March 16, 2025
  • piers-corbyn-768x408

    Astrophysicist Weather Expert: Climate is Always Changing and Has Nothing to do with Man - Climate "Scientists" are on "Gravy Train" to Secure Funds

    Astrophysicist and meteorologist weather expert Piers Corbyn was recently interviewed by a reporter in’s Moscow studio about the unusually hot weather seen in many parts of the world this year, with the reporter stating the standard corporate media line that this is a clear example of “climate change.”

    But Piers Corbyn replied:

    “Well climate has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man.”

    Corbyn is the founder of “Weather Action” and he began to explain that they predicted that there would be extreme heat in Eastern Europe in Russia this summer before it even happened, and that these weather patterns are caused by “a certain circulation pattern”, and not CO2, but a combination of solar activity and the phases of the moon.

    The reporter in Moscow then interrupts him with elevated voice and says:

    “Excuse me, just a minute! You say this isn’t caused by man, how come they are reporting this heat wave is recognized as the worst in a thousand years in recorded history in Russia?!

    And for sure, man has something to do with it, hasn’t he?”

    Corbyn replies calmly, “No.”

    “Man has nothing to do with it. The only connection is that man is here at the same time as the sun and the moon are doing things.”

    He then goes on to explain that a very similar situation happened about 132 years ago. He states that those who claim otherwise are simply trying to make money off of the Climate Change narrative.

    Piers Corbyn apparently often goes against the “science” dictators, as his Wikipedia page states:

    “Piers Richard Corbyn (born 10 March 1947) is an English weather forecaster, businessman, anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist.”

    He didn’t accept (gasp!) the official narrative on COVID.

    • steel-plant-768x512

      European Metal Producers Warn that Industry Collapse is Imminent Due to Energy Costs as Many Plants Shut Down

      “We call on European and national leaders to look at all available options for safeguarding our companies and their future.”

      That is the desperate plea from 40 CEOs representing Europe’s largest non-ferrous metals producers, who are urging emergency EU action to prevent permanent deindustrialisation from spiralling electricity and gas prices.

      Critically they warn that “50% of the EU’s aluminium and zinc capacity has already been forced offline due to the power crisis.”

      The world’s largest steelmaker, ArcelorMittal, released a statement Friday about shutting down two plants and idling one. 

      Europe’s top steelmaker said two plants in Germany (one in Bremen and the other in Hamburg) would be partially closed at the end of September. A plant in Asturias, Spain, will also be idled. 

      ArcelorMittal blamed the coming smelter shutdowns on “the exorbitant rise in energy prices,” which is devastatingly impacting the company’s “competitiveness of steel production.”

      • Excess-deaths-age-25-to-44-768x649

        61,000 Millennials Aged 25 to 44 Died in 2021 After COVID Vaccine Mandates - 84% Increase in Mortality Rate

        Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for BlackRock and the author of the upcoming book “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022,” has been analyzing data related to all-cause mortality since March 2021.

        Dowd is familiar with predicting trends and observing patterns, and became interested in studying CDC data after he heard many anecdotal accounts of vaccine injury. He found a monumental spike in sudden deaths occurring in the fall of 2021 to early 2022 in the working age cohort, which corresponded to the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates for federal and corporate employees.

        “The age cohort from 25 to 44, which we call the millennials, experienced an 84 percent rise of excess mortality into the fall of 2021—August, September, October—and the rate of change was just dramatic,” Dowd told EpochTV’s American Thought Leaders program during an interview that premiered Sept. 6. That “represented about 61,000 Americans who perished from March 2021 to February 2022.”

        • gas_prices-wire

          Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism

          Remember the quaint old days of 2019? We were told the US economy was in great shape. Inflation was low, jobs were plentiful, GDP was growing. And frankly, if covid had not come along, there is a pretty good chance Donald Trump would have been reelected.

          At an event in 2019, my friend and economist Dr. Bob Murphy said something very interesting about the political schism in this country. He said: If you think America is divided now, what would things look like if the economy was terrible, if we had another crash like 2008?

          Well, we might not have to imagine such a scenario much longer.

          If you think Americans are divided today, and at each other’s throats—metaphorically, but more and more literally—imagine if they were cold and hungry!

          Imagine if we had to live through something like Weimer Germany, Argentina in the 1980s, Zimbabwe in the 2000s, or Venezuela and Turkey today? What would our political and social divisions look like then?

          Ladies and gentlemen, we live under the tyranny of inflationism. It terrorizes us, either softly or loudly. I suspect it will get a lot louder soon.

          • henk-staghouwer-dutch-farmers-claimte-agenda-768x420

            Dutch Farmer's Protests Lead to Agriculture Minister of Climate Change's Resignation

            The Netherlands’ agricultural minister Henk Staghouwer has been forced to resign following widespread protests from Dutch farmers over his radical climate agenda that seeks to destroy their livelihoods.

            Staghouwer was leading the Dutch agriculture ministry’s climate policy that involved confiscating farms in a forced government buy-out scheme.

            In the wake of the huge protests from farmers, Staghouwer has now been forced to step down.

            He told the Dutch cabinet that pushback from farmers had meant he would not be able to meet a September deadline for rolling out the government’s radical green policy, the AP reported.

            The climate agenda involves cutting nitrogen emissions from the nation’s farming sector to the point where it made it impossible for farms to continue operating.

            The initiative includes a $24.2 billion scheme to buy out local farmers and facilitate the transition away from intensive farming practices.

            The push provoked mass demonstrations by farmers across the continent.

            “Farmers and fishermen need certainty,” Staghouwer said in a statement to his ministry Monday evening, NL Times reported.

            The farming sector faced a massive upheaval due to emissions reduction goals, he added.

            In July, over 40,000 farmers took to the streets in protest of the policy, blocking roads with tractors and defacing government officials’ homes.

            Sympathizers elsewhere in Europe staged protests in solidarity with the Dutch farmers, arguing that such a policy is counterproductive amid highly elevated inflation levels and food shortages.

            • untested-covid-booster-shots

              Criminal FDA and CDC Ignore Law and Approve New COVID Vaccine Boosters with ZERO Testing on Humans

              The U.S. Government, via their alphabet “health” agencies the FDA and CDC, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, has done something this month (September, 2022) that has never been done before in the history of this country, and that is to authorize an untested vaccine into the American public, completely ignoring existing laws that prevent them from doing such a heinous criminal act, in order to use the American public as lab rats for a new version of the COVID vaccines.

              Dr. Meryl Nass has written the best summary of these crimes against humanity, and I am republishing it here.

              This is, first and foremost, a Spiritual War between Satan and his minions, and God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

              As I have previously written numerous times, vaccine products are the most evil products ever developed by the pharmaceutical cartels. They are the only products that are produced NOT to treat diseases, but are patterned after the insurance industry model of trying to sell you something to protect you against something bad that MIGHT happen to you in the future.

              Therefore, if you come down with something like the measles, you do not get a vaccine to treat your measles. If you get hepatitis, you do not get a vaccine to treat your hepatitis.

              You get vaccines in the hope that the promises of the pharmaceutical drug peddlers are true, that you will not get those diseases if you take their toxic vaccines, which they admit and the Supreme Court has affirmed, are “unavoidably unsafe,” because all vaccines have dangerous side effects and risks – this is not even a truth that is in dispute.

              As we have documented these past two years, the rushed-to-market COVID vaccines that were given emergency use have resulted in more deaths and injuries than all other vaccines combined that were introduced into the market for the past 30+ years.

              They are evil. They are a mockery to God our Creator, who has promised to protect and heal those who trust and and have faith in him. A person who takes a vaccine based on the false promises of the criminal pharmaceutical companies, are basically denying their faith in God and his promise to take care of them, and doing the exact opposite: acting in FEAR, being afraid that they will “catch” some deadly disease that God cannot protect them from or heal them from.

              This mockery of God and his promises by promoting vaccines was demonstrated publicly yesterday, by the White House’s COVID advisor Dr. Ashish Jha, who said:

              “I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot!”

              The White House has ordered 171 million doses of these new, illegal and untested COVID booster shots, 105 million doses from Pfizer and 66 million doses from Moderna. That is enough to inject into half of the American population.

              Will you trust your government and the promises of the pharmaceutical industry, or will you say “no thanks, I would rather trust God and put my life in his hands”?

              • saks-5th-avenue-boarded-up-768x397

                Why America's Major Cities are Doomed to Collapse

                Any city whose lifeblood ultimately depends on hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization will no longer be viable. Non-viability of the globalized, financialized urban model is currently considered “impossible.”

                • sudden-death-young-healthy-adults-768x564

                  SADS: "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates

                  The sheer number of young, healthy adults dying “suddenly” has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages between 18-years-old and 65.

                  The correlation between these “sudden deaths” and the roll out of the COVID vaccines is indisputable, but because “correlation does not equal causation,” the corporate media and the government health agencies continue to deny that the vaccines are at fault.

                  Finding no other possible cause for these record number of deaths among young and healthy people, they simply lump them altogether under the category of SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

                  But these stories are becoming so frequent now, that hopefully the blind and dumb-downed population who believed the lie are starting to wake up.

                  I am republishing some of these stories in this article, and while some of those who died are known to have received a COVID vaccine, some of the other ones do not publicly reveal that information.

                  But they are all members of institutions that mandated the COVID shots. Some are students and employees at Indiana University, and some are medical professionals who worked at facilities where the shots were mandated.

                  This must be one of the most evil periods of human history, where so many people in position of authority in either government positions, or as heads of institutions, are guilty of mass-murder, and as of yet none of them have faced justice.

                  How far does this guilt go, in participating in the genocide of an entire generation?

                  How about you? Are you also guilty?

                  If you answer with a resounding: “No way! I do not support the COVID vaccines!” – then I need to ask you a question.

                  Do you own stocks in mutual funds? Is your retirement fund invested in stocks and mutual funds?

                  Because if so, it is very likely that whoever manages your portfolio is invested in pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and others, as Big Pharma is the “best place to put your money” right now if one wants to maximize their profits.

                  That means you also share some of the guilt, even if you are not aware of where your funds are invested. Legally, you are a part owner in these companies who produced these deadly bio-weapons that are literally killing millions of people.

                  • children-dead-covid-vaccines

                    Following the Science? – 159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

                    The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives.

                    • UK-factory

                      60% of British Factories at Risk of Going Under as Energy Bills Soar

                      Soaring energy bills are threatening to put six in 10 British manufacturers out of business, according to a survey that lays bare the extent of the crisis facing the next prime minister.

                      MakeUK, the lobby group for UK factories, said that nearly half of manufacturers have experienced a jump in electricity bills of more than 100% in the past year.

                      “The current crisis is leaving businesses facing a stark choice,” the report said. “Cut production or shut up shop altogether if help does not come soon.”

                      • trump-father-vaccine-300x255

                        Donald Trump: "I am the Father of the COVID Vaccine - Get Those Shots Everyone!"

                        Alex Jones recently issued an ultimatum to Donald Trump to come forward and admit that he was “fooled” by those who helped him develop and roll out the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

                        It is widely believed by some that Trump would not have won the 2016 election without the support of Alex Jones and his massive audience.

                        In a recent broadcast by Alex Jones on, Alex Jones revealed what Trump’s answer to him was, basically saying that Trump was not backing down from his position on the COVID vaccines, but was proud of his accomplishments, and took full credit for them.

                        Alex Jones stated that he still supported Donald Trump on many issues, but would not support candidates who continue participating in promoting the COVID-19 vaccines that are killing children.

                        I am embedding a video of Alex Jones’s comments in this article.

                        I am also embedding a video of David Knight, who was fired by Alex Jones and had his show on canceled in December of 2020, because of his comments against Trump’s actions during the COVID Plandemic, and in particular promoting the deadly COVID-19 shots.

                        These are videos of two men who both believe the COVID-19 vaccines are evil, but that’s where their similarities end. I encourage everyone to watch both clips. My comments on this situation follow these two clips.

                        • Home-based-covid-treatments

                          Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment

                          Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.

                          They offer a free patient guide on early treatments, and a list of physicians who provide early treatments for COVID through private medicine.

                          • nord-stream-1

                            Darker and Colder: Europeans Warned of ‘Unprecedented’ Power Failures This Winter as Russia Cuts Off Natural Gas Pipeline

                            Europeans are being warned of ‘unprecedented’ power failures this winter as the energy crisis brings a foreseeable future that will be colder and darker.

                            “There is an increased risk of a lack of power this winter,” Klaus Winther, deputy director at Energinet, the Danish national transmission system operator for electricity and natural gas, told TV2.

                            After a 3-day halt, Russian energy giant Gazprom was expected to resume critical supplies of nat gas to Europe via Nord Stream 1 tomorrow, but it appears that Putin who is enjoying the game of cat and mouse a little too much, had other plans and as a result, Russian gas flows toward Europe won’t be coming back any time soon, as moments ago Gazprom announced that it had “completely halted” transport of gas to Nord Stream until a previously undetected oil leakage is rectified.

                            That could takes hours, days… or months.

                            The “shocking development” is a massive blow to Europe, which is scrambling to fill up its gas storage ahead of winter and which has been trying to guess Moscow’s next steps in the energy war for weeks.

                            As Bloomberg puts it, “it marks a dramatic escalation in Europe’s energy crisis — and comes just as prices were easing. If the shutdown persists, it puts households, factories and economies at risk, weakening Europe’s hand as it backs Ukraine in the war against Russia.”

                            Said otherwise, millions of virtue signalers will be cold, hungry and in the dark this winter but at least they will have an Ukraine flag in their twitter bio.

                            • security-agencies-social-media-shadow-government-768x473

                              America's Secret Government by Proxy

                              Security state agencies must justify their existence.

                              There are 1,271 counterterrorist, homeland security, and intelligence organizations; 1,931 private sector analogues; 10,000 locations of these organizations; and ~854,000 people with top-secret security clearances as of 2010.

                              To make matters worse, the line between private and public is obscure in this industry.

                              Naturally, the need to justify the existence of government—propaganda—evolves into techniques to disseminate that propaganda in addition to censoring opposition to it. Therefore, a proxy government is established—a front for the actual government to do what it wants to do but otherwise cannot.

                              The US government has incentivized a group of organizations to do just that. “Big tech censorship” and other control measures were not the result of free-market phenomena.

                              The think tanks that refer to themselves as “counter-violent extremists” (CVEs) are America’s proxy government responsible for censoring, shadow banning, ad feed tampering, search result manipulation, and “racism/extremism” deception.

                              • an-inconvenient-truth

                                Pediatric Cardiologist: COVID Vaccines are Damaging the Hearts of Children and Young People

                                Kirk Milhoan is a pediatrician and board certified pediatric cardiologist for over 20 years. He has a PhD in cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology. His dissertation from the University of California in San Diego looked at the patho-physiology of the inflammation associated with myocardial ischemia.

                                You would be hard-pressed to find someone more credentialed and experienced in heart disease in children and young people than Dr. Milhoan, who has just given, by far, the best presentation on how the COVID vaccines and spike protein are affecting the hearts of these young people, based on numerous studies now conducted and published all over the world.

                                This is a MUST VIEW video! It is, by far, the best presentation on this issue I have seen so far, because he brings in the data from all the recent studies conducted around the world on the effects of the COVID vaccines on hearts.

                                And the verdict is in: COVID vaccines are cardio-toxic! They have caused more cases of myocarditis and pericarditis that all previous vaccines COMBINED!

                                • kleptocracy

                                  The American Kleptocracy: A Government Of Liars, Thieves, & Lawbreakers

                                  The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) continues to suck the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere.

                                  Think about it.

                                  Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.

                                  Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.

                                  In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.

                                  Who is the biggest black market buyer and stockpiler of cyberweapons (weaponized malware that can be used to hack into computer systems, spy on citizens, and destabilize vast computer networks)? The U.S. government.

                                  Who is the largest weapons manufacturer and exporter in the world, such that they are literally arming the world? The U.S. government.

                                  Which country has a history of secretly testing out dangerous weapons and technologies on its own citizens? The U.S. government.

                                  Which country has conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins? The U.S. government.

                                  What country has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting? The U.S. government.

                                  Are you getting the picture yet?

                                  The U.S. government isn’t protecting us from terrorism.

                                  The U.S. government is creating the terror. It is, in fact, the source of the terror.

                                  • LU5ZKVOD5JDXJCAVFEKBMXWRG4

                                    Thousands of Businesses Closing in Europe Due to High Energy Bills That Make it No Longer Possible to Stay Open

                                    Over the past week, shocked Europeans – mostly in the UK and Ireland – have been posting viral photos of shockingly high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis.

                                    Several of the posts were from small business owners who getting absolutely crushed right now, and won’t be able to remain operational much longer.

                                    As the Irish Times reports, “The cost of electricity to the Poppyfields cafe for 73 days from early June until the end of August came in at €9,024.70 an increase of 250 per cent in just 12 months. There doesn’t include the €812.22 in VAT, which brought her total bill to €9,836.92.”

                                    “How in the name of God is this possible,” tweeted cafe owner Dolan.

                                    Europe is facing economic devastation and depression at a scale that will make 2008 seems like a walk in the park.

                                    As the FT reports, German manufacturers are halting production in response to the surge in energy prices, a trend the government has described as “alarming”. German economy minister Robert Habeck said industry had worked hard to reduce its gas consumption in recent months, partly by switching to alternative fuels like oil, making its processes more efficient and reducing output. But he amusingly clarified, some companies had also “stopped production altogether” — a development he said was “alarming”.

                                    “It’s not good news,” he said, “because it can mean that the industries in question aren’t just being restructured but are experiencing a rupture — a structural rupture, one that is happening under enormous pressure.”

                                    • TFTP-doctors-free-speech

                                      New Law Punishes Doctors Who Challenge the Established Narrative on COVID-19

                                      As The Free Thought Project (TFTP) has reported, Sen. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, who has sponsored a slew of mandatory vaccine laws throughout his career came out in 2019 to threaten the speech of those who question forced vaccination. Throughout the pandemic, Pan has been staunchly opposed to free speech and advocated for silencing anyone and everyone who doesn’t worship at the alter of Big Pharma and TheScience(TM).

                                      Now, with the passage of Assembly Bill 2098, this tyrannical state senator has finally gotten his way and even doctors who question the safety of a product from a company with a known history of criminal behavior — will be punished by the state for doing so.

                                      TFTP predicted this was coming after a letter Pan wrote to the Attorney General of the United States, claiming that the “deliberate spread of vaccine information discouraging vaccination” requires the surgeon general to “stop this attack on our nation’s health by addressing the spread of vaccine misinformation.”

                                      He literally advocated for people to be jailed for questioning vaccines — and now he’s gone even further.

                                      • mrna-on-ovaries-and-testes

                                        Studies Show Fertility Rates Plummet Worldwide Following COVID-19 Vaccines

                                        A presentation recently made by Dr. Christof Plothe, a German Doctor of Osteopathy who is also a member of the World Council for Health, reveals the most startling evidence yet that COVID vaccines are causing massive cases of infertility, not just among women, but men also.

                                        Combined with the record volume of deaths and disabilities among the COVID-19 vaccinated, the future implications of what this vaccine has done to the human population and labor pool, is almost unfathomable.

                                        This information is NOT being reported in the corporate media, and to reference it is to be labeled as someone providing “disinformation” by most.

                                        The presentation was made on the Iron Will Report. I have embedded the video in the article, and included show notes.

                                        • crisisfood

                                          The Coming Food Crisis is Being Engineered by the United Nations

                                          The folks over at the UN stopped destroying the world for a brief few minutes to publish a piece justifying their behavior and explaining the “benefits” of the famine they’ve engineered.

                                          Not making this up.

                                          The article remained on the UN website for a day or so before being deleted after it went viral on social media, with people horrified at the truly unbelievable evil. The good thing about this is that as they continue with their predictive programming and NLP (seriously, look into both and it promises to blow your mind), more and more people wake from their trance. Once woken, they realize the incredible danger they are all in. And that is a good thing because you can’t fight an enemy until you understand one exists.

                                          The “great reset” requires a populace beholden to the government and nobody else. As the central planners pursue their agenda of getting there, this is bound to be fraught with an awakening and a lot of angst.

                                          • Pfizer-CEO-Bourla

                                            Attorney: Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower False Claims Suit Payout could Reach $3.3 trillion "It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer,”

                                            Pfizer cannot use the government as a shield from liability for making false claims about its COVID-19 vaccine, lawyers for a whistleblower argued in response to Pfizer’s motion to dismiss a False Claims Act lawsuit.

                                            “Respondents claim fraudulent certifications, false statements, doctored data, contaminated clinical trials, and firing of whistleblowers can be ignored based on the theory that they contracted their way around the fraud,” lawyers for Brook Jackson, who worked as regional director at one of the clinical trials used to develop the Pfizer vaccine, wrote in their Aug. 22 response.

                                            “A drug company cannot induce the taxpayers to pay billions of dollars for a product,” they countered, “that honest data would show poses more risks than benefits, and that ignores the actual contract and the law itself.”

                                            Jackson’s lawsuit alleges that Pfizer and two of its subcontractors violated the False Claims Act by providing bogus clinical trial results to garner the FDA approval of its COVID-19 vaccine.

                                            Under federal law, individuals can sue on behalf of the government and win treble damages if they can prove an individual or company deliberately lied to the government.

                                            One of Jackson’s attorneys, Warner Mendenhall, told The Epoch Times that the payout could be as much as $3.3 trillion.

                                            “It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer,” Mendenhall said.

                                            • winter-blizzard-night

                                              Winter from Hell: Europe About to Descend into Chaos as Millions Could Die

                                              Winter is about to descend on Europe, and due to energy shortages and resulting food shortages as well, millions of people’s lives are at stake.

                                              I have often been accused in the past of using “hyperbole” or “exaggeration” in my headlines to promote fear.

                                              But I disagree. I have no editors, bosses, supporters, funders, or anyone else who holds leverage over me as a publisher, and I seek to publish the truth that is often not published elsewhere.

                                              I have had other publishers in the Alternative Media email me from time to time and write things like: “Hey, that was a great article you wrote, but can you change the headline so we can publish it on our site also?”

                                              No. I will not be censored, at least not willingly. I have had judges, district attorneys and other attorneys, including some of the top law firms in the United States, threaten me if I did not take down certain articles, and I have never once complied, ever.

                                              And I am still publishing today. That’s the way it works when Satan’s minions have no leverage over you, as not even the threat of death would sway me, as I welcome the day I leave this body and sin-cursed world and join my Savior in the Kingdom of God.

                                              If someone were to offer me a choice today, to either continue working and doing the things I am doing in running my two businesses, or to die and exit this life, I would gladly choose to leave this world right now, today, and avoid what is coming down the road.

                                              But that is not my choice to make. It is God’s.

                                              So is Europe about to descend into chaos where potentially millions will die this winter?

                                              For the rest of this article I am going to publish recent news excerpts from other publishers, who may not be bold enough to write a headline like I did for this article, but you decide for yourself if this is hyperbole or not.

                                              • dsm-chemical-imbalance-scaled-1-768x576

                                                With The Chemical Imbalance Myth Exposed, That’s Not All Psychiatry Got Wrong

                                                Today, CCHR released its latest figures of global drug regulatory agency warnings about psychotropic drug risks, reporting a 34% increase in cautions about violence-related side effects and a 27% increase in self-harm and suicidal effects since June 2017.

                                                These figures raise questions about whether the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry has been misleading consumers for the past 30 years about the potential violence- and suicide-inducing effects of psychotropic drugs, in the same way patients were deceived into believing that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes mental disorders, requiring the drugs to correct it.

                                                University College London (UCL) researchers recently disproved the decades-old theory that a brain-based chemical abnormality causes depression. Since the early 1990s, the industry has propagated this fabricated theory, while also denying the drugs used to “treat” it can induce violent and suicidal behavior.

                                                The official warnings have been issued by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its counterparts in countries that include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, European Union, New Zealand, and United Kingdom.  

                                                Since June 2017, there was also a 112% increase in warnings about psychotropic drugs linked to addiction or withdrawal, a 32.5% in emotional problem warnings and a 19% rise in death or increased risk of death.

                                                • United-States-of-Pysch-Drugs-3

                                                  The Marketing of "Mental Health" - People who Admit to Having "Mental Health Issues" now Considered Heroes

                                                  Society is now celebrating people who say they have mental health issues.

                                                  Athletes who “come forward” with their confessions are heroes.

                                                  So let me be clear. “Mental health issues” is a PRODUCT. It’s being sold like SUVs, cereal, beer, skin care lotions.

                                                  And just to give you an idea of how successful the sales campaign is, here is a staggering quote from NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about a large survey of college students:

                                                  “The researchers also found that students are more willing to use university mental health services…By 2015, nearly 20 percent of those surveyed said they used these services…Moreover, nearly 75 percent said they would consider using university mental health services…”

                                                  These services are a gateway, a funnel into the diagnosis of a mental disorder…and then the prescription of drugs.

                                                  The drugs are the bottom line, the moneymaker.

                                                  The drugs CAUSE very real mental problems. There is no doubt that some of the people confessing their mental health issues these days are really talking about the effects of the drugs; but they don’t know it.

                                                  • National-Resilience-768x450

                                                    RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

                                                    Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence.

                                                    National Resilience was founded relatively recently, in November 2020, and describes itself as “a manufacturing and technology company dedicated to broadening access to complex medicines and protecting biopharmaceutical supply chains against disruption.” 

                                                    Resilience was co-founded by Biotech venture capitalist Robert Nelsen. Nelsen was one of the earliest investors in Illumina, a California-based gene-sequencing hardware and software giant that is believed to currently dominate the field of genomics.

                                                    As mentioned in a previous Unlimited Hangout investigation, Illumina is closely tied to the DARPA-equivalent of the Wellcome Trust known as Wellcome Leap, which is also focused on “futuristic” and transhumanist “medicines.” Nelsen is now chairman of National Resilience’s board, which is a “Who’s Who” of big players from the US National Security State, Big Pharma and Pharma-related “philanthropy.”

                                                    Another notable board member, in discussing Resilience’s intelligence ties, is Drew Oetting. Oetting works for Cerberus Capital Management, the firm headed by Steve Feinberg who previously led the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board under the Trump administration. 

                                                    Cerberus is notably the parent company of DynCorp, a controversial US national security contractor tied to numerous scandals, including scandals related to sex trafficking in conflict zones. Oetting is also part of the CIA-linked Thorn NGO ostensibly focused on tackling child trafficking that was the subject of a previous Unlimited Hangout investigation.

                                                    In addition to these intelligence-linked individuals, the rest of Resilience’s board includes the former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Susan Desmond-Hellmann; former FDA Commissioner and Pfizer board member, Scott Gottlieb; two former executives at Johnson & Johnson; former president and CEO of Teva Pharmaceuticals North American branch, George Barrett; CalTech professor and board member of Alphabet (i.e. Google) and Illumina, Frances Arnold; former executive at Genentech and Merck, Patrick Yang; and Resilience CEO Rahul Singhvi.

                                                    • Dr.-Ryan-Buyting

                                                      7th Formerly Healthy Young Canadian Doctor to Die Within a 2-Week Period: 26-Year-Old Neurosurgeon

                                                      The top-read article on Health Impact News every day for the past 18 days, is the article about 6 Canadian doctors, all young and healthy, who died within a 2-week period, and coincides with at least one major Canadian hospital that mandated a 4th COVID booster vaccine for their employees.

                                                      Jim Hoft, from Gateway Pundit, has now published the news about a 7th doctor death within that 2-week time frame, 26-year-old Dr. Ryan Buyting, a neurosurgery resident at Alberta Health Services (AHS).

                                                      Again, as with the other deaths of previously young and healthy doctors, no link to the COVID-19 vaccine was mentioned by the media, but Canadian medical schools reportedly require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated.

                                                      Dr. William Makis MD, cancer researcher at the University of Alberta and Nuclear Medicine Physician employed at the Cross Cancer Institute (CCI) by Alberta Health Services (AHS) said that Canadian medical schools require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated.

                                                      “I’ve just been informed that Dr. Ryan Buyting, age 26, who was a promising medical student from Dalhousie and had just started Neurosurgery residency at Alberta Health Services in Edmonton, Alberta, has “died suddenly,” he wrote.

                                                      “Canadian medical schools require ALL medical students and residents to be fully vaccinated (triple vaccinated) to be able to continue their education. I’ve stated before that those responsible (including Deans of Faculty of Medicine) should face criminal charges and long prison sentences,” he added.

                                                      • Lives-destroyed-from-COVID-Vaccines

                                                        White House Orders 171 Million Doses of "New" Boosters for the Pro-Vaxxers Still Alive as COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dwindles

                                                        The pharma-funded corporate media announced yesterday that the White House has ordered 171 million “new” doses of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots that should be available for the COVID-19 pro-vaccine members of the American public soon who are still alive after receiving previous COVID-19 shots.

                                                        The problem is that those who want COVID-19 vaccines are a dwindling market, partly because millions of people in the U.S. have now been crippled or have died after taking the vaccines for the past 20 months, according to the CDC and FDA’s own statistics in the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS).

                                                        There are more deaths and injuries following emergency-use authorized experimental COVID-19 vaccines in 20 months than have been recorded in VAERS for the previous 30 years following all FDA-approved vaccines.

                                                        That’s not a very good repeat business model, when so many of your patients are dying and becoming crippled. And it is estimated that only 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS, which would put the number of Americans injured by a COVID-19 vaccine at around 138 million, with around 3 million deaths.

                                                        The ABC report acknowledged that this is a dwindling market:

                                                        “… demand for boosters has dropped with each campaign for people to get another shot. About 108 million people have received their first booster shot, for example.”

                                                        According to the CDC’s “COVID Data Tracker,” 261,981,618 people have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, 107,872,738 people have received a first booster, and only 35,200,364 have received a second booster.

                                                        This is a diminishing market, and I am quite sure that the majority of the 171 million “new” doses will probably never be used.

                                                        So why would Big Pharma continue with a product that is killing and injuring so many people, and significantly reducing their market among the pro-vaxxers?

                                                        The answer, which should be obvious to all by now, at least for those who have refused the COVID-19 “vaccines” and can still think for themselves, is that this is part of a global plan to “save the Earth” from climate change.

                                                        Along with reducing the world’s population is a plan that is currently in place, and can especially be seen in Holland right now, to dramatically reduce the world food production as well.

                                                        Bill Gates is the Billionaire Globalist who has been pushing this agenda for decades now, and a report published in ZeroHedge News today also identifies Bill Gates as the primary influence behind the “Inflation Reduction Act” that was just recently put into law.

                                                        • wildfires-as-a-weapon

                                                          Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed as Corporate Media Predicts Killer Floods Worse than Earthquakes for California

                                                          Dane Wigington of has released an explosive video discussing previously classified documents about how the U.S. Military has been using “wildfires” as a weapon for decades now.

                                                          In the corporate media, a study was just published claiming that a disaster “larger than any in world history” faces California, and it is not an earthquake, but killer floods. They are blaming it on climate change, of course, but never mentioning the deliberate geoengineering programs that are probably really behind all of this.

                                                          U.S.A Today reported:

                                                          “A new study says that as the Earth warms, a massive California flood gets more likely — one that would swamp Los Angeles, displace millions and cause historic damage.

                                                          Megadrought may be the main weather concern across the West right now amid the constant threat of wildfires and earthquakes. But a new study warns another crisis is looming in California: ‘Megafloods.’

                                                          Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday.”

                                                          • why-you-should-be-investing-in-ancient-grains

                                                            Why You Should be Investing in Ancient Grains for Your Food Storage Preparations

                                                            There is a certain dietary philosophy that has claimed in recent years that humans evolved from “hunters and gathers” and that modern agriculture was a recent development in human history over the last many billions of years, and this dietary philosophy began to condemn ALL grains as not fit for human consumption.

                                                            The flaw to this belief, of course, is that it accepts Darwinian evolutionary biology as a fact, rather than just a theory about the origins of life.

                                                            The history of the human race as recorded in the ancient writings of the Bible, however, shows that man was an agriculturist since the beginning, as God created the first man and woman to tend the Garden of Eden, where undoubtedly grains grew.

                                                            “Gluten” is now blamed for many diseases, so that grains are categorically condemned as an “anti-nutrient” by some modern dietary thinking.

                                                            Much of this belief comes from the field of laboratory diagnostics, where one today can be tested for “food allergies,” and if gluten shows up in your food allergy test, then you are diagnosed as “gluten intolerant” or having an allergy to wheat.

                                                            However, you might be surprised to find out (or maybe not if you have now become aware of the corruption in the diagnostic testing field such as PCR tests to test for “viruses”), that there is currently no accepted test protocol to determine if one is allergic to gluten.

                                                            Even if there was an accurate test to see if gluten is floating around in your body somewhere, what would it actually prove?

                                                            It would only prove that your body is not processing gluten properly, and a just as reasonable conclusion to such a test, if it existed, would be to blame your digestive system for not processing it correctly, rather than blaming gluten.

                                                            So for most people who believe they are allergic to gluten, it is usually based on the fact that if they eat any products that contain wheat and gluten, like their Krispy Kreme donuts, or their “breakfast of champions” highly processed cereal, and feel sick afterwards, then they must have an “allergy” to gluten.

                                                            This is faulty reasoning, of course, because there are many factors to look at when one cannot consume highly processed grain products.

                                                            Most of America’s grains, for example, are contaminated with the popular herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp and the most widely used herbicide in the world, which is now linked to cancer.

                                                            Glyphosate is known to seriously damage our digestive systems, and our “microbiome.”

                                                            Ever since we found out that our certified organic grains from North America were contaminated, I have searched all over the world to find clean grains that are not contaminated, and focused on ancient grains that had not been hybridized to increase the gluten elasticity so coveted by bakeries to help breads rise quicker.

                                                            Whole grains are a great investment for food security IF the grains are NOT contaminated!

                                                            There are probably many places where you can order bulk food for long-term storage, but please make sure you are storing CLEAN and HEALTHY food.

                                                            This will prove to be invaluable if a crisis hits where it is difficult to find food, and you want to make sure that the food you store will be food that can keep you healthy, and NOT make you sick!

                                                            • Private-member-medical-associations

                                                              Medical Professionals who Refuse to Participate with Hospitals Killing Patients Start Providing Alternative Health Services Through Private Membership Associations

                                                              With millions of medical professionals in the United States that have either been fired for not complying to medical mandates such as COVID-19 vaccines, or have been fired for exposing corruption in hospitals that have been literally murdering people with COVID protocols the past couple of years, or who have just simply quit because they could no longer in good conscience participate in a system that is killing people, are starting a new medical paradigm: Private member medical associations.

                                                              These kinds of private member medical associations are not new, of course, and many have existed prior to the COVID-19 Scam, but they have a common goal: eliminate the insurance companies who decide who gets to be treated and who does not, and eliminate the federal government with their massive public funding for only “approved” therapies.

                                                              Sadly, the American public has been brainwashed for decades now into believing that one cannot survive without health insurance, or the government-funded and supported medical system.

                                                              But I can testify to the fact that it is possible, as I have not paid for health insurance for myself and my family for over 30 years, and we are all still alive, and none of us are bankrupt due to medical bills.

                                                              I learned early on in my life to NOT trust in doctors and hospitals for my health, but to trust in God, and God has honored my faith in him for over 30 years now since I stopped paying for health insurance. Much of my writing the past decade and a half has been exposing how evil and corrupt the medical system is, and how it is idolatry to trust in it for your health.

                                                              It should come as no surprise, therefore, that this model of providing healthcare services through private membership agreements without insurance companies and government funding is now taking off with the millions of medical professionals who have left the corrupt hospital systems since COVID-19 started.

                                                              • CMS-Brooks-LaSure-feature-300x169

                                                                Why is Medicare paying $40 instead of $1.50 per Covid-19 Vaccine Dose?

                                                                Why is Medicare paying $40 instead of $1.50 per Covid-19 dose?

                                                                Because Chiquita Brooks-LaSure approved it.

                                                                She is the head of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a one trillion dollar agency.

                                                                Chiquita’s budget is bigger than the Pentagon’s.

                                                                The U.S. spends half of what the rest of the world does on military operations.

                                                                According to her federal agency’s website, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is paying $40 per Covid-19 dose.

                                                                India, however, is paying three dollars for a dose made by one of its country’s drugmakers.

                                                                Indonesia is releasing its own Covid-19 vaccine next month at $1.50 a dose.

                                                                It was developed at Baylor University (Waco, TX) and Texas Children’s Hospital (Houston, TX).

                                                                • did-vaccines-eliminate-polio-2

                                                                  The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children - Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio

                                                                  More and more people in the general public are waking up to the fact that the entire rationale used to vaccinate people is based on dogma, and not science, as many are now questioning those who control the vaccine agenda worldwide for perhaps the first time, with the result of many people choosing to not participate in this religious-like cult anymore.

                                                                  This can currently be seen by the very low number of parents choosing to give the deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” to their young children. For example, in an article published in the Philadelphia Inquirer a few weeks ago, they reported:

                                                                  “Only 4% of children under 5 in Pennsylvania have received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

                                                                  The Globalists have already publicly published their plans for the next big “plandemic” which is currently in operation now and revolves around the “monkeypox outbreak” among gay men.

                                                                  But within the past couple of weeks the corporate media has ramped up another scare tactic that seems to be targeted at children, by stating that polio is making a comeback, based on alleged detections of the “polio virus” in sewage and water treatment systems.

                                                                  This “polio virus” has allegedly been detected in London and New York City.

                                                                  The Associated Press reported a few days ago that children ages 1-9 in London are now eligible for booster doses of a polio vaccine.

                                                                  But here’s the truth that is either not mentioned or buried in the details of the reports: these alleged “polio viruses” originate from individuals, mostly children, who have been vaccinated with the “live” oral polio vaccine (OPV), which has been banned for decades now in the wealthier nations because it is a well-known fact that these vaccines “shed” causing the infectious agent to pass through stools and urine and infect sewage and water treatment systems.

                                                                  Rather than ban these highly toxic and dangerous vaccines, however, they have been continued to be distributed to poorer countries in Africa and Asia (particularly Afghanistan and Pakistan.)

                                                                  The history of the polio vaccine and the corruption behind it is a topic we have covered for over a decade now on Health Impact News. We have been attacked and censored on the topic, stating that:

                                                                  1. the polio vaccine never eradicated “polio” as they simply renamed the symptoms associated with “polio” to make it look like polio disappeared, and
                                                                  2, the only people being infected with a “polio virus” today are those who were vaccinated for it with the live, oral polio vaccine.

                                                                  This was called a “conspiracy theory” for years by the corporate media, but the truth became so obvious that in 2019, months before the “COVID Pandemic” arrived, the corporate media finally admitted that the only cases of polio worldwide were caused by the polio vaccine. NPR even did an entire show on it.

                                                                  Just as there has been throughout the COVID-19 scam, honest doctors came forward over the years to expose the corruption in the polio vaccination campaigns, stating clearly that the polio vaccines were the problem, not the solution, but they were censored and even silenced.

                                                                  But we have preserved their work for the past 11 years, and in this article I am going to present you with all the information you need to know about polio, the Polio Scam, and the polio vaccine.

                                                                  • baby-covid-vaccine

                                                                    142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States "Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated"

                                                                    Another 142 new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries to babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old were added to the U.S. Government run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reported System) database today, bringing the total number of cases filed for this age group to 829 since the shots were authorized by the FDA a few weeks ago in June.

                                                                    Brain and heart injuries, hallucinations, anaphylactic shock, seizures, skin rashes, gastrointestinal injuries, hemorrhaging, and other serious conditions continue to be listed as side effects to these toxic shots being injected into babies and toddlers.

                                                                    As we have been reporting frequently for the past few weeks, many pro-vaccine and pro-pharma doctors and scientists are coming forward to sound the alarm on just how horrible these COVID-19 “vaccines” are, and the death and carnage that has followed.

                                                                    A video has surfaced in the alternative media featuring an Israeli Professor, Dr. Zvika Granot, Ph.D., who is on the Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He heads up the Granot Lab as the “Principal Investigator,” focusing on “neutrophils” and cancer research.

                                                                    He is also a member of “The Public Emergency Council For The Covid19 Crisis in Israel,” which is where this video apparently originated.

                                                                    Dr. Granot states:

                                                                    “We have already seen many distortions of science, lies and half-truths during the COVID crisis. More than once we have seen aggressive policies based on hopes that lack a scientific basis presented to the public as scientific facts.

                                                                    We have seen how economic and political entities presented distorted science and silence many scientists who think differently.

                                                                    Approving vaccination for babies and toddlers by the FDA in the USA and by the Ministry of Health in Israel, breaks all records of the theater of the absurd and raises deep doubts about the conduct of the regulators in the USA and Israel.”

                                                                    The truly tragic thing about this corruption with the FDA and the CDC, is that yesterday the CDC finally backtracked on many of their COVID-19 measures that are recommended, stating that the focus should now be on “individual decisions,” and that “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people.”

                                                                    People need to be tried, convicted, and executed over this.

                                                                    • Monkeypox_Vaccine_22221686461208

                                                                      How the Monkeypox Vaccine Scam Mirrors the COVID Vaccine Scam: Animal Trials show Monkeypox Vaccine does NOT Stop Transmission

                                                                      Just like the COVID vaccines, turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying.  

                                                                      Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines like the plague—they won’t stop the infection!

                                                                      The US Government has created a fake shortage of vaccine.

                                                                      Well yes, of course, they always do that to fan the flames of demand.

                                                                      But this is a lot bigger than that. The USG already owns 16 million doses, stored frozen in Denmark, and had spent well over $1 Billion on Jynneos vaccines before Moneypox was identified in the west.

                                                                      Despite the Denmark factory’s “fill and finish” facility being completed in 2021, and despite the USG allotting $44 million for “qualification” of that same facility in January 2019, the FDA only got around to finishing its inspection on July 27, 2022.  

                                                                      Because of the vaccine “shortage,” the existing vaccine will get a liability waiver.

                                                                      How sweet is that?

                                                                      Jynneos is licensed, and is being used for its labelled indication (prevention of Moneypox) so the manufacturer is liable for injuries. The USG might also be liable, if it steered you wrong about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine…or if it hid a study it had conducted, for example.

                                                                      But since we have a shortage, the USG in its benevolence and wisdom is going to dilute it and give recipients instead a 20% dose, administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. But in order to make this kosher (kosher for whom?) the DHHS and FDA are issuing the vaccine an emergency use authorization, and we all know what that means.

                                                                      You can’t sue anybody even if the vaccine kills you.

                                                                      • Stop-Experimental-COVID-vaccine

                                                                        You are 25X More Likely to be Injured and 20X more Likely to Die if you get the COVID Shot

                                                                        The biggest lie that has been perpetrated in modern medicine is that “the science is settled” when it comes to the issue of vaccines, and that all vaccines are “safe and effective.”

                                                                        We have been exposing this lie for over a decade now, combating the lies with REAL data and truth, such as comparing the health outcomes of children whose parents followed the CDC vaccine schedule and injected their children with all the recommended vaccines, with those parents who decided to not vaccinate their children.

                                                                        This is, by far, the most scientific way to determine if vaccines, ANY vaccine, is “safe and effective.” But such studies have never been conducted by the federal government and their alphabet “health” agencies such as the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc.

                                                                        And when others privately conduct such studies, these federal bureaucratic medical tyrants do everything they can to discredit and vilify those conducting such studies, to prevent the public from having this information.

                                                                        Families who suffer from vaccine injuries to their children, and as a result then decide to not vaccinate future children that they have, also become homes in which the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children can be observed, and we have published many of their stories.

                                                                        So it should not surprise us at all that the current medical authorities have no desire whatsoever to compare the health outcomes of people who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines with those who have not.

                                                                        This is information that they do NOT want to be disseminated to the public.

                                                                        Steve Kirsch has just published a very revealing article about two groups of people he has studied that contain both people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and those who were not, comprising a sample of about 800 people, 200 of which attended a wedding about 8 months ago, and about 600 people who responded to a survey he published.

                                                                        The results of his analysis:

                                                                        “In the year after you are vaccinated with the COVID “vaccines” – you are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die, and expect at least a 7% rate of serious injury and a 2% chance of death.”

                                                                        It is this kind of data the CDC and FDA do NOT want disseminated to the public, and is being heavily censored.

                                                                        • Montfort-Hospital

                                                                          Nurse Shortages in Canada Lead to ER Closures - Whistleblower Nurse in Washington Describes Vaccine Injuries from Employment Mandate

                                                                          The Counter Signal is reporting that there is a nationwide shortage of nurses in Canada that have led to multiple hospitals being forced to shut down their emergency departments.

                                                                          A nurse whistleblower from the State of Washington has come forward to tell her story about how she complied with COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and is now suffering, and how she has seen children brought into the hospital also suffering with COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

                                                                          She suffered from heart disease after the first shot, and had her doctor write her a medical exemption for the second vaccine. She lost her job in spite of the exemption, so she “regrettably” took the second dose to get her job back and now apparently has a damaged heart.

                                                                          She states:

                                                                          “I’m no longer living in fear of the repercussions about speaking the truth about this vaccine.

                                                                          Now I am seeing children that are getting vaccinated coming in to the hospital having multiple reactions to it.

                                                                          I’m tired of being silent.”

                                                                          • Monkeypox-vaccine

                                                                            Is the Untested and Dangerous Monkeypox Vaccine About to get an EUA to Avoid Legal Liability for Deaths and Injuries?

                                                                            We saw throughout the COVID Plandemic that the pharmaceutical industry took advantage of “Public Health Emergency” designations to get the FDA to issue EUAs (emergency use authorization) to get new, untested vaccines into the market as soon as possible without proper testing, and more importantly for the pharmaceutical companies, no legal liabilities.

                                                                            With the W.H.O. and the U.S. Government now declaring monkeypox to be a “Public Health Emergency,” could the same thing happen with new vaccines and drugs for monkeypox?

                                                                            The problem in issuing the existing smallpox/monkeypox vaccine an EUA, is that it was already approved by the FDA, even though it has not been tested in the public much beyond the initial trials conducted by the drug company.

                                                                            According to Dr. Meryl Nass, that may not stop them from figuring out a way to get the FDA to issue them an EUA to avoid legal liability:

                                                                            “Although I don’t have the full story yet, I am warning you that the moneypox vaccine Jynneos is a huge scam, in every way, including the supposed shortage.  I will disclose more about that soon.

                                                                            But since it is actually licensed, the moneypox vaccine (like other licensed drugs and vaccines) has liability attached to it.  You can currently sue government program planners, the doctor who recommended it, the manufacturer, etc. if anything goes wrong.

                                                                            To forestall that, some crook came up with the idea of splitting the doses, under the guise of a fake shortage, which provides an excuse to make the lower dose an EUA–in other words, turning it into a product for which you cannot sue anyone if something goes wrong.  Pretty clever, eh?  

                                                                            Licensed products are not supposed to receive EUAs unless they are used for something different than what they were licensed for.  Splitting the dose does not change the fact it is licensed for monkeypox and being used for moneypox.

                                                                            Here is another possible but diabolical reason to split (dilute) the dose:  it potentially allows the federal government access to the vials–so the vials won’t go straight from the manufacturer to the wholesaler but instead go somewhere else to be diluted.  And what is in the diluent?”

                                                                            • Okamura-Memorial-Hospital-768x512

                                                                              Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon Calls for End to COVID-19 Booster Vaccines

                                                                              Another pro-vaccine and pro-pharma medical doctor has come forward to expose the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                              Dr. Kenji Yamamoto, a cardiovascular surgeon at Okamura Memorial Hospital in Japan, has published a commentary in the Virology Journal titled:

                                                                              “Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them”

                                                                              He is calling for an end to COVID-19 booster vaccines, due to “waning of immunity with time” and due to the fact that “frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.”

                                                                              • Shmuel-Shapira-2-768x456

                                                                                Top Israeli Scientist: “Monkeypox Outbreak is Linked to mRNA Vaccines” - Twitter Censors Tweet

                                                                                Pro-vaccine and pro-pharma scientists and medical doctors around the world continue to sound the alarm about the devastating effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                Israeli Professor Shmuel Shapira, MD, MPH, served as director general of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (“IIBR”) between 2013 and 2021, where he sought to develop an Israeli-made COVID-19 vaccine so that the country would not be dependent upon the American Pfizer-made shots.

                                                                                Dr. Shapira is also the founder and head of the Military Medicine Department of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and the IDF Medical Corps. In addition, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University in Israel.

                                                                                Shapira was previously deputy director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization and director of the Hadassah School of Public Health at Hebrew University. 

                                                                                Professor Shapira used Twitter last week to announce that he was “physically injured” after his third Pfizer vaccine, and that “Monkeypox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkeypox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.”

                                                                                Twitter has reportedly forced him to remove these tweets.

                                                                                • Dr.-William-Bay

                                                                                  Aussie Doctor Risks Medical License to Tell the Truth About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Crashes AMA Meeting Confronting Top Chief Medical Officer

                                                                                  A doctor in Queensland, Australia has put his license to practice medicine on the line to bring his message of COVID-19 vaccine and injuries and deaths, and the “gaslighting” of patients and doctors who try to expose how deadly these shots are, to the public.

                                                                                  He received corporate media attention recently when he crashed a meeting of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) calling out the country’s chief medical officer, Paul Kelly, while stunned doctors watched on.

                                                                                  Dr. Bay recently recorded a video message where he apologized to his patients and the public for initially giving in to fear over potentially losing his job, and for not speaking out sooner.

                                                                                  I have put together a video report with his message, the self-recording of his rant at the AMA, and an interview he did with Zeee Media recently explaining why he is now risking his career to bring this truth to the public.

                                                                                  • pharmacist-admits-to-withholding-covid-vaccine-info-768x512

                                                                                    Father of 7-Year-Old with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admit Parents Are Not Warned of this COVID Vaccine Side Effect: "We might scare the parents, and they don’t get their child vaccinated"

                                                                                    A recording of a phone call between an irate father and a pharmacist who injected his 7-year-old son with a COVID-19 vaccine after his wife brought him to the pharmacy behind his back, and is now allegedly in the hospital due to myocarditis, has been circulating in the alternative media today.

                                                                                    The father and his family apparently live in New Zealand, while his work originates in New York, and what is remarkable about the call is that the father asks the pharmacist if parents are warned about the risks to myocarditis and heart disease before giving the COVID-19 shots to children, and the pharmacist replies:

                                                                                    “We might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get their child vaccinated.”

                                                                                    • UK-Medicine-Regulator-768x431

                                                                                      UK Medicine Regulator Confirms COVID-19 Vaccines are 7,402% Deadlier than all other Vaccines Combined

                                                                                      The UK Medicine Regulator has confirmed that over a period of nineteen months the Covid-19 Vaccines have caused at least 5.5x as many deaths as all other available vaccines combined in the past 21 years.

                                                                                      This means, that when compared side by side, the Covid-19 injections are a shocking 7,402% more deadly than every other vaccine available in the UK.

                                                                                      • foodsupply1-768x576-1

                                                                                        Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because The System Is Being Sabotaged

                                                                                        Krugman is perhaps the worst and most arrogant economist/propagandist in the US, and though he belatedly acknowledged the inflation and supply chain threat after arguing for the past two years that it was “transitory,” he now claims that the traditionally accepted indicators of recession “don’t matter” anymore and that there is no downturn. How many times can this guy be proven ignorant and still keep his job?

                                                                                        It’s this kind of disinformation that keeps the public in the dark on what is about to happen. Maybe it’s because of stupidity and ego, or maybe it’s a deliberate attempt to keep the population docile (I say it is deliberate), but in either case the American people are being put in great danger when it comes to the false narrative on inflation and the supply chain. The longer they are led to believe the disaster will simply go away on its own, the less time they have to prepare.

                                                                                        The bottom line is this: Things are only going to get worse from here on. Maybe slowly, or maybe quickly depending on a handful of factors.

                                                                                        • Monkeypox-Plandemic-Schedule-2-768x480

                                                                                          US Declares Monkeypox Public Health Emergency - Big Pharma Ready for Windfall Profits, Again

                                                                                          If there is one thing that the COVID-19 “Public Health Emergency” did with extreme efficiency, it was the fact that $TRILLIONS of emergency funds were redirected out of the U.S. Economy to Big Pharma, creating literally hundreds of new billionaires, and increasing the wealth of existing billionaires to record new highs in revenue.

                                                                                          These billionaires and bankers knew full well that their ponzi-scheme economy based on debt could no longer be sustained, and so they created a worldwide “plandemic” which redefined upper respiratory diseases formerly named “influenza viruses” and used fear and massive testing where they could control the results, to implement a unified worldwide approach to bring in massive profits, before the financial system collapsed.

                                                                                          By declaring a “Public Health Emergency” they could control health regulatory agencies such as the FDA and CDC to forego their normal approval processes, and rush to market novel new drugs and vaccines that would never have otherwise made it to market.

                                                                                          From a business standpoint, it was a brilliant plan, and it worked so effectively, that I do believe they now plan on perpetuating endless “Public Health Emergencies” so the bankers can create more money to send their way, at least until they can eliminate cash and implement their Central Bank Digital Currencies which has the goal of making every citizen of every country slaves to the medical dictators.

                                                                                          So it should come as no surprise that a “new pandemic” has now been granted “Public Health Emergency” in the U.S., even though the alleged “virus,” the monkeypox virus, has only infected a few thousand people, and is so far only spread among men having sex with other men.

                                                                                          And like COVID-19 which was predicted and planned for months before the first cases were allegedly detected in Wuhan, China, by running pandemic simulations, so too monkeypox had a potential pandemic simulated in March of 2021 hosted by the Nuclear Threat Initiative with the Munich Security Conference to “conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.”

                                                                                          They even published a schedule and timeline on just how this new “pandemic” was going to unfold, and so far we are right on schedule.

                                                                                          So what comes next?

                                                                                          • sudden-deaths-after-COVID-vaccination

                                                                                            76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines

                                                                                            The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                            In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,790 deaths and 1,357,940 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                            A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that less than 1% of all adverse events following vaccines are ever reported to VAERS.

                                                                                            There have now been more deaths and vaccine side effects reported during the past 20 months to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines than there have been for the entire previous 30 years for all FDA-approved vaccines before the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020.

                                                                                            Here are some faces to place on these cold, deadly statistics to show how people’s lives are being destroyed by the vaccines, while the pharma-funded corporate media continues to hide their vaccination status, and one has to find it usually on the person’s social media accounts where they usually brag about getting a COVID-19 shot while ridiculing those who refuse them.

                                                                                            They’re dead now, while those who refused the shots cannot die by being injected by them. They just have to endure the ridicule and scorn from the pro-vaccine crowd, which is quickly dwindling.

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                                                                                              Newest Threat to Medical Freedom—Monkeypox “Emergency”

                                                                                              The World Health Organization declaration of Monkeypox as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), was made by one man, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of medical and scientific advisors. Nine of the committee members thought a PHEIC should not be declared and six supported a declaration.

                                                                                              “Nine and six is very, very close. Since the role of the committee is to advise, I decided to act as a tie-breaker,” Tedros said in a news conference called to announce the decision.”

                                                                                              Perhaps it is the “new math” that leads to the conclusion of a “tie” with a 3-vote majority on one side?  And why did Tedros decide to go with the minority opinion rather than the majority?

                                                                                              Rosamund Lewis, the WHO technical lead for monkeypox, said in a July 20 press conference: “About 98 percent of (Monkeypox) cases are among men who have sex with men—and primarily those who have multiple recent anonymous or new partners.” She then said they are typically young and chiefly live in urban areas.

                                                                                              So why did Tedros decide unilaterally to declare a global emergency for the vast majority of people who do not fit this profile?

                                                                                              • Ute-Krueger

                                                                                                10,000% Increase in Cancers Following COVID-19 Vaccines as Doctors and Scientists Worldwide Sound the Alarm

                                                                                                Rates of cancer have exploded following the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs, with doctors and scientists all over the world now sounding the alarm.

                                                                                                I did a search in the U.S. government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to see how many cases of the most common cancers had been reported following COVID-19 vaccines, and it returned a result of 837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events.

                                                                                                And this not an exhaustive list, as I tried to include ALL cancers listed in VAERS, but the database could not handle the query.

                                                                                                I listed the cases by age, and of the 837 cases, 375 of them had no recorded age, although often the age can be found in the description.

                                                                                                So I put those 375 cases on the first page of the results, and starting on the second page you can see how young some of these cancer patients are following COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                                It begins with a 12-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy, followed by many young adults in their 20s.

                                                                                                Using the exact same search terms for cancer, I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported.

                                                                                                That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020.

                                                                                                That is an increase of 10,661.4%!

                                                                                                A pathologist who lives in Sweden was just interviewed recently about the increasing rates of cancer she is seeing in her patients following the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                                Her name is Dr. Ute Krueger, and the video is found on the Doctors For Covid Ethics Rumble Channel.

                                                                                                The Exposé has also just published an excellent review of some of the scientific literature showing how the spike proteins are interfering with “the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes.”

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                                                                                                  Israel's War On Cash Is About To Get More Drastic

                                                                                                  Starting Monday, it will be a criminal offense in Israel to pay more than the equivalent of $1,700 in cash to a business or $4,360 in cash to individual, as the government intensifies its ongoing war on tangible money.

                                                                                                  Israel also limits the extent to which cash is used in transactions involving multiple payment methods. If the total transaction value is more than the above thresholds, cash may only be used for 10% of the purchase. Car purchases are given a higher, 50,000 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) limit — about $14,700.

                                                                                                  Violators are subject to penalties that can reach 25% of the transaction for individuals and 30% for businesses.

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                                                                                                    Pfizer Vaccine Damaged Healthcare Worker to Unvaccinated Friends: "I Totally Commend You: I Wish I Was One of You."

                                                                                                    A healthcare worker who claims she was injured by the Pfizer COVID vaccine she was required to receive as a condition for employment, and now suffers from CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) which she says has changed her life completely, recently went public to answer a question that apparently others in her social media network have asked her: “What do you think about people who have refused the COVID vaccine?”

                                                                                                    As we have recently reported, young, previously healthy doctors in Canada have been dying in mass recently, where COVID-19 injections, including boosters, are required as a condition for employment.

                                                                                                    So when one of them actually survives their COVID-19 shots, and has a message they want to take public, I think it is good to give them a voice to warn others.

                                                                                                    This woman who is not identified in the video, nor the place she worked (I am assuming that her injuries have maybe caused her to have to quit working and collect disability), starts out by saying: “If I had to do it all over again, I would never have gotten the vaccine.”

                                                                                                    She fully admits that she received the COVID vaccine because she “believed” what the medical authorities and media were saying. She apparently did not take any time at all to investigate the other side of the story, and potential side effects.

                                                                                                    She started out mocking those who were the ones refusing the shots, but she noticed that the unvaccinated among her friends were the ones who were not getting sick, and those who did recovered quickly.

                                                                                                    So now she says:

                                                                                                    “I have totally changed my mind. They were the smart ones. They were the ones who didn’t wear the masks. They were the ones that hung around each other and never caught it – never spread it.

                                                                                                    The ones that aren’t (vaccinated), I totally commend you, and I wish I were one of you. I think very highly of you.

                                                                                                    I’m upset with myself. No job is worth it.”

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                                                                                                      New Study: Drug Legalization Leads to Significant Reduction in Foster System Admissions

                                                                                                      Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the War on Drugs into full force in 1973. He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). 

                                                                                                      Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on. At a cost of over $1 trillion — ruining and ending countless lives in the process — America’s drug war has created a drug problem that is worse now than ever before.

                                                                                                      This is no coincidence.

                                                                                                      For years, those of us who’ve been paying attention have seen who profits from this inhumane war — the police state and cartels.

                                                                                                      For decades, millions of Black men — whose only “crime” was possession or sale of crack — were torn from their home and incarcerated. This led to millions more children growing up in fatherless environments which, in turn, put these future families in major deficits from their difficult childhoods. The effects have spanned decades and have turned once thriving communities into high-crime areas in which violence is the only constant.

                                                                                                      When we add marijuana prohibition into the equation, the damage done to the American family through the enforcement of the drug war could be considered a crime against humanity.

                                                                                                      Drug laws are now evolving but not fast enough. Despite knowing the effects of mass incarceration for victimless crimes, the state still aggressively pursues people for non-violent drug possession.

                                                                                                      Perhaps with the release of a new study out of Oxford, Mississippi published in the journal Economic Inquiry, this paradigm of destroying families over the war on drugs subsides more quickly.

                                                                                                      In the study, titled, Recreational marijuana legalization and admission to the foster-care system, a pair of economists with the University of Mississippi assessed foster care admission trends in states pre and post-legalization. What they found was both encouraging and infuriating at the same time.

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                                                                                                        CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Vaccine Censorship

                                                                                                        The right of every American to question and criticize their government is enshrined in the Bill of Rights in the First Amendment. Prohibiting dissenting views on any government institution or practice is strictly unconstitutional.

                                                                                                        However, for the past few years many people have voiced concern about Big Tech platforms censoring dissenting views against the government, and the most common argument used by Big Tech is that they are simply a private platform that allows people to voice their views, and that the First Amendment does not apply to private corporations.

                                                                                                        But now emails between the CDC and Google, Facebook, and Twitter have surfaced that suggest that the U.S. Government is, indeed, censoring dissenting views by influencing these Big Tech platforms, specifically in regards to the COVID-19 vaccines.

                                                                                                        Given how deadly these experimental vaccines have been, this is a very serious matter, and I would expect more lawsuits filed in the weeks and months ahead for what appears to be a gross violation of the First Amendment and the right of American citizens to criticize and question their government, especially in regards to medical and health issues.

                                                                                                        • 6-Canadian-Doctors-Dead-768x759

                                                                                                          6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital

                                                                                                          The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other.

                                                                                                          The biggest story came out of Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital in Toronto, where 3 physicians from that hospital died “unexpectedly” within the same week, and according to a nurse who also works in the same hospital, the deaths followed after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees.

                                                                                                          These deaths followed the announcement of the death of Dr. Paul Hannam, the Chief of Emergency Medicine and Program Medical Director at North York General Hospital (NYGH).

                                                                                                          Dr. Hannam was reportedly in excellent health, as he was an Olympic sailor and marathon runner. Any links to COVID-19 vaccines he may have taken were vehemently denied by the hospital and corporate media.

                                                                                                          Then Dr. Candace Nayman, 27, a resident at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton and also a triathlete, also died “unexpectedly” this week.

                                                                                                          Then yesterday, Gateway Pundit reported that 44-year-old family physician Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman from Saskatchewan “died unexpectedly” last weekend, July 23.

                                                                                                          That is quite a flurry of “unexpected deaths” in the medical community in Canada, which mandates COVID-19 vaccines as a condition for employment in the medical system.

                                                                                                          How long will the public continue to believe that these “unexpected deaths” of previously young, healthy doctors have “nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccines”?

                                                                                                          • Barbara_Ferrer_2021

                                                                                                            Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer Backs Down Indoor Mask Mandates As Multiple Cities Refused Enforcement

                                                                                                            Earlier this month we reported that LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon.

                                                                                                            “In a sign that perhaps even the pro-pharma pro-vaccine medical professionals are starting to get tired of the constant COVID hype and are beginning to speak out against health politicians who are appointed bureaucrats and never elected by the people to their public office, LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public recently to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon.”

                                                                                                            Apparently the public put more stock into what Dr. Spellberg was saying as opposed to what the public health politicians wanted people to believe, and Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer backed down on the mask mandates today (for now), as several cities stated they would not enforce it.

                                                                                                            • Novavax-Armyworm-768x449

                                                                                                              Novavax Vaccine Contains 1 mcg Armyworm and Baculovirus Proteins Injected into you with Each Dose

                                                                                                              You see, the vaccine’s spike protein is grown by genetically engineering baculoviruses to produce spike, and then infecting insect cells with the baculovirus to turn the whole thing into a spike protein factory.

                                                                                                              At the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting that I live-blogged last week, it was revealed that the Novavax vaccine was being rolled out because it could be marketed as a “more traditional” vaccine, since it was not made from mRNA. Novavax was to be directed to the unvaccinated, although only 10% of the unvaccinated, it was anticipated, would accept it.

                                                                                                              The fact that no fetal cells were used in its development was claimed to be a marketing plus. However, thanks to a reader, it turns out that a human fetal cell line, (HEK) 293F, was used in the testing of the vaccine, as described in an article in Science.

                                                                                                              NOTHING about this vaccine is traditional.

                                                                                                              • monkeypox-gay1

                                                                                                                W.H.O. - 99% of Monkeypox Cases are Among Men, 95% Men who Have Sex with Men - Calls for Global Censorship of MonkeyPox "Misinformation"

                                                                                                                The World Health Organization published recommendations regarding the MonkeyPox “Global Emergency” today, and in doing so, they revealed that this “virus” actually only risks a very small portion of the world’s population: men having sex with other men.

                                                                                                                WHO Director-general Tedros Adhanom then called for global censorship on any “disinformation” that does not follow the WHO approved propaganda, just as they did with COVID-19.

                                                                                                                So there you have it. Don’t let history repeat itself, because we know now that those who researched the truth for themselves regarding COVID-19 (labeled as “misinformation”) and determined that it was not a major risk, and therefore stayed clear from the “vaccines” and other novel, new medicines that were quickly authorized for “emergency use,” are the ones who are still alive today and still have their hearts and brains in tact.

                                                                                                                • sniopec-china-image

                                                                                                                  US Has Sold 6 Million Barrels From SPR To Hunter Biden-Tied China Firm

                                                                                                                  The Biden administration has sold nearly 6 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserve to an entity tied with the Chinese Communist Party, records show.

                                                                                                                  From September 2021 to July, the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded three crude oil contracts with a combined value of roughly $464 million to Unipec America, the U.S. trading arm of Chinese state-owned oil company Sinopec, according to a review by The Epoch Times of the DOE documents. A Chinese firm with ties to Hunter Biden had made an investment in the national oil giant.

                                                                                                                  The sale would tap 5.9 million barrels in total from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to export to the Chinese firm. The latest contract was unveiled on July 10, consisting of 950,000 barrels sold for around $113.5 million.

                                                                                                                  The two most recent sales to Unipec came out of an emergency drawdown of the U.S. oil stockpile, initiated under President Joe Biden on March 31 in what he said would offset the loss of Russian oil in global markets and tame rising fuel costs at home.

                                                                                                                  But the Unipec contracts have been a subject of heavy criticism since the firm’s connections to the younger Biden came into focus in recent weeks. With Americans nationwide still reeling from the $5 per gallon gas prices in June, the selling of oil reserves to foreign adversaries such as China is at odds with U.S. energy and security needs, Republican lawmakers and analysts have said.

                                                                                                                  “Biden is draining our strategic reserves at an unprecedented rate. This is an abuse of the SPR, far beyond its intended purpose. Sending U.S. petroleum reserves to foreign adversaries is wrong, and it undermines our national security,” Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) told The Epoch Times.

                                                                                                                  What the United States should do, he argued, is to “unleash American energy production and ensure that our strategic reserves are stocked and able to meet the demands of a national emergency.”

                                                                                                                  • Natural-gas-tanker

                                                                                                                    Treasonous Biden and the Green Agenda is Shipping Gas OUT of the United States - War on the American People

                                                                                                                    U.S. President Biden’s Administration continues to risk national security by taking millions of barrels from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve and shipping it abroad to Asia (including China) and Europe.

                                                                                                                    And this situation just grew much worse, as today it was announced that the Biden Administration has actually shipped MORE liquid natural gas (LNG) to Europe than the U.S. even promised! Total exports of LNG to Europe have now exceeded total exports to Europe for ALL of 2021.

                                                                                                                    This is astounding news given the fact Natural Gas prices are soaring to (so far) 14-year highs today, due to Russia cutting back on natural gas flow to Europe via the Nord 1 Stream pipeline.

                                                                                                                    Last week, Germany and other European nations breathed a collective sigh of relief, as Russia turned the Nord 1 pipeline back on after maintenance work, against fears that they would not.

                                                                                                                    It was only turned on to allow about 40% of its capacity to Europe, the same amounts as before they shut it down completely for maintenance earlier this month (July, 2022), which was already causing energy shortages in Europe.

                                                                                                                    But then a few days later, it was announced that another turbine required maintenance, and that they were further reducing the flow to now only 20%.

                                                                                                                    Now, natural gas prices are already at a 14-year high, and production in the U.S. has fallen as the Freeport liquefied natural gas plant in Texas, one of the largest U.S. operators of liquefied natural gas, will remain offline until almost the end of the year after a fire at their facility in June.

                                                                                                                    Shipping U.S. natural gas to Europe as payment for their involvement in the Ukraine War while supplies are dwindling in the U.S., is a threat to national security, as we are obviously now in a “Proxy War” with Russia.

                                                                                                                    How is this not a treasonous act?

                                                                                                                    • Banchel-Fangyi-Sarchin-768x432

                                                                                                                      Pandemic Creates New Billionaire Every 30 Hours — Now A Million People Could Fall Into Extreme Poverty At Same Rate In 2022

                                                                                                                      For every new billionaire created during the pandemic — one every 30 hours — nearly a million people could be pushed into extreme poverty in 2022 at nearly the same rate, reveals a new Oxfam brief today.

                                                                                                                      “Profiting from Pain” is published as the World Economic Forum in Davos takes place for the first time face-to-face since COVID-19, a period during which billionaires have enjoyed a huge boost to their fortunes.

                                                                                                                      In Canada, the wealth of billionaires has increased by 57.1 per cent since the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020. The 41 richest billionaires own as much as the poorest 40 per cent of Canadians.

                                                                                                                      “Billionaires gathered in Davos have enjoyed an obscene surge in their fortunes over the last two years. The pandemic and now the steep rise in food and energy prices have been a bonanza for the wealthiest, while millions of people face hunger and poverty as the cost living shoots up,” said Ian Thomson, manager of policy for Oxfam Canada.

                                                                                                                      The brief shows that 573 people became new billionaires during the pandemic, at the rate of one every 30 hours. We expect this year that 263 million more people will crash into extreme poverty, at a rate of a million people every 33 hours.

                                                                                                                      Billionaires’ wealth has risen more in the first 24 months of COVID-19 than in 23 years combined. The total wealth of the world’s billionaires is now equivalent to 13.9 per cent of global GDP. This is a three-fold increase (up from 4.4 per cent) in 2000.

                                                                                                                      • monkeypox-2

                                                                                                                        WHO Declares Monkeypox “Global Emergency” After Vaccine Approved by EMA for Europe - Outbreaks are Only in Countries That Injected Their Citizens with Pfizer COVID Shots

                                                                                                                        The roll out of the Monkeypox “Plandemic” has been carefully planned and coordinated, much like the COVID Plandemic of 2020, including having simulations on how this “plandemic” will evolve, much like the 2019 Event 201 which simulated, with almost precision accuracy, how the COVID plandemic would evolve.

                                                                                                                        This past weekend the World Health Organization officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

                                                                                                                        An important event had to occur before this announcement, however, and that happened on Friday last week, when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved Bavarian Nordic Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccine for distribution in Europe, so that Big Pharma can continue reaping windfall profits from vaccines that are supposed to stop “plandemics.”

                                                                                                                        This vaccine, while approved by the FDA in the US and now by the EMA in Europe, is largely untested in the public, and there were very serious issues with rates of heart disease in the clinical trials, which are actually higher than the rates of heart disease for the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

                                                                                                                        The World Health Organization has acknowledged that the vaccine is mostly untested, and that those being injected with the vaccine now are part of a “clinical study” for the purpose of data collecting so that researchers can learn more about the “effectiveness of the vaccine.”

                                                                                                                        And perhaps the most interesting aspect of this planned and coordinated MonkeyPox “outbreak” was reported by The Exposé yesterday, where their investigation revealed that the only countries where these “outbreaks” of MonkeyPox are happening are only in countries where the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been injected into the citizens of those countries in mass vaccination campaigns.

                                                                                                                        Russia and China, therefore, are allegedly not seeing these MonkeyPox “outbreaks,” and “coincidentally” they did not mass vaccinate their populations with American-made Pfizer COVID vaccines, but used their own, locally produced, COVID vaccines.

                                                                                                                        • Israel-flag-vaccine

                                                                                                                          Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

                                                                                                                          Israel’s Ministry of Health commissioned a study analyzing reports of adverse events from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to Israel’s vaccine database, known as the Nahlieli system, between December 2021 and May 2022. The research team was headed by Professor Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir). 

                                                                                                                          Prof. Berkowitz’s team found that children in the 5-11-year age group had twice to four times as many adverse events following the Pfizer shot as children in the 12-17 age group. This doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing — and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents. 

                                                                                                                          The parents were not informed. What’s more, the Ministry officials recommended booster shots for youngsters aged 5-11—thereby increasing the risk for serious harm.

                                                                                                                          It is unconscionable that the Israeli Health Ministry knew about the serious risks of harm posed to young children, concealed the evidence, and further expanded the ever-increasing risk for children by authorizing the use of these UNSAFE and medically unjustifiable genetically manipulated injections for infants and toddlers!

                                                                                                                          The exposure of children to unjustifiable risks constitutes — as the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko fearlessly categorized diabolical child sacrifice.