Just in time for Holiday baking, we are introducing our new Ancient Grain All-Purpose Baking and Bread Flours!
by Brian Shilhavy
Healthy Traditions Press Release
Back in September of this year (2024) we announced that my online store, Healthy Traditions, was now offering Ancient Grain and Heirloom Wheat All Purpose flours, which are tested for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, and with no other chemicals or additives added that are present in modern wheat flours that fill the shelves of grocery stores in the U.S.
Restoring Wheat Flour to the Category of “Healthy”: Introducing Ancient Grain All-Purpose Flours Tested for Glyphosate!
Wheat has received a bad rap in modern times, being blamed for the cause of many diseases and illnesses.
Many in the alternative health field show their belief in Darwinian biological evolution bias by claiming that wheat was never a plant that was good for human consumption, stating that human ancestors who evolved over millions of years were “hunters and gatherers”, and never planted crops.
However, even the evidence from archaeology clearly shows that ancient cultures were much more advanced than the evolutionists would have us believe, and were much more than simply “hunters and gatherers.”
When we read the historical records of the Bible, the most widely distributed collection of writings from antiquity, we read that man’s first job as entrusted to him by his Creator, was as an agriculturist to cultivate the earth.
For most of human history, until just recently in the “age of technology”, grains were considered the “staff of life,” and the most consumed food on the planet.
So how did grains and food made from them become so unhealthy in modern times? Because most people who cut out wheat from their diet today become much healthier, and that is a fact that cannot be denied.
The answer to this mystery lies in how grains are grown in the U.S. today, and then how they are processed after they are harvested and end up in the food chain as processed foods.
Today we are introducing to the public own new Ancient Grain All-Purpose flours!
For me personally, today marks the culmination of a 10-year journey, starting the day we tested our “organic” flours in 2014 that tested positive for glyphosate, to the sourcing of clean, ancient grains over the years, and now, all-purpose flours that are clean, and genetically purer as heirloom, ancient grains, than anything else you will probably find on the market.
Let’s reclaim grains as HEALTHY again! (Full Article.)
Now, two months later, we have come up with two new blends of these Ancient Grain All Purpose flours; one for baking products, and one for bread recipes where the flour needs to “rise” with yeast or sourdough cultures.
Our Ancient Grain All-Purpose Baking Flour is great for flat breads, short breads, crackers, biscuits, brownies, cookies, and more! This flour is a blend of Einkorn, Spelt, and Khorasan Ancient Grain all-purpose flours, which are also available as single grain all-purpose flours.
Our Ancient Grain All-Purpose Bread Flour is a special blend of Khorasan, Spelt and Turkey Red Wheat flours. These Ancient and Heirloom grains are known for being great for rising with yeast and sourdough bread recipes, which are also available as single grain all-purpose flours.
These Ancient Grain All-Purpose flour blends are available in sizes of 2 lbs., 5 lbs., and 25 lbs.
The holiday season can be challenging for those with dietary restrictions, as people tend to allow themselves to “splurge” a bit on sweets and baked goods.
If you are preparing traditional holiday sweets and baked goods, at least be sure you are using uncontaminated flours with no chemical additives.
These premium, high quality flours are not likely to be found in your local grocery store, even ones that are “organic” or “health food stores.”
Disclaimer: I am both the founder and President of Healthy Traditions, and the Editor of Health Impact News. I don’t make any money from my writing, but I do earn my living from the Healthy Traditions online store.
Big Food has Taken Over the USDA National Organic Program – Why I am no Longer Importing Certified Organic Food
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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