by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Today marks the beginning of the Holiday Season in the United States with the national holiday called “Thanksgiving.”

This season is first and foremost a consumer holiday season that brings in $billions to the economy, with many businesses in the United States earning more revenue between Thanksgiving and New Years than the rest of the year combined.

Mass media presents it as a time of year to be with family, a “happy” time of year.

But for many people, maybe perhaps even the majority of the people in the U.S. this year, this is the most painful time of the year, not the happiest time of the year, because as the mass media advertises families getting together, for many families, loved ones are not coming home for the holidays.

Not this year, not ever: because our government and our society brutally killed their children and loved ones.

So instead of being “thankful” today because my government declares it to be a national day of “Thanksgiving,” I will NOT comply.

Instead, I dedicate this day to all the broken and devastated families who will not be gathering with loved ones, because their loved ones were taken away from them, and are never coming back home.

For many of us alone during the holidays watching our fake culture and evil government promote the “holiday spirit” to get people to spend more money for the holidays, we are the ones who are truly thankful, because we don’t need our government to tell us when to be thankful or not, as we wake up every day and thank God for another day to serve him behind enemy lines, knowing that our REAL day of Thanksgiving still awaits us in the future, when justice will be executed against the rulers of this Satanic world system.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:57-58)

But until that day, we will NEVER FORGET what this country has done to our children and loved ones, brutally murdering them and inflicting great harm.

“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” (Matthew 2:18)

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. (James 4:9)

For those of you still blessed to be able to spend time with your loved ones, I do not want to take away your joy during this holiday season.

But please remember that many of your neighbors and fellow citizens do not share your joy this season.

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. (Romans 12:15)

And while most of the attention since 2021 has been on those who lost loved ones to the COVID-19 vaccines, and rightfully so, this attack on humanity, and especially on children, has been going on in this evil country long before the COVID Scam.

Nyhariah Mack.

I am going to honor this day a bit differently than many of you today. I am going to make this day a day of memorial for the American Children who have been sacrificed to the American demonic spirit of “liberty”, by remembering the tragic story of Nyhariah Mack, who had a rare medical condition and was medically kidnapped to experiment on, and is now dead, leaving behind a family that still grieves.

We covered this story back in 2017.

If you are giving thanks today for the United States of America, this is what you are being “thankful” for.


Formerly Healthy Girl with Rare Genetic Disorder Dies After Being Medically Kidnapped in Georgia

Nyhariah laughing from Sept 10

Nyhariah was full of life and laughing on September 10. Photo provided by family.

by Health Impact News/ Staff

Nyhariah Mack’s battle to live has ended. She passed away Thursday afternoon, December 7, 2017. The little girl with a very rare chromosomal disorder was full of life when a doctor and hospital enlisted Georgia’s Child Protective Services to seize her from her mother a year and a half ago.

At the time, she had no issues, just a rare medical condition that made her tiny and delayed her development. Shortly after going into “protective” custody, her health rapidly declined. She was subjected to unnecessary, experimental surgeries.

Her mother, Jasmin Mack, has been fighting the system ever since to get her back home to their home state of Florida. She has tried, “from Day 1,” to get her sent back to Florida to the doctors who cared for her before the fateful decision for the family to move to Georgia. Jasmin has told us many times that she believed that her daughter would get better if only they would let her come home.

On Thursday morning, Nhyariah’s heart stopped, but they were able to get her back again. We spoke with Jasmin in the early afternoon, and she was still trying to get doctors and the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) to allow her to transfer back to Pensacola, Florida.

By 5 p.m., sweet Nhyariah was gone, leaving behind many broken hearts. The tiny girl with the smile that lit up the whole room has lost her final battle.


See her original story here:

Young Girl with Rare Trisomy 9 Condition Medically Kidnapped in Georgia – Life in Danger

Beloved Child – So Full of Life

For months, doctors at Egleston Children’s Hospital at Emory in Atlanta have been saying that she didn’t have long to live, and that they wanted to put her into hospice care.

Just two months and a day before her death, our reporter and other advocates visited her and filmed the bubbly child in her hospital room. It became abundantly clear then that Nhyariah was full of life. Like every normal person who meets her, we fell in love with her, inspired by her spunk and playful spirit. Her determination to live was palpable.

Her mother’s love and dedication to her baby girl was readily apparent, leaving us wondering how anyone could accuse this almost Madonna-like mother of anything wrong toward her child. Indeed, the allegations against her, that she missed doctors’ appointments, thus neglecting her care, were easily demonstrated to be false. It appears that this evidence has simply been ignored by DFCS and the courts.


Jasmin and Nhyariah at the hospital on October 6, 2017. Photos by Health Impact News.


Jasmin kisses Ny with Sherrie


Was There Another Agenda at Play Here?

As we originally reported, their first doctor visit in Georgia was supposed to be a routine appointment with a GI (gastroenterology) doctor, Dr. Gayathri J. Tenjarla.

The doctor reportedly came into the room and looked at the chart (not her daughter), then spoke the chilling words that Jasmin will never forget:

Oh! I have some friends next door that would LOVE to see you!

Jasmin told Health Impact News that “from that, I knew that she had noticed my daughter’s disability.” It appeared to her that Nhyariah was little more than a science experiment to her, because of her fascinatingly rare medical condition.

The doctor insisted that Nhyariah be admitted to the hospital immediately, even though she was not sick or having any issues. She was merely small for her age, something that her previous doctors recognized as a part of her chromosomal disorder.

Jasmin little in pink dress

Nhyariah was always little for her age due to her Trisomy 9. Photo provided by family.

Doctors began running all sorts of tests and changed her feeding regimen. After spending a week with her daughter in the hospital, Jasmin says that security guards came in and dragged her out of her daughter’s room and made her leave. DFCS seized custody of Nhyariah, and Jasmin has been fighting to free her daughter ever since.

Despite all her efforts, her little girl is gone now.

One of Nhyariah’s aunts posted on Facebook:

My niece had no issues! They need to be shut down….

Many family, friends, and supporters believe that the doctors and hospital at Emory took her in order to experiment on her, since her condition was so rare – only a little over a hundred people worldwide have the diagnosis of Trisomy 9.

Her tonsils were removed only a couple of weeks after she was seized, providing tissue that scientists were free to use in experiments. What else might they have done to this little girl behind closed doors?

It has been apparent to her mother since the beginning that there were some within this whole ordeal that saw her child as nothing more than a guinea pig, a lab rat to be used for scientific experimentation.

Human Rights Safeguards Bypassed

The world forbade human experimentation without informed consent after the Holocaust, and the Nuremberg Code was put into place by the international community to ensure that the Nazi-era type experimentation could never again happen. The code was designed to protect humanity from such human rights violations.

However, there are those within the medical and pharmaceutical community who have found a way to bypass the Nuremberg Code safeguards. By allowing social workers and GALs to act in the place of parents and give consent for foster children to be used in medical experimentation, children who are wards of the state (foster children) may legally be used as medical lab rats in America, without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

Thus, children like Nhyariah, Justina Pelletier, Baby Steffen, Isaiah Rider, the Diegel sistersChristopher Brown, and countless others can and have been legally used, in the United States of America, in medical experimentation, bypassing their parents’ refusal simply by working with Child Protective Services to seize them from their families.

Nhyariah is the latest casualty of this battle called Medical Kidnapping.

See more of Nhyariah’s story here:

Medical Kidnapping in Atlanta! Child with Rare Disorder to Die for Medical Research?

Is This Medically Kidnapped Girl in Atlanta Being Murdered for Medical Research Due to Rare Genetic Disorder?

Watch Terri LaPoint discuss Nhyariah’s death and medical kidnapping:

Original Source.

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This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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