Graphic by Peggy Hall.

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It is truly amazing how so many people in the “Health Freedom Movement” who opposed the COVID shots, are now continuing to support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and his pro-vaccine agenda.

After his editorial on Fox News supporting the deadly MMR vaccines, some “big names” in the movement have taken it upon themselves to criticize people like myself who continue to publish the truth about RFK Jr. as he endorses the CDC Child Immunization schedule.

The latest names are Dr. Elizabeth Vliet, and Ty and Charlene Bollinger. I have intentionally hyperlinked their names so you can click on them and see all the fine articles I have written about these people over the years, as they warned people about the dangers of vaccines.

But now they are turning against anyone who criticizes their hero, RFK Jr., and his pro-vaccine agenda.

Peggy Hall has just written an article and published a video in response, as she too has taken heat for calling out those who continue to support RFK Jr.

Hall correctly articulates the issue: This is not about “whose side are you on,” it is about whether or not your support the TRUTH.

What are you people who continue to support the pedophile Epstein associate RFK Jr. going to say to the mother you meet in the future who listened to this man and what he says about the MMR vaccine, and every other vaccine in the CDC childhood immunization schedule, and then ended up with a dead child, or one maimed for life with autism, because they not only trusted RFK Jr., but they also trusted YOU because you said he was a good person??


Responding to RFK Jr DENIERS

by Peggy Hall


Today’s hot topic is whether we should be tapping our feet impatiently or sitting on our hands while “Bob” (RFK Jr.) settles into his role as HHS Secretary.

I’ve titled this video & substack “Let the Man Work” – not because that’s my stance, but because it’s the rallying cry from several corners of the health freedom movement.

In my video linked above, I dived into several examples of this mentality, including a Substack from Dr. Elizabeth Vliet entitled “Time to be patient…Give our new Administration time to work!” Dr. Vliet suggests we pump the brakes on our concerns – even as parents follow Bob’s health guidance for their children to become human pin-cushions.

I also dived into comments from Charlene and Ty Bollinger – whom I’ve met personally and found quite amiable. Let me be clear: It’s likely these are well-intentioned people. They’ve apparently spent years battling pharmaceutical harms, and their hearts seem to be in the right place, but good intentions and good analysis don’t always go hand in hand – and that’s where my perspective differs on “letting Bob work.”

Several viewers forwarded me the Bollinger’s Twitter thread “Unpacking the Lies You’ve Been Fed” – apparently defending Bob’s inaction.

But what about Bob’s own words?

His Senate confirmation hearings where he plainly stated, “I support an uptake in vaccines,” and “I recommend parents and children follow the CDC vaccine schedule.” Words that stand in stark contrast to what many expected from his appointment.

My burning question remains: How many more children will be harmed or killed by listening to Bob? I find it very, very irresponsible. He’s either lying or… well, both options are reprehensible.

Read the full article at


From “Defending” Children’s Health to Destroying It: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Now Recommends MMR Vaccine After Years of Condemning It

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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