by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Earlier this month (October, 2024), we published a report from Hannah Stutts, the owner of JAKS Stables in Western North Carolina, where she serves as the dispatch of relief efforts in isolated towns that still need help after the devastation following Hurricane Helene, where they had distributed over 10,000 body bags, and still needed more. See:
10,000 Body Bags Were Not Enough – Updates from on the Ground in North Carolina Disaster Relief
Hannah just published an update where she states that Red Cross shelters are now closing down and forcing homeless families out, and that North Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) is threatening to take their children away from them if they have nowhere to go.
If you’re wondering why the State of North Carolina wants to take these children into custody and place them into the Foster Care system, while doing NOTHING for the parents, the answer is that there is MASSIVE state and federal funding that creates a huge motive to seize these children, while very little to no funding is available to help their parents, especially with housing issues like this.
The Foster Care and Adoption business in the U.S. creates huge financial incentives to local governments to take children into custody, and if they do not meet their quota of children taken into custody, they lose out on that funding.
And when a disaster strikes, such as this hurricane, even MORE federal funding is allocated.
Much of the funding available to child welfare services is through “mental health”, where “free” mental health services are often made available to families in distress, and once you are attached to a “mental health” label, you can basically kiss your life goodbye, because now you are in the government’s database with a legal mental health diagnosis, which they can use to either take your children away, or even put YOU away because now you have a “mental illness” diagnosis.
That funding for “mental health” increases in times of disasters.
In North Carolina, it was just announced that the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services received $2.9 million in federal funding to help increase “crisis counseling services for people impacted by Hurricane Helene.”
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today announced $2.9 million in federal funding to help increase crisis counseling services for people impacted by Hurricane Helene.
The funding is part of the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program administered by the U. S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is available to states to address behavioral health care needs and support relief for people in disaster-impacted communities. (Source.)
So even if homeless hurricane survivors are not in a shelter that is now closing down, if a “mental health” worker comes to interview them, and the homeless disaster survivor pours out their heart to a “mental health” professional including how hard it is to take care of their children, they will have a solution for you, but it is probably one you are not going to like, as you could lose your children forever to the U.S. child trafficking system known as “foster care and adoption.”

But if you are a biological parent you do!
If, however, you are already on the Government payroll in this system already raising other people’s children through Foster Care or Adoption, then there is plenty of help available to you to keep on fostering or parenting other people’s children.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services says 2,773 foster kids are accounted for in the 25 Western North Carolina counties included in the disaster declaration.
The nonprofit Foster Family Alliance (which also receives government funding from child welfare services) is on the ground now supporting 90 foster families.
Trucks and helicopters full of formula, diapers, medical supplies and toys are making their way to children. (Source.)
The State of North Carolina is making a special effort to make it easier for foster homes to get by during this disaster, by basically waiving all the licensing fees and requirements that are necessary to be a State-approved foster home, as long as the disaster lasts, which as we learned during COVID, could last for many years.
10A N.C. Admin. Code 70E .0703, .0704, requires medical examinations for all members of the foster family to be dated within 12 months of submitting a new foster home application or foster home re-licensure. During the state of emergency, this requirement will be waived until the state of emergency has expired.
10A N.C. Admin. Code 70E .1108 regulates fire and building safety of licensed foster homes. During the state of emergency, the fire and building safety inspection prior to relicensure will be waived…
10A N.C. Admin. Code 70E .1109 and .1110 provide the health and environmental regulations for licensed foster homes. During the state of emergency, the requirements that the home and yard shall be maintained and repaired, windows and doors used for ventilation shall be screened, household equipment and furniture shall be in good repair, and running water will be waived until 30 days after the expiration of the state of emergency.
10A N.C. Admin. Code 70E .1111 states the requirement for foster home room arrangements. During the state of emergency, the following requirements will be waived until 30 days after the state of emergency expires: bedrooms shall not serve dual function, no daybed, convertible sofa, or other bedding of temporary nature shall be used for the exclusive sleeping area of the child, and separate and accessible drawer space and closet space for personal belongings and clothing shall be available for each child. (Source.)
So if you do not have adequate housing for your foster children, and are forced to make do with temporary shelter, like living in a tent in your front yard, no problem. You’re covered.
And if you were under investigation for your state-approved foster home and you were facing the loss of your license to be able foster children because you were sexually abusing and/or sexually trafficking your foster children, no problem. You’re covered, and you don’t need to renew your license as long as this emergency lasts.
If, however, you are the biological parents of your children and are raising and taking care of your children WITHOUT any help from the government, and now find yourself homeless with no means to find another home yet, too bad.
You’re NOT covered, and the government is now going to come in and put your children into the child trafficking system known as “foster care and adoption,” so a good Christian family can now take your children and give them a “forever home.”
And if your children are not up-to-date on all their vaccines, don’t worry, because the child welfare department will take care of that too, and for free!
God Bless America!
And don’t forget to vote next week for your favorite Zionist, Jeffrey Epstein associate, vaccine-loving candidate for President!
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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
See Also:
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Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott
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The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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