he was hospitalized and died in Paris, but that is what they are claiming, while at the same time acknowledging that he was “fully vaccinated.”

                                                                Since it is being reported that he was “fully vaccinated,” that means he probably received two doses of one of the experimental COVID injections, most likely either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shot, both of which are available in France.

                                                                Many thousands of people worldwide have now been reported dead following injections of these experimental COVID shots, many of them high profile public figures like Mr. Elbaz where it is difficult to hide their deaths and the circumstances surrounding them, and yet the medical authorities continue to claim that they are all “coincidences” and not related to the COVID shots.

                                                                As we have previously reported, deaths following the COVID injections and are reported to the CDC VAERS system, now exceed deaths reported following FDA approved vaccines for the past 15 years COMBINED.

                                                                The World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, and many others have been saying for years that we need to reduce the world’s population in order to save the Earth from being destroyed by climate change.

                                                                So why should it surprise people that they are now putting their plans into action to reduce the world’s population through these experimental injections?

                                                                This is no longer a “conspiracy theory.” It is a plan being executed in full view of the public, most of whom are still asleep and expecting the world to go back to “normal” if they just keep obeying everything the medical tyrants tell them to do, and surrender all their freedoms.

                                                                And in many cases, as we are now seeing, they are sacrificing their lives as well.

                                                                So believe what you want, and live with the consequences. Because the facts that both sides agree upon, are that Mr. Elbaz got the shots, and now he is dead.

                                                                He joins a very fast growing list of others that also got the shots, and are now DEAD.

                                                                How long will the public keep buying this lie before they wake up and figure out, perhaps too late, that this has been the plan all along?

                                                                • Dan_Kaminsky-Dead-pro-vaccinejpg-768x568

                                                                  Pro-Vaccine Cybersecurity Expert Dan Kaminsky DEAD at 42 Following Experimental COVID Shot

                                                                  The New York Post is reporting that 42-year-old Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died shortly after receiving an experimental COVID injection.

                                                                  Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky has died at the age of 42 — leaving his niece to battle speculation that he was killed by complications resulting from a recent COVID-19 vaccination.

                                                                  The tech genius’s niece, Sarah, confirmed the news over the weekend, citing diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious diabetic complication, as a cause of death. At the same time, she sought to quash reports that Kaminsky’s passing was related to the coronavirus vaccine that Kaminsky tweeted about receiving on April 12.

                                                                  “While his passing was sudden and unexpected for us, Dan struggled for years with diabetes and was even recently hospitalized because of it,” according to the niece, whose message was posted in a tweet on Sunday.

                                                                  “I think Dan would laugh at the idea of conspiracy theorists promoting anti-vax propaganda through his death,” she added. “But as his family, it hurts us to see his death being used to spread lies about a vaccine that he had full faith in.”

                                                                  Mr. Kaminsky’s tweets on Twitter prior to his death made it very obvious that he was “pro-vaccine” and pro-COVID shots.

                                                                  He was proud to receive an experimental COVID shot in San Francisco from Kaiser Permanente on April 12, 2021.

                                                                  The next day he tweeted his displeasure that the J&J and AstraZeneca shots had been halted due to fatal blood clots, expressing his belief that people would die as a result of the shots being halted, and that one was more likely to die by being struck from lightning than from a rare side effect from a COVID injection.

                                                                  Less than two weeks after being injected with a COVID shot, he’s dead. His faith in the safety of the injection apparently did not save him.

                                                                  • Laura-Lynn-Tyler-Thompson-interviews-Dr.-Charles-Hoffe-on-COVID-injections-in-BC-768x433

                                                                    Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

                                                                    Charles Hoffe has been a medical doctor for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. The town is comprised of many indigenous groups and the “First Nations.”

                                                                    When Dr. Hoffe was given 900 doses of the Moderna experimental COVID-19 injections, he administered the doses through the Lytton Medical Clinic to those who wanted them.

                                                                    He chose not to inject himself.

                                                                    Dr. Hoffe reports that the result of injecting 900 people among the indigenous First Nations community was that 2 people went into anaphylactic shock, one person died, and several others have suffered what appear to be permanent disabilities. He relates how one of his patients is in so much pain now, that she prefers death to life.

                                                                    By contrast, no one in the community died or became permanently disabled due to the COVID-19 virus during the past year.

                                                                    Dr. Hoffe reported these adverse reactions by email to the medical personnel in his community who were responsible for the roll-out of the Moderna shots, which included pharmacists, nurses, and doctors in his area, a total of about 18 people.

                                                                    His email expressed grave concern over the side effects he was seeing, and he asked if perhaps they should pause the injections for a while.

                                                                    He reports that within 48 hours he received a very stern rebuke from his superiors at the Interior Health Authority accusing him of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and that they were going to report him to BC College of Physicians and Surgeons.

                                                                    They forbade him from saying anything negative about the Moderna shots by issuing a gag order against him.

                                                                    Dr. Hoffe explains that this is a method of intimidation that is being used against other doctors who have become too afraid to speak out, because the College of Physicians and Surgeons has great authority to shut down doctors’ careers, or heavily fine them.

                                                                    As he continued to see more injuries the following week, he became very angry about his gag order. He was told that if he had any concerns about the injections that he had to contact the medical health officer in charge of the Moderna roll out.

                                                                    He did, but when he did not receive a reply, he decided to write an open letter directly to Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia Provincial Health Officer, in direct defiance of his gag order since he made it public.

                                                                    A local and independent talk show host in Canada, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, tracked down and interviewed Dr. Hoffe.

                                                                    • 5 Doctors Agree COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons

                                                                      URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

                                                                      Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully “vaccinated” people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues.

                                                                      Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues.

                                                                      The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video.

                                                                      Not only do these highly qualified doctors discuss why they think this is happening, they also give practical advice at the end about what we can be doing right now to protect ourselves and stop this attack on the human race by the Globalists seeking to reduce the world’s population.

                                                                      Every single one of these doctors believe that these shots are NOT vaccines, but bioweapons designed to kill human beings.

                                                                      Whatever else you are doing when you come across this video, it is highly unlikely that anything else you do the rest of your day will be more important than watching this video so you can be informed of the evil effects of these injections that are being censored in the corporate media and Big Tech social media.

                                                                      Then share this video with as many people as you can.

                                                                      • nursing-moms-break-milk-drying-up-after-covid-injections-768x510

                                                                        Nursing Mothers Experiencing Their Milk Supply Stop After Receiving a COVID Injection

                                                                        Video commentator and producer ReallyGraceful, herself a new mother who is currently breastfeeding her baby, has just released a new video highlighting many reports from online of nursing mothers who are reporting that their breast milk is drying up after being injected with one of the experimental COVID shots.

                                                                        • Kimberly-Credit-dead-768x509

                                                                          44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot - Wanted Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot

                                                                          Dr. Kimberly Credit was the first female pastor at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Boonton Township, New Jersey. She had a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry, and she was the founder of The Preaching Lab Podcast.

                                                                          On February 10th, she was injected with the first experimental Moderna mRNA injection at a public event where she was interviewed by the New York Times and a local TV news outlet.

                                                                          She stated publicly on her Facebook Page:

                                                                          “As a leader, I want to lead by example especially for Pastors and the African American community. Got my first vaccine dose today. Thank you to Pastor Joe Carter for his leadership in pulling Black Clergy together and for allowing me to pray live for our news outlets. Thank you New York Times and Channel 2 News for interviewing me. #DoTheResearch #BeInformed #OurTrustIsInGod #WeNeedEveryoneVaccinatedToEndThis.”

                                                                          Since the second Moderna shot is given 28 days after the first one, she would have received her second injection around March 10th.

                                                                          On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, the day before she died, she posted a message on her Facebook page about listening to an online event that evening and prefaced it with this statement:

                                                                          “Listen… let me say this before I get a good and needed nap in.”

                                                                          Whether her fatigue and need for a nap was her usual Sunday routine, or because she was feeling ill, is not certain.

                                                                          She was scheduled to lead The Preaching Lab podcast that next day, and posted a reminder in the morning to join the livestream that evening.

                                                                          It was her last public post, as she died later that day, before the scheduled podcast.

                                                                          Her obituary states that she died “suddenly and without warning.”

                                                                          • molech-child-sacrifice1

                                                                            Replacing God with Medicine: 21st Century "Idolatry"

                                                                            This article was originally published on October 4, 2015, on our website.

                                                                            But it is far more relevant today, than the day it was written 6.5 years ago.

                                                                            For those of you just now waking up to the corruption and evil in the modern medical system, this article will, at the very least, show that this corruption has been around for a very long time, and that the things you are observing today, as horrific as they are, did not just happen overnight.

                                                                            The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator.

                                                                            The cure for idolatry is belief and trust in God our Creator and Redeemer.

                                                                            Faith in God our Creator and the Redeemer Jesus, is the opposite of idolatry, and recognizes that life depends on God the Creator, and that redemption, the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth, comes from a relationship with Jesus.

                                                                            • Post_Operation_Homebound_2-768x712

                                                                              LA County Sheriff Going Home to Home Forcibly Injecting Handicapped Adults and Children with COVID-19 Shots Against Their Will

                                                                              On January 7, 2021, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva put “Operation Homebound” into motion.

                                                                              It is allegedly a program designed to vaccinate “the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.”

                                                                              The program is currently on hold due to the J&J shots, the only “single dose” COVID-19 “vaccines” available, being paused by the FDA temporarily due to fatal blood clots.

                                                                              A disturbing video has surfaced of the program in action, where mentally disabled adults and children try to resist the shots, but are held down and forcibly injected anyway.

                                                                              So how is what has happened and likely to continue to happen in LA County and probably other communities around the U.S. any different than what the Nazi German doctors did during WWII by using experimental drugs on helpless people without their consent, such as those mentally challenged or handicapped?

                                                                              Those doctors were convicted for war crimes at the Nuremburg Trials, and many of them were executed.

                                                                              • EudraVigilance-4.24

                                                                                7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

                                                                                The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

                                                                                Their report through April 17, 2021 lists 7,766 deaths and 330,218 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

                                                                                COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414).
                                                                                COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH.
                                                                                COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19).
                                                                                COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S).

                                                                                This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data.

                                                                                Denmark and Norway have completely suspended use of the AstraZeneca experimental COVID-19 shots.

                                                                                A statement issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated that the AstraZeneca COVID “vaccine” is more dangerous than COVID itself, especially for young people.

                                                                                The EMA continues to recommend it. They did, however, add a safety warning to the J&J shots, due to fatal blood clots.

                                                                                • Doctors for COVID Ethics

                                                                                  Notices of Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Harms and Deaths Served on All Members of the European Parliament

                                                                                  “Doctors for COVID Ethics” issued a press release today stating that they had issued “Notices of Liability” for vaccine harms and deaths were served on all Members of the European Parliament ahead of the April 28 vote on EU vaccine passports.

                                                                                  • CDC-deaths-injuries-covid-shots-4.20-768x461

                                                                                    MASS MURDER: 3,486 DEATHS in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED

                                                                                    The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now recorded 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.

                                                                                    To get a perspective on the magnitude of deaths following COVID shots that are being reported to the CDC, there were only 3,445 deaths reported to the CDC following all vaccines from 1/1/2005 through 11/30/2020, the 15-year period prior to the FDA issuing emergency use authorizations for experimental COVID injections in December of 2020.

                                                                                    The J&J Janssen shot has the highest percentage of recorded deaths, with Moderna second.

                                                                                    The Janssen shot is currently paused by the FDA due to reports of “rare” blood clots. According to the CDC, these reports only exist with 8 people, all women.

                                                                                    However, the specific cases of blood clots is very narrowly defined by the FDA and CDC, looking only for “cerebral venous sinus thrombosis combined with thrombocytopenia.” (Blood clots in the brain combined with low blood platelets.)

                                                                                    But many other kinds of blood clots following injections have also been reported, many of them fatal, besides just “cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.”

                                                                                    If we search for deaths due to any kind of “thrombosis,” the numbers go up. Here are the search results for “death” and all cases of “thrombosis” (blood clots.)

                                                                                    • dr. mike yeadon vaccine passports

                                                                                      Dr. Michael Yeadon on Vaccine Passports: We Will be Standing at the "Gates of Hell" if Implemented, and They Will Push Us In

                                                                                      We are providing another short video clip of the interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon in the Perspectives on the Pandemic published on their YouTube channel.

                                                                                      In this video clip, Dr. Yeadon explains how universal vaccine passports do not benefit either the COVID vaccinated or unvaccinated, but only the totalitarian controllers who implement it, and that if they succeed, “we’ll not only be standing at the gates of Hell, we’ll just be given a little push and in we’ll go.”

                                                                                      After this short clip, we are republishing Makia Freeman’s excellent article from this week, “Vaccine Passports: One Passport to Rule Them All.”

                                                                                      • dr.-mike-yeadon-alone

                                                                                        How Long will Honest and Ethical Scientists and Doctors Remain Silent About Mass Murders and Population Reduction?

                                                                                        Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, Dr. Michael Yeadon, continues to grant public interviews sounding the alarm about COVID fraud and efforts to reduce the world’s population through dangerous COVID injections.

                                                                                        Yesterday, Perspectives on the Pandemic published a recent interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon on their YouTube channel.

                                                                                        Much of what Dr. Yeadon talked about can be found in the videos and articles we have already published featuring Dr. Yeadon, but one thing Dr. Yeadon shared in this interview was that even though he is one of the few scientists speaking out about the COVID lies and deception, that most of his peers in his field actually agree with him.

                                                                                        He then proceeded to explain why most of them have chosen to remain silent, as they are intimidated and fear speaking out. Dr. Yeadon talks about what it has cost him, so far, to go public with the truth and expose the lies of Big Pharma over COVID-19.

                                                                                        He has been attacked and slandered, and it has basically ruined his career as a scientist. He has nothing to gain for going public with the truth, and has actually suffered great harm for doing so.

                                                                                        Like the doctors who stood by and said nothing in Nazi Germany in WWII as human experiments were conducted on children and other patients without informed consent, one has to wonder just how long these honest and ethical doctors who are not part of the COVID scam can remain silent, as thousands are now dying from the experimental injections, and many more are casualties of bad COVID policies that have caused joblessness, suicides, mental depression, and more.

                                                                                        • COVID-natural-remedies-BANNED-768x436

                                                                                          COVID Natural Remedies BANNED as DOJ and FTC Seek to Silence Doctors Promoting Vitamin D, C, Zinc, etc.

                                                                                          When people in Europe started dying from fatal blood clots shortly after receiving experimental COVID injections last month (March, 2021), some countries began criminal investigations over the deaths, including Italy which launched a manslaughter investigation after several people died following the injections.

                                                                                          Here in the U.S., as of this week, the CDC is stating that they have received 3,486 reports of people dying following the experimental COVID injections.

                                                                                          So what is the U.S. Government’s response to all these deaths being reported? Are they investigating them to see if the pharmaceutical companies are acting criminally?

                                                                                          No, last week the Department of Justice announced that they were going to start enforcing a new bill signed into law back in December by then President Donald Trump, which makes it illegal for anyone to promote non-pharmaceutical products as treatments for COVID-19.

                                                                                          The law is called the “COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act.”

                                                                                          The name is mislabeled, however, as it does not protect consumers from dangerous products that can harm or kill them, such as the experimental COVID “vaccines,” but it protects the pharmaceutical industry instead, by eliminating free speech for non-pharmaceutical remedies for COVID-19.

                                                                                          This law really should be named the “COVID-19 Pharmaceutical Protection Act.”

                                                                                          And the first victim to suffer under this new law is a St. Louis chiropractor who was recommending Vitamin D and zinc supplements to his clients, and is now charged as a criminal.

                                                                                          Such is the state of “law” today in the U.S., where the federal criminal justice system, as well as Congress, protects criminals, the Big Pharma corporations with rap sheets longer than any Mexican drug cartel operators, and attacks law-abiding citizens for practicing their Constitutional rights, such as Freedom of Speech on alternative health remedies, which are clearly a threat to Big Pharma.

                                                                                          Otherwise, why would they be spending so much time and resources to go after alternative care practitioners, who are harming nobody, but instead are “guilty” of healing or preventing disease independent of Big Pharma drugs?

                                                                                          Nobody is dying from Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc supplements, or other natural remedies, and yet if one promotes these remedies, they are now treated as criminals.

                                                                                          • Ashley-Taylor-Gerren

                                                                                            ‘Baldwin Hills’ Star 30-Year-Old Ashley Taylor Gerren DEAD after Getting COVID Injection

                                                                                            Actress Ashley Taylor Gerren passed away in her sleep at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, her family confirmed in a statement on Monday. She was 30.

                                                                                   first reported the news of the actress’s untimely death. She was previously known as Gerren Taylor.

                                                                                            Ashley became the youngest model ever signed by the runway division of LA Models. She was also signed with the Ford Modeling Agency and was booked by the designers Tracy Reese, Tommy Hilfiger and Betsey Johnson.

                                                                                            Although no official cause of death was disclosed, Ashley’s friends on Facebook and Instagram say she recently took the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.

                                                                                            “I told you not to get that vxxxxxe ash f***,” a commenter wrote under a photo of the “Baldwin Hills” star on Monday.

                                                                                            It isn’t clear which vaccine Ashley received, but the Johnson & Johnson single injection vaccine has been blamed for multiple incidents of blood clots in the brain.

                                                                                            • emma-burkey-and-Allyson-Hendrix-brains-gone2-768x335

                                                                                              Brain Injuries and DEATH Continue to Follow J&J COVID Injections

                                                                                              Reports continue to surface regarding brain injuries and deaths following injections of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shots, currently on pause by the FDA due to reports of fatal blood clots.

                                                                                              Mary Hynes, reporting for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, reported earlier this week that an 18-year-old teen became critically ill after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 injection and has undergone three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots.

                                                                                              In North Carolina, Fox 46 is reporting that 61-year-old Darlene Blackwell has died two days after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She reportedly died from massive bleeding in her brain.

                                                                                              The CDC continues to state that these blood clots and adverse reactions to the Johnson and Johnson COVID shots are “rare,” only affecting a few people.

                                                                                              But reports like these suggest it may not be as “rare” as the CDC, Big Pharma, and the corporate media want the public to believe. They are clearly slanting their coverage as pro-vaccine pro-pharma, not wanting any negative information put forth that would hurt sales and their desire to inject the entire population.

                                                                                              The voices of dissenting scientists and doctors are being censored, and if you do not take the time to research out the opposing views on these experimental products, the decision you make could cost you your life, or the life of your family member.

                                                                                              Just the fact that two imminent scientists (and actually many dozens more just like them) are accusing governments and the pharmaceutical industry of deliberately having evil intentions to kill people and reduce the world’s population through these COVID injections, is HUGE news, whether they are correct or not!

                                                                                              But apparently these views are so dangerous to Big Pharma’s agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet, that they are not allowed.

                                                                                              And as a result, where you choose to get your information is now most definitely a life and death situation.

                                                                                              • sucharit-bhakdi-768x428

                                                                                                German Microbiologist: "They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines" to Reduce the World's Population

                                                                                                In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.

                                                                                                Starting off, he explains that the PCR test has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

                                                                                                Next, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the human body in terms and using analogies that anyone can understand.

                                                                                                Among other concerns, he expects massive deadly clotting as well as immune system responses that will destroy the human body.

                                                                                                Finally, Bhakdi, who warned of impending “doom” during a Fox News interview that went viral, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment.

                                                                                                • Woman-With-Abdominal-Pain-768x512

                                                                                                  Women Complaining of Severe Menstrual Disorders post COVID Injections - Even if They Did Not Get the Shots!

                                                                                                  Severe cramping, heavy bleeding for days on end, post-menopausal women all of a sudden menstruating again, irregular periods, and more are all being reported by women after being injected with a COVID experimental shot.

                                                                                                  But another phenomena is being reported: these symptoms are being reported among women who did NOT get the injections also, but have been around those who have.

                                                                                                  What’s going on??

                                                                                                  • Idol_Moloch-768x554

                                                                                                    Children Next to be Sacrificed to COVID-19 mRNA Injections as 12-Year-Old Girl is Paralyzed During Trials

                                                                                                    Both Moderna and Pfizer have announced recently that they are beginning trials of their COVID mRNA injections on children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years old.

                                                                                                    Moderna currently has a trial ongoing with children between the ages of 12 and 17 with about 3000 participants, and apparently one of those participants, a 12-year-old girl named “Maddie,” is now paralyzed from the waist down, and reportedly is now suffering from an inability to urinate on her own, a bowel obstruction, excruciating pain, fainting episodes and other neurological problems.

                                                                                                    Sacrificing Children for Medical Research is Evil.

                                                                                                    • Leigh-Dundas-4.21-768x439

                                                                                                      California Civil Rights Attorney Calls for Immediate Resignation of County Health Officer and School Board Superintendent for Planning to Vaccinate Children without Parental Consent

                                                                                                      California civil rights attorney Leigh Dundas is making waves again in Orange County, California, where she recently called for the resignation of Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau and Orange County Superintendent of Schools Al Mijares for allegedly meeting and discussing how to remove parental consent to experimental COVID “vaccines” for school children, and turn schools into COVID-19 “vaccination centers.”

                                                                                                      Last year, Attorney Dundas publicly criticized then Orange County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick for her policies on mandatory masks in the county, and it led to Dr. Quick’s resignation. Her replacement, Dr. Clayton Chau, is now under public scrutiny from Attorney Dundas for suggesting that children should be vaccinated with the experimental COVID shots without parental consent.

                                                                                                      Attorney Leigh Dundas expressed her displeasure at this meeting at a public forum last week, and issued strict warnings to Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau and Orange County Superintendent of Schools Al Mijares during a 3.5 minute rant.

                                                                                                      • rapper-dmx

                                                                                                        Family Member of Rapper DMX Claims COVID "Vaccine" Injection Preceded his Fatal Heart Attack - Not Drug Overdose

                                                                                                        The International Business Times, Washington News Post, and others are reporting that a family member related to Earl Simmons, the rap star known as DMX, has claimed that DMX received a COVID-19 injection prior to having a fatal heart attack, that the corporate media is blaming on a drug overdose.

                                                                                                        MTO News is apparently the one who broke the story and had the exclusive interview with the unnamed family member.

                                                                                                        “MTO News spoke with a member of the Simmons family who believes that it was NOT drugs that caused the heart attack.

                                                                                                        In an EXCLUSIVE interview, MTO News spoke with DMX’ family member who told us that the rapper received the COVID vaccine about a week before he suffered from the heart attack.

                                                                                                        She told MTO News that she – and the family – are considering taking legal action against news publications prematurely concluding that DMX  suffered a drug overdose.

                                                                                                        But what is clear – according to the family member – is that DMX did take the Covid vaccine.”

                                                                                                        • Portrait Of A Cute Little Hispanic Baby Smiling.

                                                                                                          Land of Opportunity? Many Pregnant Women Now Crossing the Border into the U.S. to Sell Their Babies

                                                                                                          Owen Shroyer documents in this video how dozens of pregnant illegal immigrants in downtown McAllen, Texas are being caravanned to the corrupt and complicit Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charity in the dark of night to avoid being caught for their criminal activity.

                                                                                                          As we have reported many times here at Health Impact News, and especially on our website, the buying and selling of babies and children is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world.

                                                                                                          These pregnant mothers were obviously offered a large sum of money to bring their child to full term and sell them in the U.S., the #1 destination for child trafficking in the world.

                                                                                                          Many of them were probably also enticed with stories about how their child will grow up in a rich home in the U.S. and have full U.S. citizenship for being born in the U.S.

                                                                                                          Some are giving up their babies through coercion and force, because their “handlers” struck a deal with someone who has control over the mother.

                                                                                                          But one thing is certain: once their child is born and processed into the U.S. Child Welfare system, they will have NO control over what happens to their baby. That decision will be made by others, and the baby will be placed wherever the money trail leads.

                                                                                                          Some may actually be adopted out to rich people who can afford them, primarily adults who are infertile and cannot conceive their own children, including homosexual couples.

                                                                                                          These children will be the most fortunate ones, if they actually end up with a family who wants to have children only because they cannot have their own biological children.

                                                                                                          But the vast majority will be used for sexual trafficking, pornographic videos, or worse.

                                                                                                          Some will be used for drug research, such as the booming market for “young blood” and drugs derived from the blood “harvested” from babies and young children.

                                                                                                          Others will be murdered for body parts, either while they are still in their mother’s womb, or in the early years after they are born.

                                                                                                          And this includes the manufacturing of vaccines.

                                                                                                          • Rachel-McKinney

                                                                                                            35-Year-Old Nurse and Mother of 2 DEAD Following Pfizer Experimental COVID Injections in UK

                                                                                                            The UK Press is reporting that a 35-Year-Old nurse who was “fit and healthy” has died, alone, after receiving both Pfizer experimental COVID shots.

                                                                                                            She leaves behind her husband and two young boys.

                                                                                                            • UK-COVID-Vaccine-Adverse-Reactions-Report-4.15.21jpg-768x395

                                                                                                              847 Deaths 626,087 Injuries Recorded in the UK During 4 Months of Experimental COVID "Vaccines"

                                                                                                              The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report today, April 15, 2021.

                                                                                                              The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through April 9, 2021, for the two experimental COVID vaccines currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

                                                                                                              They report a total of 847 deaths and 626,087 injuries recorded following the experimental vaccines.

                                                                                                              521 of the 847 deaths followed AstraZeneca COVID injections, and 492,105 of the 626,087 injuries followed AstraZeneca COVID injections.

                                                                                                              Two countries, Norway and Denmark, have now completely halted injections of COVID shots by AstraZeneca, with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stating that the AstraZeneca experimental shots are associated with a higher risk of injury and death than the COVID-19 virus.

                                                                                                              Other European countries have also temporarily halted the AstraZeneca shots while they review safety data, but the UK has never halted injecting people with the shot causing fatal blood clots, and the reported events of death and injuries following AstraZeneca shots in the UK seem to suggest perhaps they should have halted it by now.

                                                                                                              • eudravigilance-4.10JPG-768x578

                                                                                                                6,662 DEAD 299,065 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

                                                                                                                The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

                                                                                                                Their report through April 10, 2021 lists 6,662 deaths and 299,065 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

                                                                                                                COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414).
                                                                                                                COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH.
                                                                                                                COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19).
                                                                                                                COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S).

                                                                                                                This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and anyone can use the EudraVigilance system and verify this data.

                                                                                                                These are some serious numbers, and yet we do not know of a single news organization, either corporate media or alternative media, who has published anything on this besides Health Impact News.

                                                                                                                Please share this information far and wide, and feel free to copy and republish everything in this report.

                                                                                                                • Rochelle-Walensky-shut-down-768x448

                                                                                                                  CDC Admits 5,800 FULLY VACCINATED People Became Infected with COVID-19 and 74 Died

                                                                                                                  In a clear example showing how the CDC and Big Pharma control the corporate media, the CDC today apparently sent out emails to the major corporate media outlets allegedly explaining that about 5,800 fully vaccinated people have still come down with COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated, and 74 people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have allegedly died from COVID-19.

                                                                                                                  In typical fashion of how the CDC operates, they attempted to spin these numbers as something positive, by stating how many people have now been “vaccinated” against COVID, and that one’s chance of getting COVID is significantly reduced if you receive the injection.

                                                                                                                  As I saw this statement start appearing everywhere in social media, I tried to find the source for this alleged CDC information, but all I could find were various corporate media outlets stating that the CDC had told them this directly. Apparently this is not on the CDC website anywhere.

                                                                                                                  And as is usual with the Pharma-funded corporate media, there was no investigative reporting done to challenge or even question the data that the CDC was providing.

                                                                                                                  So let me do that. (The CDC did not send me a copy of the letter for some reason.)

                                                                                                                  • Professor-Pal-Andre-Holme-Norway-Bans-AstraZeneca-COVID-Shot-768x560

                                                                                                                    Norway Stops Experimental AstraZeneca COVID Shots: "Higher Risk Associated with AstraZeneca Vaccine than from COVID-19 Disease"

                                                                                                                    Norway became the second country today to halt injections of the experimental AstraZeneca COVID shots, joining Denmark.

                                                                                                                    A statement issued by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health stated what many of us in the Alternative Media have been stating for months now: The COVID “vaccine” is more dangerous than COVID itself, especially for young people.

                                                                                                                    The world owes gratitude to Norwegian Medical Professor Pål Andre Holme.

                                                                                                                    Norwegian physician and professor of medicine at Oslo University Hospital, Pål Andre Holme, is the courageous doctor who told the world last month that the AstraZeneca COVID shots were causing fatal blood clots, and that young people were dying needlessly.

                                                                                                                    His work and his willingness to call out Big Pharma is what has probably led to Norway and Denmark halting these experimental injections, stating that the injections pose a greater risk for young people than the COVID virus, and his work I am sure paved the way for researchers to look at similar results with the Johnson and Johnson experimental injections.

                                                                                                                    • John-Francis-Foley-DEAD-768x471

                                                                                                                      21-Year-Old University of Cincinnati Student DEAD 24 Hours after Johnson & Johnson COVID Injection

                                                                                                                      The experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID shot has been halted by the FDA and CDC here in the United States, reportedly because “rare” blood clots were seen in six women following injections, resulting in one death.

                                                                                                                      However, reports coming in now show the problem is probably much more widespread than what the FDA and CDC are reporting.

                                                                                                                      As we reported yesterday, WLOX out of St. Martin, Mississippi, reported on a “young and healthy” father of 7 in Mississippi who suffered a stroke and is paralyzed and in the hospital in critical condition following an injection of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shot.

                                                                                                                      Today, The COVID Blog is reporting the death of a young 21-year-old University of Cincinnati pre-med student who has died within 24 hours of receiving the Johnson and Johnson COVID injection.

                                                                                                                      • Brad-Malagarie-and-family-768x476

                                                                                                                        Healthy 43-Year-Old Father of 7 Suffers Stroke and is Paralyzed after Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

                                                                                                                        A “young and healthy” father of 7 in Mississippi has suffered a stroke and is paralyzed and in the hospital in critical condition following an injection of the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shot.

                                                                                                                        His family is devastated, and is just praying that he can learn how to talk again. They are grateful that the FDA has halted the use of this experimental COVID injection.

                                                                                                                        Local news WLOX out of St. Martin reports on this story.

                                                                                                                        • Denmark-permanently-halts-AstraZeneca-Shots-700x441

                                                                                                                          The End of the Experimental Adenovirus COVID Shots? Denmark Permanently Halts AstraZeneca COVID Shots

                                                                                                                          Earlier today Denmark became the first country to permanently ban the AstraZeneca experimental COVID adenovirus injections that have been linked to fatal blood clots.

                                                                                                                          In another announcement out of Europe earlier today, the European Union (EU) Commission announced that they had decided not to renew Covid-19 vaccine contracts next year with both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, the two pharmaceutical companies currently supplying COVID adenovirus “viral vector” vaccines.

                                                                                                                          Could this be primarily a decision based on financial profits and behind-the-scene politics among the worlds’ largest pharmaceutical companies vying for position in the new, lucrative COVID “vaccine” market? It would appear that the push is now going to be for the mRNA type of COVID injections.