Left image is 8-year-old Mackenzie Coyne from Utah who died after receiving the FluMist vaccine. (Source.)
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
With the current shortages of nurses and doctors in the U.S. medical system today, following COVID when so many medical professionals lost their jobs or quit over the deadly COVID-19 “vaccines,” the FDA has just come up with a brilliantly evil way to get the deadly nasal flu vaccine into the nostrils of more children, by authorizing parents and any adult over the age of 18 to be able to give out these vaccines right in the comfort of one’s home, with no medical professional required to be present.
These nasal flu vaccines have a history of being ineffective in preventing the flu, while killing and injuring thousands of people, mostly children, who have taken them.
I actually covered this deadly nasal vaccine back in 2018.
CDC Scandal: Committee that Withdrew Recommendation for Nasal Flu Vaccine Now Recommends it to Experiment on American Public
In June of 2016 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) admitted that the live attenuated nasal influenza vaccine known as “FluMist” was not effective, and was not recommended for the 2016-2017 flu season. It was also not recommended for the current flu season (2017-2018).
The CDC’s own data showed that the nasal vaccine was not effective. The CDC press release in 2016 stated, “This three percent estimate means no protective benefit could be measured.”
Shortly after this announcement in 2016, a family in Utah went public with their story, explaining how their 8-year old daughter died from influenza, even though she had been vaccinated with FluMist. They had trusted the CDC and their flu recommendations, but now they have lost their daughter.
Even though the CDC withdrew their recommendation for the failed nasal flu vaccine, FluMist retained its FDA approval and has been available to purchase the past two years.
On February 21, 2018, the CDC’s ACIP reversed its decision on FluMist, and voted 12-2 to add FluMist to the CDC’s list of recommended vaccines for the 2018-2019 influenza season.
Stat News reports how members of the ACIP expressed concerns about deciding to reverse their decision and recommend it:
“The motion to recommend FluMist passed by a surprising 12-to-2 vote, the outcome of which belies the unease that a number of members of the committee clearly felt about the decision they were making.
They faced, in essence, a Catch-22: It has been impossible to generate the type of data that would normally be used to make a decision like this.
The only way to see if the problem has been solved is to use the vaccine. But without an ACIP recommendation, the vaccine’s use in the U.S. would remain minimal.”
So the fact is that the effectiveness of FluMist is still not known, but the CDC has no qualms about testing it on the American public to find out. (Read the full article.)
At the time of publication of this article, the official U.S. Government database, run by the CDC and FDA, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which the Government’s own studies admit contains less than 1% of all vaccine-related deaths and injuries, is reporting 48 deaths and 11,065 injuries following the nasal FluMist vaccines. (Source.)

8-year-old Mackenzie Coyne. Original source.
One death following a FluMist vaccine that was most likely NOT recorded in VAERS, was 8-year-old Mackenzie Coyne from Utah.
Her family was interviewed by Fox13 in Salt Lake City back in 2016 (archived version is here), and while they admitted that their daughter received the FluMist vaccine and then died, they did not blame her death on the vaccine, but on the flu.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? We saw the exact same thing happen during COVID, where COVID-19 “vaccine” related deaths were blamed on COVID, not the “vaccine,” which of course means the vaccine either was ineffective, or actually was the cause of death.
But the facts remain the same: she received a nasal flu vaccine, and then she died.
Flu Vaccines are a SCAM and are Actually Illegal
The annual influenza is both preventable and treatable, without drugs or vaccines.
As I have previously reported, the fake flu statistics published by the CDC all but disappeared during COVID, being replaced by the alleged COVID-19 “virus” inflated statistics. See:
The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC
Annual Flu Deaths Scam Unwittingly Exposed and Replaced by the COVID Deaths Scam
BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus (Over 200,000 views)
In the past, prior to the COVID Scam, whenever I published the truth about the criminal flu vaccines, I almost always included a video from Dr. Mark Geier, a pro-vaccine doctor and vaccine developer, who exposes how corrupt and illegal the annual flu shots are.
That video has long since been scrubbed from YouTube, but I was able to retrieve a copy of it and publish it on our Odysee channel. (It will also be on our Bitchute, Telegram, and Rumble channels shortly after the publication of this article.)
Dr. Geier is NOT anti-vaccine. He is an MD and has a PhD in genetics. He spent 10 years working at the National Institute of Health, and was a professor at Johns Hopkins University as a geneticist. He is also the author of over 150 peer-reviewed publications.
He worked on vaccine safety and efficacy for more than 30 years. He was one of four scientists who worked to replace the DTP vaccine, a vaccine that caused every child to become sick with a high fever at the time of vaccination, with the DTaP vaccine, which is an attenuated vaccine and causes illness due to fever in only 3% of those vaccinated.
In the video above, he explains that the flu shot causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and that the flu shot is not very effective in preventing the flu.
He also explains that the CDC does not follow the law for vaccines in requiring long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine like they do with other vaccines, as it is impossible to test a vaccine that changes every year.
So the flu vaccine is basically an experimental vaccine that they want to give out to 300 million people every year. There are also no studies showing the safety of giving the flu vaccine to the same person every single year. However, Dr. Geier points out that the CDC is in the business of distributing flu vaccines, because they represent 300 million doses per year, whereas all the childhood vaccines together only number 20 million.
Dr. Geier goes on to explain that flu is “the wrong thing to vaccinate against” because you have to keep re-vaccinating against it every year, unlike childhood infectious diseases, such as smallpox, that are only vaccinated for once.
Dr. Geier points out how ridiculous it is spend billions of dollars on a vaccine that might, at its best, save about 50 lives a year, when there are far more serious problems causing death that are more worthy of that kind of expenditure.
Just Say NO! to Vaccines!

Why I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label – History and Science Show Vaccines Have NEVER Been Safe nor Effective. Article.
Past articles on the deadly FluMist vaccine.
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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