by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Bombing and acts of terrorism (exploding pagers and cell phones) have now killed over 2,000 people and made over 1 million people homeless in Lebanon in the past couple of weeks, including innocent women, children, and Christians.

It’s time to stop giving Israel all the credit for these acts of terrorism and genocide, and face the fact that without America’s weapons, approval, and participation, none of this would be possible.

America and Israel are One Nation Under Zionism, and Israel might as well be the 51st State in the U.S.

When Iran sent hundreds of missiles and drones into Israel earlier this week, which killed ZERO people, whose intelligence warned the people in Israel that the bombing was imminent?

It was not Mossad or Israeli intelligence, it was U.S. intelligence.

Iran is preparing to “imminently” launch a ballistic missile attack on Israel, according to a senior U.S. administration official, who warned Tuesday of “severe consequences” should it take place.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence, said the U.S. is actively supporting Israeli defensive preparations.

This comes after the Israeli military on Tuesday warned people to evacuate nearly two dozen Lebanese border communities hours after announcing what it said were limited ground operations against Hezbollah.

White House officials did not immediately offer any evidence backing its intelligence finding. The official added that the administration was confident in the determination. (Source: Army Times.)

And they were correct. Shortly after this warning from U.S. Intelligence (NOT Israeli Intelligence), Iran did indeed send hundreds of missiles into Israel.

This should not be surprising, because as famous as Israeli intelligence is, it cannot even come close to comparing to U.S. Intelligence and their use of Big Tech.

In a 2018 report titled: 2018 CIA and Mossad: Tradeoffs in the Formation of the U.S.-Israel Strategic Relationship, Jefferson Morley reported:

I want to emphasize that I only use the term “deep state” as a colloquial shorthand term for the array of U.S. national security agencies that operate under the shroud of official secrecy.

Let’s not forget there are a dozen—at least a dozen—such agencies based here in Washington.

The CIA, with its $15 billion a year budget, is the largest.

The NSA, with a budget of about $10 billion, is the second largest.

The Defense Intelligence Agency is about $4 billion.

Then, along with some other obscure but still very large agencies like the NGIA—never heard of the NGIA? I didn’t think so. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is a $4.9 billion-a-year agency.

Collectively, these agencies spend probably $50 billion to $60 billion a year, which makes them a very small, but powerful, potent sector in the American scheme of power.

Want to know how the NGIA spent your $4.9 billion? Good luck.

Want to see a line item budget of CIA activities in Africa last year? Move along.

It’s true that Congress nominally has oversight powers over these agencies. Our elected officials do have their security clearances that we don’t have, so they can go in and look at selected operations.

But the intelligence oversight system is very weak, as even its defenders will admit. The intelligence committees, polarized and politicized, can’t even agree on what kind of secret activities they’re supposed to monitor.

The FISA court system is supposed to protect Americans from surveillance by their government, but it largely functions as a rubberstamp of the secret agencies.

A secret government is the norm in America in 2018, which is why the discourse of the deep state has such currency today. (Source.)

And that was back in 2018, over 6 years ago!

Add to that growing number today all the defense contracts that go to Google, Microsoft, Apple,, and Elon Musk with his vast satellite network, there is no Intelligence Organization anywhere in the world that can compete with the United States.

I suspect that this is the primary reason why every time Lebanon names a new head of their military apparatus in Hezbollah, that they are almost immediately assassinated.

It would seem that those in Lebanon, a very poor country, have not learned how to avoid using Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Starlink, and thousands of free apps and software programs provided by these Big Tech companies so that the Zionist regime in the U.S.  knows what they are going to do next before even Hezbollah does.

So the next time you read a story in the news about some amazing Israeli military or terrorist operation, like exploding lithium batteries in personal devices, bunker-busting bombs dropped on apartment buildings killing whole families, etc., please don’t give Israel and the IDF all the credit.

They’re just playing their part as pawns in these Satanic, Zionist acts of terrorism that are contrived and executed by their mother country, The United States of America.

So as Americans suffer and FEMA reportedly is “out of money,” watch what your $billions in tax dollars are doing to promote the Zionist agenda in Lebanon, a country that is over 30% Christian in this short 4-minute video I just published.

Will America Attack Iran and Start the Last Stages of WW III?

For those of you with little knowledge about the Middle East, you need to understand that Iran is not a poor country like Lebanon, and if the U.S and Israel do decide to attack them, the results could be very different from the current Hezbollah resistance.

Iran has sent missiles and drones into Israel twice now this year, and both times there were ZERO deaths, with the U.S. and Israel bragging that they were ineffective, and easily shot down.

And to be honest, I have no way of knowing whether that is true or not, as I just get my information from the Internet, like everyone else.

But there are almost always different perspectives from the U.S. one, with the U.S. perspective controlled mostly by the Zionists.

Alex Krainer published an article this week on the Iran missile attack, which was also republished on ZeroHedge News.

Here is some of what he wrote:

Iran missile attack: what we learned last night

During the night of 2nd October 2024, Iran unleashed their operation “True Promise 2,” launching between 200 and 400 ballistic missiles into Israel. As the video footage coming from Israel has shown, many of these missiles reached their targets inflicting extensive damage on the ground.

Apparently, some offshore gas platforms were also struck. Claims and counterclaims are a bit all over the place at the moment: Israelis have claimed that the Iranian attack failed and that most of the missiles were intercepted.

Netanyahu’s aide Hananya Naftali even tweeted a “BRAVO” to Israel’s aerial defence systems for intercepting “nearly all the missiles.”

But the footage from last night gives a very different impression; it corroborates those who claimed that many missiles hit their targets. A few of the videos also confirm that the Iranians do indeed possess hypersonic missiles. We also know now that these have a long range and seem accurate enough.

This lesson alone could be a game changer.

Why hypersonic missiles are a game changer

Hypersonic missiles can’t be intercepted. The most advanced Western air defence systems can shoot down incoming projectiles flying at up to mach 3.

So far as the Patriot Missiles are concerned, their success rate is very poor even at that. Nothing in Western powers’ arsenal can defend against hypersonic missiles and this certainly got the Pentagon’s attention.

The implication is that all US Navy assets and military bases in the Middle East are defenceless, and that Iran has the capability to strike them.

During yesterday’s attack, two U.S. destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched twelve SM-3 ballistic missile interceptor rockets, their most advanced air defence system.

The problem is that the current production rate of SM-3s is down to zero!

Thus, even if SM-3s are effective, Western air defence systems are not for the long haul and will deplete rapidly in case of further escalation.

At the same time, Iran has many thousands of missiles ready. Here’s what CSIS says about Iran’s arsenal:

“Iran possesses the largest and most diverse missile arsenal in the Middle East, with thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles, some capable of striking as far as Israel and southeast Europe. For the past decade, Iran has invested significantly to improve these weapons’ precision and lethality. Such developments have made Iran’s missile forces… a credible threat to U.S. and partner military forces in the region.”

Read the full article.

At the time of this writing, America has still not allowed Israel to strike back, but there are reports that they will soon.

Here are some other reports from English versions of Middle Eastern news sources that paint a different picture about this horrible war that has begun in Lebanon.

How did Hezbollah ensnare dozens of Israeli soldiers at the border?

Fighters from the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon successfully confronted an Israeli infantry force attempting to infiltrate Lebanese territory through the village of Odaisseh from the Khallet al-Mahafer area on Wednesday dawn, Hezbollah confirmed.

Fierce confrontations ensued, forcing Israeli occupation forces to retreat after suffering casualties, according to the group’s statement.

Hezbollah said the operations was “in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in solidarity with its brave and honorable resistance, as well as in defense of Lebanon and its people.”

Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in South Lebanon reported that Hezbollah executed a well-planned ambush against a group of Israeli soldiers who were preparing to infiltrate from Odaisseh and Kfar Kila.

Our correspondent mentioned that dozens of elite Israeli soldiers were wounded, and their cries were heard throughout the area.

The Islamic Resistance fighters opened fire at the Israeli forces from point-blank range, leading to fierce confrontations, according to our correspondent in South Lebanon.

The Israeli military reported the killing of one soldier in the Odaisseh ambush, but the number of casualties is much higher, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent confirmed, noting that the latest event marks the first real engagement with an Israeli commando unit attempting to breach the Lebanese border.

Meanwhile, Israeli media admitted that an Israeli force fell into an ambush set by Hezbollah, pointing out that the Lebanese group is attempting to target concentrations of the Israeli military. (Full article.)

War Expands: Two Israeli Troops Killed 24 Wounded by Drone Attack from Iraq

In a massive escalation and unprecedented first since the Gaza War began on Oct.7 of last year, a drone attack launched from Iraq has scored a direct hit on an Israeli base on the northern Golan Heights region.

Initial reports suggest a mass casualty event: Two Israeli soldiers were killed and 24 were wounded in a drone attack from Iraq, the IDF has announced. The attack appears to have occurred Thursday morning, according to the Israeli statement, but is only being disclosed 24 hours later. (Full article.)

Netanyahu rushed to shelter after missiles reach Keisarya residence

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon expanded the circumference of its operations to include new settlements, among which was occupied Qisarya where Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resides.

Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was hurried to a shelter after sirens sounded in Keisarya following the launch of a barrage of missiles by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon as they expanded their operations circumference targeting new Israeli settlements.

According to Walla, an Israeli news website that reported on the incident, Netanyahu was at his residence in occupied Qisarya when the sirens sounded, prompting him to seek shelter.

This development comes as Hezbollah increases its firepower against Israeli military bases in northern occupied Palestine, continuing its targeted operations against the Israeli occupation and responding to incursions in the south. This is done in support of Gaza and its Resistance, as well as in defense of Lebanon and its people against the brutal Israeli occupation’s aggression on cities, villages, and civilians.

CNN says Mossad headquarters in ‘densely populated’ area, raising eyebrows on social media

CNN has reported that Israel’s Mossad headquarters are located in a “densely populated area” in Tel Aviv, posing risks to civilians during Iran’s attack.

“The concern is if your firing, even though Iran might consider that a military target, it is in a densely populated city with civilians around it,” CNN reported.

The remarks raised questions on social media on why West did not accuse the intelligence agency of using Israeli civilians as “human shields”, as they claim Hamas and Hezbollah do.

“Insane, right? that’s THEIR main argument in Gaza/Lebanon!” one social media user wrote.

“By the US/Israel’s own logic, this is human shielding & every single Israeli in Tel Aviv is a legitimate target,” he said. (Full article.)

If America does attack Iran and WW III begins its last stages, will Americans be ready? Or have the current generations living here in the U.S. been too pampered to have never seen REAL war break out in the U.S.?

For those who still don’t believe that the people running the U.S. are so cruel and Satanic to mass murder innocent people, you have short memories, as Operation WARP Speed was unleashed unto the American people by our own government and corporate America, where the COVID-19 rushed-to-market experimental “vaccines” have now killed at least the nearly 40,000 people they admit to since 2020, and is probably only 1% of the true total. (Source.)

This is compared to less than 11,000 deaths after all FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED for the past 30+ years. (Source.)

Original source of this graphic unknown, and most likely AI generated.

And with the U.S. Presidential elections just a few weeks away now, make sure you get out and vote for your favorite pro-vaccine Zionist candidate so the genocide and population reduction massacres can continue.

The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the cypress, the plane, and the pine, to beautify the place of my sanctuary, and I will make the place of my feet glorious. (Isaiah 60:13)

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