by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The ongoing Drone Psyop is still making headlines today in both the corporate and “alternative” media, with seemingly everyone chipping in to give their opinion about what is really happening.

We are going on almost 4 weeks now where the “headline” news in the U.S. has been obviously following a carefully written script to get the public’s attention. It started with the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare, which amazingly stayed in the news cycle as the headline story for over 3 weeks.

It took the drone story to displace that one, and it is very obvious that this story is also following a pre-determined script to try to accomplish something with the highly-medicated vaccine-damaged American public.

What I usually like to do when it is obvious that the American public is being distracted by something that the corporate and “alternative” media is publishing that stays in the news cycle for so long, is to look outside of American media to see if there are significant other news stories that are being reported elsewhere that are NOT reaching the U.S. media.

So this morning I looked at the two Russian English news sites, five different Middle Eastern English news sites, and 1 major English News site out of China.

There was not one single article on the “drone crisis” in the U.S. I could see on any of the home pages of all those English News sites as of this morning, and yet it continues to dominate the U.S. News.

The Middle Eastern news is, of course, still concentrating on the war in Gaza and the new situation in Syria, and China seems mostly consumed about Trump’s alleged new tariff trade wars that are being threatened.

When you look at the Russian news, however, this is the headline news today:

Western leaders think they’re chosen by GodWest pushing Russia beyond ‘red line’ – Putin

So here is what Putin said today, which at the time of this writing is not being reported much yet in the U.S. media.

Western countries continue to act as if they are God’s representatives on Earth by trying to maintain their global dominance through imposing duplicitous rules, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Speaking at a meeting of top Russian Defense Ministry officials on Monday, Putin noted that the military and political situation in the world remains complicated and unstable, pointing to the bloodshed in the Middle East and other regions of the world.

The president stated that the current US administration, as well as most other Western governments, are still trying to preserve their global hegemony and force the international community to play by their “so-called rules” that constantly change and distort in a way that is convenient for them.

In fact, there is only one stable rule: no rules for those who make the rules, for those who consider themselves to be at the head of the whole world, those who consider themselves to be representatives of God on Earth, although they themselves do not believe in God,” Putin said. (Source.)

The West’s support for Ukraine is pushing Russia to the point where it cannot help but retaliate, President Vladimir Putin has said, while warning the US against deploying medium-range missiles.

Speaking at a meeting of top Russian Defense Ministry officials on Monday, Putin accused the US of seeking

“to weaken our country and inflict a strategic defeat” on Moscow by continuing “to pump a de facto illegitimate ruling regime in Kiev with weapons and money, sending mercenaries and military advisers, thereby encouraging further escalation of the conflict.”

Washington is instilling fear in Americans by resorting to “simple tactics,” Putin stated. “They push us to the red line… we begin to respond, and then they frighten their population,” he added, suggesting that the US used the same approach during its rivalry with the Soviet Union. (Source.)

I have stated in previous articles that in my opinion, it is extremely unlikely that any of the countries that the U.S. Government wants Americans to believer are our enemies, specifically China, Russia, and Iran, would have any motivation to make a military strike on U.S. soil in the mainland, as long as our financial system is still in tact, because they all drink from the spigot of U.S. wealth, even with sanctions in place.

Russia is far more likely to attack U.S. military installations in Europe and the Middle East, and a U.S. military report published earlier this year admitted that the U.S. military could not defeat China in a direct military confrontation.

U.S. Military Report: U.S. Cannot Defeat China, U.S. Public Unaware of Dangers and Unprepared for Societal Breakdown

A truly historic event was held in Washington D.C. this week that barely broke into the news cycle, when Eric Edelman and Jane Harman, from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, presented their findings to members of Congress based on a RAND Corporation published report that came out this week explaining that the U.S. could not win a war against China, and that Americans are totally unaware of the danger they are in and totally unprepared for the consequences of such a war, such as a Cyber Attack that would bring down our ports and much of our network services infrastructure. (Full article.)

And Iran, of course, is focused on defeating Israel, and has already launched missiles into Israel twice this year. They have nothing to gain and much to lose by attacking America’s homeland.

This leads me back, again, to Russia’s demonstration at the end of November of their new Oreshnik missile, to which there is reportedly no air defense system to stop. See:

Russia Threatens Air Strikes with New Missile on American Bases in the Middle East, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, and North Dakota

In one way or another, this new weapons technology unveiled by Russia must be putting pressure on American military leaders, and I would not be surprised at all if this entire drone psyop has something to do with their next move, which could be some kind of “false flag attack” that is about to be launched on American soil by the U.S. military.

I published a lengthy quote about “Putin’s Oreshnik Message” by Sam Parker of Behind the News Network last week that you can read here:

Is a New Russian Turkey Alliance Forming? Syrian President Assad Moves to Moscow

He wrote, in part:

Putin warned the ruling elites.

In a speech last weekend, Putin warned the ruling elites (the 2 families – the Rothschilds and Rockefellers) that if these attacks on Russia continue, then expect more devastating responses in Britain and France, plus the US. (Full article here.)

Shortly after I published that article, and just after Sam Parker started a 2-part series about what just happened in Syria, the Behind the News Network website went down, and it has been down for a few days now at the time of this writing.

This has happened to them before, forcing them to change domain names.

I have found very solid intelligence reports from this website frequently since the COVID Scam, and I suspect that their analysis was close to the target, and was perhaps the reason why they were just knocked offline again.

So be careful, be prepared, and don’t be fooled by the lies published in the media.

Remember, those of us who did not fall for the COVID Scam and never took their shots and drugs, are now among the few who can still think rationally and exercise discernment, especially those of us born of the Spirit who also have spiritual discernment.

Don’t fall for any of Satan’s clever tricks. He has to appeal to the medicated and vaccine-damaged majority population, which gives us the advantage.

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:12-17)

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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