Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It’s that time of year again in North America that is called “the flu season”, and where Big Pharma likes to make a ton of money on their products to “fight the flu.”

Big Pharma’s flu products are highly toxic, however, and their number 1 product is the flu shot, which can injure, cripple, or kill you.

In just this year alone, 2024, over 6,000 cases of adverse effects from the flu shots have been filed with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), including 52 deaths, 70 life threatening adverse reactions, 80 permanent disabilities, 285 hospitalizations, and 666 ER visits. (Source – From the 11/29/2024 release of VAERS data.)

Human beings have been fighting flu-like illnesses for thousands of years before modern-day western medicine started producing vaccines and pharmaceutical products, and the body of research showing how much more effective natural, non-patentable remedies are for fighting the flu is very large.

This is a topic I have covered for almost two decades now, so I am going to list here the top remedies for fighting the flu that people have found much more effective than vaccines and pharmaceutical products.

Disclaimer: The following is not personal advice, whether medical or non-medical, to anyone, as every person is uniquely created by God with unique circumstances, unique emotional well-being, and unique physical challenges, so no one-size-fits-all approach will produce the same results in everyone.

The following is simply the result of my own research, and my own personal experiences over the years, and cannot constitute any personal advice to anyone. And please don’t email me either asking for personal advice, because I do not give out advice to people over the Internet.

Vitamin D Supplementation

Vitamin D benefits and sources. Useful infographic.

Vitamin D is one of the most potent supplements to stop flu symptoms in their track. It is well researched, which makes it a constant target by Big Pharma to try and suppress this research, as it would seriously put a dent into the sale and distribution of flu shots, as Vitamin D supplements can be purchased almost anywhere and does not need a doctor’s prescription.

William B. Grant, Ph.D. of Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is someone we have featured many times on Health Impact News regarding the benefits of Vitamin D. See:

The War Against Vitamin D – A Threat to Big Pharma

One of the most popular articles we have published on Vitamin D for beating the flu, is a 2017 article published by Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Study: Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine

When we reposted this article on Facebook in 2019, it went viral, reaching a high of 15,000 views per hour, until Facebook added a “Fact Checker” warning as “fake news”.


Facebook Censors Trending Vitamin D Story to Protect Flu Vaccines Using Former CNN Reporter

The best source of Vitamin D is direct sunlight, which is why Vitamin D supplementation can have dramatic effects during the short winter days where sunlight exposure is the most limited.

When I feel flu-like symptoms coming on during the winter months, I take 20,000 to 30,000 IU (500 mg to 750 mg) a day until symptoms subside.

Vitamin C Supplementation

Vitamin C is the other “Super Vitamin” that has a long history of research showing just how effective Vitamin C supplementation is for a variety of illnesses, including respiratory illnesses such as the flu.

Another natural product that cannot be patented and that is widely available without a doctor’s prescription, it too presents a threat to Big Pharma’s expensive and highly toxic drugs.

Because it has such a long history of success in fighting “influenza”, it proved successful against the “cornavirus” as well, since COVID-19 was just simply a rebranding of a set of symptoms that is usually called “the flu.” See:

The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC

Doctors who started treating COVID patients with Vitamin C and seeing a 100% success rate that they made public, were attacked, censored, and even arrested during the COVID Scam. See:

Michigan Doctor Raided by FBI and Arrested for Treating COVID19 Patients with Vitamin C

FTC Shuts Down Dr. Brownstein’s Blog for Explaining How He was Curing COVID-19 Patients

The best presentation about all the wonderful benefits of Vitamin C supplementation is a 2014 presentation by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. See:

Vitamin C: Nature’s Super Medicine That Cures Disease and Threatens Big Pharma Profits

Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil also has a long history of stopping the flu and other illnesses attributed to “viruses” in their tracks. See:

Coconut Oil Offers Hope for Antibiotic-Resistant Germs

Virgin Coconut Oil works best when you replace the toxic oils in your house and diets with Virgin Coconut Oil. Toxic oils that contribute to illnesses are: Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Corn Oil, and most any other cooking oil that has only entered the human food chain after WW II when industrialization began, and we developed the technology (seed expeller technology) to make liquid oils from seeds we never did before.

I have written an entire book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and at the time of this writing it is currently being offered for free (soft cover version – 242 pages with recipes), with a minimum purchase of $20.

Order here.

Bone Broths – Chicken Soup

photo of gelatin from broth.

Bone broths and soups are another effective way to fight the flu, as family stories about “grandma’s homemade chicken soup” being a cure for colds and flus is not just simply an “old wives’ tale”, but the evidence is overwhelming that it is actually true!

You can easily make your own bone broths, especially if you are roasting turkeys or chickens over the holidays. (Don’t throw away the bones!!)

Here are some good articles to read to learn more, including how to make your own bone broths:

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science Confirm Health Benefits of Bone Broths

Beyond Soup: Six Ways to Eat More Nutrient-Dense Bone Broth

Homemade Bone Broths for Healing, Including Fighting the Flu

How to Make Bone Broth: Easy, No Fuss

Super Herbs Garlic, Ginger, and others to Fight the Flu

Photo by Shannon Stonger.

One of the most popular articles we have published over the years at flu season is the article:

Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

It is popular, because many have made this soup, or a variation of it, with great success.

See also:

How Garlic Can Save Your Life

Ginger is also a super herb that should be part of your fight against the flu.

When our family lived on a mountain in the Philippines for several years, there was one man from our community who walked down the mountain every week on market day who was quite well recognized by everyone. That’s because he was over 100 years old!

One day we stopped to talk to him, and I asked him what he felt his secret was to reaching 104 years of age.

He replied: “I drink salabat every day.”

Salabat is the name the Filipinos give for fresh ginger tea. I am sure there were many other contributing factors to this man’s longevity (coconut oil more than likely was his cooking oil like everyone else in our community), but in his mind ginger tea was at the top!

See also:

Therapeutic Benefits of Ginger Noted for Thousands of Years

Here are some more articles on herbs and other foods and supplements that people have used to fight the flu:

Top 12 Best Foods and Antioxidants to Fight A Cold or the Flu

Healthier Alternatives to the Seasonal Flu Vaccine: Garlic, Zinc, and Vitamin D

Hydrogen Peroxide

32 fl oz bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide

People have reported great success in preventing the flu by spraying hydrogen peroxide into their ears at the first sign of flu symptoms. See:

Safe and Effective Natural Remedy for the Flu: Over the Counter Hydrogen Peroxide

Essential Oils

Plant oil extracts known as “essential oils” are also very powerful in defeating the flu and many other illnesses.

Crystal Lauer, in her article Holistic Alternatives for Fighting the Flu writes:

Just to make sure everyone in our household has the odds in their favor when it comes to facing the flu season, oregano essential oil, clove essential oil and thyme essential oil is applied in varying amounts, dependent on ages and sizes, to the bottom of the feet, before bed and in the mornings.

Boswellia oil and resin combination is also taken at the first signs of respiratory infection. There are many other essential oils that can be combined to benefit the natural immune response, but these are just a few of our preferences.

So, while you’re getting down your boots and sweaters from storage and prepping your fireplace for the first logs to be lit, remember to get ahead of the coming flu season and have a strategy for keeping both you and your loved ones healthy and strong through the holidays and all throughout winter. (Full article.)

See also:

Why Essential Oils Heal and Drugs Don’t

Using Essential Oils to Cure Disease

Other Resources

A great resource for parents is the classic book by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, which can be downloaded on

To find out if we even need to fear “viruses” please see:

The Virus Hunter Dr. Stefan Lanka: Belief in “Viruses” is a Religion


Healing without Drugs: Western Culture has Lost its Way

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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