Comments by Brian Shilhavy

Last week I published a report about an article that The Guardian did about the death of the world’s oldest recorded person, where they wrote:

Scientists still trying to work out why some people live beyond 100, but agree it is best to avoid taking advice from centenarians themselves.


Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with “Science” – Ignore the Advice of “Scientists” if you Want to Live Long!

So I am going to start publishing records of Centenarians who have lived over 100 years, in spite of, and probably in most cases in defiance against, the medical system.

I am going to label these articles: Trust Your Elders NOT Your Doctors!

This week’s report comes from Turkey, where a 108-year-old woman has no serious illnesses, and takes no medications (which is probably why she also has no illnesses).

108-year-old Turkish woman proves age is just a number

Gulten Saruhan defies the odds with a life free of illness and medication – and manages to always keep a smile on her face.

by Ihlas Haber Ajansi
TRT World

When the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a halt and confined many of us to isolation, fearing for our lives, there was a woman more than a hundred years old who refused to let the deadly disease put down her spirits.

Gulten Saruhan, a 108-year-old woman who lives in Türkiye’s Rize province, caught COVID-19 three years ago. It was a serious case, but doctors were amazed when she literally rolled out of the hospital without needing any intensive care.

“The doctors were all surprised. There is nothing wrong with my mother’s body,” Sunay Balikci, her daughter, told Ihlas News Agency. Saruhan even demanded a wheelchair so she could wander around the village by herself.

Saruhan, who has no serious illnesses and uses no medication these days, amazes everyone around her with her cheerful disposition as she casually talks about her life’s struggles, said Balikci, who herself is 65 years old.

As a young girl, Saruhan moved from Erzurum to Rize after her mother passed away and was adopted by a family. She spent many years with them before marrying and having four children of her own.

“I was deeply loved by everyone and have come this far despite growing up as an orphan. I endured a lot of hunger when I was young. I never knew my mother. I only had my father.”

“After my mother passed away, my father brought me to the city on his back. At night, we would stay in inns, and along the way, he would ask for bread from others,” Saruhan said.

A family eventually took them in and became Saruhan’s guardians. “But they were not like my own parents. I grew up as an orphan,” she recalled.

Saruhan likes to spend her free time knitting socks in the comfort of her bed.

Read the full article at TRT World.

If you know of any Centenarians who have lived past 100 years old in defiance of “scientists” and medical doctors that you would like to be considered for publication at Health Impact News, contact us.


Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with “Science” – Ignore the Advice of “Scientists” if you Want to Live Long!

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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