by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The murderous American and Israeli Zionists are now following their true leader, whom Jesus stated has been a murderer since the beginning of time (source), and are now attacking Christians in Lebanon and killing entire Christian families including their children.

President Biden’s Lebanon envoy Amos Hochstein, a former Israeli soldier, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Source.

As I have previously written, it is time to stop blaming Israel for all these atrocities, because Israel could do NOTHING without the support of the United States. See:

2000 Killed Over 1 Million Homeless in Lebanon by American Bombs as U.S. Gets Ready to Attack Iran – Are Americans Ready for WW III?

And while the Biden administration is pretending to be upset with Israel, and pretending to threaten Israel’s support if they don’t stop killing so many innocent civilians, including now Lebanese Christians, nothing could be further from the truth.

The United States and Israel are one, and Israel is just a proxy state used by the U.S. to commit acts of genocide and murder against anyone who is not a Zionist, and that includes Christians.

Biden’s Lebanon Envoy, Ex-Israeli Soldier Amos Hochstein, Gave Israel ‘Green Light’ to Invade Lebanon

President Biden’s Lebanon envoy Amos Hochstein, a former Israeli soldier who was born in Jerusalem, reportedly gave Israel the “green light” to expand their war with Lebanon.

Politico reported two weeks ago that Hochstein and presidential advisor Brett McGurk “privately told Israel that the US would support its decision to ramp up military pressure against Hezbollah.”

While Biden was busy playing Commander-in-Chief and pushing for a ceasefire while cursing Netanyahu left and right, Hochstein was apparently telling Israel they can do whatever the hell they want. (Source.)

I have put together a short video report that includes the recent bombing of a Christian village in northern Lebanon, that is just over 4 minutes long.

As you watch, read the subtitles that translate what some Arab widows say about the murder of their husbands. It will shock you.

All the death and destruction you see right now in the Middle East is inevitably coming to the U.S.

And your favorite Zionist politician is not going to save you.

The United States is going to soon harvest what they have planted.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

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See Also:

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