Americans are exposed to dangerous drug dealers working for the drug cartels on almost every street corner in every city and town in the United States.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Earlier this month the Global Times, an English language news medium based out of China, published a 2-part series on the fentanyl problem in the U.S., claiming that the United States has been wrongly blaming China for this crisis that is American-made. These are articles that were also republished in the Russian English news. See:
GT investigates: Unpacking the truth behind America’s fentanyl crisis
GT investigates: Why has fentanyl become a tool for the US to shift blame?
While these reports contain useful information in understanding the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., they were hard to read, perhaps because they were first written in Mandarin and then later translated into English, and they were lacking references.
So I have done my own investigation into the fentanyl crisis for the past couple of days, and I am going to show in this article that China banned all forms of fentanyl years ago, and that fentanyl was developed by Western pharmaceutical companies, and that these pharmaceutical companies continue to earn $billions from the sale of fentanyl, and according to some settled lawsuits on the “opioid scandal”, the U.S. pharmaceutical companies themselves have developed their own “cartel” of willing physicians who intentionally prescribed fentanyl with the intention of getting people addicted to it to increase sales.
While the ingredients to make illegal fentanyl continue to flow from China into Mexico for the illegal cartels to produce fentanyl to bring across the border, this “illegal” cartel pales in comparison to the “legal” cartel of U.S. pharmaceutical companies and their doctors who are licensed to prescribe fentanyl, that is then dispensed from “legal” drug dealers in the U.S. such as Walgreens and CVS.
The most dangerous cartel with their drug pushers in the U.S. is operating under the color of the law, and can be found on almost every street corner of every city and town in America.
So let’s stop blaming China for America’s drug addictions and diseases, whether it is fentanyl or the fake COVID-19 “virus,” because the real criminals are, and always have been, the criminal pharmaceutical companies operating right here in the U.S.
Who Developed Fentanyl?
Fentanyl was first synthesized by Paul Janssen in 1959 and was approved for medical use in the United States in 1968.
Paul Janssen was a Belgian physician and the founder of Janssen Pharmaceutica, which is now a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson.
Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic “piperidine” opioid. It is 30 to 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine.
As of 2017, fentanyl was the most widely-prescribed synthetic opioid in medicine. In 2019, it was the 278th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than a million prescriptions.
It is on the World Health Organization’s List of “Essential Medicines.” (Source.)
And while fentanyl was banned in China in 2019, allegedly at the request of then President Donald Trump, it is still legal in the U.S. and Europe, with sales of over $1.5 Billion in 2023, and forecast to grow to $3.5 Billion by 2030. (Source.)
The two largest pharmaceutical companies who produce fentanyl here in the U.S. are Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.
When law enforcement seizes “illegal” fentanyl in drug busts in the U.S., there is usually no way to determine if the fentanyl was produced “illegally” in a lab in Mexico, or was originally prescribed “legally” by doctors in the U.S., just simply based on its appearance.
Pharmaceutical fentanyl vs. illegal fentanyl: What’s the difference?
Fentanyl has become synonymous with the crisis of opioid addiction in America. It’s easy to produce and readily available on the black market.
In 2022, Opioid Help Louisiana reported that 1,400 people in the state died with opioids to blame. Of that, over 1,200 were because of synthetic opioids like fentanyl. The CDC says fentanyl remains the deadliest drug threat in the U.S.
But, it does have a medical use – providing relief to millions of people suffering from chronic pain.
Dr. Catherine Oliver with Clinical Pharmacy Services at Ochsner says fentanyl is used in the hospital to control pain and is far more potent than most opioids.
“We can give it to you in surgery, we can give it to you in the ICU when we are trying to keep you comfortable when you’re critically ill,” said Oliver.
“There are also some compounding pharmacies that will make it in forms like lozenges so for patients who can maybe not swallow they’ll use that or lollipops.”
“We do see that laced with other illicit or street medications and that’s where we see the devastating effects because it is so much more potent than other opioids if you aren’t aware of what it is or what is being used that’s when we see unexpected or unintended overdoses,” said Oliver.
Dr. Daniel Sessions… the Chief of Medical Toxicology at Ochsner, states that every few hours a person comes into an Oschner Emergency Room overdosing on fentanyl. A lot of the time those using don’t even realize they’re taking the drug.
“People are taking these fentanyl chemicals and the fentanyl itself – they’re making them into pills and the pills are usually disguised to look like other medications that people are trying to use or misused or abused,” said Sessions.
“If you have a pill that you think contains 30mg of oxycodone, 60% of the time it doesn’t contain that oxycodone, it contains a lethal dose of fentanyl.”
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, nationwide the use of synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, has skyrocketed. That’s according to research from the CDC.
“We’ve seen an increase in those fentanyl exposure, unfortunately,” said Sessions. “That was probably exasperated by the COVID pandemic and kind of the stress by that.”
Is it possible that fentanyl was specifically produced to create drug addicts and increase pharmaceutical sales?
Not only is it “possible,” it has been proven in a court of law through criminal prosecutions that this is exactly what has happened with America’s criminal pharmaceutical companies.
As I have frequently published over the past decade and a half here at Health Impact News, the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. is the largest criminal organization in the world, with no serious competitors, based on criminal settlements for fraud by the Department of Justice (DOJ). See:
Pharmaceutical Industry is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and the Largest Criminal Group in the World
In 2020 just as the COVID Scam was being rolled out, the CBS News show 60 Minutes produced an investigative report that proved to Americans that the fentanyl crisis in the U.S. was produced and controlled by the corrupt pharmaceutical industry, exposing their criminal activities and how they deliberately bribed doctors to prescribe fentanyl with the intent to get Americans addicted to this product to increase sales, while knowing full well that it would destroy the lives of their patients.
Money, dinners and strip clubs: How pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors to prescribe dangerous fentanyl drugs
The whistleblowers and prosecutors interviewed for this segment all used terminology such as “criminal”, “cartel”, “drug dealers”, etc. to describe what these pharmaceutical companies are doing.
I have produced my own trailer for this program that is only 5 minutes long.
The full episode is well worth watching. You need a Paramount Plus subscription, but I did find one copy of it on YouTube here.
If a lot of people start watching it, however, it might disappear.
American Lies About Fentanyl are Bipartisan
The alleged Chinese-supplied Mexican-cartel-distributed fentanyl crisis in the U.S. is drilled into the minds of all Americans, and this lie is told by both Democrats and Republicans, blaming the Chinese and Mexican cartels.
While the information I am supplying in this article is very simple and straightforward, the difficulty I had in digging up this information was not simple, because almost every Internet search site I used consistently brought up the official false narrative about the fentanyl crisis with any search term that contained the word “fentanyl.”
It is mainly because I have covered issues like this in our criminal pharmaceutical cartel for almost a decade and a half now, that I was able to find these sources by being creative in my search parameters and going to sources I already knew about to find this information.
It was only in researching data for this article that I learned for the first time that 60 Minutes actually published a comprehensive investigative report on these criminals, because at that time in 2020 when they published this report, I was busy covering the COVID Fraud and the dangerous “vaccines” that were being developed under Operation Warp Speed.
And even this investigative report from 60 Minutes, as excellent as it is, is what we call a “limited hangout”, because they only highlight a couple of companies who are portrayed as greedy and evil, because they were caught, while not exposing how the entire pharmaceutical industry operates this way, and that it is business as usual and not just a few “bad apples.”
As I reported in 2022, Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart all reached $billion dollar settlements in this opioid “crisis” for their participation in this cartel, but it is rare to see any of the stockholders or corporate executives face criminal prosecution, and afterwards it is just business as usual, as these very same drug dealers continue to sell their products through the physician cartels.
America’s Biggest Criminal Drug Dealers Go Free and Continue to Push Their Drugs that Destroy Lives
And just as this 60 Minutes report was showing America how evil these drug companies are back in the summer of 2020, then President Donald Trump rewarded these very same companies with $TRILLIONS to develop COVID-19 “vaccines” and other, novel experimental drugs that normally would never have made it to the market without Trump implementing the PREP Act for the first time in U.S. history, allowing the criminal pharmaceutical companies to put out into the market untested vaccines and drugs through Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs).
And just like the fentanyl crisis, Americans died or had their lives destroyed by the products from these companies, being sacrificed on the Satanic altar of pharmakeia.
To learn more about the Satanic roots to the modern pharmaceutical system, please see:
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
I am a living testimony that a person can live without using the medical system, as I have not had health insurance for over 30 years, and I have three children who are now adults, one of them being a Down Syndrome man, and they never visited doctors growing up in my household.
God has given us everything we need in his creation to live healthy lives, but natural cures cannot be patented and profited from, and are generally illegal in the U.S.
Please read my summary of the war against God’s herb, marijuana, which is a natural, safer pain reliever, in the last section of this article:
America’s Biggest Criminal Drug Dealers Go Free and Continue to Push Their Drugs that Destroy Lives
Also read about powerful plant oils usually referred to as “Essential Oils”, which also cannot be patented because they are natural, and are far superior to pharmaceutical poisonous drugs.
Why Essential Oils Heal and Drugs Don’t

Fentanyl cases surged almost 200% in Arizona during Trump’s first presidency. (Source.) Original image is The Los Zetas gang. (Source.)
Trump’s Huge Border “Control” Business is U.S. National Policy – Exposing Border Myths and Trump’s Lies
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
See Also:
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The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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