Robotaxi Support Team Illustration.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Elon Musk hosted a Tesla show in Hollywood this week called “We, Robot”, attended by invitation-only spectators, mostly Tesla stockholders and enthusiasts.

I am not the one calling it a “show”, as Elon Musk himself told the audience “I hope you enjoy the show”.

Many in the media had said prior to this show that this was the most important event in the history of Tesla, because Elon Musk has been promising a “driverless” car and Robotaxi since 2016, with promise after promise of its release being delayed for about 8 years now.

And while you can read what the media is reporting that Elon Musk said about the roll-out of a true driverless Robot Car, sometimes it is best to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth.

Because if you read what some people are saying about this announcement, you might be tempted to believe that Musk finally demonstrated a full driverless RoboTaxi at this event, and that their appearance on American streets is imminent.

Here is the key part from his address to the crowd, in just 1 minute, where he announces when these Robotaxis will be available.

He’s absolutely certain on the time frame this time, isn’t he?

The facts are that many of Musk’s competitors already have Robotaxis on the road, including Alphabet Google’s Waymo “driverless” taxis, which Google has been developing for over 15 years now, and are still only in San Francisco, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.

And even in these cities, these Robotaxis are very limited in where they can drive, and are not allowed on freeways or other busy places like airports.

But do these “driverless” taxis that have been in development for a decade and a half truly operate without human beings?

No. If the car gets into trouble or the passenger is in distress, they are immediately connected to a REAL human being.

So that begs the question: how many human beings are required to operate a “driverless” automobile?

According to reports in the media that looked at Zoox, a “self-driving” car company owned by, it takes about 1.5 people behind the scenes to operate a single driverless car. (Source)

Can Technology Really Replace Humans?

Tesla Optimus Robot.

Elon Musk also demonstrated the newest version of Tesla’s “humanoid” robot, Optimus.

In past Tesla events Musk has received a lot of criticisms for this over-hyped robot. A few years ago at a Tesla event he introduced this robot that did incredible things, only to admit later that it was fake, and was actually a human dressed up like a robot.

At the last Tesla event at the end of 2022, he brought out a real robot that was very underwhelming, and almost fell off the stage. See (scroll down for video):

The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe

This time, he had robots come out and interact with the attendees. Here is a video that was posted with someone having a conversation with one of them, as they were all surrounded by Tesla employees.

As you listen to this robot talk, do you believe this is a computer-generated voice, or the voice of a human remotely talking through it? (The person “it” is talking to is a Tesla employee.)

This is obviously a human voice speaking through the robot, speaking American English, probably a male voice who is in his late 20s to mid-30s, and what appears to be a California accent. It sounds nothing like computer-generated voices people are familiar with like Alexa, or Siri.

And while AI Large Language Models do have the potential to create voices like this at some point, if Tesla had already achieved that feat, you can be sure Elon would have been bragging about that profusely.

If I had been at this event, the first question I would have asked any of these robots would have been: “Is your voice being generated by AI, or is there a human being somewhere talking to me?” If anyone at this event asked a question similar to this and recorded it, please contact me.

UPDATE: One of the attendees did ask a question like this, and recorded the response and put it on X:

If it takes 1.5 humans to operate a “driverless” car, I wonder how many were needed to operate these “humanoid robots”?

And yet Musk said these will “soon” be in production and that everyone will own one because they will cost less than his cars, at around $30,000.00, and will do everything you now do, including babysit your children and change baby diapers.

All this from a man who has not even put a driverless car on the road yet…

I am not the only one to pick up on these details that most Musk worshipers would never bother to notice.

Here is a video from a Tesla enthusiast and investor with his own critiques, and he even begins by saying that this event exceeded his expectations.

He too admits that these robots were certainly human controlled, and he exposes a lot of the other hype revealed at this show, such as the Robovan that was completely sealed off from the crowd, so nobody could closely inspect it.

He also thinks that the Robotaxis were not even employing the FSD feature of Tesla at this event, with video footage from the event that backs up his claim.

In other words, it was just a show, which Musk himself admitted and told people to enjoy.

The Technocrats are Spending America’s Future on Science Fiction and Magic that will Never be Real

Most investors were not too impressed with this show, as Tesla stocks declined in price on Friday, the day after the event.

It also didn’t help that the man Elon Musk is campaigning for to be President of the United States again, Donald Trump, told an audience at a campaign stop in Detroit just hours before this show that he was going to prevent autonomous vehicles from operating on American roads. He and Vice President candidate JD Vance are also in favor of ending government subsidies on Electric Vehicles (EVs). (Source.)

Let’s look at some simple facts about Tesla’s main competitor in driverless vehicles, Waymo, which is owned by Alphabet/Google, and is always the model of “success” that Tesla’s plans for the future are judged by.

Waymo taxis only operate in 3 cities, but they are now considered the most successful RoboTaxi currently on American streets, as it was just announced recently that they have exceeded 100,000 rides sold per week.

As its competitors falter, the Google-owned and California-based robotaxi service Waymo seems to be in cruise control.

According to figures the company shared in August, Waymo is now giving over 100,000 paid rides to customers each week in San Francisco, Phoenix, and Los Angeles, using its fleet of fully autonomous and specially-equipped Jaguar SUVs. That’s double the number of weekly rides it was giving in May, a clear sign of its growing dominance in this burgeoning market.

“At this point, the fully autonomous driving industry is really just an industry of one: Waymo,” former CEO John Krafcik, who is now a board member at the EV automaker Rivian, told The New York Times. (Source.)

But how much is Waymo actually worth as the leader of the pack in this driverless car industry? They’ve been around for 15 years now with $billions invested, so how much money are they making?

NONE. ZERO. In fact they are still losing $billions every quarter.

But as the newspaper notes, there’s a major caveat: despite its healthy stream of customers, Waymo still isn’t profitable. Google’s experimental division, which includes Waymo, had an operating loss of around $2 billion in the first of this year, and the robotaxi company is most likely a significant portion of that loss, Mark Mahaney at investment research firm Evercore ISI told the NYT.

With even the industry leader still in the red, it’s a sobering reminder that the road to profitability is a long one, with no guarantee that it won’t lead to a dead end. (Source.)

And yet, investors continue to pour money in Waymo, and its current valuation is said to be similar to Uber’s valuation, and may soon overtake Uber as being a more valuable company.

Why Waymo Could Speed Past Uber

The race to get self-driving taxis on the road is accelerating. Elon Musk’s Tesla plans to reveal its long-awaited prototype of one such vehicle on Oct. 10, while Alphabet-owned Waymo announced last month that its autonomous vehicles soon would be available for Uber customers in Austin, Texas, and Atlanta.

These moves, along with Waymo’s recent success running a robotaxi service in Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Francisco that it says handles over 100,000 paid rides a week, offer concrete evidence that Waymo could become a viable business for the first time since Alphabet began working on the project more than 15 years ago.

Now the question becomes—what is Waymo worth?

Our very rough guesstimate is around $110 billion. Because Waymo is building a robotaxi business, we decided to assess valuation by comparing Waymo to Uber, whose market capitalization is now around $160 billion. (Source. Subscription needed.)

Really? Waymo is worth almost as much as Uber??

While serving 100,000 rides per week in 3 cities might sound impressive for Waymo, Uber is in almost every major city in the U.S. and currently makes over 23 million rides per day. (Source.)

And Uber doesn’t own a single car. They basically lease cars owned by private citizens, that only need ONE human to operate.

And while Uber was started by rich venture capitalists in Silicon Valley and did not turn a profit for 15  years, they finally became profitable in 2023. (Source.)

So how in the world can investors on Wall Street and Silicon Valley spend so much money on a Robotaxi that is still losing $billions each year, and estimate that its value is more than an established ride-share business that is now actually profitable and has 23 million customers each day compared to Waymo’s 14,000 customers each day while losing $billions for 15 years now?

There is only one reason: a religious-like faith in technologists such as Elon Musk, and a fear that they will be left behind if these techno-prophecies actually come true some day.

This is a Satanic cult that is literally making people insane. I meet these religious cult members all the time when they comment on articles I write that expose the truth about Elon Musk, such as the one I published last week:

Zionist Billionaire Elon Musk’s Desperate Attempt to Purchase a Trump Presidency and Remain in Power

Here is a comment sent to me on this article by Victoria Ashley:

Subject: Elon is actually a hero – you have no idea what you are talking about

I’m finally going to have to unsubscribe. You are living in a silo and obviously don’t know what is going on.

If you are not on X, you are not getting the information you need to make sense of things.

Elon is working to defend free speech and get Trump elected so the nation is not DESTROYED by the Deep State that is currently working to assassinate Trump.

Is that the nation you want?? To have assassinations of presidential candidates?

Wow. Israel’s Mossad is no different than our own CIA – Trump can finally de-fang the CIA with the help of RFK Jr., Vivek, Elon, Tulsi, and many more who now see what is going on.

Please get yourself on X. Follow Mike Benz, former State Department working to expose the Censorship Industrial Complex.

– Victoria

So there you have it. The Trump cult is joining forces with the Musk cult, and their church is X, where one must join to be part of their religious cult, and practice “free speech” by banning everyone else who is not part of their church.

And don’t forget to display your Star of David on the Israeli flag to show you support for Zionism.

God bless America!

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Genesis Chapter 1)

Comment on this article at

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